Voice Acting

Antoni Matteo Garcia Amateur Voice Demo 2013

Originally uploaded on my Facebook back on August 26, 2013 when I was a 21-year-old in actors’ training, this was my first venture on doing my very own voiceover demo. Despite the atrocious quality of my old laptop microphone, it was still a joy putting together voices I have done during my fledgling years auditioning for projects on Behind the Voice Actors. Enjoy my very first amateur voiceover demo and I hope to hear what you think of it.

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Antoni Garcia Voiceover Demo

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I present to you all my voiceover demo.   This is my labor of love and passion project rolled into one fun package and I would love to thank Lunick, T-Kun Unusual Wordsmith III, Jack Skyblue, and many other wonderful people for making me a part of their projects.   Happy listening and if you ever need a voice actor for any project, I am always available.

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