This piece of Brickercup fanart, which is part of the amazing Paula’s aka BrickercupMasterX3’s Claim a PPG Pairing Month, is dedicated to Miki Fubiki aka Mikireikai, Stefanie Quah aka li-jean, and Yona aka Yona-Hime who celebrated their birthdays last week. So, Miki, Stefanie, Yona, I hope you lovely ladies had wonderful, marvelous, elegant, and fine birthdays. I wish you a lot of joy, love, and happiness in everything you do as people and as artists. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the exceptional Brickercup shippers out there. I hope you all enjoy this. Ah, Brickercup. I am going to sing my OTP’s praises until my dying day and that’s a fact. So, here are Brick and Buttercup being the strong, well-built, tough fighters that they are and you better believe me, when I say that these two are ready to kick some serious butt. I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you in the next submission. Brick and Buttercup from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.
DALILA Mon coeur s’ouvre à ta voix comme s’ouvrent les fleurs Aux baisers de l’aurore! Mais, ô mon bien-aimé, pour mieux sécher mes pleurs, Que ta voix parle encore! Dis-moi qu’à Dalila tu reviens pour jamais! Redis à ma tendresse Les serments d’autrefois, ces serments que j’aimais! Ah! réponds à ma tendresse, Verse-moi, verse-moi l’ivresse! Réponds à ma tendresse. Ah! verse-moi, verse-moi l’ivresse! SAMSON Dalila! Dalila! je t’aime! DALILA Ainsi qu’on voit des blés les épis onduler Sous la brise légère, Ainsi frémit mon cour, prêt à se consoler, A ta voix qui m’est chère! La flèche est moins rapide à porter le trépas Que ne l’est ton amante à voler dans tes bras! Ah! réponds à ma tendresse! Verse-moi, verse-moi l’ivresse! SAMSON Par mes baisers je veux sécher tes larmes, Et de ton coeur éloigner les alarmes! Dalila! Dalila! je t’aime!” -Mon Coeur S’Ouvre A Ta Voix from Camille Sain Säens’ Samson et Dalila, Libretto by Ferdinand Lemaire, First performance on December 2, 1877 at the Ducal Theater, Weimar, Germany. English Translation: “DELILAH My heart opens to your voice Like the flowers open To the kisses of the dawn! But, oh my beloved, To better dry my tears, Let your voice speak again! Tell me that you are returning To Delilah forever! Repeat to my tenderness The promises of old times, Those promises that I loved! Ah! respond to my tenderness! Fill me with ecstasy! SAMSON Dalila! Dalila! I love you! DELILAH Like one sees the blades Of wheat that wave In the light wind, So trembles my heart, Ready to be consoled, By your voice that is so dear to me! The arrow is less rapid In bringing death, Than your love is By flying into your arms! Ah! respond to my tenderness! Fill me with ecstasy! SAMSON By my kisses, I want to dry your tears And your heart away alarms. Dalila! Dalila! I love you!” This piece of Brickercup fanart is dedicated to my most beloved friend, my soul sister in shipping Brick and Buttercup as a hot, spicy, and sexy couple, and a wonderful DeviantArtist the one and only Miss Paula aka BrickercupMasterX3, who celebrated her birthday yesterday. So, Paula, I wish you a most pleasant, wonderful, exceptional, elegant, and magnificent birthday and I also wish you prosperity, love, and joy in everything you do as an artist and as a person. Comme on dit en francais, je te souhaite une anniversaire plaisante, merveilleuse, exceptionelle, elegante et magnifique et je te souhaite aussi prosperité, amour et joie dans tous tu fais comme une artiste et une personne. Moreover, I would also love to dedicate this to all of the magnificent Brickercup shippers. Prenez plaisir mes amis. Here we have 26-year-old Brick and his 25-year-old wife Buttercup as the legendary biblical couple Samson and Delilah. I personally think they fit their roles really well, as Samson was the leader of the Nazarites famous for his prodigious strength and Delilah was a Philistine woman known for her beauty, cunning, and seductiveness. Brick indubitably is a nice fit for Samson, what with his long hair and superhuman strength, and Buttercup dons Delilah’s attitude rather well with her overall beauty though in real life she is far from being über feminine. Still, these two look exceptionally gorgeous together and I was totally and utterly inspired by the Metropolitan Opera House’s promo picture of Elina Garanca as Dalila and Roberto Alagna as Samson, as Saint Säens’ “Samson et Dalila” will be part of the Met Live in HD’s broadcast lineup this coming October 20 and I am very excited to watch it. So, here’s the picture of my inspiration to try to get this down to a T. Dalila’s signature aria “Mon Coeur S’Ouvre a ta Voix” always had a special place in my heart, as my first exposure to this was listening to Christa Ludwig’s and James King’s voices as Dalila and Samson and I immediately fell in love with this aria. The sinuous melody along with any skilled mezzo and tenor who can pull this off certainly makes any listening experience exciting. Moreover, I watched a taped performance live from the San Francisco Opera House with my late maternal grandmother starring Placido Domingo and Shirley Verrett as Samson and Delilah. So, Paula and to all of my dear viewers, I present to you five renditions of this aria from five of my favorite Delilahs Rise Stevens, Christa Ludwig, Shirley Verrett, Olga Borodina, and Elina Garanca and five of my favorite Samsons Mario del Monaco, James King, Placido Domingo, José Cura, and Roberto Alagna. So, I hope you enjoy listening to these five selections as much as you enjoy soaking up that Brickercup goodness. I also kind of imagine Buttercup’s singing voice being that of a mezzo-soprano to Brick’s dramatic tenor so I am pretty sure you can imagine these two singing this aria. Rise Stevens and Mario del Monaco Christa Ludwig and James King Shirley Verrett and Placido Domingo Olga Borodina and José Cura Elina Garanca and Roberto Alagna So, Paula and my dearest friends, I hope you all enjoyed this piece of Brickercup fanart as well as the five renditions of “Mon Coeur S’Ouvre a ta Voix” from Saint Säens’ Samson et Dalila. A tout a l’heure mes amis. Buttercup and Brick from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.
This marks my final Blossutch Month submission, as headed by the wonderful Paula aka BrickercupMasterX3. I’m going out with a bang on this one, as we are taking a look at more Blossutch children. Here we have 26-year-old Butch and his 25-year-old wife Blossom and their eight children 5-going-on-6-year-old eldest daughter Azalea Bernadette Green, 3-year-old fraternal twin sons Brendan James Green and Blake Francis Green, 2-year-old twins Bradley Oliver Green and Belle Marguerite Green, 1-year-old sororal twins Brenda Katelyn Green and Belinda Kiara Green, and 7-month-old Abigail Barbara Green. We knew how Brendan, Blake, and Belle came to be, so let’s get to know how these children came to this world and who they are. Azalea Bernadette Green was born on December 20, 2012, when Butch and Blossom in their second year of college. After Butch bore three children with Bubbles and Boomer bore three daughters with Blossom a year ago years ago, the two couples decided to reunite. That was when Azalea was born and it was said she was a placid baby when she emerged. Moreover, she showed her first signs of bearing cryokinesis when she was fed mashed pumpkins and carrots, as she blew on the spoon and it turned to ice. As Azalea or Azi grew, her motor and verbal skills developed at such an impeccable rate, as evidenced when she learned how to read scientific books, novels, magazines, and newspaper articles when she was a year old and when she effortlessly carried her parents to her room. Even more astounding was her ability to make an ice version of her parents’ signature laser eye beams, in which Azi is able to use her ice eye beams to freeze any heat-powered attack, thus neutralizing its effect as well as creating two versions of Butch’s energy-absorbing force field, one being the normal one but in the color of pink and the other version being made of ice to absorb any heat-powered attack. Through all of the books she read, thanks to Blossom being such a great influence on Azi, she grew up to be a highly intelligent young girl who bears her mother’s intellect, astounding use of tact, wide vocabulary, and willingness to do the right thing. Aside from her smarts, she also bears her father’s willingness to fight thanks to all of the sparring matches and racing she does with Butch. As the eldest sister, she does her best to be a good role model to all of her younger siblings, though there are times she is prone to bossiness and thinking that her way is always right. In spite of all that, she still means well and is a fine balance of brain and brawn and is extremely close to her mother. Bradley Oliver Green, much like his twin sister Belle, was born on July 26, 2016. He and Belle are like two peas in a pod, as they are both highly intelligent yet also a bit on the wild side. The only difference being that Bradley shows that wild, energetic nature in spades like when he twitches with excitement in the face of battle, while Belle is more reserved and tame, as well as having only green eyes while Belle has heterochromia. Bradley looks up to Azalea, Brendan, and Blake to the point of even endorsing them as the best big siblings he and Belle ever had. Being the best of both worlds like his parents in terms of his powers, he can create an icicle-spiked force field to fend off enemies and protect himself from any attacks, as opposed to the igloo version Belle can make. Moreover, even though he has his mother’s signature ice breath, he can intensify that said power to make his signature Blizzard Breath, which he can use to incapacitate his foes not only freezing them but also effortlessly blowing them away. In spite of his occasional wild ways, he like his twin sister Belle still manages to be the pacifist of the siblings, especially when Azalea starts to get too big for her boots or when Brendan and Blake get into arguments. Brenda Katelyn Green and Belinda Kiara Green were born on February 2, 2017. It was said that Brenda was a placid baby, while Belinda was a bit on the loud side. Even though Brenda loves anything that is feminine like playing with dolls, being in frilly dresses, and liking anything that she perceives as dainty, Belinda is a little bit more tomboyish and prefers physical activities like using her giant teddy bear as her most favorite sparring partner, thus making Brenda a mommy’s girl and Belinda a daddy’s girl. Moreover, both Brenda and Belinda have impeccable vocabulary even though they are all but a year old. Power-wise, both Brenda and Belinda prove themselves to be strong fighters showing a lot of endurance as well as showing tactfulness in battle evidenced when both girls were playing with their dolls and making them fight each other. Brenda bears the ability to create sleet and slush from her hands thus immobilizing her foes and Belinda can create a durable energy-absorbing force field to protect her from any attack. One attack these girls have in common is their signature Slush Attack, in which Brenda and Belinda create punches and kicks that brings out a gale of slush, sleet, and snow. In spite of their differences, Brenda and Belinda get along really well, even though they get themselves into arguments, but they are easily resolved. Abigail Barbara Green was born on February 20, 2018, as she is the newest member of Butch’s and Blossom’s family. Even though she is all but seven months old, she has shown to bear the power of flight, especially evidenced one night when she was in her crib, as she floated in her sleep. She is a rather fun-loving, rambunctious baby who bears two qualities. The first one is her rough-and-tumble personality in which she has a tendency to twitch…
“Nights in white satin, never reaching the end, Letters I’ve written, never meaning to send. Beauty I’d always missed with these eyes before. Just what the truth is, I can’t say anymore. Cause I love you, yes I love you, oh how I love you. Gazing at people, some hand in hand, Just what I’m going through they can’t understand. Some try to tell me, thoughts they cannot defend, Just what you want to be, you will be in the end. And I love you, yes I love you, Oh, how I love you, oh how I love you. Nights in white satin, never reaching the end, Letters I’ve written, never meaning to send. Beauty I’ve always missed, with these eyes before. Just what the truth is, I can’t say anymore. Cause I love you, yes I love you, Oh how I love you, oh how I love you. Cause I love you, yes I love you, Oh how I love you, oh how I love you.” -Nights in White Satin, The Moody Blues, Composed and Written by Justin Hayward, Recorded on October 8, 1967, Released on November 10, 1967 This piece of Blossutch fanart, which is part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Blossutch Month, is dedicated to Gene aka G3N3 and Sam Brigandi aka sbrigs who are celebrating their birthdays today. So, Gene, Sam, I wish you lovely ladies a most blessed, magnificent, exceptional, and happy birthday and I wish you a lot of prosperity and joy in your lives as artists and people. Como se dice en español, os deseo un cumpleaños muy bendito, magnifico, excepcional y feliz y os deseo mucha prosperidad y alegría en tus vidas como artistas y personas. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the Blossutch shippers out there. So, sit back, relax, enjoy, and bask in that Blossutch goodness and sexiness. Here we have Butch and his darling wife Blossom having a very nice, intimate evening with each other. After a long day of saving Townsville and the world from evil and destruction, it should say something when this Beastly Brawn and Brainy Beauty Couple have a nice, quiet moment with each other under the stars. “Nights in White Satin” originally sung by the 1960’s English rock band The Moody Blues kind of has a special place in my heart as this riveting ballad managed to stir me with its lyrics. Funnily enough, I first heard this back as a 20-year-old as Notte Di Luce sung by the tenor Noah Stewart on a flight going from Cebu, the Philippines to Berlin, Germany. I never knew the original source material until I heard a couple of singers sing this ballad. So, for your listening pleasure, I present to you three of my favorite interpreters of “Nights in White Satin” namely The Moody Blues, the late great Wagnerian tenor and crossover singer Peter Hofmann, and the absolutely fine Noah Stewart singing this in Italian. I hope you enjoy listening to these installments, as you picture Butch and Blossom making sweet love to each other. The Moody Blues – Nights in White Satin Peter Hofmann – Nights in White Satin Noah Stewart – Notte Di Luce Well, I hope you all enjoyed this. Thanks for taking the time to take a gander at this piece of Blossutch fanart as well as to listen to the three different versions of “Nights in White Satin”. See you in the next submission. Butch and Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.
This piece of Blossutch fanart, which is part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Blossutch month, is dedicated to Raya aka Vampirewitch2K, Clow aka Cl0wrii, and Ryan Devlin aka OnyxEngie who celebrated their birthdays a couple of days ago. So, Raya, Clow, Ryan, I hope you guys had an amazing, magnificent, and awesome birthday. I wish you a lot of love, joy, and fortune in everything you do as artists and as people. Como se dice en español, yo espero que hayaís tenido un cumpleaños maravilloso, magnifico y grande. Os deseo mucho amor, felicidad y prosperidad en tus vidas como artistas y como personas. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the amazing Blossutch shippers. So, sit back, relax, enjoy, and soak in that sexy, gorgeous Blossutch goodness. Here we have one of my most beloved RRB/PPG OTPs of all time. The Watermelon Couple. The Beastly Brawn and Brainy Beauty Couple. Townsville’s Sexiest Couple, in my opinion. The very couple that makes my heart swell every time I see fanart of them. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you all Butch/Blossom or Blossutch, the couple I believe to be Townsville’s most sexy brawn and brain pair. We have 26-year-old Butch being that type of gentleman who takes such pride on his muscles and, therefore, keeps them well-toned for his darling 25-year-old wife Blossom by lifting weights. Of course, Blossom always finds Butch charming in his own unorthodox yet entertaining way. So, Butch, Blossom, do you guys have anything to say to our celebrants. Butch and Blossom: Sure, we do. Butch: Raya, Clow, Ryan, we wish you all the best in your lives as artists. Blossom: You are all an integral part of DeviantArt and your artworks are wonderful in your own special ways. Butch: Keep fit and well! Blossom: And stay awesome! Thanks so much. And I will see you all in the next submission. Take care. Butch and Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.
(Butch and Blossom along with their eight comrades in battle enter the palace podium. They are drenched in the blood of their enemies and they have fierce looks in their eyes. Butch growls like a lion, as he glares at the spectators. He raises his powerful arms and flexes his biceps.) Butch: GRRRRRRRR!!!!!! (After that he does the most muscular pose, thus flexing his triceps, biceps, pectoral muscles, and deltoids.) Butch: GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! (Finally, he stands erect and beats his chest emitting a most powerful, earth-shattering roar.) Butch (beating his chests): ROOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAARRRRRR!!!!!! (His four closest male comrades, consisting of a man with long dark orange hair donning red, a man with slightly long dark brown hair donning a black cape, black gauntlets, and black short shorts, a man with slightly long blonde hair donning cobalt blue, and a man with short light brown hair donning gray and all four of them well-built, tall, bare-chested, muscular of the same age as him being 26 years old, and wearing the same attire as Butch, are shouting in triumph raising their blood-stained fists in the air.) The Four Male Comrades: AHOO! AHOO! AHOO! AHOO! Butch: Silence, my brothers. My wife and queen is also the victor of our battle. Show her ye appreciation too. Blossom: I thank thee, my husband and king. (Blossom also approaches the podium. She snarls like a lioness, as she glares at the audience. They are trembling at her presence. She raises her right blood-stained fist in the air, as she emits out a victory cry.) Blossom: HAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!! (The crowd cheers for Blossom, as she lets out another victory cry, this time raising her left hand, also stained with blood.) Blossom: HAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!! (The crowd’s cheering increases in volume. Blossom then raises both of her arms and emits her most powerful victory cry all while raising her fists to the heavens.) Blossom: RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! (Her four closest female comrades, consisting of a jet black-haired woman whose hair shorter than Blossom’s donning lime green, a dark brown-haired woman donning light purple, a blonde-haired woman donning baby blue, and a slightly light brown-haired woman donning red-orange, all four of them bearing sleek physiques, being 25 years old for the black-haired and dark brown-haired female comrades and 24 years old for the blonde-haired and light brown-haired female comrades, are gorgeous, and wear the similar attire as Blossom’s, are also shouting in triumph while raising their blood-stained fists in the air.) The Four Female Comrades: AHOO! AHOO! AHOO! AHOO! (All eight of them join in the chant, as the volume increases.) Butch and Blossom: WE ARE VICTORIOUS!!!! (The comrades cheer, as Butch and Blossom kiss each other passionately. After that kiss, they turn their attention to the audience.) Butch: My wife, my comrades, and I have won against the invaders who dare to plunder our land and make it bow to their corrupt ways! Blossom: Thus, we have annihilated our foes, as we bathed in their blood! Butch: They may have been the strongest foes ever. But we are a million times stronger than them! Blossom: What remains of them is now in total obliteration, as we tore them apart with our bare hands, fist, and feet! Their skills, as unparalleled as they were, were no match for us. Their Eight Comrades: AHOO! AHOO! AHOO! AHOO! (The four male comrades flex their muscles and beat their chests, while the four female comrades raise their fists, snarl, and emit victory cries.) Butch: All ye citizens, take heed of our words. Even though we may have won in battle, there are still matters my wife and I need to address. As ye all know, my love for my wife knows no bounds. If any of thee were to be so brazen, so foolish, and so puerile as to dishonor, violate, and tarnish my most highly-favored wife Blossom, I shall make haste to use my bare hands, furious fists, and most mighty muscles to send thee and thy pitiful souls to oblivion! (Butch flexes his biceps and beats his chests like a wild gorilla.) Blossom: I, too, love my husband and he has sworn his eternal faith, allegiance, and loyalty to me not only as his queen but also as his spouse. But heed my words, all ye citizens, especially all ye young virgins, if ye art to use acts of promiscuity, lewdness, and salaciousness on my eternally beloved Butch, I shall break ye necks and put ye heads on pikes as a warning to all ye who dare practice infidelity. To ye men, heed my words as well. Should ye dare besmirch my husband’s strength and honor and besmirch that of my honor with your lust, I shall also obliterate thee and feed thy corpses to my comrades, their children, and our children. The Four Male Comrades: ALL HAIL OUR KING AND QUEEN! The Four Female Comrades: ALL HAIL OUR KING AND QUEEN! (The crowd cheers but Butch and Blossom step aside.) Butch: Well, my most beloved wife, shall we make way to our chambers where I can indulge in thy blissful love? Blossom: ‘Twill be a pleasure most undefiled, my bravest husband. However, since the stench our enemies’ blood has been perfuming us, why don’t we make sweet love in the bath? ‘Tis rosewater and lavender-scented and I know ’tis something you would love. Butch: Wife, thou art a goddess. (Butch and Blossom kiss each other passionately, as they head to the bath chamber.) This piece of Blossutch fanart is dedicated to Riku aka CappuccinoDoodles and Gaz aka Galaxy-Gazer who celebrated their birthdays a few days ago. So, Riku, Gaz, I hope you two had awesome, wonderful, amazing, and thrilling birthdays. I wish you all the best and all of my love in everything you do as artists and people….
This piece of Blossutch fanart, which is part of my dear friend’s BrickercupMasterX3’s Blossutch Month, is dedicated to kay aka kaykeyser and CrawfordJenny who celebrated their birthdays a couple of days ago. So, kay, Jenny, I hope you had such magnificent, awesome, grand, and amazing birthdays. Keep on being the fine artists that you are and lots of love. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the Blossutch shippers out there. Enjoy. Here we have Butch showing his unconditional love to his most beloved wife Blossom the only way he knows how. Showing off his fantastic physique to her and being the hunky, sexy muscle god to his articulate, gorgeous queen. As you can tell from their attire, they just finished their couple workout, so they are pretty pumped in their own ways. Plus, Blossom is both enamored and entertained by her husband’s way of charming her. Going to the dialogue, I was completely inspired by the final scene of Disney’s The Legend of Tarzan episode “Tarzan and the Lost City of Opar”, where after Tarzan, Jane, Tantor, Professor Porter, and Terk escaped from the clutches of Queen La and her Leopard Men, Tarzan proceeded to say, “You see? I told you. Jane is the best.” Jane even bounces back with a few charming words, as he repeats that Jane is the best, thus wrapping it up with her remarking how wonderfully stubborn Tarzan is. So, I kind of incorporated that piece of nostalgic dialogue to my most favorite RRB/PPG couple, as I think their relationship is akin to Tarzan’s and Jane’s brand of love. I hope you all enjoyed this piece of Blossutch or Butch x Blossom fanart and see you in the next submission. Butch and Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.
“‘Tis the last rose of summer, Left blooming alone; All her lovely companions Are faded and gone; No flower of her kindred, No rosebud is nigh, To reflect back her blushes, Or give sigh for sigh. I’ll not leave thee, thou lone one! To pine on the stem; Since the lovely are sleeping, Go, sleep thou with them. Thus kindly I scatter, Thy leaves o’er the bed, Where thy mates of the garden Lie scentless and dead. So soon may I follow, When friendships decay, And from Love’s shining circle The gems drop away. When true hearts lie withered, And fond ones are flown, Oh! who would inhabit This bleak world alone?” -The Last Rose of Summer, Thomas Moore (1779-1852), Written in 1805, Set to music by John Andrew Stevenson (1761-1833) in December 1813 This piece of Blossoomer fanart, which is part of KatyGorl’s Claim a PPG Pairing Month, is dedicated to Diletta aka MollyMaster96 who will be celebrating her birthday two days from now. So, Dida, I hope your birthday will be amazing, grand, and may it be full of prosperity and abundance. Come se dice in italiano, spero che tu compleanno sarà fantastico, grande e con molta prosperitá ed abbondanza. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the Blossoomer shippers everywhere, so, I hope you all sit back, relax, and enjoy. Here we have Boomer and his lady love Blossom being the adorably romantic darlings that they are, what with Boomer being such a gentleman and Blossom being such a graceful beauty. I figure that the Irish poem/song “The Last Rose of Summer” would fit this lovely couple and my other beloved Blossom-centered OTP consisting of a sympathetic, lovable, fleet athlete like Boomer and a gorgeous, articulate, gorgeous genius like Blossom. I even two favorite interpreters of the song, namely the elegant and endearing Meav Ni Mhaolchatha and the legendary Nina Simone. So, I also hope you enjoy listening to these two renditions as you gaze at this piece of Boomer x Blossom or Blossoomer fanart. Meav Ni Mhaolchatha Nina Simone I hope you all enjoyed taking a gander at this piece of Blossoomer fanart as much as I enjoyed making this come to life. I know this was supposed to be submitted tomorrow, but I have a lot of other priorities to take care of. Moreover, please let me know in the comments which of these two interpretations of The Last Rose of Summer you enjoy the most. Thank you so much and I will see you all on the flipside. Boomer and Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.
“Des yeux qui font baisser les miens Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche Voila le portrait sans retouches De l’homme auquel j’appartiens Quand il me prend dans ses bras Il me parle l’a tout bas Je vois la vie en rose Il me dit des mots d’amour Des mots de tous les jours Et ça m’ fait quelque chose Il est entré dans mon coeur Une part de bonheur Dont je connais la cause C’est lui pour moi Moi pour lui dans la vie Il me l’a dit, l’a jure pour la vie Et, dès que je l’aperçois Alors je sens en moi Mon coeur qui bat Des nuits d’amour à plus en finir Un grand bonheur qui prend sa place Les ennuis, les chagrins, s’effacent Heureux, heureux à mourir Quand il me prend dans ses bras Il me parle tout bas Je vois la vie en rose Il me dit des mots d’amour Des mots de tout les jours Et ça m’ fait quelque chose Il est entré dans mon coeur Une part de bonheur Dont je connais la cause C’est lui pour moi Moi pour lui dans la vie Il me l’a dit, l’a jure pour la vie Et, dès que je l’apercois Alors je sens en moi Mon coeur qui bat Lalalala, lalalala La, la, la, la” – La Vie en Rose, Édith Piaf, Melody by Louiguy and Marguerite Monnot, Released in 1947 English Translation: “A gaze that makes me lower my own A laugh that is lost on his lips – That is the unretouched portrait Of the man to whom I belong When he takes me into his arms He speaks to me softly And I see life through rose-colored glasses He speaks words of love to me They are everyday words And they do something to me He has entered into my heart A bit of happiness That I know the cause of It’s only him for me And me for him, for life He told me, he swore to me, for life As soon as I notice him I feel inside me My heart beating Endless nights of love Bring great happiness The pain and bothers fade away Happy, so happy I could die When he takes me into his arms He speaks to me softly And I see life through rose-colored glasses He speaks words of love to me They are everyday words And they do something to me He has entered into my heart A bit of happiness That I know the cause of It’s only him for me And me for him, for life He told me, he swore to me, for life As soon as I notice him I feel inside me My heart beating Lalalala, lalalala La, la, la, la” This piece of Blossutch fanart, as part of Kaitlyn’s aka KatyGorl’s Claim a PPG Pairing Month and Paula’s aka BrickercupMasterX3’s Blossutch month, is dedicated to Nagisa Matsubara aka NagisaSenpai128 who is celebrating her birthday today. So, Nagisa, I wish you a most pleasant, wonderful, brilliant, and exceptional birthday and lots of abundance in your life as an artist and as a person. Come se dice en español, te deseo un cumpleaños muz agradable, maravilloso, brillante y excelente y mucha abundancia en tu vida como artista y persona. Comme on dit en francais, je te souhaite une anniversaire tres plaisante, merveilleuse, éclatante et excellente et beaucoup d’abondance dans ta vie comme artiste et personne. Moreover, I would love to dedicate this to all of the wonderful, hardcore Blossutch shippers out there. So, as we say in French, prenez plaisir mes amis. As you can tell on Butch’s shirt about Blossom, it’s basically translated as “She is my goddess of beauty, love, and wisdom”. While Blossom’s shirt about Butch is translated as “He is my strength, my idol, and my protection”. Moreover, you can tell that I am also in the French mood again. Why shouldn’t I be? It’s one of my most favorite languages that I really have to communicate in a little bit more often. All rambling aside, is there anything cuter or more adorable than having Townsville’s most beloved brawn and brain couple having a serene moment together? I think I answered my own question. And because I managed to be under Madame Édith Piaf’s mesmerizing spell once again, I thought that the chanson “La Vie en Rose” would fit this couple to a T. No, it’s not just because Blossom is constantly in pink, it’s a lot more than that. It’s just that I feel a true, genuine, and ever-blooming love constantly occurring between the normally wild, brawny and beastly Baron of Berserk and the usually uptight, focused and determined Commander and the Leader. To have them being in this moment of tranquility and cuddliness is pretty heartwarming if I say so myself. Without further ado, here is Madame Édith Piaf singing what has to be one of my most favorite French chansons of all time “La Vie en Rose”, which in turn, is stuck on my head. I’m pretty sure you can easily imagine Butch and Blossom having such a sweet, intimate moment with each other. Ecoutez bien et prenez plaisir. I hope you all enjoyed this. A tout a l’heure, mes chers amis. Câlins et bisous. Butch and Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.
“Non, rien de rien, non, je ne regrette rien Ni le bien qu’on m’a fait, ni le mal Tout ça m’est bien égal Non, rien de rien, non, je ne regrette rien C’est payé, balayé, oublié, je me fous du passé Avec mes souvenirs j’ai allumé le feu Mes chagrins, mes plaisirs Je n’ai plus besoin d’eux Balayé les amours avec leurs trémolos Balayé pour toujours Je reparts à zéro Non, rien de rien, non, je ne regrette rien Ni le bien qu’on m’a fait, ni le mal Tout ça m’est bien égal Non, rien de rien, non, je ne regrette rien Car ma vie, car mes joies Aujourd’hui ça commence avec toi” -Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien, Edith Piaf, Composed by Charles Dumont, Lyrics by Michel Vaucaire, Written in 1965 and Released in 1960 English Translation: “No, nothing at all, No, I regret nothing Not the good things they did to me Nor the bad — may as well be the same to me! No, nothing at all, No, I regret nothing. It’s bought and paid for, wiped away, forgotten, I don’t give a damn about the past! With my memories I’ve lit up the fire Of my troubles, my pleasures, I don’t need them anymore! Wiped away the romances And all their instabilities Swept away for eternity I restart at zero No, nothing at all, No, I regret nothing Not the good things they did to me Nor the bad — may as well be the same to me! No, nothing at all, No, I regret nothing Because of my life, because of my joys Today, I begin with you” Here is my submission for Kaitlyn’s aka KatyGorl’s Claim a PPG Pairing Month. What better for me to kick this off than with my most beloved RRB/PPG OTP of all time, Brick x Buttercup aka Brickercup. By the way, the inscriptions on their shirts are, of course, in French. The translation on Brick’s shirt is “I love her with all of my heart, my mind, and my soul”, whilst Buttercup’s shirt inscription is translated as “He is the light to my vessel”. It should be crystal clear who they are referring to. Moreover, as you can tell, these normally hotheaded fighters are having such a cute and adorable moment together. Because I was feeling French at this point, I thought that the chanson “Non, je ne regrette rien” would fit these two hot and spicy lovebirds to a T. This is because this song is translated as “No, I don’t regret anything”, which I can say with confidence is their motto. Nothing is ever going to shake nor break these two, in spite of all the horrible times and the good times, and they just keep soldiering on in everything they do. Without further ado, I also hope you enjoy La Grande Madame Edith Piaf’s stirring rendition of this powerful song, which speaks volumes, as you also take a gander at this piece of Brickercup fanart. I’m sure this will also leave some tears in your eyes. I certainly had that experience, as I first listened to this song as a sixteen-year-old boy alongside my late maternal grandma when we watched La Mome starring Marion Cotillard as Edith Piaf. Prenez plaisir mes amis. I hope you all enjoyed this and as we say in French, a tout a l’heure mes amis. Brick and Buttercup from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.