“Und morgen wird die Sonne wieder scheinen
und auf dem Wege, den ich gehen werde,
wird uns, die Glücklichen sie wieder einen
inmitten dieser sonnenatmenden Erde…
und zu dem Strand, dem weiten, wogenblauen,
werden wir still und langsam niedersteigen,
stumm werden wir uns in die Augen schauen,
und auf uns sinkt des Glückes stummes Schweigen…”
– Morgen Opus 27 Number 4 composed by Richard Strauss, Lyrics and Poem by John Henry Mackay (1864-1933), composed on May 21, 1894.
English Translation:
“And tomorrow the sun will shine again
And on the way which I shall follow
She will again unite us lucky ones
As all around us the earth breathes in the sun
Slowly, silently, we will climb down
To the wide beach and the blue waves
In silence, we will look in each other’s eyes
And the mute stillness of happiness will sink upon us.”
This piece of Prinack fanart, which is part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Prinack month, is dedicated to Taylor Wyatt aka Whyboy who will be celebrating his birthday tomorrow. I know this was also supposed to be tomorrow’s submission, but I have so much to do both with my fanart drawing and with school considering that I am about to graduate and head off to university. So, Taylor, may your birthday be ecstatic, energetic, elegant, blessed, and phenomenal. I wish you a lot of joy, love, honor, fame, and prosperity in everything you do as an artist. Wie wir auf deutsch sagen, ich wünsche für deinen besonderen Tag morgen viel Glück, Liebe, Ehre, Ruhm, und Wohlstand in allen, dass du als Künstler tust.
Boy, do I happen to make German Lieder fit quite well with two fabulous tycoons like Jack Spicer and his wife Princess Morbucks-Spicer. And I love it! The structure of the music, the nuances of the melodies, and the pristine technique one needs to pull said Lieder off are tasks that easier said than done, but once mastered, one can be on the way to do such musical poetry great justice. Sure, summer may be almost over, but that does not stop either Jack or Princess from enjoying a lovely moment on the beach soaking up that fresh ocean goodness. Plus, I thought Morgen would be a lovely song choice for these two in their most serene moments. That’s why I also gathered five of my most favorite interpreters of Richard Strauss’s Morgen Diana Damrau, Soile Isokoski, Jessye Norman, Fritz Wunderlich, and Jussi Björling. There is something wonderfully special in each of their voices. Whether it would be Diana Damrau’s clean and clear technique, Soile Isokoski’s luminous and glowing tone, Jessye Norman’s plushness and nobility, Fritz Wunderlich’s peerless style or Jussi Björling’s unparalleled musicianship, there’s always something unique in each of these singers that I enjoy tremendously. So, I hope you enjoy listening to these selections as much as you enjoy taking a look at this lovely Prinack fanart.
Diana Damrau
Soile Isokoski
Jessye Norman
Fritz Wunderlich
Jussi Björling
I hope you all enjoyed listening to these five selections as well as this piece of Prinack of fanart. If you have a definitive favorite from each of the five selections of interpreters who sang Richard Strauss’s Morgen, please let me know in the comments below. Until then, as we say in German, alles Liebe und bis bald.
Jack Spicer from Xiaolin Showdown belongs to Christy Hui and Kids’ WB.
Princess Morbucks from The Powerpuff Girls belongs to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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