Thank You to all of my 1,114 YouTube Subscribers

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Top of the morning, fellow artists, fellow actors, fellow voice actors, fellow singers, fellow reviewers, fellow musicians, opera fans, music lovers, animation aficionados, and film enthusiasts, Antoni here, and I am very pleased and delighted to tell you that I have just hit 1,114 YouTube subscribers.

This is yet another milestone I managed to accomplish, and I could not have done it without the support of my family, my friends, my colleagues, and everyone who has played a major role in my life as an online reviewer specializing in opera, all types of music, film, anime, and cartoons, as a performer, as an artist, and as a person.

Once again, I am extremely grateful and blessed to have made it this far, I hope you can continue to support me and my content, and I wish you a lot of love in this holiday season.

If you want to support my content, please subscribe to my channel, feel free to watch as many of my videos as you like, and please do spread the word.

Until then, take care of yourselves and have a most blessed holiday season.



  • I'm an American actor, voice actor, singer and reviewer with a strong Filipino and Spanish heritage living in Berlin, Germany. I love and I am passionate about opera, anime, cartoons, movies, theater and basically the arts and culture and general.

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