Among the Red Power Rangers in Forever Red, which is the Power Rangers Wild Force where Red Rangers from previous seasons gather to defeat a greater evil in the form of Serpenterra, who do you think Inuyasha would call as his big brother and best friend forever? A. Jason Lee Scott (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) B. Aurico (Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers) C. Tommy Oliver (Power Rangers Zeo) D. Theodore Jay “TJ” Jarvis Johnson (Power Rangers Turbo) E. Andros (Power Rangers in Space) F. Leo Corbett (Power Rangers Lost Galaxy) G. Carter Grayson (Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue) H. Wesley “Wes” Collins (Power Rangers Time Force) I. Eric Myers (Power Rangers Time Force) J. Cole Evans (Power Rangers Wild Force)
Which hand-to-hand martial art do you think Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha would spar in from boyhood to adulthood? A. Jujitsu B. Judo C. Karate D. Taekwondo
Which three platonic pairings involving Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran do you love? A. Sesshoumaru and Shuran: The Emperors of Mightily Powerful Leverage B. Inuyasha, Hakkaku, and Ginta: The Kings of Bloodily Deadly Blows C. Ayame and Shunran: The Auburn-Haired Queens of Rapidly Lethal Strikes
What is your favourite Splendid Seven platonic pairing focused on Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran? A. Ayame and Shunran: Auburn-Haired Sisters for Life B. Hakkaku and Ginta: Lovably Funny Wolf Brothers C. Sesshoumaru and Shuran: Formidably Fierce Brothers D. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha: Potently Powerful Dog Yokai Brothers E. Sesshoumaru, Shuran, and Inuyasha: Brutally Strong Bro Trio F. Shuran, Hakkaku, and Ginta: Flexibly Dynamic Bro Trio G. Inuyasha, Hakkaku, and Ginta: Fearless Knockout Bro Trio
Which description best illustrates Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran as martial artists? A. Ferociously Lethal B. Incredibly Fast C. Powerfully Strong D. All of the above
Which Splendid Seven member could give you the best pieces of martial arts advice in punching, kicking, and grappling? A. Sesshoumaru B. Shuran C. Inuyasha D. Hakkaku E. Ginta F. Ayame G. Shunran H. All seven of them!
Which fighting game mentor would be appropriate for Shunran to train with on a ritualistic basis? A. Elena (Street Fighter) B. Ibuki (Street Fighter) C. Karin Kanzuki (Street Fighter) D. Anna Williams (Tekken) E. Michelle Chang (Tekken) F. Athena Asamiya (King of Fighters) G. Li Xiangfei (King of Fighters)
Which fighting game mentor would be appropriate for Ayame to train with on a ritualistic basis? A. Chun-Li (Street Fighter) B. Cammy White (Street Fighter) C. Sakura Kasugano (Street Fighter) D. Nina Williams (Tekken) E. Jun Kazama (Tekken) F. Mary “Blue Mary” Ryan (King of Fighters) G. Mai Shiranui (King of Fighters)
Which fighting game mentor would be appropriate for Ginta to train with on a ritualistic basis? A. Adon (Street Fighter) B. Dee Jay (Street Fighter) C. Fei Long (Street Fighter) D. Vega (Street Fighter) E. Cody Travers (Street Fighter) F. Lei Wulong (Tekken) G. Kim Kaphwan (King of Fighters)
Which fighting game mentor would be appropriate for Hakkaku to train with on a ritualistic basis? A. Sagat (Street Fighter) B. Dhalsim (Street Fighter) C. Dan Hibiki (Street Fighter) D. Balrog (Street Fighter) E. Guy (Street Fighter) F. Bruce Irvin (Tekken) G. Joe Higashi (King of Fighters)