
Forever Red: The Toonami-Era Red Inurangers Redone

Greetings and salutations, fellow aficionados of anime, Power Rangers, Super Sentai, and everything early 1990s to early 2000s, Antoni here. After much more reflection and revising the line-ups of various Inurangers teams, I present you with the revised Inurangers version of “Forever Red.” As always, there are eleven Red Inurangers in total as opposed to the real-life counterpart’s ten. This time Takeshi Sendo from Hajime no Ippo shall remain as the Inuranger version of Aurico the Red Alien Ranger, while Kurz Weber from Full Metal Panic shall remain as the Inuranger version of Alex Drake the Red Shadow Time Force Ranger. The rest of the Red Inurangers will remain the same. Thus, unlike the real-life “Forever Red”, which has an all-male team-up, the Inuranger version of “Forever Red” has nine male Red Inurangers Inuyasha, Takeshi, Alexander, Ryoma, Ichiro, Kiibo, Kurz, Baki, and Ippo and two female Red Inurangers Toran and Mika. Inuyasha is still the face and the driving force of the Inurangers much like Tommy Oliver is and, thus, leads his fellow Red Inurangers against the Demon Beast Empire consisting of Chokyukai, Suzaku, Genbu, Byakko, and Seiryu. Furthermore, Kimiaki Shirai and Masayuki Haitani from Love Hina, who are the Inurangers’ version of Bulk and Skull, give the phone to Inuyasha for him to assemble the rest of the Red Rangers. Despite Inuyasha being technically akin to Jason Lee Scott in terms of leadership, it is Toran who inherits Jason’s rougher edge and his iconic line of the team not being complete without her as Inuyasha’s replacement. She would even call Ippo the rookie of the team. Yes, Toran is the Red Zeo Inuranger just like Tommy is during his tenure in Power Rangers Zeo. However, she acts more like Jason in the sense that she is the lancer with an edge in this all-Red Ranger team-up. Much like how Jason jokes about Tommy kissing Kimberly in the juice bar, Toran also jokes about Inuyasha saying that he may have done all the work as the original Inuranger leader, but he was also kissing Ayame after their missions. Toran works greatly as a lancer to Inuyasha’s main hero/leader/mentor figure because of how well they can bounce off of each other as fellow Red Inurangers. Inuyasha’s experience as the main hero and leader and Toran’s edge as the lancer complement each other perfectly. With that said, you know what time it is. It’s Morphin’ Time! Shift into Turbo! Let’s Rocket! Go Galactic! Lightspeed Rescue! Time for Time Force! Quantum Power! Wild Access! Red Rangers unite! Forever Red: The Toonami-Era Red Inurangers Team-Up (2006) Inuyasha, the original Red Inuranger, has assembled his fellow Red Inurangers for a mission: to stop Chokyukai, Suzaku, Genbu, Byakko, and Seiryu from resurrecting Serpenterra. Ippo the Red Wild Force Inuranger and newcomer to the mission is overwhelmed by the presence of previous Red Inurangers who have also fought bravely to save the world, with some of them being leaders of their respective teams. There is going to be a lot of high-octane action and excitement when the eleven Toonami-Era Red Inurangers join forces and protect the world from the clutches of the Demon Beast Empire. Inuyasha from Inuyasha the 24-year-old Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger version of Tommy Oliver and Jason Lee Scott assuming Tommy’s leader role in Forever Red voiced by Richard Ian Cox Takeshi Sendo from Hajime no Ippo the 23-year-old Red Ronin Ranger version of Aurico voiced by Doug Erholtz Toran from Inuyasha the 24-year-old Zeo Ranger V Red version of Jason Lee Scott and Tommy Oliver assuming Jason’s lancer role in Forever Red voiced by Alison Matthews Alexander Volg Zangief from Hajime no Ippo the 23-year-old Red Lightning Turbo Ranger version of Theodore Jay “TJ” Jarvis Johnson voiced by Dave Wittenberg Mika Seido from Geneshaft the 22-year-old Red Space Ranger version of Andros voiced by Amanda Winn Lee Ryoma Sakamoto from Shura no Toki the 24-year-old Red Galaxy Ranger version of Leo Corbett voiced by Marc Diraison Ichiro Miyata from Hajime no Ippo the 22-year-old Red Lightspeed Rescue Ranger version of Carter Grayson voiced by Jason Palmer Kiichi “Kiibo” Miyazawa from Shootfighter Tekken the 23-year-old Red Time Force Ranger version of Wesley “Wes” Collins voiced by Michael Sinterniklaas Kurz Weber from Full Metal Panic the 24-year-old Red Shadow Time Force Ranger version of Alex Drake voiced by Vic Mignogna Baki Hanma from Baki the Grappler the 24-year-old Quantum Time Force Ranger version of Eric Myers voiced by Robert McCollum Ippo Makunouchi from Hajime no Ippo the 22-year-old Red Blazing Lion Ranger version of Cole Evans voiced by Steve Staley There you have it, ladies and gentlemen, the revised Red Inuranger style line-up of “Forever Red.” Tune in later for the revised Inuranger-style morphing sequence of “Forever Red” as well as its epilogue as two separate submissions. Take care, stay safe, and may the power protect you, everybody.

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The Updated Zordon-Era Toonami Inurangers Team-Ups

Greetings and salutations, fellow aficionados of anime, Power Rangers, Super Sentai, and everything early 1990s to early 2000s, Antoni here. As promised, I have updated the Toonami-era Inurangers team-ups starting with this version of the three-part episode “A Friend in Need” and ending with this version of “Countdown to Destruction.” This is also reflected in the recent update I have made, and I am more motivated to put these team-ups at the forefront. As always, certain characters in my Inurangers AU headcanon are composite characters and de-composite characters of select real-life counterparts in the shows mostly ranging from Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers to Power Rangers Turbo. This means that these team-ups will also follow the Super Sentai formula of having different characters per Inuranger team. As always, look out for a Mighty Morphin’ and Zeo team-up, the Zeo and Alien Ranger team-up that also happened in real life, a Zeo and Turbo team-up, and a Turbo and In Space team-up. With that said, let us not waste any more time with preliminaries. It’s Morphin’ Time! Shift into Turbo! Let’s Rocket! Mighty Morphin Inurangers Season 3: A Friend in Need Parts 1 to 3 (2000) The first team-up sees the main seven Mighty Morphin Inurangers consisting of Inuyasha, Shuran, Sesshoumaru, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran being assigned to the Milky Way, as it is under attack by the Inurangers universe’s version of Lord Dregon, Admiral Gunter Prozen and Hiltz. This is the team-up where they encounter Prince Rudolph Zeppelin III and help him fight against Prozen, Hiltz, and their cronies. Unlike the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 3 first set of three-part episodes where Kimberly gets the flu, Shunran does not get sick with the flu and joins her fellow Inurangers all while coming back to earth to do battle with the monster of the day. Furthermore, Prince Rudolph has a superhero alter-ego called the Cloaked Pilot, which is the Inurangers’ universe’s version of the Masked Rider. Inuyasha from Inuyasha the 18-year-old Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger version of Tommy Oliver and Jason Lee Scott voiced by Richard Ian Cox Shuran from Inuyasha the 18-year-old Green Dragonzord Ranger version of Tommy Oliver and Rocky DeSantos voiced by Scott Logie Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha the 19-year-old White Tigerzord Ranger version of Tommy Oliver and David Truehart voiced by David Kaye Hakkaku from Inuyasha the 17-year-old Black Mastodon Ranger version of Zack Taylor and Adam Park voiced by Alistair Abell Ginta from Inuyasha the 17-year-old Blue Triceratops Ranger version of Billy Cranston and Adam Park voiced by Paul Dobson Ayame from Inuyasha the 15-year-old Yellow Sabertoothed Tiger Ranger version of Trini Kwan, Tanya Sloan, and Aisha Campbell voiced by Natalie Walters Shunran from Inuyasha the 14-year-old Pink Pterodactyl Ranger version of Kimberly Ann Hart and Katherine Hillard voiced by Jocelyne Loewen Prince Rudolph Zeppelin III the 11-year-old Cloaked Pilot version of Prince Dex of Edenoi aka The Masked Rider voiced by Elinor Holt The Entirety of Mighty Ronin Inurangers (2001) This is the ten-episode Mighty Ronin Inurangers saga after Urasue and Naraku turn Inuyasha, Shuran, Sesshoumaru, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran into children. As the seven Yokai warriors with attitude cannot morph into their Inuranger suits, a new set of Inurangers come to fight evil in their stead. They are the Ronin Inurangers from the planet Mithril. Some select episodes also have the young Inuyasha maintain his leadership role as the Ronin Inurangers are fighting monsters and protecting civilians as well as giving his teammates assurance of their next journey. While the Ronin Inurangers of Mithril fight against Urasue’s and Naraku’s demons and monsters, the Mighty Morphin Inuranger Kids search for the Zeo Crystals as well as new friends to become a new set of Inurangers. Takeshi Sendo from Hajime no Ippo the 18-year-old Red Ronin Inuranger version of Aurico voiced by Doug Erholtz Inuyasha from Inuyasha the 9-year-old Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger Kid version of Tommy Oliver and Jason Lee Scott voiced by Richard Ian Cox Kaname Chidori from Full Metal Panic the 17-year-old Green Ronin Inuranger version of Dulcea voiced by Luci Christian Shuran from Inuyasha the 9-year-old Green Dragonzord Ranger Kid version of Tommy Oliver and Rocky DeSantos voiced by Alex House Teletha “Tessa” Testarossa from Full Metal Panic the 17-year-old White Ronin Inuranger version of Delphine voiced by Hilary Haag Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha the 10-year-old White Tigerzord Ranger Kid version of Tommy Oliver and David Trueheart voiced by Jason Marsden Mario Musicanova from Geneshaft the 19-year-old Black Ronin Inuranger version of Corcus voiced by Crispin Freeman Hakkaku from Inuyasha the 8-year-old Black Mastodon Ranger Kid version of Zack Taylor and Adam Park voiced by Jonathan Malen Atsunobu Hayashimizu from Full Metal Panic the 18-year-old Blue Ronin Inuranger version of Cestro voiced by Christopher Ayres Ginta from Inuyasha the 8-year-old Blue Triceratops Ranger Kid version of Billy Cranston and Adam Park voiced by Noah Reid Mizuki Inaba from Full Metal Panic the 16-year-old Yellow Ronin Inuranger version of Tideus voiced by Mandy Clark Ayame from Inuyasha the 6-year-old Yellow Sabertoothed Tiger Ranger Kid version of Trini Kwan, Tanya Sloan, and Aisha Campbell voiced by Natalie Walters Remmy Levy-Strauss from Geneshaft the 15-year-old Pink Ronin Inuranger version of Cestria voiced by Brianne Siddall Shunran from Inuyasha the 5-year-old Pink Pterodactyl Ranger Kid version of Kimberly Ann Hart and Katherine Hillard voiced by Jocelyne Loewen Inurangers Zeo: The Mighty Morphin Inurangers and Inurangers Zeo Team-Up (2001) As I have already established in my Inurangers AU headcanon, every Inuranger season shall have different characters for the different ranger roles. Unlike Zeo, where the Mighty Morphin cast plus Tanya Sloan continue being involved, the Mighty Morphin Inurangers and Zeo Inurangers are completely different people. This gets to the point where the Mighty Morphin Inuranger Kids and the Inuranger Zeo Kids turn back into teenagers and young adults, thanks to using the regenerator powered by the Mighty Morphin Inurangers’ power coins and Zeo Crystals. After that, they have their first and only team-up against their new enemies, the…

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The Toonami-Era Inurangers Teams: The Ultra Update

Greetings and salutations, fellow aficionados of anime, Power Rangers, Super Sentai, and everything early 1990s to early 2000s, Antoni here. With the Halloween season fast approaching and with some updates to my anime martial arts teams AU headcanon being the ones I am most satisfied with, I turn my attention to another anime multiverse AU headcanon that has been close to my heart, mind, and soul: the Inurangers AU headcanon universe. This is the case of the fictional counterpart to the real-life original Saban era of the Power Rangers franchise, which is the Inurangers’ Toonami era. Since I love Power Rangers unconditionally, it is time to give the original Toonami teams a good makeover. Granted, the original Mighty Morphin’ Inurangers will still be the same as they have always been. However, there will be slighter changes for the other teams, as I was not satisfied with the updated version I did over seven months ago. The same protocol applies to how the teams are arranged. There shall be seven members per Inuranger team and will be strictly arranged according to the following schemes: the five-male-member/two-female-member scheme and the three-male-member/four-female-member scheme. As always, each team lineup shall have seven main members: the Red Ranger, the Sixth Ranger, the Seventh Ranger, the Black/Blue Ranger, the Blue/Green Ranger, the Yellow Ranger, and the Pink Ranger. All three seasons of Mighty Morphin Inurangers, Inurangers Turbo, and Inurangers Time Force shall have five male members and two female members. Meanwhile, Mighty Ronin Inurangers, Inurangers Zeo, Inurangers in Space, Inurangers Lost Galaxy, Inurangers Lightspeed Rescue, and Inurangers Wild Force shall have three male members and four female members. All three seasons of Mighty Morphin Inurangers will have the same cast members all the way through, as there are also composite characters, while the subsequent Inurangers seasons will have different characters just like the real-life Super Sentai counterparts. With that said, let us get acquainted with the new, improved, and way clearer version of the Toonami-Era Inuranger teams’ lineups. It’s Morphin’ Time! Shift into Turbo! Let’s rocket! Go galactic! Lightspeed Rescue! Time for Time Force! Quantum Power! Wild Access! Mighty Morphin Inurangers Seasons 1 to 3 and Mighty Morphin Inurangers the Movie (2000) Inuyasha from Inuyasha the 18-year-old Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger version of Tommy Oliver and Jason Lee Scott voiced by Richard Ian Cox Shuran from Inuyasha the 18-year-old Green Dragonzord Ranger version of Tommy Oliver and Rocky DeSantos voiced by Scott Logie Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha the 19-year-old White Tigerzord Ranger version of Tommy Oliver and David Trueheart voiced by David Kaye Hakkaku from Inuyasha the 17-year-old Black Mastodon Ranger version of Zack Taylor and Adam Park voiced by Alistair Abell Ginta from Inuyasha the 17-year-old Blue Triceratops Ranger version of Billy Cranston and Adam Park voiced by Paul Dobson Ayame from Inuyasha the 15-year-old Yellow Sabertoothed Tiger Ranger version of Trini Kwan, Tanya Sloan, and Aisha Campbell voiced by Natalie Walters Shunran from Inuyasha the 14-year-old Pink Pterodactyl Ranger version of Kimberly Ann Hart and Katherine Hillard voiced by Jocelyne Loewen Mighty Ronin Inurangers (2001) Takeshi Sendo from Hajime no Ippo the 18-year-old Red Ronin Inuranger version of Aurico voiced by Doug Erholtz Kaname Chidori from Full Metal Panic the 17-year-old Green Ronin Inuranger version of Dulcea voiced by Luci Christian Teletha “Tessa” Testarossa from Full Metal Panic the 17-year-old White Ronin Inuranger version of Delphine voiced by Hilary Haag Mario Musicanova from Geneshaft the 19-year-old Black Ronin Inuranger version of Corcus voiced by Crispin Freeman Atsunobu Hayashimizu from Full Metal Panic the 18-year-old Blue Ronin Inuranger version of Cestro voiced by Christopher Ayres Mizuki Inaba from Full Metal Panic the 16-year-old Yellow Ronin Inuranger version of Tideus voiced by Mandy Clark Remmy Levy-Strauss from Geneshaft the 15-year-old Pink Ronin Inuranger version of Cestria voiced by Brianne Siddall Inurangers Zeo (2001) Toran from Inuyasha the 19-year-old Zeo Ranger V Red version of Tommy Oliver voiced by Alison Matthews Tsume from Wolf’s Rain the 20-year-old Platinum Gold Ranger version of Trey of Triforia and Jason Lee Scott voiced by Crispin Freeman Kuranosuke Takeda from Inuyasha the 21-year-old Titanium Gold Ranger version of Trey of Triforia and David Trueheart voiced by Ted Cole Ryuichi Hayami from Hajime no Ippo the 18-year-old Zeo Ranger III Blue version of Rocky DeSantos voiced by Nathan Smythe Enju from Inuyasha the 16-year-old Zeo Ranger IV Green version of Adam Park voiced by Rebecca Shoichet Sakurako Yukihira from Detective School Q the 15-year-old Zeo Ranger II Yellow version of Tanya Sloan voiced by Hunter McKenzie Austin Megumi Minami from Detective School Q the 12-year-old Zeo Ranger I Pink version of Katherine Hillard voiced by Hilary Haag Turbo: An Inurangers Movie and Inurangers Turbo (2002) Alexander Volg Zangief from Hajime no Ippo the 19-year-old Red Lightning Turbo Ranger version of Tommy Oliver and Theodore Jay “TJ” Jarvis Johnson voiced by Dave Wittenberg Mamoru Takamura from Hajime no Ippo the 22-year-old Azure Centurion Turbo Ranger version of the Blue Senturion voiced by Eddie Frierson Yoshiki Takaishi from Shootfighter Tekken the 22-year-old Black Phantom Turbo Ranger version of the Phantom Ranger voiced by Marc Diraison Kazuma Narusawa from Detective School Q the 11-year-old Blue Mountain Blaster Turbo Ranger version of Justin Stewart voiced by Jessica D. Stone Hiroto Amagiwa from Geneshaft the 17-year-old Green Desert Thunder Turbo Ranger version of Adam Park and Carlos Vallerte voiced by Dominic Armato Kuniko Touya from Detective School Q the 14-year-old Yellow Dune Star Turbo Ranger version of Tanya Sloan and Ashley Hammond voiced by Mela Lee Maya Orihara from Ultra Maniac the 13-year-old Pink Wind Chaser Turbo Ranger version of Katherine Hillard and Cassie Chan voiced by Philece Sampler Inurangers in Space (2002) Mika Seido from Geneshaft the 18-year-old Red Space Ranger version of Andros voiced by Amanda Winn Lee Kisuke from Inuyasha the 21-year-old Emerald Space Ranger version of Adam Park voiced by Colin Murdock Mitsuhide Kuroda from Shootfighter Tekken the 21-year-old Silver Space Ranger version of Zhane voiced by Tom Wayland Masaru Aoki from Hajime no Ippo…

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The Toonami Era’s Inurangers Teams

Greetings and salutations, fellow aficionados of anime, Power Rangers, Super Sentai, and everything early 1990s to early 2000s, Antoni here. I hope you have a bowl of cereal, a nice plate of bacon and eggs, and a glass of orange juice ready with you because this would make you feel a whole more nostalgic once again, given the title. This hopefully marks the final time I am going to make a list of the seven main Inurangers cast from what I would like to call the Toonami Era of 2000 until 2009 as a counterpoint to the real-life Saban Era of Power Rangers from 1993 to 2002. I have even included the two movies that were released during the Saban Era, Inuranger-style, i.e. Mighty Morphin Inurangers the Movie and Turbo: An Inurangers Movie.   I did a lot of thinking, rethinking, and re-assessing, and I realised that, despite all the changes I made so far, I was still not satisfied with my prior list because there were some characters I believe deserved to be part of the Inurangers franchise as well as more love. Furthermore, there were some characters that would have made more sense than others in terms of the roles I assigned for them. This also means that there will be cast changes per Inuranger season akin to what is done in the Super Sentai shows, thus having all three seasons of Mighty Morphin Inurangers maintain the same seven members, instead of what occurred in real life when the OG Red, Yellow, and Black Rangers portrayed by Austin St John, Thuy Trang, and Walter Emanuel Jones hanging their mantles and passing their roles on to Steve Cardenas, Karan Ashley, and Johnny Yong Bosch, and having Inurangers Zeo with a completely different cast. This is essentially passing down the torch to each new Inuranger group as well as season.   With that said, let us get this show on the row. It’s Morphin’ Time! Shift into Turbo! Let’s rocket! Go galactic! Lightspeed Rescue! Time for Time Force! Wild access!   Mighty Morphin Inurangers Seasons 1 to 3 (2000–2003) Inuyasha from Inuyasha the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger version of Jason Lee Scott voiced by Richard Ian Cox Shuran from Inuyasha the Green Dragonzord Ranger version of Tom Oliver voiced by Scott Logie Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha the White Tigerzord Ranger version of Tommy Oliver voiced by David Kaye Hakkaku from Inuyasha the Black Mastodon Ranger version of Zack Taylor voiced by Alistair Abell Ginta from Inuyasha the Blue Triceratops Ranger version of Billy Cranston voiced by Paul Dobson Ayame from Inuyasha the Yellow Sabre-Toothed Ranger version of Trini Kwan voiced by Natalie Walters Shunran from Inuyasha the Pink Pterodactyl Ranger version of Kimberly Ann Hart voiced by Jocelyne Loewen   Mighty Morphin Inurangers the Movie (2001) Inuyasha from Inuyasha the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger version of Jason Lee Scott voiced by Richard Ian Cox Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha the White Tigerzord Ranger version of Tommy Oliver voiced by David Kaye Shuran from Inuyasha the Green Dragonzord Ranger version of Tom Oliver voiced by Scott Logie Ayame from Inuyasha the Yellow Sabre-Toothed Ranger version of Trini Kwan voiced by Natalie Walters Hakkaku from Inuyasha the Black Mastodon Ranger version of Zack Taylor voiced by Alistair Abell Ginta from Inuyasha the Blue Triceratops Ranger version of Billy Cranston voiced by Paul Dobson Shunran from Inuyasha the Pink Pterodactyl Ranger version of Kimberly Ann Hart voiced by Jocelyne Loewen   Mighty Morphin Makai Rangers (2003) Yusuke Urameshi from YuYu Hakusho the Red Makai Ranger version of Aurico voiced by Justin Cook Botan from YuYu Hakusho the White Makai Ranger version of Delphine voiced by Cynthia Cranz Kazuma Kuwabara from YuYu Hakusho the Yellow Makai Ranger version of Tideus voiced by Christopher R. Sabat Kurama from YuYu Hakusho the Blue Makai Ranger version of Cestro voiced by John Burgmeier Hiei from YuYu Hakusho the Black Makai Ranger version of Corcus voiced by Chuck Huber Keiko Yukimura from YuYu Hakusho the Green Makai Ranger version of Cestro voiced by Laura Bailey Yukina from YuYu Hakusho the Pink Makai Ranger version of Corcus voiced by Jessica Dismuke   Inurangers Zeo (2003) Toran from Inuyasha the Zeo Ranger V Red version of Tommy Oliver voiced by Alison Matthews Ichise from Texhnolyze the Zeo Ranger VI Black Gold version of Jason Lee Scott voiced by Justin Gross Kiba from Wolf’s Rain the Zeo Ranger VII White Gold version of Jason Lee Scott voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch Ayumi from Inuyasha the Zeo Ranger III version of Rocky deSantos voiced by Cathy Weseluck Karan from Inuyasha the Zeo Ranger IV Green version of Adam Park voiced by Maggie Blue O’Hara Ran from Texhnolyze the Zeo Ranger II Yellow version of Tanya Sloan voiced by Carrie Savage Cheza from Wolf’s Rain the Zeo Ranger I Pink version of Katherine Hillard voiced by Sherry Lynn   Turbo: An Inurangers Movie (2004) Toran from Inuyasha the Red Turbo Ranger version of Tommy Oliver voiced by Alison Matthews Kuranosuke Takeda from Inuyasha the White Turbo Ranger version of the Phantom Ranger voiced by Ted Cole Shinosuke from Inuyasha the White Turbo Ranger version of the Blue Senturion voiced by Trevor Devall Kiba from Wolf’s Rain the Green Turbo Ranger version of Adam Park voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch Myu from Wolf’s Rain the Yellow Turbo Ranger version of Tanya Sloan voiced by Julie Maddalena Cheza from Wolf’s Rain the Pink Turbo Ranger version of Katherine Hillard voiced by Sherry Lyn Kazuma Narusawa from Detective School Q the Blue Turbo Ranger version of Justin Stewart voiced by Jessica D. Stone   Inurangers Turbo (2004) Ippo Makunouchi the Red Turbo Ranger version of Tommy Oliver and TJ Johnson voiced by Steve Staley Mamoru Takamura from Hajime no Ippo the White Turbo Ranger version of the Phantom Ranger voiced by Eddie Frierson Masaru Aoki from Hajime no Ippo the White Turbo Ranger version of the Blue Senturion voiced by Stephen Apostolina Kiba from Wolf’s Rain the Green Turbo Ranger version…

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