Disney Jungle Male Slash Next Generation

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Greetings, fellow OTP shippers of Namontack x Basuli and Kocoum x Tarzan! It is I, your old friend Antoni with another written entry involving a list of fan-children from my two favorite Disney Jungle Male Slash OTPs of all time. I have always loved these two pairs of hunky, muscular couples, so, I thought it would be great to compile a list of the NamonBas and KocoTar fan-children. As to be expected, I am not only going to list the children down but also the two sets of fathers. Moreover, I will place their ages as of 2019, their birthdays, their birth years from the modern era, and their statuses, as I will not go too in-depth with their biographies because the fan art submissions are reserved for that. With that said, let’s get cracking.

The Tough Powhatan Warrior Muscle Hunk Dads

Age: 50
Birthday: January 2, 1969
Status: Married to Basuli since 1999

Age: 48
Birthday: March 1, 1971
Status: Married to Tarzan since 1999

The Handsome Waziri Fighter Muscle Hunk Dads

Age: 47
Birthday: January 3, 1972
Status: Married to Namontack since 1999

Age: 46
Birthday: February 1, 1973
Status: Married to Kocoum since 1999

The NamonBas (Namontack x Basuli) Offspring

Age: 26
Birthday: March 23, 1993

Age: 26
Birthday: March 23, 1993

Age: 26
Birthday: March 23, 1993

Age: 25
Birthday: February 3, 1994

Keewazi Jr.
Age: 25
Birthday: February 3, 1994

Age: 22
Birthday: July 2, 1997

Age: 21
Birthday: August 3, 1998

Age: 20
Birthday: June 3, 1999

The KocoTar (Kocoum x Tarzan) Children

Age: 26
Birthday: April 2, 1993

Age: 26
Birthday: April 2, 1993

Age: 26
Birthday: April 2, 1993

Age: 25
Birthday: April 6, 1994

Age: 25
Birthday: April 6, 1994

Age: 22
Birthday: August 30, 1997

Age: 21
Birthday: August 30, 1998

Age: 20
Birthday: August 3, 1999

Well, I hope you all enjoyed this list. If you are wondering how Namontack’s, Kocoum’s, Basuli’s and Tarzan’s now grown-up kids came to be, they were orphans until these four jungle warriors adopted them as their own children and, therefore, ended up two sets of big happy families with two dads. More specifics will come when I hopefully make fanart of these two sets of families. With that said, I will see you all in the next submission. Take care and have a great spring.

Namontack and Kocoum from Pocahontas (1995) and Basuli and Tarzan from Tarzan (1999) belong to Disney.


  • I'm an American actor, voice actor, singer and reviewer with a strong Filipino and Spanish heritage living in Berlin, Germany. I love and I am passionate about opera, anime, cartoons, movies, theater and basically the arts and culture and general.

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