Fullmetal Alchemist

The Toonami Era’s Inurangers Teams (Updated)

Greetings and salutations, fellow aficionados of anime, Power Rangers, Super Sentai, and everything early 1990s to early 2000s, Antoni here. Be prepared to don those nostalgia goggles once again, everybody, because I am going to take you back to the years where my fictionalised version of Saban’s Power Rangers franchise from August 28, 1993 to August 10, 2002, with the final Saban-Era Power Ranger incarnation Wild Force airing its twenty-sixth episode before moving to Disney, would have aired on Toonami from August 28, 2000 to September 20, 2008. As to be expected, these also include the Inuranger movie tie-ins much like their real-life counterparts in the forms of 1995’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie and 1997’s Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie. Strap in for a morphenomenal ride back to your childhoods, fellow 90s to early 2000s friends, and stay glued to your television screens with some popcorn .   This will mark the last time I am ever going to redo this list of what I would call the Toonami Era of the Inurangers franchise, which is the Saban Era of Power Rangers franchises’s fictionalised counterpart. It is not because I do not want to do it anymore, but because I love the Saban Era of the Power Rangers even with some of its gaping flaws and moments of campiness, and, of course, I also love anime with a passion. Even looking back at the previous attempts of making the Toonami-Era Inurangers teams list, I did not know what I was thinking when assigning certain characters these particular rangers. For instance, the fact that I made Kyuzo from Samurai 7 the Inuranger version of Cole Evans of Wild Force was a decision I regretted, but I have learned from this experience, and I would gladly recast Kyuzo as a seventh ranger in Inurangers Lightspeed Rescue and reassign the Cole Evans role to none other than Ippo Makunouchi from Hajime no Ippo. Speaking of Hajime no Ippo and recasting, there will also be some recasts done, including having Ichiro Miyata be the Inurangers Turbo version of TJ Johnson among other decisions that shall gladly be rectified. Nevertheless, this is still going to be a whole lot of fun because at least they are in their right roles, with select entries still maintaining their right casting.   Ever since re-evaluating and re-organising the Toonami-era Inurangers teams, I have also become a lot stricter in terms of one cast of seven members per incarnation. As I stated before, I am not going by the real-life Super Sentai/Power Rangers franchise of having mostly five to eventually six members per incarnation but a total of seven members, for the colours of red, green, white, black, blue, yellow, and pink shall remain intact as the primary Inuranger colours, although incarnations such as In Space, Lightspeed Rescue, Time Force, and Wild Force would mix up the colour scheme. For instance, Mighty Morphin Inurangers Seasons 1 until 3 will still have the same cast of seven rangers, while Zeo and subsequent seasons would have entirely new casts of seven rangers, although there will be some members of Inurangers Turbo who are going to end up in the In Space incarnation. Therefore, the strict rule of seven members per Inurangers incarnation prevails.   I would also like to have a word about composite and decomposite characters because this is something I could have addressed a little bit more verbosely when I was doing these Inurangers lists. Because there are seven members per Inurangers incarnation in total, there will be occasions where the traits of certain characters would also be inhabited by the characters I have chosen to be the specific colour of Inuranger. This especially holds the most weight in Mighty Morphin Inurangers, but is also true for Inurangers In Space, Inurangers Lightspeed Rescue, and Inurangers Time Force to a certain extent. For instance, Sesshoumaru the White Mighty Morphin Inuranger and Shuran the Green Mighty Morphin Inuranger are decomposite characters of Tommy Oliver’s tenure as the Green Ranger from MMPR Seasons 1 to 2 and the White Ranger from MMPR Seasons 2 to 3, with the former leaning towards more on Tommy Oliver’s entire persona and the latter bearing most traits from Tommy’s clone/”twin” Tom from “Return of the Green Ranger”. Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran are going to receive the composite character treatment, and you will find out which composite character combinations suit them the most. So, do not expect any Peace Conferences or International Gymnastics deals or what have you to occur in any of these instances, especially with what specifically happened to Walter Emanuel Jones, Thuy Trang, and Austin St. John during their tenure on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Besides, the less said about what happened during their time with payment and their demand for unionisation the better because that is quite the can of worms several Power Rangers fans could never shake off.   There will also be instances where certain allies to the Power Rangers in canon would find themselves being rangers themselves as embodied by the chosen characters, such as the likes of Billy the former Blue Mighty Morphin Power Ranger from Zeo as the White Gold Ranger, Alex Drake the first Red Time Force Ranger joining in the team as the Crimson Time Ranger, Ms. Angela Fairweather from Lightspeed Rescue participating as the Chromium Lightspeed Rescue Ranger, and Princess Shayla from Wild Force becoming more active as the Emerald Deer Ranger all embodied by the characters I have chosen for them. They will essentially contribute far more than any viewer or hardcore Power Rangers let alone Super Sentai fan can ever bargain for. Additionally, there are also some mixes as to which character I would assign for which specific ranger, especially since I would assign Toran from Inuyasha as the first female Red Inuranger in Inurangers Zeo with Mika Seido from Geneshaft as the second female Red Inuranger for In Space following suit, Botan from YuYu Hakusho as the first…

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The Toonami Era’s Inurangers Teams

Greetings and salutations, fellow aficionados of anime, Power Rangers, Super Sentai, and everything early 1990s to early 2000s, Antoni here. I hope you have a bowl of cereal, a nice plate of bacon and eggs, and a glass of orange juice ready with you because this would make you feel a whole more nostalgic once again, given the title. This hopefully marks the final time I am going to make a list of the seven main Inurangers cast from what I would like to call the Toonami Era of 2000 until 2009 as a counterpoint to the real-life Saban Era of Power Rangers from 1993 to 2002. I have even included the two movies that were released during the Saban Era, Inuranger-style, i.e. Mighty Morphin Inurangers the Movie and Turbo: An Inurangers Movie.   I did a lot of thinking, rethinking, and re-assessing, and I realised that, despite all the changes I made so far, I was still not satisfied with my prior list because there were some characters I believe deserved to be part of the Inurangers franchise as well as more love. Furthermore, there were some characters that would have made more sense than others in terms of the roles I assigned for them. This also means that there will be cast changes per Inuranger season akin to what is done in the Super Sentai shows, thus having all three seasons of Mighty Morphin Inurangers maintain the same seven members, instead of what occurred in real life when the OG Red, Yellow, and Black Rangers portrayed by Austin St John, Thuy Trang, and Walter Emanuel Jones hanging their mantles and passing their roles on to Steve Cardenas, Karan Ashley, and Johnny Yong Bosch, and having Inurangers Zeo with a completely different cast. This is essentially passing down the torch to each new Inuranger group as well as season.   With that said, let us get this show on the row. It’s Morphin’ Time! Shift into Turbo! Let’s rocket! Go galactic! Lightspeed Rescue! Time for Time Force! Wild access!   Mighty Morphin Inurangers Seasons 1 to 3 (2000–2003) Inuyasha from Inuyasha the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger version of Jason Lee Scott voiced by Richard Ian Cox Shuran from Inuyasha the Green Dragonzord Ranger version of Tom Oliver voiced by Scott Logie Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha the White Tigerzord Ranger version of Tommy Oliver voiced by David Kaye Hakkaku from Inuyasha the Black Mastodon Ranger version of Zack Taylor voiced by Alistair Abell Ginta from Inuyasha the Blue Triceratops Ranger version of Billy Cranston voiced by Paul Dobson Ayame from Inuyasha the Yellow Sabre-Toothed Ranger version of Trini Kwan voiced by Natalie Walters Shunran from Inuyasha the Pink Pterodactyl Ranger version of Kimberly Ann Hart voiced by Jocelyne Loewen   Mighty Morphin Inurangers the Movie (2001) Inuyasha from Inuyasha the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger version of Jason Lee Scott voiced by Richard Ian Cox Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha the White Tigerzord Ranger version of Tommy Oliver voiced by David Kaye Shuran from Inuyasha the Green Dragonzord Ranger version of Tom Oliver voiced by Scott Logie Ayame from Inuyasha the Yellow Sabre-Toothed Ranger version of Trini Kwan voiced by Natalie Walters Hakkaku from Inuyasha the Black Mastodon Ranger version of Zack Taylor voiced by Alistair Abell Ginta from Inuyasha the Blue Triceratops Ranger version of Billy Cranston voiced by Paul Dobson Shunran from Inuyasha the Pink Pterodactyl Ranger version of Kimberly Ann Hart voiced by Jocelyne Loewen   Mighty Morphin Makai Rangers (2003) Yusuke Urameshi from YuYu Hakusho the Red Makai Ranger version of Aurico voiced by Justin Cook Botan from YuYu Hakusho the White Makai Ranger version of Delphine voiced by Cynthia Cranz Kazuma Kuwabara from YuYu Hakusho the Yellow Makai Ranger version of Tideus voiced by Christopher R. Sabat Kurama from YuYu Hakusho the Blue Makai Ranger version of Cestro voiced by John Burgmeier Hiei from YuYu Hakusho the Black Makai Ranger version of Corcus voiced by Chuck Huber Keiko Yukimura from YuYu Hakusho the Green Makai Ranger version of Cestro voiced by Laura Bailey Yukina from YuYu Hakusho the Pink Makai Ranger version of Corcus voiced by Jessica Dismuke   Inurangers Zeo (2003) Toran from Inuyasha the Zeo Ranger V Red version of Tommy Oliver voiced by Alison Matthews Ichise from Texhnolyze the Zeo Ranger VI Black Gold version of Jason Lee Scott voiced by Justin Gross Kiba from Wolf’s Rain the Zeo Ranger VII White Gold version of Jason Lee Scott voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch Ayumi from Inuyasha the Zeo Ranger III version of Rocky deSantos voiced by Cathy Weseluck Karan from Inuyasha the Zeo Ranger IV Green version of Adam Park voiced by Maggie Blue O’Hara Ran from Texhnolyze the Zeo Ranger II Yellow version of Tanya Sloan voiced by Carrie Savage Cheza from Wolf’s Rain the Zeo Ranger I Pink version of Katherine Hillard voiced by Sherry Lynn   Turbo: An Inurangers Movie (2004) Toran from Inuyasha the Red Turbo Ranger version of Tommy Oliver voiced by Alison Matthews Kuranosuke Takeda from Inuyasha the White Turbo Ranger version of the Phantom Ranger voiced by Ted Cole Shinosuke from Inuyasha the White Turbo Ranger version of the Blue Senturion voiced by Trevor Devall Kiba from Wolf’s Rain the Green Turbo Ranger version of Adam Park voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch Myu from Wolf’s Rain the Yellow Turbo Ranger version of Tanya Sloan voiced by Julie Maddalena Cheza from Wolf’s Rain the Pink Turbo Ranger version of Katherine Hillard voiced by Sherry Lyn Kazuma Narusawa from Detective School Q the Blue Turbo Ranger version of Justin Stewart voiced by Jessica D. Stone   Inurangers Turbo (2004) Ippo Makunouchi the Red Turbo Ranger version of Tommy Oliver and TJ Johnson voiced by Steve Staley Mamoru Takamura from Hajime no Ippo the White Turbo Ranger version of the Phantom Ranger voiced by Eddie Frierson Masaru Aoki from Hajime no Ippo the White Turbo Ranger version of the Blue Senturion voiced by Stephen Apostolina Kiba from Wolf’s Rain the Green Turbo Ranger version…

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The Saban Era of Inurangers Updated and Revamped

Greetings and salutations, fellow aficionados of anime, Power Rangers, and everything early 1990s to early 2000s. Antoni here. Ever since I made the cast list of what I would love to call the “Saban” Era of Inurangers for the first time, I thought I was going to be satisfied with it. However, looking back at that former list, I was not entirely happy let alone satisfied with it, as there were some casting choices that could have been more legitimate let alone improved. There were casting choices which were based on me not fully researching on the character enough, which made me inquire to myself, what I was thinking when I made that move. Furthermore, some of the casting choices were based off of either blind nostalgia or just simply not knowing any better.   I have also done some reflecting on the “Saban” era of the Inurangers. Much like how its original and real-life Saban-era Power Rangers counterpart aired on Fox Kids from 1993 to 2002, I figured that the Inurangers’ “Saban” era would be called the Toonami Era from 2000 to 2009 because Toonami would be a great Cartoon Network afternoon block for children, teenagers, and the young at heart to see anime characters in spandex fighting evil while also having the occasional PSA that would teach us lessons about discipline, honesty, encouragement, and dedication. Yes, I know the original Toonami ended in October 2008, but just think of this as my personal vindication for the fans who really loved and were passionate about the 1997 to 2008 era of Toonami.   Once again the same rule applies for Inurangers in terms of main members, especially when I also list the anime series they originally come from. Unlike its real-life Power Rangers counterparts where there are between five to six main members of their respective groups from Mighty Morphin to Wild Force, there is going to be seven main members in the Inuranger franchise. Why seven, I hear you ask again? Let me remind you that the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers from Seasons 1 to 3, despite Tommy Oliver being the Green Ranger from Seasons 1 to 2 and the White Ranger from Seasons 2 to 3, actually has a total of seven Power Ranger suits, thus following the colour scheme of having a red ranger, a green ranger, a white ranger, a black ranger, a blue ranger, a yellow ranger, and a pink ranger. Member-wise, there will also be some deviations, especially in the later parts of Mighty Morphin Inurangers Seasons 2, all of Mighty Morphin Inurangers Season 3, and the later parts of Inurangers Zeo, as there are going to be a total of eleven members at least in those seasons. Colour-wise, there are also going to be some deviations in In Space, Lightspeed Rescue, Time Force, and Wild Force. Finally, and this is something I should have done in the older list, I am also going to list their English voice actors for their respective rangers because I am sure you would love the thought of hearing them say their respective Inuranger morphing time roll calls.   With that said, grab your bowl of cereal, plate of bacon and eggs, glass of orange juice, and pieces of fruit, as you sit in front of the television to see your favourite anime heroes in spandex defend the world from all evil. It’s Morphin time! Shift into Turbo! Let’s rocket! Go galactic! Lightspeed rescue! Time for Time Force!   Mighty Morphin Inurangers Season 1 (2000–2001) Inuyasha from Inuyasha the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger version of Jason Lee Scott voiced by Richard Ian Cox Shuran from Inuyasha the Green Dragonzord Ranger version of Tom Oliver voiced by Scott Logie Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha the White Tigerzord Ranger version of Tommy Oliver voiced by David Kaye Hakkaku from Inuyasha the Black Mastodon Ranger version of Zack Taylor voiced by Alistair Abell Ginta from Inuyasha the Blue Triceratops Ranger version of Billy Cranston voiced by Paul Dobson Ayame from Inuyasha the Yellow Sabre-Toothed Ranger version of Trini Kwan voiced by Natalie Walters Shunran from Inuyasha the Pink Pterodactyl Ranger version of Kimberly Ann Hart voiced by Jocelyne Loewen   Mighty Morphin Inurangers the Movie (2001) Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha the White Tigerzord Ranger version of Tommy Oliver voiced by David Kaye Inuyasha from Inuyasha the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger version of Jason Lee Scott voiced by Richard Ian Cox Ayame from Inuyasha the Yellow Sabre-Toothed Ranger version of Trini Kwan voiced by Natalie Walters Shuran from Inuyasha the Green Dragonzord Ranger version of Tom Oliver voiced by Scott Logie Hakkaku from Inuyasha the Black Mastodon Ranger version of Zack Taylor voiced by Alistair Abell Ginta from Inuyasha the Blue Triceratops Ranger version of Billy Cranston voiced by Paul Dobson Shunran from Inuyasha the Pink Pterodactyl Ranger version of Kimberly Ann Hart voiced by Jocelyne Loewen   Mighty Morphin Inurangers Season 2 Episodes 1 to 28 (2001) Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha the White Tigerzord Ranger version of Tommy Oliver voiced by David Kaye Inuyasha from Inuyasha the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger version of Jason Lee Scott voiced by Richard Ian Cox Ayame from Inuyasha the Yellow Sabre-Toothed Ranger version of Trini Kwan voiced by Natalie Walters Shuran from Inuyasha the Green Dragonzord Ranger version of Tom Oliver voiced by Scott Logie Hakkaku from Inuyasha the Black Mastodon Ranger version of Zack Taylor voiced by Alistair Abell Ginta from Inuyasha the Blue Triceratops Ranger version of Billy Cranston voiced by Paul Dobson Shunran from Inuyasha the Pink Pterodactyl Ranger version of Kimberly Ann Hart voiced by Jocelyne Loewen   Mighty Morphin Inurangers Season 2 Episodes 29 to 52 (2001–2002) Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha the White Tigerzord Ranger version of Tommy Oliver voiced by David Kaye Inuyasha from Inuyasha the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger version of Jason Lee Scott voiced by Richard Ian Cox Ayame from Inuyasha the Yellow Sabre-Toothed Ranger version of Trini Kwan voiced by Natalie Walters Shuran from Inuyasha the Green Dragonzord Ranger version of Tom Oliver…

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Fifteen Favorite Anime OTPs and Their Children

Greetings, anime shippers, it is your old pal Antoni here with another written entry. Yes, that time has come again, where I list my most favorite anime OTPs of all time and the fan children I have come up for them. There will be some updates present for each of these entries because my crazy mind just loves to take me to places where I least expected to be in. With that said, let us get cracking. My Fifteen Most Favorite Anime OTPs of all Time Kuranosuke Takeda x Kaguya (Inuyasha) Sesshoumaru x Kagura (Inuyasha) Hiten x Toran (Inuyasha) Miroku x Kikyou (Inuyasha) Kouga x Sango (Inuyasha) Shuran x Ayumi (Inuyasha) Bankotsu x Kagome Higurashi (Inuyasha) Inuyasha x Ayame (Inuyasha) Baki Hanma x Rosé Thomas (Baki the Grappler and Fullmetal Alchemist respectively) Hakkaku x Karan (Inuyasha) Ginta x Shunran (Inuyasha) Ichiro Miyata x Rose Anderson (Hajime no Ippo and Solty Rei respectively) Kiichi “Kiibo” Miyazawa x Winry Rockbell (Shootfighter Tekken and Fullmetal Alchemist respectively) Ippo Makunouchi x Maya Orihara (Hajime no Ippo and Ultra Maniac respectively) Kintaro Toyama x Solty Revant (Detective School Q and Solty Rei respectively) The Big, Strong, Handsome, Manly Muscle Fathers Kuranosuke Takeda Age: 39 Birthday: June 3, 1980 Status: Married to Kaguya since 2000 Sesshoumaru Age: 38 Birthday: June 10, 1981 Status: Married to Kagura since 2000 Hiten Age: 37 Birthday: January 12, 1982 Status: Married to Toran since 2000 Miroku Age: 37 Birthday: May 7, 1982 Status: Married to Kikyou since 2000 Kouga Age: 37 Birthday: August 1, 1982 Status: Married to Sango since 2000 Shuran Age: 36 Birthday: January 2, 1983 Status: Married to Ayumi since 2000 Bankotsu Age: 36 Birthday: September 16, 1983 Status: Married to Kagome since 2000 Inuyasha Age: 36 Birthday: April 1, 1983 Status: Married to Ayame since 2001 Baki Hanma Age: 36 Birthday: July 23, 1983 Status: Married to Rosé since 2001 Hakkaku Age: 35 Birthday: August 25, 1984 Status: Married to Karan since 2001 Ginta Age: 35 Birthday: August 26, 1984 Status: Married to Shunran since 2001 Ichiro Miyata Age: 35 Birthday: August 27, 1984 Status: Married to Rose since 2003 Kiichi “Kiibo” Miyazawa Age: 35 Birthday: October 2, 1984 Status: Married to Winry since 2003 Ippo Makunouchi Age: 35 Birthday: November 23, 1984 Status: Married to Maya since 2003 Kintaro Toyama  Age: 34 Birthday: November 28, 1985 Status: Married to Solty since 2003 The Brave, Gorgeous, Tough, Awesome Amazon Moms Kaguya Age: 37 Birthday: October 21, 1982 Status: Married to Kuranosuke since 2000 Kagura Age: 36 Birthday: February 1, 1983 Status: Married to Sesshoumaru since 2000 Toran Age: 36 Birthday: February 2, 1983 Status: Married to Hiten since 2000 Kikyou Age: 36 Birthday: July 28, 1983 Status: Married to Miroku since 2000 Sango Age: 36 Birthday: September 23, 1983 Status: Married to Kouga since 2000 Ayumi Age: 34 Birthday: February 3, 1985 Status: Married to Shuran since 2000 Kagome Higurashi Age: 34 Birthday: March 12, 1985 Status: Married to Bankotsu since 2000 Ayame Age: 33 Birthday: February 18, 1986 Status: Married to Inuyasha since 2001 Rosé Thomas-Hanma Age: 33 Birthday: August 22, 1986 Status: Married to Baki since 2001 Karan Age: 33 Birthday: November 3, 1986 Status: Married to Hakkaku since 2001 Shunran Age: 32 Birthday: May 31, 1987 Status: Married to Ginta since 2001 Rose Anderson-Miyata Age: 32 Birthday: June 3, 1987 Status: Married to Ichiro since 2003 Winry Rockbell-Miyazawa Age: 31 Birthday: June 9, 1989 Status: Married to Kiibo since 2003 Maya Orihara-Makunouchi Age: 30 Birthday: March 4, 1989 Status: Married to Ippo since 2003 Solty Revant-Toyama Age: 30 Birthday: October 1, 1989 Status: Married to Kintaro since 2003 The KuraKaguya (Kuranosuke x Kaguya) Offspring Hidetora Age: 19 Birthday: June 3, 2000 Harutaka Age: 19 Birthday: June 3, 2000 Ieyasu Age: 19 Birthday: June 3, 2000 Yutaro Age: 18 Birthday: December 1, 2001 Yumeiji Age: 18 Birthday: December 1, 2001 Yuriko Age: 18 Birthday: December 1, 2001 Otohime Age: 17 Birthday: November 4, 2002 Megumi Age: 15 Birthday: August 3, 2004 Mayumi Age: 14 Birthday: September 9, 2005 Nagaharu Age: 13 Birthday: October 5, 2006 Nozomu Age: 13 Birthday: October 5, 2006 Yume Age: 12 Birthday: July 29, 2007 The SessKagu (Sesshoumaru x Kagura) Offspring Rin Age: 27 Birthday: October 29, 1992 Shippou Age: 26 Birthday: December 1, 1993 Motoharu Age: 19 Birthday: July 3, 2000 Mitsuhide Age: 19 Birthday: July 3, 2000 Matsushige Age: 19 Birthday: July 3, 2000 Heishiro Age: 18 Birthday: July 2, 2001 Norihito Age: 18 Birthday: July 2, 2001 Setsuko Age: 15 Birthday: April 4, 2004 Sachiko Age: 15 Birthday: April 4, 2004 Ritsuko Age: 14 Birthday: August 4, 2005 Nobuko Age: 13 Birthday: August 12, 2006 Sayaka Age: 12 Birthday: August 1, 2007 (Note: In my headcanon, Rin and Shippou are adopted by Sesshoumaru and Kagura to be their children.) The HitTor (Hiten x Toran) Offspring Genjiro Age: 19 Birthday: July 3, 2000 Kaijiro Age: 19 Birthday: July 3, 2000 Itachi Age: 19 Birthday: July 3, 2000 Kiyomi Age: 17 Birthday: August 29, 2002 Kanako Age: 17 Birthday: August 29, 2002 Gentaro Age: 16 Birthday: November 2, 2003 Sumire Age: 16 Birthday: November 2, 2003 Ryusei Age: 15 Birthday: November 2, 2004 Gojiro Age: 15 Birthday: November 2, 2004 Itsuki Age: 14 Birthday: December 3, 2005 Tamaki Age: 13 Birthday: October 29, 2006 Urumi Age: 12 Birthday: August 2, 2007 The MirKik (Miroku x Kikyou) Offspring Kiyoyuki Age: 18 Birthday: January 1, 2001 Kazuhara Age: 18 Birthday: January 1, 2001 Kohei Age: 18 Birthday: January 1, 2001 Nakago Age: 17 Birthday: June 2, 2002 Hiroyuki Age: 17 Birthday: June 2, 2002 Osamu Age: 17 Birthday: June 2, 2002 Namiko Age: 16 Birthday: July 31, 2003 Yuzuki Age: 15 Birthday: October 18, 2004 Chinatsu Age: 14 Birthday: November 15, 2005 Chiyoko Age: 14 Birthday: November 15, 2005 Izumi Age: 13 Birthday: December 9, 2006 Nanaho Age: 13 Birthday: December 9, 2006 The KouSan (Kouga x Sango) Offspring Kai Age: 29 Birthday: October 12, 1990 Shinta Age: 25 Birthday: March 12, 1994…

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Handsome Muscle Husbands and Strong Athlete Wives drawn by me

This piece of Inuyasha x Ayame (InuAya), Baki Hanma x Rosé Thomas (BakRosé), Hakkaku x Karan (HakKar), Ginta x Shunran (GinShun), Kiichi “Kiibo” Miyazawa x Winry Rockbell (KiiWin), and Ippo Makunouchi x Maya Orihara (IpMay) fan art is dedicated to Hans G. Beilschmidt aka HerrPotsdam, Vahn Satou aka Banzatou, Hekatia, and Moe-Kai who celebrated their birthdays at least two weeks ago, HughEbdy, Alister aka Ally-Kat312, AKIV707, Marina aka Nevi-M, Sarah Rodriguez aka sadieB798, John Dailey aka Jdailey1991, Kennshou, AlexFireflyZhou, IdunaHayaDesigns, and Yuki-Heiligen who celebrated their birthdays more than a week ago, Karla aka YuiHarunaShinozaki who celebrated her birthday four days ago, and my most beloved Frank-Tilmann Otto who has been my director in a couple of his projects I collaborated with as an actor and who celebrated his birthday a couple of days ago. So, I hope you guys had such magnificent, grand, and beautiful birthdays and I wish you a lot of love, joy, abundance, prosperity, and strength in your lives as artists and as people. Wie wir auf deutsch sagen, ich hoffe ihr hattet großartige, tolle und schöne Geburtstage und ich wünsche euch allen viel Liebe, Freude, Reichtum, Wohlstand und Kraft in euren Leben als Künstler und als Menschen. Como se dice en español, espero que hayaís tenido cumpleaños magnificos, grandes y maravillosos y os deseo mucho amor, alegría, abundancia, prosperidad y fuerza en vuestras vidas como artistas y como personas. This is also dedicated to all of the InuAya, BakRosé, HakKar, GinShun, KiiWin, and IpMay shippers out there. So, sit back, relax, and feel the love and joy with these couples. For those of you who have read my previous written entries, most notably the ones where I talk about my reasons for loving InuAya, BakRosé, HakKar, GinShun, KiiWin, and IpMay as my six most favorite anime OTPs of all time and where I talk about my AU if I had Conan and Zula be the fathers of the gentlemen and Arkon and Ka-Zar be the fathers to the ladies, you would already know that I am a loyal shipper of Inuyasha x Ayame, Baki x Rosé, Hakkaku x Karan, Ginta x Shunran, Kiibo x Winry, and Ippo x Maya. Moreover, we have Inuyasha, Baki, Hakkaku, Ginta, Kiibo, and Ippo being the strong, handsome husbands that they are complete with well-shaped muscles of steel and their most beloved wives Ayame, Rosé, Karan, Shunran, Winry, and Maya being just as strong as their handsome, sturdy husbands. Let us briefly talk about their relationships, shall we? Individual headcanons for these couples will eventually follow in individual submissions. Inuyasha x Ayame Inuyasha and Ayame are the Northern Yoro Tribe’s strongest warriors and they lead their tribe with a lot of fortitude, courage, and power. Combining Inuyasha’s super strength, especially when it comes to grappling, wrestling, and having posedowns and beatdowns with his foes, with Ayame’s amazing combat prowess, especially when it comes to giving her foes a major beatdown, is certainly a great match made in Nirvana. Behind closed doors, Inuyasha and Ayame would have a lot of exciting moments of intimacy, what with Inuyasha giving Ayame so much pleasure and Ayame soothing Inuyasha from all of the madness in battle. Inuyasha loves Ayame because of her resilience, determination, and dedication to her duty as his wife and Ayame loves Inuyasha because of how super strong he is, how gentle he is around her, and how loyal and loving he is as her husband. It also helps that their progeny prove themselves to be just as strong, tough, and durable as their parents. When all is said and done, Inuyasha and Ayame have a lot of unconditional love for each other thanks to their wonderful chemistry and strong bond. Baki Hanma x Rosé Thomas-Hanma Baki and Rosé are the types of people who love to keep fit and strong in everything they do. Baki’s great involvement in martial arts and bodybuilding and Rosé’s involvement in health and fitness certainly make them a couple no one should ever mess with. In spite of his rough edge, Baki is akin to a huge, soft teddy bear when he is around Rosé because she sees the best in him. Rosé loves how loyal Baki is to her and Baki loves how sweet, kind, and patient Rosé is with him. Therefore, this stoic, brawny gentleman with a heart of gold and this sweet, loving lady with the patience of a saint have a healthy relationship, which is reflected in their wonderful household. Their children are just as tough, strong, and loving as their parents and the dynamics they have with their parents show how much unconditional love there is within their happy home. Hakkaku x Karan Hakkaku and Karan are the Northern Yoro Tribe’s most flexible couple and they show it in spades. Hakkaku is the goofy, lovable strongman to Karan’s focused, determined mistress of stealth and when they are together in battle, their enemies would learn a thing or two about never underestimating their opponents. Being the dynamic couple that they are, Hakkaku and Karan take turns in wearing the pants in this relationship and they show a lot of unconditional tolerance, love, respect, and healthy synergy towards each other. They could even help each other in times of strife. Whenever Hakkaku has his doubts and anxieties, Karan would make him down to earth and assure him that he is strong enough to overcome anything. Whenever Karan has her disappointments, Hakkaku would assure her that it is not the end of the world. Moreover, their children would inherit their quirks and be just as resilient as Hakkaku and Karan combined. Ginta x Shunran Ginta and Shunran are the Northern Yoro Tribe’s most lovable and adorable couple ever, as their love for each other knows no bounds. Ginta is proud to proclaim himself to be Shunran’s knight in shining armor and Shunran loves it when her dashing stud is there for her all the time. There is not a shadow of a doubt that…

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Barbarian Bodybuilders and Athletic Amazons: My AU

Greetings, all ye wonderful fans of Conan the Adventurer, X-Men 1992, Inuyasha, Baki the Grappler, Shootfighter Tekken, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Ultra Maniac, it is I your dear friend Antoni with another written entry. This has been on the back of my mind for quite some time and I have been playing around with this too. I know some of you are going to find this rather crazy but I always asked myself this question. What would happen if Inuyasha, Baki, Hakkaku, Ginta, Kiibo, and Ippo were raised by Conan and Zula to be their sons? Moreover, what would happen if Ayame, Rosé, Karan, Shunran, Winry, and Maya were raised by Arkon and Ka-Zar to be their daughters? One would get two sets of really epic families and so many excitingly badass moments would occur when these two sets of families are together. In my AU there are two sets of gloriously muscular, tough, rough, big, and strong gay couples in the forms of Conan and Zula being the fathers of Inuyasha, Baki, Hakkaku, Ginta, Kiibo, and Ippo and Arkon and Ka-Zar being the fathers of Ayame, Rosé, Karan, Shunran, Winry, and Maya. Conan and Zula would be the strong, handsome, tough, rough, warlike gay bodybuilder couple who are the fathers of their barbarian bodybuilder sons Inuyasha, Baki, Hakkaku, Ginta, Kiibo, and Ippo. Arkon and Ka-Zar would also be the strong, tough, rough, handsome, warlike gay bodybuilder couple who are the fathers of their athletic amazon daughters Ayame, Rosé, Karan, Shunran, Winry, and Maya. As one can tell, the OTPs of my AU with these characters are the following: Conan x Zula Arkon x Ka-Zar Inuyasha x Ayame Baki x Rosé Hakkaku x Karan Ginta x Shunran Kiichi “Kiibo” x Winry Ippo x Maya With that said, let us delve into who these fathers, their children, their grandchildren, and great-grandchildren are. The Big, Strong, Tough, Rough, Muscle Dads of the Bodybuilder Barbarians Conan of Cimmeria Age: 58 Birthday: March 2, 1961 Status: Married to Zula since 1982 Mini Bio: Conan is the main patriarch of his household. As a father, he is authoritative, strict, competitive, and shows a lot of tough love to his sons even when they end up being married and having children of their own. He considers Inuyasha and Baki his most favorite sons because they are not only the eldest two but they are also his best fighters and his most favorite people to work out with. He also loves Hakkaku, Ginta, Kiibo, and Ippo for being gracious and funny. Being a bodybuilder, wrestler, boxer, martial artist, weightlifter, and fitness expert himself, he makes sure that his sons’, grandchildren’s, and great-grandchildren’s bodies, minds, and spirits are filled with enough discipline, strength, and toughness to beat out any opponent. Even in his old age, he has enough super strength to make his foes cower at his presence. Zula of the Wasai Tribe Age: 58 Birthday: September 3, 1961 Status: Married to Conan since 1982 Mini Bio: Zula is the second patriarch of Conan’s household. To balance Conan’s strictness and authority, he shows compassion, kindness, and nurture to all of his six sons, his daughters-in-law, his grandchildren, his great-grandchildren, and his husband Conan. As much as he is extremely close and loving to his eldest sons, Inuyasha and Baki, he is especially fond of Hakkaku, Ginta, Kiibo, and Ippo for being energetic, tough, and lovable. Much like his husband, Zula is also a bodybuilder, wrestler, boxer, martial artist, weightlifter, and fitness expert. He is even a hunter and an environmentalist who ensures that his progeny stay as fit as they are and respect nature and everything it represents. He and Conan even taught all of his six sons to roar like lions, tigers, and leopards when they are in a fight. Even in his old age, Zula not only has enough super strength to endure the rest of his life but also heaps of vitality. The Big, Strong, Warlike, Brave Muscle Dads of the Athletic Amazons Arkon Age: 57 Birthday: January 3, 1962 Status: Married to Ka-Zar since 1985 Mini Bio: Arkon is the main patriarch of his household complete with his loving husband and beautiful daughters. As a father, Arkon is authoritative, tough, commanding, and surprisingly compassionate to his daughters, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. He considers Ayame and Rosé to be his most favorite daughters because of their athleticism, strength, and great combat prowess, though he also loves Karan, Shunran, Winry, and Maya because of how much affection and love they give to him. Arkon is a bodybuilder, wrestler, martial artist, boxer, combat strategist, and weightlifter who makes sure that his daughters, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren are well-disciplined, strong, and sturdy combatants who will show a lot of endurance in everything they do. Though he is approaching 60, Arkon has enough strength, vitality, and toughness to give any opponent a good reason to run from him. Ka-Zar Age: 57 Birthday: March 1, 1962 Status: Married to Arkon since 1985 Mini Bio: Ka-Zar is the second patriarch and he is so grateful to have a noble, handsome husband like Arkon and six beautiful daughters like Ayame, Rosé, Karan, Shunran, Winry, and Maya in his life. To balance Arkon’s authoritative nature, he displays compassion, nurture, lovability, and kindness to all of his daughters, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Although he unconditionally loves Ayame and Rosé as his daughters, he considers Karan, Shunran, Winry, and Maya his most favorite daughters because of how hilarious, energetic, compassionate, affectionate, and feisty they can be. Ka-Zar is a bodybuilder, wrestler, boxer, martial artist, hunter, trapper, fisher, weightlifter, and environmentalist who ensures that he, his husband, his daughters, his grandchildren, and great-grandchildren are not only physically fit but also one with nature. He and Arkon even taught Ayame, Rosé, Karan, Shunran, Winry, and Maya how to roar like jaguars, cheetahs, and panthers whenever they go into battle. Ka-Zar still manages to show a lot of super strength, vitality, and great combat prowess, which make him all the more awesome…

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Six Anime OTPs and Their Children

Greetings, anime shippers of the Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Baki the Grappler, Shootfighter Tekken, and Hajime no Ippo fandoms, it’s your old pal Antoni here with another written entry. For those of you know me and my tastes in shipping various anime characters, I happen to have very interesting and unique tastes and I will never let go of any of my OTP pairings, whether they be crossover pairings or within the show’s canon. This also goes hand in hand with an upcoming piece of work that has been in progress for several days. With that said, let’s get cracking. My Six Beloved Anime OTPs 1. Inuyasha x Ayame (Inuyasha) I have been pairing these two ever since I was a teenager and I am pleasantly surprised to know how well this pairing holds up. Their spicy intimacy, exciting synergy, and wonderful blend of personalities are enough for me to ship Inuyasha and Ayame so much. Think about it, Inuyasha’s super strength, toughness, and roughness is a great compliment to Ayame’s fierceness, grace, and beauty, thus making them a great definition of a brutish brawn and bionic beauty couple. Inuyasha would be the one to be strong for Ayame 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Ayame would admire everything about Inuyasha from his loyalty to his toughness in battle. My main headcanon for them would be that they start out as childhood friends, have feelings for each other as tweens, get married as teens, and have seven wonderful children who are just as strong, tough, and determined as them. 2. Baki Hanma x Rosé Thomas (Baki the Grappler and Fullmetal Alchemist respectively) Looks like I am a major sucker for pairing the brawny, muscular tough guy with the gorgeous, elegant sweetheart. I could see these two train their bodies and minds to peak condition in everything they do. Whenever either of them gets hurt, either Baki or Rose would tend to each other’s wounds. Sure, on the surface it is a crack pairing from two completely different shows, but where my headcanon for these two is concerned, it would be like this. Both of them would start out as lonely children who want solace and they eventually find each other. From there, they start being friends, Baki protects Rosé from anyone who wants to hurt her, and Rosé would be the one to cure Baki of any wound. As they grow, their relationship would flourish to the point where Rosé would see a much softer side to Baki and Baki would see that Rosé could be just as tough as he is. By the time they get and have children, their children would demonstrate so much resilience and strength that surpasses their parents. 3. Hakkaku x Karan (Inuyasha) This is a rather cute pairing between a strong, handsome goofball who refers to himself as the shrewd one and a feisty, fiery, fierce brawler chick who has pyrokinetic powers. Their dynamics would be exciting, fun, and so charming. Hakkaku would easily help Karan keep her fiery temper down and Karan would respect the heck out of Hakkaku’s brand of muscle power. They would be the couple who start off as a couple of friends having fun when they were children and, eventually, find themselves having feelings for each other. When that is accomplished, they would end up being married and bear children who are just as dynamic, hilarious, and feisty as them. 4. Ginta x Shunran (Inuyasha) These darlings are the definition of star-crossed lovers. Their moments of intimacy would be filled with canoodling, cuddling, and lots of sweet-talking. Ginta would admire Shunran for her positive energy, bubbliness, kindness, and lovability, and Shunran would adore Ginta for his strength, hilarity, sunny attitude, and generosity. In my headcanon, they would start off as childhood sweethearts, have dates when they are in their early teens, get married in their teens, and have lovely children they would certainly be proud of. Moreover, Ginta would always make Shunran laugh with his brand of hilarity and Shunran would calm Ginta down whenever he has a rough day. 5. Kiichi “Kiibo” Miyazawa x Winry Rockbell (Shootfighter Tekken and Fullmetal Alchemist respectively) There is nothing better than a lovable, enthusiastic dumb muscle having a loving relationship with a tough, no-nonsense mechanic girl and, yes, this is my second most favorite crossover anime OTP pairing. Together, these two are more than capable of opening a can of whoop-ass any time and any place. Kiichi and Winry would be the couple who would keep their physiques and combat prowess in tip-top shape and make sexy, rough love after a long day of combat. Kiichi would always help Winry with improving her combat skills, and Winry would always love it when Kiichi helps her out with her inventions. Ergo, their loyalty to each other would be boundless. In my headcanon, they start off as best friends as children then end up dating as tweens. Finally, they would get married in their late teens and have a fine brood of energetic and creative children. 6. Ippo Makunouchi x Maya Orihara (Hajime no Ippo and Ultra Maniac respectively) Folks, this is the last crossover anime OTP I love so much and what better way to wrap this up than this holy matrimony between a sympathetic, courageous, fine gentleman and a mischievous, feisty, spicy lady. This is not just me fawning about how cute they are together but also loving how their different personalities can complement each other so well. Ippo’s sweet, boy-next-door nature meshes so well with Maya’s fiery nature and there is never going to be a moment of animosity between these two. Ippo would love Maya for how hilarious she can be thanks to her dark sense of humor and Maya would love the absolute heck out of Ippo because of his kindness and how strong he is as an athlete. Ippo’s and Maya’s relationship would start off as being childhood sweethearts then have Maya start to develop more feelings…

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One Epic, Badass, Awesome BroT6 For Life drawn by me

Okay, viewers. Quick question. What would happen if you combined one awesome and super strong dog hanyo, one fun-loving, sweet and rather kickass wolf yokai, one lovable dumb muscle of a martial artist, one gorgeous virgin, one fiery mechanic chick, and one feisty witch? You would get a crossover BroT6 that is absolutely fun, badass, charming in its own way, and so beautiful! If you cannot already tell who they are, they are Inuyasha and Ginta from Inuyasha, Kiichi “Kiibo” Miyazawa from Shootfighter Tekken or High School Exciting Story: Tough, Rosé Thomas and Winry Rockbell from Fullmetal Alchemist, and Maya Orihara from Ultra Maniac. Moreover, here are their ages in this piece of fan art. Inuyasha, aged 35 Ginta, aged 34 Kiibo, aged 34 Rosé, aged 32 Winry, aged 30 Maya, aged 29 It should come off as no surprise that I not only enjoy Inuyasha from time to time but also the three-episode OVA Shootfighter Tekken, both Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, and to some extent Ultra Maniac, mostly because Maya steals the show. These shows were a part of my life growing up all thanks to these characters. When making this piece of fanart, this begged the question. What would happen if Oton not only had Kiichi or Kiibo as his son but also adopted Inuyasha, Ginta, Rosé, Winry, and Maya as his own children and took in Pinako as the grandmother figure? I’m pretty sure this would be the most badass, kickass, awesome, and extremely grand family to ever walk the Japanese anime world. I can certainly see how everything unfolds as an anime crossover AU. As children, all six of them would be trained rigorously in the art of Nanshin Shadow Style by Sensei Oton and would always have each others’ backs whenever trouble comes afoot. As teenagers, they would balance school with their martial arts training whilst getting themselves into the usual drama that teens face like getting to a great university, getting great grades, having first dates, and more. Finally, as adults, all of them would become the greatest martial arts team known to man and end up married. The way I see the familial relationship in my AU is the following. Oton is the big, stern patriarch who ensures discipline on his six children by training them every day in the art of Nanshin Shadow Style. When they are not training he does like to unwind with them once in a while even though he does not always show it. Regardless, he deeply cares for all six of his children and finds something unique in every one of them. Grandpa Miyazawa and Pinako Rockbell are the wise grandparents who give their grandchildren great advice and can still open up a can of whoop-ass even in their old age. Inuyasha is the large-and-in-charge eldest child who leads with an iron fist. Despite having a gruff exterior, he does show his unconditional love to his younger siblings and goes out of his way to protect them. He enjoys all of the wrestling, beatdowns, and posedowns he has with Ginta and Kiibo and he is very tender towards his younger sisters, Rosé, Winry, and Maya. He has also been happily married to Ayame for seventeen years with five children. His eldest sons Kenta and Keita love being around Ginta and Kiibo, as they spar and train together with their father. His younger son, Kaito, and his daughters, Momoko and Maya, love being around Rosé, Winry, and Maya, as they also train with their mother and have quiet walks in the forest. Ginta is the meek, charming, loving, and comforting second child who is a foil to Inuyasha’s brand of impulsiveness. While not as macho and gruff as Inuyasha, he can still be assertive whenever his older brother does something rash or foolish or whenever he says something he does not agree with. In spite of the arguments he has with Inuyasha, he still considers him to not only the greatest brother he ever has but also his true friend. He and Inuyasha also consider Rosé and Winry to be their favorite little sisters, as they can show that they are as tough as their big brothers. Ginta has been happily married to Shunran for sixteen years with five children. His eldest sons, Minoru and Manabu, have a very close-knit friendship with Kenta and Keita, as they not only do a lot of training together but also have fun like many other active teenage boys. His daughters and youngest son Sakura, Kokoro, and Sentaro enjoy hanging out with Kaito, Momoko, and Maya, as they like to race each other in vast open fields and even hang out with their uncles, aunties, grandfather, and great-grandparents. Kiibo is the lovably goofy dumb muscle third child who loves to spar and have posedowns with his older brothers and likes to tease his younger sisters. There are times Inuyasha does tend to be annoyed by Kiibo and his simple-mindedness, goofiness, and overall act first think later type of personality and Ginta does find him to be annoying in a rather endearing way but his younger sisters, Rosé, Winry, and Maya, find him to be cute in a hilarious way because they just love seeing their big brother flex his muscles. As the muscle of his siblings, he does his part in making sure that they are safe from any harm and is always of assistance when it comes to the heavy-duty work. Moreover, he and his older brothers have become martial arts trainers to aspiring fighters, thus learning a lot from their father. Kiibo has been happily married to his childhood sweetheart, Akemi Takaishi, for twelve years and they have four children named Motomu who is eleven years old, Keiko who is nine years old, Takuma who is eight years old, and Ryoko who is six years old. As a father, Kiibo may be lax in his parenting style but he has enough unconditional love to give to his children,…

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