
The Military Squadron Power Rangers

Deep in Stanton’s Woods was a spherical building encapsulated in titanium and chromium, which was the main residence of the Military Squadron Power Rangers. The Military Squadron Power Rangers consisted of seven members from different Power Rangers teams chosen to protect Andromeda City from all evil and harm. They were Eric Myers, the Red Quantum Ranger, Jason Lee Scott, the Black Gold Zeo Ranger, Tommy Oliver, the White Tigerzord Ranger, Rocky DeSantos, the Blue Zeo Ranger, Adam Park, the Green Zeo Ranger, Taylor Earhardt, the Yellow Eagle Wild Force Ranger, and Jen Scotts, the Pink Time Force Ranger. Eric the Red Ranger led his team with discipline, determination, and an iron fist, having learned from his experience as the commander of a police force known as the Silver Guardians, but was willing to sacrifice himself for his comrades and protect innocent civilians from harm. Therefore, his strong code of honor made him stand for what was right and just. Jason the Black Ranger co-led the team and was the strongest combatant, being g renowned for his sheer power and forcefulness when delivering brutal blows and submission holds against his opponents. He also possessed bundles of encouragement and motivation to not only challenge himself as a fighter but also the team in every endeavor. Tommy the White Ranger also co-led the team and was the most skilled combatant, with his main attribute being his lethal accuracy when striking his opponents down and his mastery of several martial arts including Karate, Kenpo, Judo, and Jujitsu. Martial arts skills aside, Tommy was also a patient and generous soul who saw the best in everybody. Rocky the Blue Ranger may have been a sociable charmer with a knack for parties, an equally huge appetite, and a tendency to be flirtatious with attractive young women, but he was a strong fighter who never gave up on his team and was the glue who held everybody together in times of joy, sadness, suffering, and triumph. Adam the Green Ranger was the team’s resident genius who was proficient in mechanics and medicine and was just as much of a strong and quick fighter as his teammates, thus being an exceptional combination of intelligence, quick wit, and rapid reflexes on and off the battlefield. He also used his analytical brain to strategize each plan of action before combat. Taylor the Yellow Ranger was a fierce soldier and Air Force ranger who was an expert in both hand-to-hand combat and military tactics. Physical and military prowess aside, she was also an organized and stern warrior who never fooled around with her opponents and was always willing to defend herself and her teammates from any pernicious invader. Jen the Pink Ranger was a formidable blend of beauty, brains, courage, fortitude, and stamina in her work as a Power Ranger and as a person. She was a well-rounded fighter who combined tactfulness and physical strength to overcome her opponents but also had an affinity for flowers and fashion, especially red roses and dresses made of satin and velvet. As Eric, Jason, Tommy, Rocky, Adam, Taylor, and Jen were training in their obstacle course, they were suddenly interrupted by a video call from Commander William Mitchell on the television monitor. All seven Military Squadron Power Rangers scampered to the monitor to attend to Commander Mitchell’s latest mission for them. “Rangers, this is urgent! You must head to Andromeda City immediately. There has been an influx of people being infected by a fatal virus.” Commander Mitchell proceeded to show the Military Squadron Power Rangers videos of people becoming zombified and painfully suffering from their wounds, thus having their skin explode with pus and oil. Meanwhile, a demonic entity was laughing at the people’s demise, as the sky was shrouded in damning darkness and poisonous smog. Rocky was disgusted at all the pus that he was seeing as well as the dead look on the people’s faces, “Guys, this is horrible. Who do you think could have done such a thing?” Adam got out his minicomputer, scanned the screen, and it displayed a profile of the demon responsible for the virus. “It must be the work of Jigoku-Aku. Look at the marks he has left on those people. He’s more sinister than all the past demons we’ve fought.” Tommy’s and Jason’s eyes widened with horror at the near-death terror that the people were facing because of Jigoku-Aku’s virus. “If we don’t stop him now, he’ll enslave everybody in Andromeda City.” “Right, bro, think how much he’s gonna make everybody there suffer.” Taylor responded, “Nobody has the right to infect and enslave those people.” Jen chimed in, “Not now, not ever. We’re going to bring Jigoku-Aku to justice!” Eric, after knowing what he and his teammates were going to be up against, declared, “You got that right, guys. Jigoku-Aku’s going to pay for what he’s doing to them. Commander Mitchell, you have our word. We’re going to put a stop to Jigoku-Aku’s machinations.” “Good luck, rangers, and may the power protect you.” Commander Mitchell said as the television monitor shut off. Eric assembled Jason, Tommy, Rocky, Adam, Taylor, and Jen into formation position, as he announced, “Military Squadron Power Rangers, assemble! It’s morphin’ time!”, and all seven rangers unleashed their power morphing devices. Tommy had his Power Morpher, Jason, Rocky, and Adam their Zeonizers; Jen her Chrono Morpher, Taylor her Growl Phone, and Eric his Quantum Morpher at the ready for them to transform into their suits. “White Tigerzord Ranger Power!” Tommy bellowed, as he now wore his white Power Ranger suit with a black and gold chest plate, and a white-gold helmet reminiscent of a tiger. “Black Gold Ranger Power!” Jason yelled, as he now wore his black Power Ranger suit with gold ornaments on his chest, arms, the top of his white gloves, and the top of his white boots. “Zeo Ranger Three Blue!” Rocky commanded, as he now wore his blue Power Ranger Zeo suit with a triangle visor on his helmet….

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The Firebenders’ and the Waterbenders’ Marriage

A long time ago in the lush city of Miyanomora, where cherry blossoms and red roses bloomed, making the air people breathed sweet and fragrant, there lived three firebender warrior princes named Robin, Kid Flash, and Zuko, and three waterbender healer princesses named Raven, Jinx, and Katara. The three firebender princes were the most courageous combatants Miyanomora had ever seen, with Robin being a fearlessly formidable leader, Kid Flash an athletically agile runner, and Zuko a relentlessly robust fighter. The three waterbender princesses were sagacious mages who have always fought with solidarity and honor for the people of Miyanomora, with Raven being an incredibly intellectual genius, Jinx an elegantly expert sorceress, and Katara a caringly compassionate soul. The three firebender princes and the three waterbender princesses had been betrothed to each other ever since the princes were 12 and the princesses were 10, specifically Robin with Raven, Kid Flash with Jinx, and Zuko with Katara, as there was nobody else in Miyanomora let alone the world they would rather be with than their respective betrotheds. With the princes currently 17 and the princesses currently 15, they had proven themselves worthy of each other’s unconditional love and trust. Healthy relationships and marriage prospects aside, the three firebender princes and the three waterbender princesses united their powers to keep Miyanomora safe from pernicious harm and did what they could to maintain balance. One day, Emperor Iroh, who was Robin’s, Kid Flash’s, and Zuko’s wise and loving father who had raised them all alone ever since their mother sacrificed herself to protect her family from oncoming pillagers, called the three pairs of lovers into the throne room to prepare for their triple weddings. He was happy to see his three sons and his three future daughters-in-law about to be united in conjugal unity, but also had a tinge of concern on his face, as he called them into his throne room. There was no doubt that Robin, Kid Flash, Zuko, Raven, Jinx, and Katara were pleased to see him, but his joyful expression then changed to a more furrowed one. “My dear sons and my dear future daughters-in-law, I have seen you grow in love, trust, honesty, and grace as the most beautiful couples that I have ever seen. While today would have been your special day to be married, trouble has arrived in Miyanomora. An evil demon named Akumakaijin has set foot to destroy Miyanomora and all its resources by causing toil and turmoil in the villages, temples, streams, and forests. You must unite to stop this demon right now before Miyanomora plunges into eternal drought.” “Father, my brothers, and our fiancées will stop this destruction,” Robin responded. “We will unite all our powers to cease this pillage from occurring,” Raven added. “I have faith in you, and I wish you good luck on your journey.” Emperor Iroh said, as the three firebender princes and the three waterbender princesses bowed in reverence and dashed out of the throne room. At a nearby lake where people were swimming, Akumakaijin began his reign of terror. He was a hulking demon with bronze horns on his head, crimson skin that was all scaly and rough to the touch, neon green eyes like lasers, spear-like fangs, sword-like claws, and a bellowing roar loud enough to make even a Tyrannosaurus Rex sound like a house cat. He breathed sulfuric acid from his mouth, making the air have a putrid smell and making plant life droop. The people who were swimming earlier scampered away from this terrible demon in panic and distress. Meanwhile, Robin spotted Akumakaijin causing chaos at the lake, and he along with Kid Flash, Zuko, Raven, Jinx, and Katara headed out to conquer the demon. “Your reign of terror ends here, Akumakaijin!” Robin boomed. “You have caused enough destruction!” Kid Flash roared. “We will stop your wanton chaos and restore order!” Zuko bellowed. “You have messed with the wrong people!” Raven hollered. “You are going to have a taste of what our powers are like!” Jinx yelled. “And we are going to give it to you right now!” Katara cried out. Akumakaijin approached the six mages, bent down to their level, let out a huge and terrifying laugh, and blasted them with a fireball emerging from his hands. “You puny, insignificant fools think you can challenge me?! Do you think you have the strength to save your precious city?!” Robin, Kid Flash, Zuko, Raven, Jinx, and Katara arose slowly, as they still felt the pain inflicted from Akumakaijin’s fireball. “We’ll do what we can to defeat you and protect Miyanomora!” Zuko groaned as he got back up on his feet. “Even if it means sacrificing our lives to protect the people!” Katara added. “So, what are you waiting for, demon?” Robin demanded. “Let’s do this!” Robin, Kid Flash, Zuko, Raven, Jinx, and Katara exclaimed unanimously. Akumakaijin charged himself up again with full power, as flames and brimstone erupted from all parts of his body. Robin, Kid Flash, Zuko, Raven, Jinx, and Katara readied their bending stances and charged headfirst into the demon also charged up with their respective powers. Akumakaijin then slashed the three firebender princes and the three waterbender princesses in one fell swoop, thus making them crash to the ground with earth-shaking thuds. Just as Akumakaijin was about to overcome the six mages once again, something amazing happened. They sprang back into action once again to deliver some powerful attacks that did a huge number on Akumakaijin. Robin lept up the air and unleashed seven powerful jabs, hooks, and cross punches fueled by fire to Akumakaijin’s eyes. Kid Flash created a fiery whirlwind to disorient him. Zuko formed a flame-like spear to throw at his stomach. Raven, Jinx, and Katara raised their hands to recite the incantation “Aquarios Metrion Zinthos” and unleashed a tidal wave from their hands to extinguish Akumakaijin’s flames. To add further damage to the demon, Raven shot icicles from her hands to his eyes, Jinx flung ice blades from…

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