July 2023

The Flexible Throuple vs Three Bodybuilder Goons

This Three versus Three Death Battle meme originally belongs to DarkKomet and is dedicated to anybody who fancies Hakkaku’s and Ginta’s sweetly and lovingly romantic relationship with their darling Shunran. Furthermore, this throuple also demonstrates how exceptionally they can bring their romantic relationship to great teamwork use when mauling Ulrich Wernerstein and two of his bodybuilder goons with their blinding strikes. Sit back, relax, and revel in the carnage. We are now at the sixth and second to the last match-up of the epic 2004 martial arts tournament at the Wernerstein Mansion atop the Austrian Alps. Now, 21-year-old Hakkaku, the Muay Boran combatant, and 21-year-old Ginta, the Lethwei fighter, plus their darling 18-year-old wife Shunran, the Shaolin Kung Fu maven, are up against the red-mohawked bodybuilder goon, the bald bodybuilder goon, and Ulrich Wernerstein himself. This marks the first romantically-charged match-up in which my precious OT3 gets to demolish Ulrich and two of his bodybuilder goons. Ulrich is still pumped-up to overcome Shunran and her two husbands now that he has backup from two of his bodybuilder goons. Nevertheless, Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran retort by stating that they will gladly reduce their over-muscled behinds to meat sold in a butcher’s shop. Shuran, who is on the bench after his round with Sesshoumaru against the blond-haired bodybuilder goon, cheers for his two younger brothers and little sister-in-law to mash those boneheads. The adorable throuple and the three brutish musclemen are prepared to throw each other down. The red-mohawked bodybuilder goon, the bald bodybuilder goon, and Ulrich all attempt to subdue Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran. However, the two wolf Yokai warriors and the panther Yokai mage are far too quick for the brutish musclemen. Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran get into their respective fighting stances to make Ulrich and two of his bodybuilder goons have what is coming to them. Hakkaku releases a barrage of elbow slashes, spinning elbows, upward elbow strikes, elbow strikes from above, elbow thrusts, horizontal elbows, and an upward headbutt to the bald bodybuilder goon. Ginta releases a stampede of knee bombs, jumping knees, flying knees, straight knee strikes, upward knees, downward knees, and a clinching headbutt to the bald bodybuilder goon. Shunran releases a flurry of palm strikes, leopard blows, tiger claw strikes, spear hand strikes, knife hand strikes, spinning back fists, and a spinning crescent kick to Ulrich. Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran alternate opponents, as Hakkaku and Ginta continue to give elbow strikes, knee strikes, and headbutts, while Shunran has her speedy strikes and kicks. Just when the red-mohawked bodybuilder goon, the bald bodybuilder goon, and Ulrich thought it was all over, Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran prepare themselves for their final moves for all three bodybuilder brutes. Hakkaku gives a jumping knee strike, spinning elbow, and upward headbutt. Ginta gives a flying knee, upward elbow strike, and clinching headbutt. Shunran gives a flying double kick, tiger claw strike, and spinning back fist. The red-mohawked bodybuilder goon, the bald bodybuilder goon, and Ulrich fall to the ground. Their friends including Rocky DeSantos, Zack Taylor, Adam Park, Billy Cranston, Jen Scotts, Kendrix Morgan, and Karone plus their martial arts mentors such as Sagat, Dhalsim, Adon, Deejay, Elena, Rose, and Pullum all cheer for the throuple’s triumph over the three bodybuilder brutes. Even their children Minoru, Joichiro, Junichiro, Jiraiya, Manabu, Takeru, Sentaro, Sakura, Sunako, Setsuko, Sayaka, Sora, Kokoro, and Katsuho cheer for their two fathers and one mother. Hakkaku and Ginta wrap Shunran up in a cuddly embrace, while Shunran showers Hakkaku and Ginta with joyously passionate kisses. The red-mohawked bodybuilder goon, the bald bodybuilder goon, and Ulrich remain on the ground still wincing in pain. They have made the near-fatal mistake of attempting to overpower this dynamic throuple only for them to get owned so viscerally. Hakkaku’s toughness through his elbow strikes plus headbutts, Ginta’s stamina through his knee strikes plus headbutts, and Shunran’s accuracy through her strikes and kicks have all proven to be damaging on the inside and on the outside to Ulrich and two of his bodybuilder goons. Therefore, this throuple is not one to mess with, let alone underestimate just because they are adorable together. Tune in later for the seventh and final match-up revolving around my number one favorite Splendid Seven pairing of all time against two more bodybuilder goons. You can already guess who they are. Take care, stay safe, and remember to keep on cheering for Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran as a wonderfully dynamic throuple, everybody. Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise. The red-mohawked bodybuilder goon, the bald bodybuilder goon, and Ulrich Wernerstein from Totally Spies belong to Vincent Chalvon-Demersay, David Michel, and Marathon Media.

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The Overpowering Bros vs A Bodybuilder Goon

This Two versus One Death Battle meme originally belongs to DarkKomet :iconDarkKomet: and is dedicated to anybody who fancies Sesshoumaru’s and Shuran’s exceptionally platonic relationship as a duo of cousins, comrades, and extremely powerful gold-medal-standard warriors who take no crap from their opponents. This is verified when combining Sesshoumaru’s lethal deadliness and Shuran’s brutish viciousness to thoroughly crush and shatter the blond-haired bodybuilder goon’s attempts at grappling, striking, and throwing submission holds at the two deadly warriors that could make Dana White and Vince McMahon cheer their guts out for them. Sit back, relax, and revel in the carnage. We now approach the fifth match-up of the epic 2004 martial arts tournament at the Wernerstein Mansion atop the Austrian Alps. This time it is 23-year-old Sesshoumaru the Mixed Martial Arts victor and 22-year-old Shuran the Professional Wrestling gold-belt winner versus another one of Ulrich Wernerstein’s bodybuilder goons sporting shoulder-length blond hair and green shorts. The stare-down between two of the most skilled and powerful combatants of The Splendid Seven and the blond-haired bodybuilder goon is filled to the brim with tension that one may need a chainsaw to cut through the tension. Sesshoumaru and Shuran are totally unfazed by the blond-haired bodybuilder goon’s threatening looks just as the blond-haired bodybuilder goon is eager to crush the both of them. Sesshoumaru instructs Shuran to perform his signature bearhugs, Full Nelsons, and torture racks on the goon while he delivers the many other moves that he has in store for the bodybuilder brute. Shuran complies with Sesshoumaru’s request, the blond-haired bodybuilder goon is ready to crush them, and the match begins. The blond-haired bodybuilder goon grabs both Sesshoumaru and Shuran and attempts to body slam them to the ground, maul them with chokeholds, and bearhug the both of them. However, it is too little too late for him to do so because they have a barrage of vicious attacks in store for him. Shuran unleashes a bearhug, a torture rack, and a Full Nelson that lands both of them to the ground, with the blond-haired bodybuilder goon on top. Sesshoumaru charges forward with a sprawl and brawl coupled with a ground and pound all over the blond-haired bodybuilder goon’s face until he bleeds profusely. He even unleashes a barrage of liver punches for good measure. After that, Sesshoumaru and Shuran trade places, with the former taking the blond-haired bodybuilder goon down a trip to a hip throw, a Kimura, and an armbar. While Sesshoumaru keeps the blond-haired bodybuilder goon in his armbar, Shuran runs, leaps through the air, and lands on the blond-haired bodybuilder goon with an earth-shattering body slam. Sesshoumaru releases the goon from his armbar, as Shuran picks him up with a spine-breaking piledriver. Although the blond-haired bodybuilder goon’s body feels like jelly, he tries to subdue Sesshoumaru and Shuran with his remaining strength. However, Sesshoumaru has one more liver punch in store for him, and Shuran picks him up and throws him to the ground. The fifth round is done, as the blond-haired bodybuilder goon lies unconscious. Their friends including Tommy Oliver, Zhane, Merrick Baliton, Trey of Triforia, Jason Lee Scott, Mike Corbett, and Ryan Mitchell plus their martial arts mentors such as Heihachi Mishima, T. Hawk, Charlie Nash, Zangief, E. Honda, Darun, and Ganryuu all cheered joyously for Sesshoumaru’s and Shuran’s triumph over the blond-haired bodybuilder goon. Sesshoumaru’s children Asagi, Dai, Roku, Kai, Shion, Moegi, Rin, Shiori, Kanna, Satsuki, Bunza, Shinta, Souten, and Ai, as well as Shuran’s children Kohaku, Shintaro, Taromaru, Suekichi, Taichi, Mayu, Souta, Satoru, Hitomi, Sayo, Mizuki, Koume, Saki, and Kokichi, cheered for their respective fathers. Sesshoumaru and Shuran raise each other’s arms in victory for the cheering crowd, clasp each other’s hands, and embrace each other. The blond-haired bodybuilder goon remains on the ground wincing in pain and pandemonium, as Sesshoumaru and Shuran tell him to stay down because the ground suits him. He thought he could subdue the two powerful warriors, but they were too strong and too skilled for him to handle. Hence, being at the receiving end of Sesshoumaru’s liver punches, ground and pounds, Kimuras, and armbars plus Shuran’s bearhugs, torture racks, piledrivers, and Full Nelsons is not the blond-haired bodybuilder goon’s idea of fun. Sesshoumaru’s lethal brutality and Shuran’s rampaging stature make them a truly imposing duo of warriors who can crush the competition with all their might. Tune in later for the sixth match-up revolving around the first Splendid Seven romantic pairing in threes against Ulrich Wernerstein and two of his bodybuilder goons. Take care, stay safe, and remember to keep on cheering for Sesshoumaru and Shuran as a duo of imposingly powerful warriors worthy of promotion, everybody. Sesshoumaru and Shuran from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise. The blond-haired bodybuilder goon from Totally Spies belongs to Vincent Chalvon-Demersay, David Michel, and Marathon Media.

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The Potent Bros vs A Bodybuilder Goon

This Three versus One Death Battle meme originally belongs to DarkKomet and is dedicated to anybody who fancies Inuyasha’s, Hakkaku’s, and Ginta’s epically platonic relationship as a trio of cousins, best friends, and brothers from other mothers who are super strength, stealthy stamina, and soulful spunk incarnate. This is especially evidenced in how Inuyasha’s vast repertoire of grapples, submission holds, strikes, and locks compliment Hakkaku’s and Ginta’s clinches and strikes against the red-mohawked bodybuilder goon’s attempts at grappling and submission holds. Sit back, relax, and revel in the carnage. The fourth match-up of the epic 2004 martial arts tournament at the Wernerstein Mansion atop the Austrian Alps is about to get fiercer than ever before. This time it is 22-year-old Inuyasha, the Pankration champion, 21-year-old Hakkaku, the Muay Boran combatant, and 21-year-old Ginta, the Lethwei fighter, versus one of Ulrich Wernerstein’s bodybuilder goons sporting a ginger mohawk and greyish blue shorts. The red-mohawked bodybuilder goon may attempt to threaten the tenacious trio. However, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, and Ginta are unfazed at how threatening the red-mohawked brute. All they are intent on doing is reducing him to pitiful shreds. Being the super strong leader and older brother figure that Inuyasha is to Hakkaku and Ginta, he instructs them to go for the legs, shins, knees, and abdomen area to make the red-mohawked bodybuilder goon easily fall down. Hakkaku and Ginta comply, as they and Inuyasha give a resounding high-give to each other. Inuyasha, Hakkaku, and Ginta get into their fighting stances and ruthlessly charge toward the red-mohawked bodybuilder goon. The red-mohawked bodybuilder goon tries to maul Inuyasha with some punches. But he dodges them. He also tries to double axe handle Hakkaku. But he constantly sidesteps them. He even tries to catch Ginta with a bear hug. But he leaps away from them. Now, it is Inuyasha’s, Hakkaku’s, and Ginta’s turn to eviscerate the red-mohawked bodybuilder goon. Inuyasha begins with a Superman punch, a jab, a hook, a cross punch, a liver punch, several hammer fists to his face, and a double axe handle to his head before locking him in a rear naked chokehold. As Inuyasha is locking the red-mohawked bodybuilder goon in a rear naked chokehold, Hakkaku proceeds to deliver elbow strikes, elbow slashes, and spinning elbows, and Ginta delivers knee strikes, flying knees, and jumping knees. After that, Hakkaku and Ginta lock the red-mohawked bodybuilder goon in the clinching position and deliver a huge bevy of clinching knee strikes and repeated headbutts, while Inuyasha throws a bevy of rabbit punches, hammer fists, his signature double axe handle to the head, and a neck crank to make him fall down. Bloodied and bruised, the red-mohawked bodybuilder goon has some stamina to try to overcome Inuyasha, Hakkaku, and Ginta, but it is too little too late. The three warriors arm themselves one last time to subdue the brute with a ginger mohawk. Ginta knocks him out with one final flying knee to his chin. Hakkaku lands one final elbow slash to his forehead. Inuyasha delivers a strangulating tracheal grip choke accompanied by a bone-shattering jab to the face. The fourth round is done, as the red-mohawked bodybuilder goon falls face-first to the ground. Their best friends including Eric Myers, Leo Corbett, Wes Collins, Zack Taylor, Rocky DeSantos, Billy Cranston, and Adam Park, as well as their martial arts mentors such as Ryu Hoshi, Ken Masters, Alex, Dhalsim, Sagat, Adon, and Deejay, cheer as jubilantly as ever for Inuyasha’s, Hakkaku’s, and Ginta’s triumph over the red-mohawked bodybuilder goon. Inuyasha, Hakkaku, and Ginta tell him to stay down, as they high-five each other, raise their arms in victory with a loud roar, and group hug each other like the close cousins that they are. This trio is truly unbreakable in strength. The red-mohawked bodybuilder goon thought he could overcome Inuyasha’s, Hakkaku’s, and Ginta’s unparalleled fortitude found in their combination of strength, stamina, and spunk. However, as he found out, he was unfortunately at the receiving end of Inuyasha’s grapples, submission holds, and hammer fists; Hakkaku’s elbow strikes and headbutts, and Ginta’s knee strikes and headbutts. Inuyasha’s magnificent muscles, Hakkaku’s fabulous fortitude, and Ginta’s terrific tenacity are keys to ensuring great victories that come in threes. Tune in later for the fifth match-up revolving around the last Splendid Seven platonic pairing that I have in store. Take care, stay safe, and remember to keep cheering for Inuyasha, Hakkaku, and Ginta as a trio of mighty and tenacious warriors, everybody. Inuyasha, Hakkaku, and Ginta from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise. The red-mohawked bodybuilder goon from Totally Spies belongs to Vincent Chalvon-Demersay, David Michel, and Marathon Media.

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The Superbly Strong Brothers vs A Bodybuilder Goon

This Two versus One Death Battle meme originally belongs to DarkKomet and is dedicated to anybody who fancies Sesshoumaru’s and Inuyasha’s brotherhood as a duo of super strong, magnificently mighty, and potently powerful warrior champions whose repertoire of grappling, striking, groundwork, and submission holds demonstrates brutal ferocity pumped up to provide the green mohawked bodybuilder goon with a one-way ticket to vicious evisceration. Sit back, relax, and revel in the carnage. We have now come to the third match-up of the epic 2004 martial arts tournament at the Wernerstein Mansion atop the Austrian Alps. Now, we turn our attention to the Kazuya Mishima and Paul Phoenix as well as the Ryu Hoshi and Ken Masters of The Splendid Seven. I am talking about the legendary dog Yokai warrior brothers 23-year-old Sesshoumaru the Mixed Martial Arts victor and 22-year-old Inuyasha the Pankration champion being pitted against another one of Ulrich Wernerstein’s bodybuilder goons sporting a green mohawk and red shorts. The green-mohawked bodybuilder goon may laugh at Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha, who are ready to pummel him down in their fighting stances. However, Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha are not joking and do mean business. Sesshoumaru asks Inuyasha if he is prepared to give the bodybuilder brute a taste of dog Yokai brother power. Inuyasha responds with a hearty and enthusiastic “Oh, yeah!”, as both Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha give each other a fist bump. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha charge to the green mohawked bodybuilder goon ready to mercilessly pummel him to the ground. The green mohawked bodybuilder attempted to grab Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha and lock them in a bearhug as well as a piledriver. Still, the two silver-haired dog Yokai warrior brothers were too fast and too strong for the huge brute. Inuyasha lands a double axe handle on the green mohawked bodybuilder goon’s head and cheeks and hammer fists on his face, ribs, flanks, and abdomen area. After that, Inuyasha gives the green mohawked bodybuilder goon a leg wheel and hip throw that makes him fall to the ground before he locks him in a rear naked chokehold and full body lock combo. Inuyasha tells Sesshoumaru to do his job, and Sesshoumaru springs up in the air and lands on the green-mohawked bodybuilder goon with a series of ground and pounds using his fists, elbows, double axe handles, and a headbutt. In turn, Sesshoumaru switches places with Inuyasha by giving the green-mohawked bodybuilder goon an armbar. He then tells his brother that he is all his, and Inuyasha proceeds to deliver a brutally bloody array of hammer fists, double axe handles, headbutts, and a tracheal grip choke with both hands. After all that ground and pounding, submission holding, and grappling, the green-mohawked bodybuilder goon arose from his bruises, but it was too late. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha delivered a double Superman punch, liver punch, rabbit punch, hammer fist, and headbutt combo. Inuyasha finishes it all off with a neck crank, followed by Sesshoumaru with a rear naked chokehold. The third round is finished, as the green-mohawked bodybuilder goon fell down. Their best friends such as Tommy Oliver, Zhane, Merrick Baliton, Eric Myers, Leo Corbett, Alex Drake, and Wes Collins, as well as their martial arts mentors such as Gouken, Akuma, T. Hawk, Kazuya Mishima, Paul Phoenix, Ryu Hoshi, and Ken Masters, cheered with jubilation at the two powerful dog Yokai warrior brothers triumphing against the green mohawk bodybuilder goon. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha even tell him to get accustomed to the ground. The two brothers raise their arms in jubilation, bellowed a loud victory roar, clasped each other’s hands, and hugged each other tightly. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha are true loving brotherhood incarnate. The green-mohawked bodybuilder goon has found himself in a world of eviscerating pain when crossing paths with Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha and their ferociously lethal brand of brutality. These two dog Yokai warrior brothers take no prisoners because they have the submission holds, grapples, fists, muscles, and strength to overcome any opponent, especially if he is an unlucky one in the green-mohawked bodybuilder goon. Stay tuned for the fourth match-up. Take care, stay safe, and remember to keep cheering for Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha as a pair of super strong dog Yokai warrior brothers, everybody. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise. The Green Mohawked Bodybuilder Goon from Totally Spies belongs to Vincent Chalvon-Demersay, David Michel, and Marathon Media.

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The Rowdy Rampaging Brothers vs A Bodybuilder Goon

This Three versus One Death Battle meme originally belongs to DarkKomet and is dedicated to anybody who fancies Shuran’s, Hakkaku’s, and Ginta’s brotherhood as a trio of dynamic combatants who can combine Shuran’s obliterating wrestling moves and both Hakkaku’s and Ginta’s strikes and clinches prepared to give the bald bodybuilder goon huge doses of damage and destruction. Sit back, relax, and revel in the carnage. The second match-up for the Wernerstein Mansion martial arts tournament atop the Austrian Alps revolves around three spiky-haired Yokai brothers known for their dynamic collaborations, 22-year-old Shuran the Professional Wrestling gold-belt winner, 21-year-old Hakkaku the Muay Boran combatant, and 21-year-old Ginta the Lethwei fighter, and one of Ulrich Wernerstein’s bodybuilder goons sporting a bald head and yellow shorts. While Shuran does tower over his two younger brothers, Hakkaku and Ginta, the bald bodybuilder goon towers over Shuran by a few inches. Nevertheless, being the pro wrestler that Shuran is, he always capitalizes on showmanship and orders the audience to cheer for him and his younger brothers, as they thrash the bald bodybuilder goon to shreds. The bald bodybuilder goon grunts back at Shuran, but he, Hakkaku, and Ginta are unfazed by whatever the bald bodybuilder goon has in store. Shuran prepares himself ready to tackle, Hakkaku is ready to clinch, and Ginta is ready to strike just as the bald bodybuilder goon is prepared to crush the three spiky-haired Yokai brothers. The bald bodybuilder goon may attempt to eviscerate Shuran, Hakkaku, and Ginta with his bearhugs, body slams, power slams, and submission holds, but these three brothers have the moves to thoroughly reduce their opponent to a broken mess. Ginta begins by throwing a series of spinning elbows, elbow thrusts, flying knees, and a downward headbutt. Hakkaku follows up with his series of knee bombs, upward elbow strikes, downward elbow thrusts, and an upward headbutt. Then Shuran grabs the battered bald bodybuilder goon and gives him a bearhug, torture rack, German suplex, and piledriver combo that makes him completely numb. Hakkaku and Ginta assist in getting the bald bodybuilder goon into clinch position, as they proceed to launch a barrage of knee strikes to his face, chest, and abdomen area. Shuran then lifts the bald bodybuilder goon into the air and gives him a torture rack. While Shuran keeps the bald bodybuilder goon in his torture rack, Hakkaku, as well as Ginta, proceeds to shower him with a flurry of elbow strikes, shin kicks, and a huge headbutt all over the bald bodybuilder goon’s body. Shuran then drops the bruised and bloodied bald bodybuilder goon to the ground once Hakkaku and Ginta are done with their eviscerating elbow strikes, shin kicks, and headbutts on him, thus finishing the second overall round. Their best friends including Jason Lee Scott, Mike Corbett, Rocky DeSantos, Zack Taylor, Billy Cranston, Adam Park, and Carlos Vallerte plus their martial arts mentors such as E. Honda, Zangief, Darun, Dhalsim, Sagat, Adon, and Deejay all cheer respectively for Shuran, Hakkaku, and Ginta for emerging triumphantly against the bald bodybuilder goon. Shuran, Hakkaku, and Ginta approach the still-unconscious bald bodybuilder goon covered in bloodied bruises and sardonically tell him not to take it too personally because he just got his behind handed to him by three brothers who have each other’s backs. The three spiky-haired Yokai brothers wrap it up by high-fiving each other and giving each other the tightest group hug possible, with Shuran loving every bit of appreciation he is giving to his two younger brothers. Shuran, Hakkaku, and Ginta demonstrate that they always have each other. The bald bodybuilder goon might as well spend the next few days under intense care after being pulverized by Shuran the hulking panther Yokai pro wrestler as well as by Hakkaku and Ginta the two energetic wolf Yokai strikers and clinchers. The second match-up has been completed, with a third one coming underway. Trust me, it is going to be thrilling. Take care, stay safe, and never cross paths with three spiky-haired Yokai brothers such as Shuran, Hakkaku, and Ginta unless you want to be squeezed, clinched, and struck against, everybody. Shuran, Hakkaku, and Ginta from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise. The Bald Bodybuilder Goon from Totally Spies belongs to Vincent Chalvon-Demersay, David Michel, and Marathon Media.

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The Steely Striker Sisters vs Ulrich Wernerstein

This Two versus One Death Battle meme originally belongs to DarkKomet and is dedicated to anybody who fancies Ayame’s and Shunran’s sisterhood as a duo of striking ladies willing to give Ulrich Wernerstein a whole world of pain and pandemonium. Sit back, relax, and revel in the carnage. I take you back to December 12, 2004, in the Wernerstein Mansion atop the Austrian Alps. For the first match-up of this epic martial arts tournament, it is the two auburn-haired sisters known for their pulsating strikes, 19-year-old Ayame the Kyuk Too Ki prizefighter and 18-year-old Shunran the Shaolin Kung Fu maven, versus 45-year-old former bodybuilder Ulrich Wernerstein. Ulrich would find himself initially guffawing at the thought of two auburn-haired Yokai sisters striking him down because he is a lot bigger than them, thus making their punches, kicks, and strikes ineffective against him. He would even call them nothing more than “little women who need to go back to the kitchen and do the cooking, cleaning, and all the housewife duties.” Both Ayame and Shunran would be totally disgusted at what Ulrich is insinuating and attack him. Ulrich may have his choke slams and throws on standby, but Ayame and Shunran are not the type of fighters who surrender that easily. Therefore, Ulrich is in a world of pain once Ayame and Shunran strike back at him after he delivered those chokes and throws at them. Ayame propels herself by delivering a blinding Superman punch to Ulrich’s face, targeting his nose and mouth. While Shunran launches a gut-busting palm strike at Ulrich’s abdomen area. Ayame proceeds with an uppercut to Ulrich’s chin and several cross punches landing on his cheeks, with Shunran unleashing a barrage of spear hand strikes and knife hand strikes on his midsection, flanks, and abdomen area. Ulrich attempts to crush them by landing a double axe handle, but Ayame and Shunran are too fast for him. Ayame then delivers a leg kick, calf kick, shin kick, and knee strike combo to Ulrich’s shins, calves, knees, and pelvic area. Shunran targets his head, shoulders, and chest by delivering a flurry of roundhouse kicks, spinning back kicks, front kicks, and shuffle kicks. Even with all those blows being delivered, Ulrich tries not to give up, but it is too late. Ayame delivers an uppercut and a jab. Shunran delivers a leopard blow and a nerve strike. Finally, both Ayame and Shunran deliver an axe kick and a butterfly kick respectively to Ulrich’s head, as he falls unconscious to the ground like a felled oak tree. With Ayame’s brutal blows and Shunran’s spot-on strikes combined, these two auburn-haired sisters stand tall and triumphant in the first round against Ulrich Wernerstein. Even their best gal pals including Ashley Hammond, Taylor Earhardt, Maya, Kendrix Morgan, Karone, Cassie Chan, and Jen Scotts as well as their martial arts mentors such as Chun-Li, Cammy White, Sakura Kasugano, Rose, Elena, Nina Williams, and Anna Williams are cheering loudly for their triumph. Moreover, Alex and Britney are just as overjoyed to see Ayame and Shunran triumph over Ulrich. To wrap things up, Ayame and Shunran approach a still-unconscious yet quivering Ulrich and state that their husbands, Inuyasha in Ayame’s case as well as Hakkaku and Ginta in Shunran’s case, may love them with all their hearts, but they have single-handedly proven that they will never be home-drawn housewives. This is because Inuyasha, Hakkaku, and Ginta always cheer for them to win. Ayame and Shunran embrace each other like truly loving sisters and strike a victorious pose for the crowd. Ulrich Wernerstein learned the hard way of trying to overcome two powerful striker sisters, Ayame and Shunran, as evident in how they paralyzed him with their punches, kicks, and strikes. Therefore, Ayame and Shunran emerged triumphantly and honorably, but this is just the first match-up. Tune in later for the second match-up. Until then, take care, stay safe, and never mess with Ayame and Shunran as a pair of steely striker sisters, everybody. Ayame and Shunran from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise. Ulrich Wernerstein from Totally Spies belongs to Vincent Chalvon-Demersay, David Michel, and Marathon Media.

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In this classic review of The return of the Brood and I am joined by the Longshot of the X-Men fandom @MonarchDafey. We get deep into the book and start theorizing about why Maddie Pryor went with magic and what new character could have been playing the long game.http://

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The Splendid Seven vs Ulrich and his Muscle Goons

This first version of the death battle meme template belongs to Death-Driver-5000 and it is dedicated to those who find the idea of seven powerful Yokai martial artists such as Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran being involved in a martial arts tournament against Ulrich Wernerstein and his bodybuilder goons. Sit back, relax, and revel in the carnage that is about to unfold. Imagine transporting yourselves back to December 12, 2004, which was when “The Incredible Bulk” initially aired on Cartoon Network USA, and found yourselves as part of the audience in what martial arts history books argue is one of the most viscerally exciting martial arts tournaments to be hosted. The tournament in question is The Splendid Seven consisting of 23-year-old mixed martial artist Sesshoumaru, 22-year-old professional wrestler Shuran, 22-year-old Pankratiast Inuyasha, 21-year-old Muay Boran fighter Hakkaku, 21-year-old Lethwei combatant Ginta, 19-year-old Kyuk Too Ki prizefighter Ayame, and 18-year-old Shaolin Kung Fu specialist Shunran versus 45-year-old former bodybuilder Ulrich Wernerstein and his four toweringly muscled bodybuilder goons. The venue is the Wernerstein Mansion atop the Austrian Alps, with the main tournament being in a factory setting where Bulky Bars are being produced. You are seated alongside 17-year-old WOOHP agent Alex, who thankfully did not end up eating the Bulky Bars, and her beloved 22-year-old gym instructor/bodybuilder boyfriend Raymond, who was miraculously cured from the Bulky Bars’ devastating effects, as well as Alex’s best friends, 17-year-olds Sam, Clover, and Britney; 33-year-old Cabo bodybuilder Robert Beefcake, and 23-year-old muscle fitness model Chet all in the front row. Other esteemed guests include the Splendid Seven’s best friends for life The Military Squadron Power Rangers consisting of 29-year-old Tommy Oliver the White Tigerzord Ranger, 29-year-old Jason Lee Scott the Black Gold Zeo Ranger, 29-year-old Eric Myers the Red Quantum Ranger, 28-year-old Rocky DeSantos the Blue Zeo Ranger, 27-year-old Adam Park the Green Zeo Ranger, 25-year-old Taylor Earhardt the Yellow Wild Force Ranger, and 24-year-old Jen Scotts the Pink Time Force Ranger as well as the parental figures the Wolf Elder, Toga the Dog General, Olibu, Broly, Raditz, InuKimi, and Izayoi. Even The Splendid Seven’s martial arts mentors are present including T. Hawk, E. Honda, Guile, Sagat, Adon, Nina Williams, and Anna Williams. Moreover, The Splendid Seven’s children have also come to see their parents dishing out serious blows against their opponents. Everybody gathered to witness the unadulterated carnage that was about to unfold between intimidating Yokai martial arts power and muscularly brute bodybuilder strength. The martial arts tournament between The Splendid Seven and Ulrich along with his bodybuilder goons promises to be an intensely bloody one by virtue of the martial arts each fighter specializes in. The Splendid Seven has a storied history of Yokai martial artists who have shown incredible skills and combat prowess even against bigger opponents. Ulrich Wernerstein and his bodybuilder goons would have to do everything possible to break all seven Yokai martial artists although the chances of doing so will be extremely slight. 23-year-old Sesshoumaru is a Mixed Martial Arts victor with a background in Luta Combate, Luta Livre Esportiva, Japanese Jujutsu, Brazilian Jujitsu, Shootfighting, Shooto, and Pancrase. His icy ruthlessness makes him one of the most dangerously lethal mixed martial artists to have ever been promoted by the UFC, Pride FC, and many other mixed martial arts organizations around the world, and is hailed as a lord high executioner. Lethalness aside, he is also the embodiment of martial arts honor. He is especially renowned for his ground-and-pounds, sprawls-and-brawls, Kimuras, armbars, double leg takedowns, fireman throws, and liver punches. 22-year-old Shuran is a golden-belt-obtaining Professional Wrestling winner with a background in Lucha Libre, Hardcore Wrestling, Mongolian Wrestling, Sumo Wrestling, Turkish Oil Wrestling, Pehlwani, and Mallah-yuddha. What makes Shuran threatening is not only his tremendous size but also the sheer brutality of his radical wrestling moves, which have been the main selling points for WWE and TNA combined. Coupled with his huge size and raucous moves is his large-and-in-charge personality. He mostly specializes in piledrivers, suplex power slams, German suplexes, bearhugs, torture racks, full Nelsons, and sharpshooters. 22-year-old Inuyasha is a Pankration champion with a background in Ancient Greek Wrestling, Ancient Greek Boxing, Judo, Combat Sambo, Kapu Kuialua, Vale Tudo, and Ssireum. His muscular virility has made him renowned in the world’s grandest Olympic arenas, especially in Athens and Sparta, thanks to the beastly force in his blows and chokeholds. Inuyasha’s magnificent muscles are not just meant for show, but they also propel his super strength and make him a powerful warrior. He predominantly capitalizes on his rear naked chokeholds, tracheal grip chokes, double axe handles, hammer fists, neck cranks, ankle locks, and rabbit punches. 21-year-old Hakkaku is a Muay Boran combatant who has the knees, shins, elbows, and head of steel to propel himself against quicker and stronger opponents. What further accelerates Hakkaku as a combatant are his speed, quick reflexes, limber limbs, and total versatility of his strikes from head to instep. Hakkaku’s ferocious limberness not only compels him to keep on fighting well, but he has sufficient passion and tenacity to help him overcome any obstacle he finds himself in. He owns his opponents very well in his upward headbutts, knee bombs, elbow slashes, spinning elbows, knee strikes, elbow strikes, and thrust kicks. 21-year-old Ginta is a Lethwei fighter whose knees, shins, elbows, and head of iron are always there to give his opponents the best beatdown possible regardless of the place or the occasion. What thoroughly defines Ginta as a fighter are his rapid moves, quick dodges, blinding strikes, and relentless reflexes from the top of his head to his toes. Ginta’s rapidness in his moves is not the only defining factor as to what makes him astounding but also his charisma and fairness when he battles his opponents. He thrives superbly with his jumping knees, shin kicks, horizontal elbows, elbow thrusts, clinching headbutts, flying knees, and downward headbutts. 19-year-old Ayame is a Kyuk Too Ki prizefighter with a background in Dutch Kickboxing,…

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