May 2019

Kuranosuke: Greetings, ladies and gentlemen. I am Lord Kuranosuke Takeda. Hiten: Hello, all of you wonderful people. It’s your captain of love Hiten reporting for duty. Miroku: Salutations, to all of you magnificent women of the world. It is I, Miroku, at your service. Kuranosuke: And welcome to what we would love to call… Kuranosuke, Hiten, and Miroku: Our lair of love… Hiten: Where we can be at your beck and call… Miroku: To soothe you from all of your ills… Kuranosuke: And show just how gentle and tender we can be. Kuranosuke, Hiten, and Miroku: Just don’t tell our beloved wives that. Kaguya, Toran, and Kikyou (offscreen): We heard that. You better not be giving the viewers any ideas of what you are all up to. (Kuranosuke, Hiten, and Miroku chuckle nervously.) Kuranosuke: Anyway, we do hope you can bask in our humble abode. Hiten: Pleasure awaits you… Miroku: And maybe even some excitement when you can marvel at our bodies. Kaguya, Toran, and Kikyou (offscreen): As we said, do not give them any ideas. Kuranosuke, Hiten, and Miroku: All right, my dears. This piece of Kuranosuke Takeda, Hiten, and Miroku fan art is dedicated to CyberEngel whose birthday was celebrated a week ago. Spero che tu abbia festeggiato un compleanno benedetto, eccezionale e magnifico e ti auguro molto amore, abbondanza, beltá e felicitá nella tua vita como artista e persona. This is also dedicated to the wonderful people who ship Kuranosuke, Hiten, and Miroku as a fine trio of good friends or BroTP. Here we have 39-year-old Kuranosuke Takeda, 38-year-old Hiten, and 37-year-old Miroku being the handsomely hunky, marvelously muscular, and sensually sexy gentlemen that they are. I think I speak for a lot of people when they say that these three men not only have a way with words but they also look amazing beckoning anyone to their call be it their precious respective wives in the forms of Kaguya, Toran, and Kikyou or you the viewers. I hope you all enjoyed this piece of BroT3 awesomeness in the form of Kuranosuke, Hiten, and Miroku being the dashing gentlemen that they are and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, everybody. Kuranosuke Takeda, Hiten, and Miroku from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.

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(Sesshoumaru, Kouga, and Bankotsu are punching and kicking demon corpses, which they have mounted as punching bags. Sesshoumaru turns and takes notice of the audience.) Sesshoumaru: Kouga, Bankotsu, we have guests. (Kouga and Bankotsu stop their punching and kicking and turn to the audience with smirks on their faces.) Sesshoumaru: We did not expect you to arrive at this hour. Kouga: If you didn’t know where you were, don’t worry. We’ll tell it to you. Bankotsu: You just entered forbidden territory. Where the strong triumph and the ones who can’t hack it get a taste of our fists smeared in blood. Sesshoumaru: In layman’s terms, you have just entered our palace of pain, suffering, and general unpleasantness. Kouga: So, no cowards, wimps, traitors or liars allowed! Bankotsu: Unless, of course, you want to be mercilessly mauled by all three of us. Sesshoumaru: Whether with my own claws and fists, which can rip you into pieces… (Sesshoumaru cracks his knuckles.) Kouga: Or have me break your neck in two… (Kouga rolls his head, his shoulders, and cracks his knuckles.) Bankotsu: Or have me beat you into a bloody pulp… (Bankotsu cracks his knuckles and rolls his shoulders.) Sesshoumaru: We could do a whole lot of damage to you. Kouga: And we are not going to hold back. Bankotsu: No matter how many times you tell us to stop. Sesshoumaru: However, if you want a less grueling approach, you could always head to my most esteemed wife… Kagura: I can assure you that I am just as ruthless as my husband, especially where my blade and fan are concerned. Kouga: Or my darling wife… Sango: Approach me with lust and I will gladly lop off your head and maybe quarter you. Bankotsu: Or my lovely wife. Kagome: Don’t think I’m exempt from giving you a death warrant. I could shoot off your head with my bow and arrow and slice you in half with my sword. Bankotsu: They all got a point. Or perhaps… Sesshoumaru, Kouga, and Bankotsu: Our eldest children. Rin, Shippou, Kai, Shinta, Hakudoushi, and Kanna: Oh, how we would love to take you down. Sesshoumaru: Either way, if you are willing to take us down, you would have to prove yourself to endure all of us. Kouga: So, we will see you right here. Bankotsu: If you dare, that is. This piece of Sesshoumaru, Kouga, and Bankotsu fan art is dedicated to GavinMichelli who celebrated his birthday a week ago. So, Gavin, I hope you had such a magnificent, grand, and awesome birthday and I wish you a lot of joy, love, happiness, and greatness in your life as an artist and as a person. This is also dedicated to those who ship Sesshoumaru, Kouga, and Bankotsu as an awesome, strong, and phenomenal BroT3 or epic friendship consisting of three ambiguously-sided badasses who enjoy kicking butt and taking names. Here we have 38-year-old Sesshoumaru, 37-year-old Kouga, and 36-year-old Bankotsu being the strong, handsome, tough, buff badasses that they are who will definitely make anyone crap his or her pants off when he or she encounters these gentlemen. Whether one marvels at their bodies or trembles at their presence, one should know when to either fight back or retreat when encountering these men of steel. As you can tell from their outfits, I made them be in Pankration garb to show that they are not only specialists of this deadly Ancient Greek martial art which is a precursor to Mixed Martial Arts, but to also show how lethal yet masculinely sexy they are as fighters and as individuals. Knowing how well they fight both individually and as a group, they would definitely be able to give their opponents no mercy whatsoever. Well, I hope you all enjoyed this piece of BroT3 awesomeness found in Sesshoumaru, Kouga, and Bankotsu, and I will see you all in the next submission. Take care and have a great summer. Sesshoumaru, Kouga, and Bankotsu from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.

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Bro Bicep-Flexing with Shuran and Hakkaku drawn by me

(Shuran is lifting two heavy boulders while releasing a series of powerful grunts and roars. Hakkaku enters lifting slightly lighter boulders.) Hakkaku: Hey there, Shuran. (Shuran puts down the boulders and so does Hakkaku.) Shuran: Hakkaku, my old friend. What brings you here? (Shuran flexes his tremendous biceps and emits a huge roar.) Shuran: Have you come to challenge my strength and even admire how much I have worked hard for these muscles?! Hakkaku: Yeah and yeah. Man, Shuran, you really have been working hard on those biceps. Shuran: Thanks, Hakkaku. You know very well that my most beloved wife Ayumi, my kids, and my grandkids love it when they see my muscles. Speaking of which, how about you show me yours and then we can have a posedown from here. Hakkaku: All right, Shuran. (Hakkaku flexes his biceps for Shuran, as he takes notice of them.) Shuran: You definitely have not been slacking off, bro. Hakkaku: Thanks. You know that your sister, Karan, finds them nice to touch. Plus, my kids and grandkids just love to look at them. Shuran: True, Hakkaku. But they’re still not as big as mine. (Shuran raises his arms, flexes his biceps, flexes his calf muscles, and emits a huge roar.) Shuran: These are what real muscles look like, my friend. So, do you accept this challenge? (Hakkaku flexes back at Shuran.) Hakkaku: I do. (Both Shuran and Hakkaku flex their biceps, triceps, make their pectoral muscles bounce, and do the most muscular pose facing towards each other.) Shuran (grunting): You surely don’t give up, huh Hakkaku. Hakkaku: Giving up is not part of my vocabulary, Shuran. (Shuran and Hakkaku chuckle at each other, as they stand erect.) Shuran: Well, old friend, it was a nice posedown we had. We should do this again. Hakkaku: You got it, friend. (Shuran and Hakkaku clasp hands.) Shuran: See you later, man. Hakkaku: Anytime, bud. This piece of Shuran and Hakkaku fan art is dedicated to NadoArts who celebrated his birthday five days ago. Entonces, Nado, espero que hayas tenido un cumpleaños magnifico, excelente y maravilloso y te deseo mucho amor, felicidad, prosperidad y abundancia en tu vida como artista y como persona. This is also dedicated to those who ship Shuran and Hakkaku as a strong, awesome platonic pairing or a BroTP. Here we have 36-year-old Shuran and 35-year-old Hakkaku being the strong, handsome, muscular best friends that they are and showing just how strong they truly are, what with Shuran and his massive size and Hakkaku with his well-toned body. I totally love the idea of a big, burly, buff, tough guy like Shuran being really good friends with someone as a well-built, fun-loving, goofy yet strong guy like Hakkaku. Their personalities bounce off of each other so well and Hakkaku could have someone like Shuran to be almost like a big, protective older brother while also enjoying each others’ company testing each others’ strength and always trying to physically one-up each other. Regardless, they have a very strong bond where Shuran is akin to a large-and-in-charge, rowdy, tough older brother and Hakkaku is the handsome, fun-loving, and gregarious younger brother. Well, I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you all in the next submission. Take care, everybody. Shuran and Hakkaku from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.

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Bro Bicep-Flexing with Inuyasha and Ginta drawn by me

Inuyasha: Yo, Ginta. Ginta: Yeah, Inuyasha. Inuyasha: Show me your muscles, man. I just wanna see how well you managed to get your biceps in shape. Ginta: All right, Inuyasha. (Ginta flexes his biceps, as Inuyasha observes them and touches them.) Inuyasha: Not bad. Now, check out mine. (Inuyasha flexes his biceps. Ginta marvels at the size of Inuyasha’s biceps.) Ginta: Wow! Inuyasha. Those are quite the huge biceps you have. Inuyasha: Thanks, Ginta. You wanna have a posedown? Ginta: You bet. (Inuyasha and Ginta begin to flex their muscles for each other, all while grunting, snarling, and growling.) Inuyasha: Hehe. Shunran is surely lucky to have a strong guy like you, Ginta. Ginta: Hey. My muscles always charm her. And Ayame must be really impressed by your brute strength and great muscles. Inuyasha: I thank you for that compliment, Ginta. And, yeah, Ayame is really happy to have a guy like me, especially when my muscles can come in handy. Ginta: All right, Inuyasha. Are you ready for the finale? Inuyasha: I sure am, Ginta. (Inuyasha and Ginta raise their arms and flex their biceps. After that, they hunch, do the most muscular pose, stand erect, and body slam each other roaring really loudly.) Inuyasha: Well, Ginta, I enjoyed that. Ginta: So did I, Inuyasha. Let’s say we head back home to our darling wives, kids, and grandkids. Inuyasha: Sure thing. We can even come back for another posedown round and maybe bring my sons along with me. Ginta: Absolutely. Now, let’s head home. (Inuyasha then noogies Ginta, as they head towards their home.) This piece of Inuyasha and Ginta fan art is dedicated to Daniel aka EthanTK who celebrated his birthday more than a week ago. Entonces, Daniel, espero que hayas tenido un cumpleaños maravilloso y increíble y te deseo mucho amor, felicidad, prosperidad y abundancia en tu vida como artista y persona. This is also dedicated to the people who ship Inuyasha and Ginta as a strong, awesome, and magnificent platonic pairing or BroTP. Here we have 36-year-old Inuyasha and 35-year-old Ginta being the muscular best friends that they are and flexing their well-shaped biceps on a clear, sky-blue day. It says something when these two have excellent physiques anyone can marvel at. I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you all in the next submission. Take care, everybody. Inuyasha and Ginta from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.

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Team Xtreme Rivals Next Generation List

Greetings, fellow Aceserk, BudBrute, SnakeBrat, Prinack, and OmiJul shippers, it is your old friend Antoni here with another written entry. As you can tell from the aforementioned title, we are going to take a look at Team Xtreme’s rivals from The PowerPunk Girls to two of the members of the Gangreen Gang to the grown-up Smith children to Princess Morbucks to Jack Spicer to a friendly rivalry with Omi. Ergo, I am going to give the children of Ace x Berserk, Bud Smith x Brute, Snake x Brat, Jack Spicer x Princess Morbucks, and Omi x Julie Smith the love and attention they deserve. So, let us get cracking. The Roguish, Dashing, Tough, Charismatic Fathers Ace D. Copular Age: 38 Birthday: June 29, 1981 Status: Married to Berserk since 2011. Bud Smith Age: 30 Birthday: October 20, 1989 Status: Married to Brute since 2011. Sanford D. “Snake” Ingleberry Age: 37 Birthday: August 22, 1982 Status: Married to Brat since 2011. Jack Spicer Age: 32 Birthday: September 30, 1987 Status: Married to Princess since 2013. Omi Chong Age: 26 Birthday: March 23, 1993 Status: Married to Julie since 2013. The Feisty, Gorgeous, Lovely, Fun Mothers Berserk Plutonium-Copular Age: 26 Birthday: April 15, 1993 Status: Married to Ace since 2011. Brute Plutonium-Smith Age: 26 Birthday: April 15, 1993 Status: Married to Bud since 2011. Brat Plutonium-Ingleberry Age: 25 Birthday: April 15, 1994 Status: Married to Snake since 2011. Princess Morbucks-Spicer Age: 26 Birthday: May 2, 1993 Status: Married to Jack Spicer since 2013. Julie Smith Age: 25 Birthday: May 28, 1994 Status: Married to Omi since 2013. The Aceserk (Ace x Berserk) Offspring Brayden Samuel Copular Age: 8 Birthday: August 19, 2011 Daryl Ulysses Copular Age: 8 Birthday: August 19, 2011 Caterina Laura Copular Age: 7 Birthday: October 20, 2012 Alessandra Maria “Alex” Copular Age: 6 Birthday: October 2, 2013 Franco Luigi Copular Age: 5 Birthday: September 10, 2014 Giorgio Marco Copular Age: 5 Birthday: September 10, 2014 Marcella Valeria Copular Age: 4 Birthday: November 1, 2015 Nicoletta Susanna Copular Age: 3 Birthday: November 12, 2016 The BudBrute (Bud x Brute) Offspring Wyatt Woodrow Smith Age: 8 Birthday: September 12, 2011 Wayne Whitby Smith Age: 8 Birthday: September 12, 2011 Ashton Geoffrey Smith Age: 7 Birthday: October 25, 2012 Cassandra Ophelia “Cassie” Smith Age: 6 Birthday: October 10, 2013 Alicia Helena Smith Age: 5 Birthday: September 22, 2014 Carrie Hermia Smith Age: 5 Birthday: September 22, 2014 Kenneth Harlan Smith Age: 4 Birthday: November 2, 2015 Kelly Simone Smith Age: 3 Birthday: November 14, 2015 The SnakeBrat (Snake x Brat) Offspring Carter Sylvester Ingleberry Age: 8 Birthday: October 16, 2011 Crandall Spencer Ingleberry Age: 8 Birthday: October 16, 2011 Callisto Iole “Cali” Ingleberry Age: 7 Birthday: October 28, 2012 Chloe Hermione Ingleberry Age: 6 Birthday: October 17, 2013 Chester Paul Ingleberry Age: 5 Birthday: September 28, 2014 Christina Francesca Ingleberry Age: 5 Birthday: September 28, 2014 Christian Ignatius Ingleberry Age: 4 Birthday: November 3, 2015 Claudia Gabriella Ingleberry Age: 3 Birthday: November 16, 2016 The Prinack (Jack x Princess) Offspring Margaret Elizabeth Venus Spicer Age: 5 Birthday: April 3, 2014 Melanie Mary Serena Spicer Age: 5 Birthday: April 3, 2014 Nicholas Laertes Mercutio Spicer Age: 4 Birthday: May 30, 2015 Napoleon Archimedes Coroebus Spicer Age: 4 Birthday: May 30, 2015 Vernon Philoctetes Helenus Spicer Age: 3 Birthday: June 29, 2016 Veronica Catherine Millicent Spicer Age: 3 Birthday: June 29, 2016 Samantha Rose Violet Spicer Age: 2 Birthday: July 18, 2017 Stuart Percival Henry Spicer Age: 1 Birthday: August 22, 2018 The OmiJul (Omi x Julie Smith) Offspring Kay Louise Chong Age: 5 Birthday: April 17, 2014 May Nadine Chong Age: 5 Birthday: April 17, 2014 Hector James Chong Age: 4 Birthday: June 3, 2015 Paris Lucas Chong Age: 4 Birthday: June 3, 2015 Forest Jacob Chong Age: 3 Birthday: July 3, 2016 Caleb Charles Chong Age: 3 Birthday: July 3, 2016 Nina Lorraine Chong Age: 2 Birthday: July 25, 2017 Rina Jane Chong Age: 1 Birthday: August 31, 2018 I hope you all enjoyed this list and I will see you all in the next submission. Take care, everybody. Ace, Snake, Bud Smith, Berserk, Brute, Brat, Princess Morbucks, and Julie Smith from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network. Jack Spicer and Omi from Xiaolin Showdown belong to Christy Hui and Kids’ WB. Brayden, Caterina, Alessandra, Ashton, Cassandra, Alicia, Carter, Cali, and Chloe belong to Misse-the-cat. Wyatt belongs to KatyGorl. Daryl, Franco, Giorgio, Marcella, Nicoletta, Wayne, Carrie, Kenneth, Kelly, Crandall, Chester, Christina, Christian, Claudia, Margaret, Melanie, Nicholas, Napoleon, Vernon, Veronica, Samantha, Stuart, Kay, May, Hector, Paris, Forest, Caleb, Nina, and Rina belong to me.

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The History of Blossoomer drawn by me

This piece of Blossoomer fan art is dedicated to Kirby aka NovaStar302601 whose birthday was celebrated two weeks and three days ago, Marvyn1990 who celebrated his birthday eleven days ago, Phoenix Oleander aka poppies-and-oleander, Sylvia-Black-Draws, HoneyDove, and VincentLumpas who celebrated their birthdays ten days ago, KingPin1255, Patimaporn Daradas aka RoseMary1315, Liliquinha, José aka Roninwolf1981, ThatSad, and Adam aka SHREKRULEZ who celebrated their birthdays nine days ago, Lana aka RedheadTrickster, kotakkun, viria13, and Belsibeth eight days ago, BigClaudia, TateDGibbs, bill1788, and Subarufoxboy who celebrated their birthdays a week ago, ChaoticMegz and mariapalitos68 who celebrated their birthdays six days ago. So, I hope you all had amazing birthday celebrations and I wish you a lot of love, prosperity, and abundance in your lives as artists and as people. Comme on dit on francais, j’espère que vous avez tous célébré votre anniversaires tres magnifiques et je vous souhaite beaucoup d’amour, de prosperité et d’abondance dans votre vies comme artistes et comme personnes. Como se dice en español, espero que hayaís tenido celebraciones de cumpleaños maravillosas y os deseo mucho amor, prosperidad y abundancia en vuestras vidas como artistas y como personas. Come se dice in italiano, spero che tutti voi abbiate festeggiato vostri compleanni magnifici e vi auguro molto amore, prosperitá ed abbondanza nelle vostre vite come artisti e come persone. This is also dedicated to all of the hardcore and awesome Blossoomer shippers out there. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that Blossoomer preciousness. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Blossoomer shippers of all ages, I know I am going to hate sounding like a broken record but this aforementioned ship has officially dethroned Brickercup as not only the greatest color-clash couple of all time but also the best overall RRB x PPG pairing ever! The mere epiphany that I experienced with this couple just hit me. I initially found them cute together but, eventually, I ended up finding more reasons to support this particular couple and finally call myself a hardcore Blossoomer OTP shipper, thus sealing the deal with the color-clash aka mixed color RuffPuff couples as my most beloved OTPs of all time with Blossutch and Boomubbles following suit. For the record, Butchubbles will be the next couple history timeline yet the last one involving the RRB x PPG OTPs. With that said, let us witness how Boomer and Blossom grew from childhood sweethearts to dating in their adolescence to being married in their young adult years to being the happy family they are today. Kindergarten (September 1, 1998) It was the start of a new school year in Pokey Oaks Kindergarten for six-year-old Boomer and five-year-old Blossom. Ever since they first met each other, Boomer had a huge crush on Blossom because of how pretty, intelligent, and fierce she was to the point where he considered her to be the girl of his dreams. Though shy at first, he decided to write a letter to Blossom to kick off the new school year. As the Ruffs’ and Puffs’ respective parents, Mr. Green, Miss Bellum, Professor Utonium, and Miss Keane, dropped them off to Pokey Oaks Kindergarten, Boomer made his move, swallowed his pride, and shyly gave his letter to Blossom. Blossom did not expect this move to come from Boomer but she was thankful for the gesture. The letter itself read, “Dear Blossom, I really like you because you are the prettiest, kindest, and smartest girl I ever met. You are an amazing person and I would love to be there for you every step of the way. I will stay by you, fight for you, and be strong for you. Keep on being the awesome girl that you are. Much love, Boomer” As she finished reading, Boomer gave her a smile and Blossom gave him a hug which he did not expect, as it left him blushing. She responded by saying that Boomer is a strong, kind, loving, and loyal person and she was very grateful for the letter he wrote to her. Ergo, this moment marked the first seeds being planted for Boomer’s and Blossom’s blooming relationship. Grade School (April 12, 2003) It was two weeks before the final fourth grade math exam involving multiplication of three to six-digit numbers and a month before summer break. Nine going on ten-year-old Blossom found herself being the tutor to eleven-year-old Boomer who was initially not that great in mathematics. Remembering everything that Blossom demonstrated to him, he put what he had learned into practice when he had to answer one of the tasks he had trouble on, finding out what was 250 times 242. He immediately found out through doing it step by step that the answer was 60,500. As he showed it to Blossom, she was really proud of him and she knew he was ready to take on the exam. As for the exam itself, Boomer ended up getting a B+ and Straight-A student Blossom was really proud of his achievement. Middle School (July 1, 2005) The summer break before thirteen-year-old Boomer and twelve-year-old Blossom entered the seventh grade, they were in a very special three-week French Music Appreciation summer course where they were able to live out one of their biggest passions and that was singing French chansons. Boomer and Blossom being the Francophiles that they were wanted to not only improve their French but also sing in the language more often because of the many great composers and singers they were inspired by, seeing they were fans of Catherine Deneuve, Charles Aznavour, and Édith Piaf and enjoyed watching French films and listening to French songs. In this summer course, Boomer, Blossom, and many other participants learned about the great French chansonniers such as Jacques Brel, Georges Brassens, Édith Piaf, and Mireille Mathieu as well as the great French composers like Gabriel Fauré, Gustave Charpentier, Claude Debussy, Jules Massenet, and Georges Bizet. They even learned the French language as well as its grammatical structure, the semantics, the didactics, and the syntax. Boomer and Blossom loved…

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The Best Qualities from the Main Team Xtreme OTPs

Greetings, all ye hardcore Blossoomer, Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossutch, and Boomubbles fans, shippers, and followers from all over the world, it is your old friend Antoni here with another written entry. I know it is old news for me to be gushing on and on about my most beloved OTPs being Blossoomer, Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossutch, and Boomubbles but these are the pairings that mean the world to me because of the human qualities I can find even though Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles are deemed as Townsville’s finest superheroes. Moreover, these are the OTP ships that I will never take for granted and never let go because of how much inspiration I can be able to gather from Brick’s and Buttercup’s monogamous relationship to the polygamous relationships of Boomer x Blossom, Butch x Bubbles, Butch x Blossom, and Boomer x Bubbles. However, I am not just saying this as someone who ships Blossoomer, Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossutch, and Boomubbles with such passion, resilience, ambition, and determination but also as someone who has been completely inspired by my very good friends and fellow artists who share my love for these aforementioned pairings. The truth remains that with all of these pairings that I cherish so much, there is always bound to be qualities about them that make me want to root for them to the nth degree. With that said, let us discuss the best qualities found in Blossoomer, Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossutch, and Boomubbles. Let the couples admiration commence, ladies and gentlemen.

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Team Xtreme Allies Next Generation List

Greetings, Bunnitch, HarJul, and Robike shippers from all around the world, it is your old pal Antoni here with another written entry. For all the love and appreciation I have been giving to my main Team Xtreme OTPs in the forms of Blossoomer, Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossutch, and Boomubbles as well as doing my very best to make the next generation of Ruffs and Puffs come to fruition as an exceptional army of superheroes, I believe that it is now time to call attention to the other PPG Fandom OTPs to take center stage. They are in the forms of the best Normie x PPG pairing ever, Mitch x Bunny aka Bunnitch, and two Normie x Normie pairings that I fancy the pants off the most, Harry Pitt x Julie Bean aka HarJul and Mike x Robin aka Robike. With that said, let us get cracking. The Handsome, Lovable, Strong, Dashing Fathers Mitchell “Mitch” Mitchelson Age: 27 Birthday: March 11, 1992 Status: Married to Bunny since 2013. Harry Pitt Age: 27 Birthday: March 14, 1992 Status: Married to Julie since 2013. Michael “Mike” Believe Age: 27 Birthday: March 17, 1992 Status: Married to Robin since 2013. The Gorgeous, Lovely, Kind, Supportive Mothers Bunny Utonium-Mitchelson Age: 25 Birthday: May 26, 1994 Status: Married to Mitch since 2013. Julie Bean-Pitt Age: 26 Birthday: May 8, 1993 Status: Married to Harry since 2013. Robin Snyder-Believe Age: 26 Birthday: May 2, 1993 Status: Married to Mike since 2013. The Mitch x Bunny (Bunnitch) Offspring Benjamin Jonathan “Benji” Mitchelson Age: 5 Birthday: January 2, 2014 Jackson Jeremiah “Jax” Mitchelson Age: 5 Birthday: January 2, 2014 Mason Jordan “Mace” Mitchelson Age: 4 Birthday: February 1, 2015 Ryan Kendall Mitchelson Age: 3 Birthday: March 2, 2016 Pauline Clara Mitchelson Age: 2 Birthday: June 15, 2017 Nicole Faith Mitchelson Age: 1 Birthday: July 22, 2018 Noelle Charity Mitchelson Age: 1 Birthday: July 22, 2018 Noreen Hope Mitchelson Age: 1 Birthday: July 22, 2018 The Harry x Julie (HarJul) Offspring Damien Vernon Pitt Age: 5 Birthday: March 2, 2014 Edmond Wallace Pitt Age: 5 Birthday: March 2, 2014 Felix Zachary Pitt Age: 4 Birthday: March 28, 2015 Melody Frances Pitt Age: 3 Birthday: April 20, 2016 Morgan Gabrielle Pitt Age: 3 Birthday: April 20, 2016 Lucas James Pitt Age: 2 Birthday: August 26, 2017 Hadley Kathleen Pitt Age: 1 Birthday: September 14, 2018 Harley Kimberly Pitt Age: 1 Birthday: September 14, 2018 The Robike (Mike x Robin) Offspring Jason Xavier “Jay” Believe Age: 5 Birthday: May 3, 2014 Joshua Wilfred “Josh” Believe Age: 5 Birthday: May 3, 2014 Julius Vincent “Jules” Believe Age: 4 Birthday: May 29, 2015 Sarah Theresa Believe Age: 3 Birthday: June 30, 2016 Cayden Franklin Believe Age: 3 Birthday: June 30, 2016 Michelle Lorraine Believe Age: 3 Birthday: June 30, 2016 Martha Wilhemina Believe Age: 2 Birthday: September 22, 2017 Astrid Vanessa Marie “Ava” Believe Age: 1 Birthday: November 3, 2018 Well, I hope you all enjoyed taking a gander at this. I would love to thank KatyGorl and Misse-the-cat for their support in terms of coming up with some awesome next-gen characters to be added into my Team Xtreme universe. Until then, I will see you all in the next submission. Take care, everybody. Mitch, Harry, Mike, Robin, Julie Bean, and Bunny from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network. Ryan, Pauline, Noreen, Damien, Edmond, Felix, Melody, Morgan, Lucas, Hadley, Harley, Joshua, Julius, Sarah, Cayden, Michelle, and Martha belong to me. Benjamin, Jax, Mason, Jay, and Ava belong to KatyGorl. Nicole and Noelle belong to Misse-the-cat.

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The RRB x PPG Pairings: From Worst to Best

Greetings, Rowdyruff x Powerpuff shippers from all over the world, it is I your friend Antoni here with another written entry. I am sure you can tell from the title that I will be ranking the RRB x PPG pairings from the ones that I like the least to the ones I worship the ground on because I am the type of person who would love to start excising all of that nasty bile and make things go out with a splendid bang. I am sure that a lot of you know which ones I am talking about but nevertheless, it is always fun to express my thoughts on these pairings. Do keep in mind that these are my opinions and you are most welcome to agree and/or disagree. With that said, let us get cracking.

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Blossoomutchubbles My OT4 For Life: An Essay

Introduction Greetings, Blossoomer, Blossutch, Butchubbles, and Boomubbles OTP shippers, it is your old pal Antoni here with another written entry. I am very sure that those of you who have tuned in to my DeviantArt gallery will automatically recognize that I am a hardcore shipper of Blossoomer, Blossutch, Butchubbles, and Boomubbles, therefore keeping Brickercup the monogamous RRB x PPG ship in my Team Xtreme headcanon and making Butch, Boomer, Blossom, and Bubbles polyamorous and eventually polygamous, to the point where Buttercup, Blossom, and Bubbles ended up becoming mothers to sixteen children. The only thing that separates Brickercup from Blossoomer, Blossutch, Butchubbles, and Boomubbles is the fact that Brickercup is strictly monogamous because I can see neither Brick nor Buttercup with anyone else, and that the latter four switch spouses from time to time. Therefore, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, and Bubbles share custody of their children making them the classic case of a blended family. Let us witness how this all came to be one step at a time. How I Solidified Brickercup, Blossutch, and Boomubbles as My RRB x PPG OTPs For Life Like most RRB x PPG shippers, I was a color-coded shipper back when I was quite young being in my early teens, as that was my introduction to the whole phenomenon. However, as I grew into my adult years, I started to realize that Boomubbles was and will always be the color-coded pairing I loved the most. Blossick and Butchercup were starting to lose their flavor before I even knew it to the point where I easily considered Brickercup and Blossutch to be much better alternatives. What made me despise Blossick and Butchercup as couples are not only the monotony, dullness, and blandness found in the color-coded pairings but through re-watching episodes centering on Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup as well as reading through posts about Karmic Soulmates and the problems that Blossick and Butchercup have as pairings according to other artists and bloggers, I started to completely abandon the Blossick and Butchercup campaign and swiftly headed towards Brickercup and Blossutch territory. It also did not help matters that their overbearing personalities were what made me abhor Blossick and Butchercup with such ferocious intensity. No offense to anyone who continues to ship Blossick and Butchercup as couples but that is just my experience doing the talking. To this day, I could never ever fathom Blossick’s popularity to the point where I would mentally scream every time Blossick appeared when searching for RRB x PPG ships because this couple was extremely overrated and their huge egos, bossy attitudes, and occasional smugness will not have guaranteed them a better and more resolute relationship. As a matter of fact, I managed to see Blossick as one of those pairings that fails so badly because of these two red-clad leaders constantly clashing each other and trying to one-up each other so much that it starts to become repetitive and annoying. The overabundance of Blossick did not even begin to quell my wrath against this particularly over-loved, overrated pairing, as I decided to keep Brick and Blossom as really good friends and comrades-in-arms. As for Butchercup, oh sweet Lord in Heaven, where are the earplugs? Never ever get me started on the loud, stubborn Greens as a couple because they were doomed to fail on the relationship department. All I saw from these two green-clad hotheads were endless aggression, boundless pigheadedness, incessant shouting that would be enough to put nails on a chalkboard to shame, and overcompetitiveness to the point where they could never find any sort of resolution. In short, Butchercup was extremely annoying and my personal solution for these two green hot-heads would be to just platonically ship them as a couple of really great friends who love to kick felons’ butts. Ultimately, I knew that the Reds and the Greens deserved better life partners. It is true that Boomubbles was definitely here to stay because of how their sweetness, lovability, and normality made me want to say yes, yes, and more yes to Boomubbles as my main OTP from the color-coded couples. It was at this point that I also found the best color-clash couple in Brickercup thanks to their spicy intimacy, rambunctiousness, and being a good example of belligerent sexual tension done right and the best color-crack couple in Blossutch thanks to their interesting dynamics, the balance of their personalities, and just how exceptionally well they are able to use their combat strengths to get through any battle. Therefore, the deal was sealed. Brickercup, Blossutch, and Boomubbles were and will always be my main RRB x PPG OTPs for life. Joining the fray of my main OTPs were Mitch x Bunny (Bunnitch) Harry Pitt x Julie Bean (HarJul), and Mr. Green x Miss Bellum (GreenBell), as well as some old favorites like Mike x Robin (Robike), Professor Utonium x Miss Keane (ProfKeane) This got to the point where I made my first set of Blossutch, Brickercup, and Boomubbles children with some help coming from CottonCandyGrl1969 and Misse-the-cat, in which the former drew her Blossutch children to be accepted into my Team Xtreme headcanon and the latter came up with a whole lot more. The overall experience was really fun. However, that did not stop right there. Acknowledging My Full Love for Blossoomer and Butchubbles as My OTPs through KatyGorl and the Many Other Color-Clash Couple Specialists Just when I thought I was extremely content with my main OTPs in the forms of Brickercup, Blossutch, and Boomubbles, especially the latter two, there were a couple of fateful occurrences where my perspective would end up not only changing for the better and more multidimensional but my horizons within Powerpuff Girls shipping would also be broadened, thus making me a lot more blessed to be a part of the Powerpuff Girls community as a whole. Through checking out color-clash fan art as notably accomplished by as Citsitra-Blue, MissEmmyJay, crystal-sn0w, YokoAnimeProductions, Scarlettbreaking, and especially the legendary and awesomely brilliant minds and talents of…

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