Xtremely Xquisite, and Xcellent Romantic Loving drawn by me

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This piece of Blossoomer, Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossutch, and Boomubbles fan art is dedicated to Racka aka madoli, Honey aka honeylillies, gg aka sohjk12, Goody-II-Shoes, xBooxBooxBear, Wulfie-Chann, kaitlyncoffee, Boomer aka BoomerStar03, SanneAdeen, Sweatshirtmaster, Arygles, Camaro–Princess, Gashi-gashi, Lucia aka PurpleWonderPower, Lolanumber111, Kacy S. aka nintendomaximus, GeoffNET, puppet-puppy, Allison Nyx aka ScarletGhostX, Baliya, Samantha Witten aka celesse, CottonCandyGrl1969, Arely aka Lady-Of-The-Death, Petia aka jailbaitCAT, and Enthriex who all celebrated their birthdays from a few weeks ago all the way up to a few days ago. So, I hope you all had magnificent birthday celebrations and I wish you all a lot of love, joy, beauty, abundance, prosperity, and strength in your lives as artists and as people. Como se dice en español, espero que hayaís tenido celebraciones de cumpleaños maravillosas y os deseo todos ustedes mucho amor, alegría, belleza, abundancia, prosperidad y fuerza en vuestras vidas como artistas y personas. Come se dice in italiano, spero che tutti voi abbiate festeggiato gli compleanni magnifici e vi auguro molto amore, gioia, belta, abbondanza, prosperitá e forza nelle vostre vite come artisti e persone. This is also dedicated to all of the Blossoomer, Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossutch, and Boomubbles OTP shippers from all over the world. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that Blossoomer authenticity, that Brickercup awesomeness, that Butchubbles loveliness, that Blossutch gorgeousness, and that Boomubbles sweetness.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, RRB x PPG shippers and fans of all ages, I present to you all two sets of pairings that mean the whole world to me, as we have 28-year-olds Brick, Butch, and Boomer and their 26 going on 27-year-old wives Buttercup, Bubbles, and Blossom being the absolutely adorable and loving couples that they are with Butch and Boomer sharing Blossom and Bubbles as their wives.

Above is my most favorite category of RRB x PPG pairings known to the shipping world as the mixed color couples or the color-clash couples consisting of Boomer x Blossom aka Blossoomer, Brick x Buttercup aka Brickercup, and Butch x Bubbles aka Butchubbles. The flexibility, interest, versatility, positivity, and brilliance found in these couples are enough for me to proudly call them my most beloved set of OTPs. What makes me love the color-clash couples is the number of positive vibes I can see through them.

With Blossoomer I can see a relationship that is based on unconditional love, unwavering loyalty, wholehearted attentiveness, heaps of compassion, and a sense of boundless positive encouragement between Boomer and Blossom. Boomer could use his lovable dumb muscle personality and kindness to reduce Blossom’s ego and obsession with trying to keep everything perfect and Blossom could use her diplomacy and cognizance to increase Boomer’s self-esteem and boost his inner strength. Ergo, I would go out of my way and say that Blossoomer is not only the greatest color-clash couple ever but also the greatest RRB x PPG couple of all time trumping even the likes of Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossutch, and Boomubbles combined.

Brickercup is a relationship that is based on perseverance, resilience, fortitude, determination, and gutsiness. Brick and Buttercup are a picture-perfect example of showing how difficult it can be being in a relationship because it is not always going to end with happily ever after. However, knowing how much Brick’s large-and-in-charge and overall big personality can mesh well with Buttercup’s rambunctiousness is enough for me to keep rooting for them to cut through every single obstacle and find spicy intimacy and joy with each other.

Butchubbles is the couple that surprised me the most because their relationship is based on versatility, lovability, understanding, and oodles of positive vibes. Just because Butch and Bubbles are a clear-cut example of having the big, strong, tough bad boy pair up with the lovely, sweet ingenue with an edge as seen in anime such as “Midori Days” and “Paradise Kiss” does not mean that I cannot find anything fresh and interesting in Butchubbles. Butch would definitely be turned on with Bubbles physical flexibility and her “Bubblevicious” side as well as find comfort in Bubbles’ brand of kindness and lovability. Meanwhile, Bubbles would be immensely attracted to Butch’s super strength, how ruggedly handsome he is, and how he is so willing to go out of his way to protect her from all harm while also being the chivalrous pervert on some occasions.

It also helps matters that I can easily consider magnificent and brilliant artists such as xahCHUx, BrickercupMasterX3, KatyGorl, xmysticaldreamsx, and Scarlettbreaking not only as really great friends but also sisters from other mothers when shipping the color-clash couples, especially where my most esteemed and most beloved Blossoomer is concerned.

Below is my personal set of RRB x PPG OTPs which I would gladly call the best pairing from each couple category i.e. the best pairing from the color-clash couples is Brickercup even though Blossoomer has knocked down its title, Blossutch is the best color-crack couple, and Boomubbles is the best color-coded couple.

It should be no surprise that I have been very consistent when it comes shipping Brick and Buttercup as an awesome couple because I can see neither Brick with any other girl nor Buttercup with any other boy. That is just how much I not only admire the ground Brickercup walks on but I am also very proud to keep them as a wonderfully monogamous couple in my Team Xtreme headcanon.

I can easily brand Blossutch as the most gorgeous, most sexy, and most flexible of my set of OTPs because of how marvelously Butch’s tremendously prodigious and muscular strength can complement Blossom’s extensive vernacular and lethal accuracy. On top of that, Blossom is not a damsel in distress by any stretch of the imagination because she can prove herself to be brave, diplomatic, and strong enough not only to tame Butch from his wild urges but also love him for how strong, tough, and loyal he is. Butch would not be afraid to show his softer to Blossom and he would even help her not be so caught up with how perfect everything has to be and he can even help her reduce her big ego by being unafraid to call out Blossom on her huge pride and ensure that she stays humble while admiring just how strong, beautiful, and awesome she is as a person.

I have been shipping Boomubbles ever since I was quite young as this color-coded couple is the one that has held up magnificently. While my overall sentiments for the color-coded couples have shown massive disinterest, boundless boredom, and sullen tiredness, Boomubbles was and will always be the one color-coded couple that ensured me that Boomer and Bubbles as a couple is still gold-medal material. Ergo, the lovable Blues definitely trump the big-headed, prideful Reds and the stubborn, rowdy Greens as the best color-coded couple of all time. Sure, I cannot overlook just how syrupy, sugary sweet, and fluffy Boomubbles is as a couple but potential diabetes aside, I can still root for Boomer and Bubbles to be together because of how loyal, kind, and merciful they are to each other and I would not have had it any other way.

And there you have it, ladies, gentlemen, and fellow RRB x PPG shippers. Two sets of couples that I really love, that I will never cease showing my boundless appreciation, admiration, and love and that I will never ever stop drawing. Seriously, my unconditional love for Blossoomer, Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossutch, and Boomubbles is so great that every fiber of my mind, body, and soul just flows with the boundless inspiration I have in store for these amazing power couples.

I would also love to know from you, dear readers, if you have one favorite couple, two or more favorite couples, a favorite pairing category whether it is the complete color-clash couples or the best-of RRB x PPG ships, or if you love both sets of couples. Please let me know in the comments below which couple, couples or couple set you that love the most. Until then, this is your old pal Antoni saying, have a nice day and an equally amazing summer.

Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles from The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.


  • I'm an American actor, voice actor, singer and reviewer with a strong Filipino and Spanish heritage living in Berlin, Germany. I love and I am passionate about opera, anime, cartoons, movies, theater and basically the arts and culture and general.

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