My Weight Loss Progress: The October Edition

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Happy Halloween, everybody! I know I may not be going trick-or-treating, but I have a treat that I am sure you will all endeavor to sit in for a spell.

Throughout the month of October, I went from being 13 stone 6.5 lbs to 13 stone 1.65 lbs (188.5 lbs or 85.5 kg to 183.65 lbs or 83.3 kg). Therefore, I lost a total of 4.85 pounds or 2.2 kilograms of my weight. This may not be the greatest amount I have achieved throughout this second -ber month due to the occasional fluctuation of my weight, but I can still have a great sense of perception of the fringe benefits that were in store for me.

In stark comparison to how much I weighed back in September or the first -ber month, which was 14 stone 1.76 lbs (197.76 lbs or 89.7 kg), I have managed to achieve my 1-stone (14-pound or 6.35-kilogram) weight loss goal, thus making me lose 1 stone 0.11 lbs (14.11 lbs or 6.4 kg). Even better was how much weight I lost when I began my weight loss journey back on August 27, 2019 weighing in at 17 stone 3.64 lbs (241.64 lbs or 109.6 kg), as I have managed to smash my 4-stone (56-pound or 25.4-kilogram) weight loss goal by shedding a grand total of 4 stone 1.98 lbs (57.98 lbs or 26.3 kg). Furthermore, my BMI has decreased to 29.2. Even though I am still clinically overweight, i.e. 1 stone 12.23 lbs (26.23 lbs or 11.9 kg) overweight, at least I am no longer clinically obese.

November is about to open its doors. It is going to be quite a stressful month because of the fact that my next semester is going to start on November 3 and that my duties as an online content creator is going to be a lot more loaded than ever before because I would love to commence on my submissions for this year’s Red Ribbon Reviewers’ Month. Nevertheless, I am really excited for what November has to offer. I am more determined than ever to make sure that I am either at the 12-stone 8.38-pound mark (176.38-pound or 80-kilogram) or below that target. Even if I will not end up making it below that aforementioned target, I will always keep in mind that any weight lost is a whole lot better than any weight regained.

There is still a lot of work to do and I do not want to rest on my recent 1-stone (14-pound or 6.35-lbs) laurels, as there is still between 1 stone 12.23 lbs (26.23 lbs or 11.9 kg) to 4 stone 1.76 lbs (57.76 lbs or 26.2 kg) of excess weight to shed in order for me to be at a much healthier weight. Nobody said that weight loss is easy, but it is something worth fighting for not only for my personal confidence, happiness with who is staring back at me in the mirror, and the longevity that does correlate to my never-ending quest for eternal youth, but also for my own personal health. When I went to the doctor to get my vaccination a couple of weeks ago due to this month’s flu season, it was discovered by one of the nurses that my blood pressure was quite high. Therefore, this is further motivation for me to keep on losing weight, maintain a healthy diet through the Keto diet, be a whole lot more active by doing housework and exercise all with gusto and joy, and generally eating less and moving more.

For me, weight loss is for more than just mere vanity, but it is also giving myself the impetus to lead a much healthier, more independent, and more free-spirited life. It is not just about me looking and feeling phenomenal in all of the goth-punk clothing I would love to make myself wear on a nearly daily basis, feeling confident as a gay serial singleton who fancies muscular men, and a guy who is extremely passionate about anime, cartoons, opera, film, theater, journalism, and music and entertainment in general, but it is also about me ensuring that my life continues to have purpose in terms of health and not jeopardizing my own health and lifestyle with a “you only live once attitude” towards foods that may be palatable but are actually harmful to my health.

I wish you the happiest and healthiest of Halloweens and let us just hope and pray that November, in spite of it being stressful, will be a much better month filled to the brim with more prospects for better health.


  • I'm an American actor, voice actor, singer and reviewer with a strong Filipino and Spanish heritage living in Berlin, Germany. I love and I am passionate about opera, anime, cartoons, movies, theater and basically the arts and culture and general.

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