The Brickubbles Flashbacks: Arts and Amicability drawn by me

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This Brickubbles submission, as part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Brickubbles Month, is dedicated to a fellow DeviantArtist KingRyHuff, who celebrated his birthday yesterday. So, I hope you had such an amazing and I wish you a lot of amazing endeavors to come.
Welcome to the second installment of The Brickubbles Flashbacks. This time we’re going back to 2003, where Brick and Bubbles were eleven and nine years old respectively and in the fifth grade. One can say that this was one of their highlights during their elementary school years. Submitted for the approval of The Brickubbles Flashbacks, I call this story Arts and Crafts and Friendship.
With that said, Brick, Bubbles, you have the floor.
Brick and Bubbles: Thanks, Antoni!
Bubbles: Brick, do you remember Miss Scara?
Brick: Oh, you mean our former art teacher.
Bubbles: I still can’t believe she went from being Mask Scara to finally giving up the whole supervillainess to be an art teacher in Townsville International Academy. She truly was one of the best art teachers we ever had.
Brick: I can still remember the project we had to do together.
Brick and Bubbles: Paint an idealized version of your good friend.
(Flashback to 2003 begins. Brick, aged 11, and Bubbles, aged 9, are walking home from school with their canvases in hand. They look at each other with a smile.)
Bubbles: So, Brick, I’d like to see what you painted. I’m sure your work is really great.
Brick: Aw, you know I’m not as great as an artist compared to you. Bubs. But since you asked for it, here you go.
(Brick shows his canvas. It is a painting of Bubbles in 18th-century women’s attire complete with a frock, a three-cornered hat, and an elegant-looking hairstyle reminiscent of all the noblewomen at the time. In the background are two roses on each opposite side.)
Bubbles: Wow, Brick. It’s beautiful.
Brick: I…uh…call this one The Lady of the Court because that’s how I see you, Bubs. You are elegant and ladylike and you know it and you always like to look really pretty and cute.
Bubbles: Aw, shucks, Brick. By the way, here’s mine of you.
(Bubbles shows her canvas. It is a painting of Brick as a rock star with his trademark red cap, red shirt, and long orange hair, a black leather jacket, and an electric guitar. He is surrounded by flames and a gold wall is behind him.)
Brick: Bubs, this is amazing.
Bubbles: I call this one Musical Ignition because I have always seen you as the person who wants to be a rock star and you are a cool person to hang out with. Plus, I really love your fire powers.
Brick: You know something, Bubs?
Bubbles: Yeah?
Brick: I think we’re gonna be art buds for life.
(Brick and Bubbles giggle, as they continue to walk home.)
The now 26-year-old Brick: And we still are.
The now 24-year-old Bubbles: To this very day.
Brick and Bubbles in the present: The End.
I declare this meeting of The Brickubbles Flashbacks closed. See you in the next post.
The idea of having Mask Scara from the Season 6 episode A Made Up Story as a reformed character and art teacher sort of came to my mind by complete chance. I figure that instead of using her silly makeup to take over the world, she could use her skills as an artist to mold young minds into doing something really creative, hence her reforming into an art teacher. This managed to also tie in very well with the then eleven-year-old Brick and the then nine-year-old Bubbles. One also has to leave it up to Miss Scara and Bubbles to tap into Brick’s artistic side and for Brick to see how graceful and lovely Bubbles is as a person. Therefore, Brick and Bubbles have had a gig where they called themselves Fab Art Buddies for Life during their years as children.
Well, I hope you all enjoyed this post and piece of Brickubbles fan art. Until then, see you in the next post.
Brick and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.


  • I'm an American actor, voice actor, singer and reviewer with a strong Filipino and Spanish heritage living in Berlin, Germany. I love and I am passionate about opera, anime, cartoons, movies, theater and basically the arts and culture and general.

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