Stéphanie Müther’s burgeoning career as a dramatic soprano continuously jettisons with her embodiment of the impassioned Princess Isolde accompanied by a cast of formidable soloists. Please enjoy my review and let me know your opinions.
Tristan und Isolde
Tareq Nazmi jettisons from his character bass beginnings and tackles more leading man basso cantante/basso profondo roles. King Marke is one of his most recent endeavors. Please enjoy my review and let me know your opinions.
With a promising cast and a strong crew, let’s see how everything comes together in Graham Vick’s vision of Tristan und Isolde! Enjoy the review and let me know your opinions as well.
Ah, Siegfried Jerusalem and Waltraud Meier, pretty much the power Tristan and Isolde from the nineties and I am happy to have caught their magnificent performance on DVD. Enjoy this review and I would love to hear your opinions as well.
Boasting a versatile repertoire ranging from the comical roles of Papageno and Guglielmo to the more dramatic roles of Telramund and Beckmesser, let us now venture to see how Martin Gantner fared as Kurwenal. Enjoy my review and let me know your opinions as well.