Sesshoumaru’s and Inuyasha’s Signature Martial Arts Teamwork Survey

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Which of Sesshoumaru’s and Inuyasha’s signature martial arts do you see them sparring in and competing in together?

A. Kyokushin Karate and Mixed Martial Arts
B. Shotokan Karate and Pankration
C. Nippon Kenpo and Vale Tudo
D. Shorinji Kenpo and Shootfighting
E. Kajukenbo and Kapu Kuialua
F. Jujutsu and Brazilian Jiujitsu
G. Judo and Luta Livre


  • I'm an American actor, voice actor, singer and reviewer with a strong Filipino and Spanish heritage living in Berlin, Germany. I love and I am passionate about opera, anime, cartoons, movies, theater and basically the arts and culture and general.

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