The Metropolitan Opera House embarks listeners on an epic fairy-tale opera thrill ride about fertility and conjugal love with Die Frau Ohne Schatten. Please enjoy my review and let me know your opinions.
Nina Stemme
Boasting a versatile repertoire ranging from the comical roles of Papageno and Guglielmo to the more dramatic roles of Telramund and Beckmesser, let us now venture to see how Martin Gantner fared as Kurwenal. Enjoy my review and let me know your opinions as well.
Let’s ring in the holiday season with a pair of tragic twins, a bloodthirsty hunter, a libertine god-king, his long-suffering wife, a valiant valkyrie, her eight stellar sisters, and an epic story. Enjoy the review and let me know your opinions as well.
Ah, the unsurpassable Franco Zeffirelli Turandot production, starring Nina Stemme, Marco Berti, Anita Hartig and Alexander Tsymbalyuk with Maestro Paolo Carignani on the helm. Let’s see how well this fares. Enjoy the review and let me know your opinions as well. Some of my opinions especially regarding Marco Berti’s vocal performance have not held up, but in spite of it all, I still enjoyed making this video. Moreover, this is actually my most viewed opera review video I have made.
We have a cavalcade of dramatic superstars ranging from the industry veterans of Nina Stemme, Anja Kampe, John Lundgren, Ain Anger, and Simon O’Neill respectively as Brünnhilde, Sieglinde, Wotan, Hunding, and Siegmund to continuously blossoming talents like Ekaterina Gubanova as an electrifying Fricka on the helm in this minimalistic production of Wagner’s Die Walküre. Enjoy the review and let me know your opinions as well.