My Top 10 Inuyasha OTPs That I Will Never Tire Of

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Happy Holidays, ladies, gentlemen, and readers of all ages. Let us briefly talk about my experience with Inuyasha. This was an anime that I was rather fascinated with when I was an eleven-year-old boy and continued to like it when I was a teenager, especially considering that my gateway episode was “Episode 43: Tetsusaiga Breaks” with the shining moment being Inuyasha’s transformation into a full yokai with red eyes and purple stripes on his cheeks after Goshinki bit off his sword, Tetsusaiga. As I grew, I continued to watch a lot more episodes on Adult Swim and even the movies, thus heightening my fascination for this show and how much fun I was having with it. I grew to like the characters, especially Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, Bankotsu, Sango, Miroku, Souta, Rin, Jaken, and Kagura, and hate some others too, most notably Naraku.

Now as someone in my twenties, I have seen that although there is still an enjoyable factor in terms of nostalgia and having so much fun with it, there are some flaws to be found. There are some filler episodes I never cared for, the whole Status Quo is God card being used, thus not fully fleshing out certain characters, and even Kagome’s occasionally abusive treatment towards Inuyasha, especially with the “Sit, boy!” command with the Beads of Subjugation. Sure, Inuyasha and Kagome can have their moments, but other times, it is just back to bickering and grumbling. I honestly do not understand why InuKag is so well-loved when it is so clear that their “relationship” just seems to fall back into bad habits, which is why InuKag is definitely my NoTP for life, as there are so many other better pairings than this overrated one.

This is why I have come up with a list of 10 Inuyasha OTPs I will never tire of in any shape or form. I know some of you who follow me here on DeviantArt are aware that I am so passionate about my ships. So, in this entry, which is also a Red Ribbon Reviewers contribution, I will talk about why I love and ship these particular couples. I am also fully aware that Inuvember may not for another eleven months, but it still gives me the chance to shed light on these Inuyasha OTPs of mine and share with you, my dear readers, the love and passion I have for them. Maybe I might end up having a go at doing more fanart of them seeing how I might not stop talking about them.

With that said, sit back, relax, and enjoy. Keep in mind that this is my list, so take it for what it is and do understand that these are my opinions. If you have an OTP you like that is either from this list or not, please post it on the comments below. Thank you and enjoy.

10. Shippou x Souten
Yes, I know there are people out there who do not care for Shippou because he ends up being rather cowardly in battle, but he is still just a young child when all is said and done. When being paired up with someone like Souten, I can see Shippou being a little bit more tolerable mostly thanks to how well they work off of each other. As children, they would certainly have a playful way of showing affection while being rather mischievous. As they grow up, they would retain their mischievousness but combine it with a few sweet, gentle moments when they are alone together. I even figure that their kits would be as feisty, fun-loving and cheeky as they are when they were young.

9. Souta x Kanna
First of all, I would like to thank Lance-the-young and tailfluffgirl for getting me invested with this particular pairing, as I have been shipping them ever since I was fourteen years old. I am actually surprised this particular pairing based on them being polar opposites of each other still holds up to this very day in my eyes. Combining Souta’s inquisitive, outgoing, friendly nature with Kanna’s reserved, introverted, quiet personality seems like a pretty fascinating and intriguing idea. I have always seen this as a really cute, interesting couple and I enjoy it a lot more than having Souta pair up with Hitomi, as it makes for more interesting dynamics. Kanna would not have to be so much of a reserved introvert and can always be on Souta’s side through thick and thin, thus opening up to him a lot more and showing more trust which then develops into affection, while Souta can prove himself brave, selfless, and strong in the face of battle thanks to her support and they can protect each other from all obstacles, thus showing a strong bond that they could have for each other and stick together in good times and in bad times and healthily breaking each others’ barriers down.

8. Kohaku x Rin
Another pairing that I have been shipping as a fourteen-year-old boy that has held up to this day? Oh, heavens, yes! Kohaku x Rin is a couple I will support, defend, cherish, and adore to the ends of the earth until the day I die. I know darn well I will not let this couple go in virtue of how genuine, sweet, down-to-earth, and lovely they are together. What I love about this couple is that there seems to be barely any arguments going on with them and their relationship is on the normal, humble, and lovely side, which makes my support for Kohaku and Rin as an item all the more legitimate. Rin could indubitably reach out to Kohaku’s more sympathetic and human side, while Kohaku can feel more comfortable and at ease with being with someone as optimistic and jolly as Rin. This is essentially a relationship that begins with youthful puppy love, builds up to adolescent admiration and delightful dating, then has marriage as the apotheosis and has Rin bearing Kohaku’s progeny as the icing on this gorgeous cake.

7. Miroku x Kikyou
Similarities in religious occupations aside, what with Miroku being a Buddhist monk and Kikyou being a Shinto shrine maiden, MirKik seems like a really adorable pairing in terms of their calm, articulate, and rather down-to-earth personalities. Sure, Miroku is quite the charismatic womanizer and Kikyou is the more reserved life partner, but I figure that Kikyou would be that person who might find his unorthodox way of charming the ladies kind of unusual yet interesting, even though she might scold him from time to time because of his habits of groping her, thus making this a sort of cat-and-mouse scenario. Regardless of some minor clashes, Miroku and Kikyou could certainly work effectively as a spiritual duo who exorcize demons and other malevolent spirits in such a magnificently badass way with much pizzazz and action in one moment and after all of that have a meditative, intimate evening with this monk and this shrine maiden consummating their feelings for each other.

6. Kuranosuke Takeda x Princess Kaguya
I know this is a crack pairing on the surface, but I think this is a very interesting couple in terms of their different personalities aside from solely being nobles. Kuranosuke is dashing, charismatic, and charming while Kaguya is elegant and poised in one moment and warlike and fierce in the next. I figure that there would be a nice love-hate relationship between these two and their strong personalities can mesh and clash when all the camaraderie of fellow nobles departs and all the golden gates close to the public. Their love story could play off akin to a battle of wits akin to chess in one moment and have spicy moments intimacy the next complete with a bit of pomp and elegance, thus ensuring that no moment ends up as a bore.

5. Bankotsu x Kagome
I have kind of shipped this couple ever since I was a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy due to the nature of their weapon usage with Bankots having his halberd and Kagome having her bow and arrow as well as the potential for having a rather interesting dynamic. There is a sense that Bankotsu is the gentleman who really wears the pants in this relationship with Kagome finding him charming and fascinating as a person and a really tough, strong fighter who shows so much endurance in battle. Moreover, Bankotsu would never take crap from Kagome’s whining and moaning and would be the guy to tell her not to be worked up about the small stuff and Kagome would be a stronger archer through his encouragement, intuition, and charisma. On an irreverent note, Kagome would also fancy the pants out of Bankotsu’s lusciously braided hair. So, in essence, these two would become better people when they are together. Kagome would become a lot more capable thanks to Bankotsu’s encouragement and sense of toughness and Bankotsu would become less of an overly bloodthirsty maniac thanks to Kagome’s support and openness.

4. Kouga x Sango
This pairing is an interesting case of belligerent sexual tension taken up to eleven. When Kouga and Sango are together, there is the potential of having a love-hate relationship for the ages. Sure, Sango would initially feel disgusted with Kouga’s animalistic psychosis and Kouga would initially be territorial when it comes to Sango’s occupation as a yokai slayer, but eventually, Sango would become attached to Kouga’s brand of virile roguishness and Kouga would be easily attracted to Sango’s unrelenting, determined fighting spirit. They would spar the absolute heck out of each other, go into battle against demons and other evil spirits, and have spicy, rough sex when the day is done. They would even be that couple who desire to do, try out, and go head on to new things and new challenges and will most likely come out of each and every challenge alive.

3. Sesshoumaru x Kagura
I always knew in the back of my mind that these two would be an awesome item. Moreover, I would go out of my way to say that Kagura could make a better mother figure to Shippou because she is at least more composed, knows how to fight, and can be stern on some occasions, but will be the one person who would be there for Shippou similar to how Sesshoumaru would be a great father figure to Rin. Canonically, Kagura admires Sesshoumaru because of his cool, collected demeanor as well as his skill as a warrior. Therefore, she becomes Sesshoumaru’s ally when it comes to taking Naraku down. I figure that this love-hate relationship would turn into something more genuine and calming when these two drop their defenses and acknowledge each others’ existence. There is a sense of undeniable nobility when it comes to these two ambivalently sided characters and there would be something that makes these two individuals click exceptionally well, hence my support for Sesshoumaru and Kagura as a couple.

2. Ginta x Shunran
This pairing did not cross my mind until the time I was about nineteen or twenty. However, I always knew from the bottom of my heart that someone as hilarious, goofy yet charming as Ginta could gel really wonderfully with someone as feisty and fun-loving as Shunran. I am really proud that I shipped these two as a couple because they do not just look really cute together, but they have the potential to have really sweet, charming moments together that leave a fuzzy feeling in my heart. There would rarely be any moment where they would argue and both Ginta and Shunran would be able to unconditionally appreciate each other for who they are, flaws and all. Shunran would be so blessed to have someone as strong, funny, charming, and cute as Ginta and Ginta would be so euphoric to have someone as fun-loving, open, sanguine, and lovely as Shunran.

Now, we have come to the zenith of this list. I am pretty sure you all know who my number one spot is going to belong to and here it goes.

1. Inuyasha x Ayame
This is the OTP I am most passionate about. I can never get over this couple. I seriously cannot. Even when I was watching and re-watching Inuyasha, I knew these two should deserve each other because it feels like Inuyasha and Ayame certainly deserve better life partners than the ones they have. There is a reason why I support this particular couple so strongly and so adamantly. First of all, both Inuyasha and Ayame are strong, capable, tough fighters who do not take crap from anyone, thus giving any demon a huge butt-kicking thanks to their strength and endurance. Secondly, I feel that Ayame could be very emphatic with Inuyasha when it comes to love, loss, and feeling alone in a huge world, thus having not only a certain chemical attraction but also a genuinely loving relationship. Even when I was a young lad, I always knew that Inuyasha deserved to have someone who could be his ideal partner who could be much better than Kikyou and Kagome combined. Then it hit me. Ayame might as well bang the ever-loving heck out of Inuyasha and bear his pups, which, thankfully, happened in my headcanon for these two, thus making a big, strong, wonderful family of warriors. Inuyasha and Ayame would see each others’ best sides and would acknowledge each others’ strengths as individuals. Inuyasha would see just how strong, beautiful, fierce, and marvelous Ayame is as a fighter, his mate, and as a person. Ayame would admire everything about Inuyasha from his strength to his determination to his fierceness to how gentle he can be with someone like her. Everything they do from fighting lots of demons to having moments of hot, spicy intimacy to raising their children will never be dull nor boring it will be exciting and extraordinarily invigorating. That is why Inuyasha x Ayame stands tall as my number one Inuyasha OTP of all time.

I hope you all enjoyed my list of Inuyasha OTPs that I cherish the most. So, until then, happy holidays and I will see you all in the next submission.

Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.


  • I'm an American actor, voice actor, singer and reviewer with a strong Filipino and Spanish heritage living in Berlin, Germany. I love and I am passionate about opera, anime, cartoons, movies, theater and basically the arts and culture and general.

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