
Best Power Rangers for each Splendid Seven Member

Greetings, Splendid Seven devotees, martial arts aficionados, fighting video game fans, and admirers of all things Super Sentai and Power Rangers. Antoni here with another written entry focusing on Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran specializing in the martial arts they do. Now, we have come to the moment in which Saban-era Power Ranger fits each Splendid Seven member in terms of sparring. Some of these choices may surprise you, while others are selections that you know fit specific Splendid Seven members, given the many times I have posted about the Mighty Morphin Inurangers.   Outside my Inurangers headcanon, I also composed seven-person dream teams that consist of the Saban-era Power Rangers from 1993 to 2002. One of the most prominent dream teams I have been composing thus far is the Military Squadron Power Rangers consisting of Tommy Oliver the White Tigerzord Ranger, Jason Lee Scott the Black Gold Ranger, Eric Myers the Red Quantum Ranger, Rocky DeSantos the Blue Zeo Ranger, Adam Park the Green Zeo Ranger, Taylor Earhardt the Yellow Eagle Wild Force Ranger, and Jen Scotts the Pink Time Force Ranger. This is a Power Rangers dream team that I have been enjoying so much.   Where am I going with this? If it were not already clear, I have appointed the Military Squadron Power Rangers as the number one sparring partners for the Splendid Seven. Aside from sparring alone, they also make the closest sets of friends, comrades, and siblings from other parents who can have certain traits and activities in common. Therefore, I have hit the jackpot in terms of finding which Power Ranger is the best fit for each Yokai martial artist. With that said, let us get ready to rumble with these Power Ranger-Yokai martial artist platonic pairings and sparring match-ups. Osu! Hajime!   Tommy Oliver and Sesshoumaru: The Icy Emperors of the Octagon (Mixed Martial Arts) Suiting up in their silver-white MMA shorts and silver MMA gloves to deliver fatal blows to each other in the octagonal cage are Tommy and Sesshoumaru, who are legendary mixed martial artists. Once they enter the cage, a deadly chill would surround the two powerful fighters who are ready to obliterate each other. Tommy’s speed and strength perfectly complement Sesshoumaru’s stealth and deadliness because they know how to deliver ruthless attacks with accurate timing and demanding power. Every time that Tommy delivers a double leg takedown, a kneebar, and a Kimura to Sesshoumaru, Sesshoumaru counters them with a sprawl and brawl, a series of ground and pounds, an armbar, and an ankle lock to finish the match. Given how Tommy has always witnessed how Sesshoumaru is as a mixed martial artist, he would always encourage him to never go easy on his opponents in every martial arts tournament he is in. What defines both Tommy and Sesshoumaru is respect, discipline, honor, and integrity as martial artists and as men of honor. Mixed Martial Arts may be important to Tommy and Sesshoumaru, but they also love drinking matcha and herbal tea, circuit training, meditative forest walks, and fine Asian fusion pescatarian cuisine.   Jason Lee Scott and Shuran: The Fiery Executioners of the Ring (Professional Wrestling) Pairing Jason with Shuran may seem suicidal in terms of their massive size difference, but this works surprisingly well. Jason has always faced bigger and stronger opponents with courage and determination. In turn, Shuran has consistently respected Jason because of his fearless drive and strong will. When Jason in black wrestling trunks and Shuran in green wrestling trunks enter the ring, they would surprise each other in electrifying ways. Jason may give Shuran a host of body slams, Boston crabs, and camel clutches. However, Shuran can strike back at Jason with a vengeance, thanks to his piledrivers, bearhugs, German suplexes, and submission holds. Nevertheless, Jason has enough strength to always encourage Shuran to always give it his all when he faces off against bigger opponents, monsters, and demons and use his brute strength as well as pulverizing pro-wrestling moves responsibly. Jason would never allow anybody to bully Shuran because of his size, while Shuran makes it his main goal to protect Jason from harm and fight by his side. Outside the pro wrestling ring, Jason and Shuran enjoy drinking yak’s, buffalo’s, and bison’s milk; intense powerlifting, mountain-climbing, and a high-protein, carb-free, sugar-free cuisine.   Eric Myers and Inuyasha: The Bludgeoning Sons of Heracles and Theseus (Pankration) Forget the restrictions. Forget holding back. Because Eric and Inuyasha are ready to engage in a bloody, brutal, visceral, and vicious match with their toned bodies all drenched in olive oil. They would find themselves situated in the Athenian arena hosted by Heracles and Theseus themselves. Eric may don a red loincloth to accentuate his lean musculature, but Inuyasha would not mind covering his private part in only a protective cup made out of a demon lion’s crimson mane to capitalize on his bulging muscles. With Heracles’s strength and Theseus’s combat prowess, Eric and Inuyasha would ferociously charge at each other like the Nemean Lion and the Minotaur. Eric would deliver Superman punches, hammer fists, and heel hooks. Inuyasha would counterattack Eric with double axe handles, tracheal grip chokes, rear naked chokes, and guillotine chokes. Eric always encourages Inuyasha to show no mercy in beating his opponents to a pulp while doing these battles for the Olympian gods. When Eric and Inuyasha are not bludgeoning each other to death, they love each other like brothers. They enjoy drinking Kykeon, goat’s milk, and diluted wine with honey; partaking in extreme strongman competitions, weightlifting, and dining on Mediterranean Greek cuisine.   Rocky DeSantos and Hakkaku: The Crashing Crocodiles of Nine Limbs (Muay Boran) Leaving stronger opponents all black and blue, bruised, and battered is the name of the game once Rocky in blue and Hakkaku in black don their shorts, wrap their hands in hemp rope, and step into the Thai palace arena in Bangkok. Royalty would indubitably hail Rocky and Hakkaku as the finest…

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