I Have Finally Reached the 1000-Subscriber Mark

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Top of the morning, opera lovers, anime fans, film aficionados, cartoon fans, music fans, fellow artists, fellow actors, fellow singers, fellow voice actors, friends, family members, and fellow reviewers of all ages. It’s your old pal Antoni here with some great news.
As you can tell, I am more than jubilant because I have just reached the 1000-subscriber mark. More specifically, as of yesterday, I have gained 1010 YouTube subscribers, and I am really psyched to have gone this far.
Thank you to everyone who has inspired me, believed in me, and saw so much potential in me to keep growing not only as an artist but also as a person. I would love to thank the Lord Almighty for giving me a purpose to keep on thriving and to keep on living.
If you want to show your support, please click on the link to my YouTube channel, subscribe, check out the content I have to offer, and I hope you enjoy each and every one of them.
Once again, thank you all so much for being with me for the past 8 years I have been on YouTube. Thank you all so much for your support, even when disillusionment came knocking at my door. And thank you all so much for being absolutely awesome.
Take care, everybody.


  • I'm an American actor, voice actor, singer and reviewer with a strong Filipino and Spanish heritage living in Berlin, Germany. I love and I am passionate about opera, anime, cartoons, movies, theater and basically the arts and culture and general.

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