Silent Night

Silent Night with Elena, Michael and Me

So here’s the audio version of a very beloved holiday song by Elena, Michael and I at Rathaus Schöneberg. The reason why it is audio only is because, the way it was filmed was not that good. The cellphone camera was upside down the whole time and it didn’t look nice, so I settled with audio only. Enjoy!

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Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht A Capella

I would love to wish all of you a blessed, merry, and prosperous holidays with an a capella rendition of a well-known Christmas Carol. Wie wir auf deutsch sagen, ich wünsche euch allen eine gesegnete, fröhliche und nachhaltige Weihnacht mit einer A Capella Fassung eines berühmtes Weihnachtsliedes. Viel Spaß beim Zuhören. I would also like to thank my auntie, Melinda Garcia, for filming this. It was such a pleasure seeing you and all of my beloved paternal relatives after so many years.

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