The Fairly OddGamer – Classic Christmas Calamity

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It’s not a holiday special without enjoying a few holiday TV specials… especially when they have video-game tie-ins. Are the games any good? Be sure you watch the video and find out.

Special thanks to TiClaStudios‬ and maizie0201 for designing the title card, ‪Shadowflare for helping me out with the script, and Anthony LoGatto for voicing Scrooge McDuck for the video as well as Patreon shout-outs.


  • Created by Lucas Bradley, it's based off the Nickelodeon show, The Fairly Oddparents, but with a complete role reversal. The Gamer (performed by Bradley) is an average guy that no one understands, except that he has magical powers courtesy of his wand. His loyal companion Huxgamr (also performed by Bradley), is wise and courageous but also energetic and outgoing.

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