Warrior Husbands Flexing for their Gorgeous Wives drawn by me

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(Inuyasha, Hakkaku, and Ginta enter the cave roaring and beating their chests in triumph. Ayame, Karan, and Shunran excitedly run to their respective husbands.)

Ayame: Inuyasha! Welcome home!

(Ayame embraces and kisses Inuyasha.)

Inuyasha: It’s great to be back home, darling.

Karan: Hakkaku! You have returned!

(Hakkaku and Karan embrace each other.)

Hakkaku: I surely did, honey!

Shunran: Oh, my beloved, sweet, Ginta!

(Shunran hugs and kisses Ginta with such passion and joy.)

Ginta: My lovely Shunran. Your kisses make me filled with such pleasure and joy.

Ayame: So, how was your great battle with the lion Onis?

Karan: Yeah.

Shunran: I gather that you managed to show them who was the boss with those bulging muscles of yours?

Inuyasha: Yeah. We tackled those beasts with our own strength. I got my claws and fists to finish him off.

Hakkaku and Ginta: And we pinned them down!

Inuyasha: You could say that they were no match for us. Right, guys?

Hakkaku and Ginta: Right, Inuyasha.

(Inuyasha, Hakkaku, and Ginta strike some muscle poses, as Ayame, Karan, and Shunran applaud.)

Ayame, Karan, and Shunran: Wow, impressive!

(Inuyasha, Hakkaku, and Ginta sinuously approach their wives.)

Inuyasha: Indeed.

Hakkaku: And since you ladies missed us so much.

Ginta: We have something for you.

(Ayame, Karan, and Shunran giggle, as Inuyasha, Hakkaku, and Ginta start flexing their muscles for their wives.)

Inuyasha: I know you can’t resist this, Ayame.

(Inuyasha flexes his biceps and unleashes a low roar.)

Ayame: You managed to put those awesome muscles of yours to work, my most beloved Inuyasha.

(Ayame touches Inuyasha’s biceps, chest, and abs, as he continues to flex, and she gives him a kiss.)

Hakkaku: Karan, babe, check this out.

(Hakkaku bends his legs, flexes his biceps, and makes his back muscles ripple.)

Karan: You continue to cut such an impressive figure, Hakkaku, you stud of a man.

(Hakkaku stands up. And flexes his biceps.)

Hakkaku: My muscles thank you so much, my beautiful Karan.

(Karan touches Hakkaku’s biceps, as she leans to kiss him.)

Ginta: I hope you’re ready for this, my sweet Shunran.

Shunran (blushing and giggling) : Of course, I am, my hunky, funny Ginta.

(Ginta bends his legs and flexes his biceps. After that, he stands erect and makes his pecs bounce.)

Shunran: Wow! I love it when you put your muscles to work.

(Shunran giggles, as she touches Ginta’s pecs. Ginta then proceeds to flex his biceps and Shunran kisses him on the lips.)

(Inuyasha, Hakkaku, and Ginta continue to flex until they stand erect, cross their arms, and make their pecs bounce.)

Inuyasha: Well, that’s all the time we had, ladies.

Hakkaku: How about we take up where we left off?

Ginta: And you can see a lot more of us.

(Ayame, Karan, and Shunran giggle mischievously, as they approach their husbands with loving yet sinuous gazes.)

Ayame: Sure thing, Inuyasha.

Karan: I think I would love that, Hakkaku.

Shunran: It would be my pleasure, Ginta.

(Inuyasha and Ayame, Hakkaku and Karan, and Ginta and Shunran kiss, as they head to their chambers.)

This piece of Inuyasha x Ayame or InuAya, Hakkaku x Karan or HakkKar, and Ginta x Shunran or GinShun fan art is dedicated to sahori yamilet aka kokorotenshii, Tenshi-Yoru, Sarah aka frauleinpflaume, Balaszy Geza aka balgeza, Fraise aka FraiseParfait, CandiiDrawing, Sam aka sambeawesome, and SylunisArt who celebrated their birthdays several days ago. So, I hope you had such blessed, awesome, and phenomenal birthdays and I wish you a lot of love, joy, happiness, and prosperity in your lives as artists and as people. Como se dice en español, yo espero que hayaís tenido cumpleaños benditos, maravillosos y fenomenales y os deseo mucho amor, alegría, felicidad y prosperidad en vuestras vidas como artistas y personas. Come se dice in italiano, spero che voi tutti abbiate compleanni benedetti, maestosi e fenomenali e vi auguro molto amor, gioia, felicitá e prosperitá nelle vostre vite come artisti e persone. Wie man auf deutsch sagt, ich hoffe ihr hattet gesegnete, tolle und phänomenale Geburtstage und ich wünsche euch viel Liebe, Freude, Glück und Wohlstand in euren Leben als Künstler und Menschen. This is also dedicated to all of the fabulous InuAya, HakkKar, and GinShun shippers out there. So, sit back, relax, enjoy and soak in that InuAya hotness and goodness, that HakkKar adorability and awesomeness, and that GinShun sweetness and loveliness.

What would happen if you combine pale silver-haired, handsome, strong, buff warrior hunks with fiery, gorgeous, feisty red-headed goddesses? You get three of my most beloved Inuyasha OTPs of all time, Inuyasha x Ayame aka InuAya, Hakkaku x Karan aka HakkKar, and Ginta x Shunran aka GinShun.

Ayame, Karan, and Shunran are surely lucky to have such strong, handsome, brave, and muscular husbands like Inuyasha, Hakkaku, and Ginta flexing their well-toned, wonderfully-sculpted muscles for them. They can never have enough of their husbands and they love them to bits. I bet you all know where this is going to go after this.

I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you in the next submission. Take care. Cuídaos. Vi riguardi. Mach’s gut.

Inyuasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, Karan, and Shunran from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.


  • I'm an American actor, voice actor, singer and reviewer with a strong Filipino and Spanish heritage living in Berlin, Germany. I love and I am passionate about opera, anime, cartoons, movies, theater and basically the arts and culture and general.

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