Thank You To All My 1,524 YouTube Subscribers

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Good afternoon to you all. Antoni here, and I am very euphoric and grateful to have reached 1,524 subscribers.

In the duration of five months, I have managed to attain this many subscribers to my channel, and I thank each and every one of you for being supportive of all my endeavors. You are all awesome and I wish you all well.

I know these times with the pandemic have been tough as well as dealing with university, but I kept on marching forward and continued to stay inspired thanks to all of you, my dear subscribers, fellow artists, fellow reviewers, fellow actors, fellow voice actors, fellow music and entertainment aficionados, and fellow musicians.

For those of you who are new to my channel, please feel welcome to subscribe and check out all the content I have to offer you. You will not regret it.

Once again, thank you so much for this honor, and I wish you all a most pleasant and blessed day.


  • I'm an American actor, voice actor, singer and reviewer with a strong Filipino and Spanish heritage living in Berlin, Germany. I love and I am passionate about opera, anime, cartoons, movies, theater and basically the arts and culture and general.

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