Vincenzo Bellini

Bellini’s Norma 1973 Album Review

Ah, Madame Beverly Sills and Madame Shirley Verrett. Now that I took a gander at Madame Sutherland’s and Madame Horne’s readings of these iconic Bellini heroines, how did Beverly Sills’s pristine and silvery vocal technique and Shirley Verrett’s aristocratic, stylish, and nuanced vocal gifts fare when one puts two and two together? Enjoy the review and let me know your opinions as well.

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My first opera night in Oslo starts off rather well with this rather unusual yet detailed production of Bellini’s Norma at the Den Norske Opera og Ballett headed by two alluringly versatile divas, Signora Hrachuhi Bassenz as Norma and Frau Dshamilja Kaiser as Adalgisa. Enjoy the review and let me know your opinions as well.

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Ah, Maestro Lawrence Brownlee and Signora Albina Shagimuratova, two fabulous Bel Canto specialists. With their flawless interpretive powers combined, they scored A+’s all across the board in musicality, theatricality, for being complete performers, and for leading a most brilliant ensemble cast. Enjoy the review and let me know your opinions as well.

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Let us all celebrate an extraordinary Winter Solstice with two grand divas who portray two iconic priestesses, one whose voice soars like an eagle in the form of Angela Meade’s Norma and the other whose voice has the steely plushness and fiery blaze of a meteor in the form of Jamie Barton’s Adalgisa. Enjoy the review and let me know your opinions as well.

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This was a Samhain well-spent in courtesy of Mesdames Sondra Radvanovsky’s and Joyce DiDonato’s insurmountable and prodigious skills as singing actresses in the pivotal roles of the famous druid priestess, Norma, and her young friend, Adalgisa. Enjoy the review and let me know your opinions as well.  

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