Il Diavolo e L’Angelo drawn by me

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“Non spaventarti, dormi, sono il diavolo
Io che nei tuoi sogni ormai ogni notte scivolo
Mi ascolti ed io so già
Che vuoi da me un alturo sogno
Che non hair osta credere mai
Un sogno che al mattino non racconterai
Sperando solo un po’che non si avveri mai
Ty ti dai così solo per metà
A metà fra il sogno e la relatà

E’ l’alba giù dal letto, sono l’angelo
Sei bella ancora un po’assonnata dimmelo
C’è posto anche per me accanto a te
Per tutto il giorno
Io potrei darti l’anima tu vuoi
Sarò per te l’amico più sincero io
Un’oasi di lealtà e qui dal posto mio
Mi darò così mai solo a metà
A metà tra il sogno e la relatà
E resto fermo qui tanto i sogni tuoi
Qui ti porteranno prima o poi

Sarò per te l’amico più sincero io
Un’oasi di lealtà e qui dal posto mio
Mi darò così mai solo a metà
A metà fra il sogno e la realtà

Non mi riconosci adesso io sono siempre io
Diavolo perché voglio star di notte accanto a te
Vuoi un angelo ma sì e se ci credi un po’
D’ora in poi il tuo angelo sarò”
-Il Diavolo e L’Angelo, Andrea Bocelli from his 2001 album Cieli di Toscana

English Translation courtesy of Lyricadvisor:
“Don’t be frightened, sleep
I am the devil
The one who slips into your dreams
every night

You listen to me, and I already know
What you want of me
Another dream
You never dared to believe in
A dream you won’t remember in the morning
But hope will never come true

That’s the way you give yourself
Only half of yourself
Halfway between dream and reality

Its dawn and getting up from the bed
I’m the angel
Still half asleep, you’re so beautiful
Tell me
Is there a place for me by your side
During the day
I would give you my soul if you want it

I will be the most sincere friend to you
An oasis of loyalty, and from my side
I will give myself, and never only half
Halfway between dream and reality

So I stay here and don’t move
I know your dreams
Will lead you to me sooner or later

I will be the most sincere friend to you
An oasis of loyalty, and from my side
I will give myself, and never only half
Halfway between dream and reality

Don’t you recognize me
It’s still me
Devil, because
I want to be by your side at night

You want an angel, all right
If you believe in me a little
I shall be your angel from now on.”

This piece of Blossutch and Blossoomer fanart, which is part of Paula’s aka BrickercupMasterX3’s Blossutch Month, is dedicated to Kethlen aka tetefofa who celebrated her birthday yesterday. So, Kethlen, I hope you had a very magnificent birthday and I wish you well in all of your artistic endeavors. Come se dice in italiano, spero che hai avuto un magnifico compleanno. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the fabulous Blossutch and Blossoomer shippers out there. Vi piace, amici miei.

Ah, my beloved Blossutchoomer or Butch x Blossom x Boomer, one of my most beloved OT3s of all time. Whether I love the sexiness of Blossutch or the lovability of Blossoomer, I can never ever go wrong with these two Blossom-centered OTP ships of mine. I mean think about it. What’s cooler and more exciting than a gorgeous, eloquent, brainy beauty like Blossom being paired up with either a wild, strong, brawny bad boy and/or a lovable, simple, sympathetic dumb muscle? I don’t think there’s anything better.

I have listened to Andrea Bocelli’s “Il Diavolo e L’Angelo” ever since I was a nine-year-old boy and that song has been part of my life growing up to the point where I brand this as one of my favorite Italian classical crossover songs. I thought this song would be appropriate for Blossutch and Blossoomer together because it shows the juxtaposition of these two dashing gentlemen playing off of each other especially when a lovely lady like Blossom is in the middle of all this. I also hope you enjoy this song as you gaze at this picture. I am also sure that you know who the devil and the angel respectively are in this piece of Blossutch and Blossoomer fanart.

Well, I hope you all enjoyed this and see you in the next submission.

Butch, Blossom, and Boomer from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.


  • I'm an American actor, voice actor, singer and reviewer with a strong Filipino and Spanish heritage living in Berlin, Germany. I love and I am passionate about opera, anime, cartoons, movies, theater and basically the arts and culture and general.

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