
Celos drawn by me

“Celos de tus ojos cuando miras a otra chica tengo celos, celos Celos de tus manos cuando abrazas otra chica tengo celos, celos Cuando te encuentras con alguien cuando caminas con alguien cuando te siento feliz yo tengo celos, tengo celos Hoy quiero bailar solo contigo hoy quiero soñar que tu eres mio hoy te dare todo mi amor en un abrazo y tu prometeras que nunca más me haras sentir nunca más, nunca más, nunca más, nunca Celos de tu boca cuando besas otra chica tengo celos, celos Celos de la nohce que comparte tus secretos tengo celos, celos cuando te miro a los ojos cuando te siento a mi lado cuando te veo marchar Yo tengo celos, tengo celos Hoy quiero bailar solo contigo hoy quiero soñar que tu eres mio hoy te dare todo mi amor en un abrazo y tu prometeras que nunca más me haras sentir nunca más, nunca más, nunca más, nunca Celos de tu boca cuando besas otra chica tengo celos, celos, celos, celos” -Celos, Daniela Romo, Written by José Luis Perales, Released in 1983 from the album “Daniela Romo”   English Translation: “Jealous of your eyes when you stare at another girl I am jealous, jealous Jealous of your hands when you hug another girl I am jealous, jealous When you spend time with someone when you walk with someone when I see you’re happy I’m jealous, so jealous Now I want to dance only with you Now I want to dream that you are mine Now I’ll give you all my love in one hug and you’ll promise to never make me feel never again, never again, never again, never Jealous of your lips when you kiss another girl I am jealous, jealous Jealous of the night that knows your secrets I am jealous, jealous when I see your eyes when I feel you’re beside me when I see you leave I’m jealous, so jealous Now I want to dance only with you now I want to dream that you are mine now I’ll give you all my love in one hug and you’ll promise to never make me feel never again, never again, never again, never Jealous of your lips when you kiss another girl I’m jealous, jealous, jealous, jealous”   This piece of Butchubbles and Blossutch or Blossutchubbles fanart, which is part of the wonderful BrickercupMasterX3’s Blossutch month, is dedicated to SethMendoza who celebrated his birthday four days ago. So, Seth, I hope you had a most blessed, awesome, great, and marvelous birthday. Continue on being a fine gentlemen and I wish you well in everything you do. Como se dice en español, yo espero que tú hayas tenido un cumpleaños muy bendito, magnifico, grande y maravilloso. Siga con ser un gentilhombre muy bueno y te deseo muchas cosas buenas en todo que tú haces. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the amazing shippers of both Blossutch and Butchubbles. Espero que lo disfrutais este trozo de fanart, amigos queridos mios.   Ay, pobre Blossom o Bombón en la versión hispanohablante está muy celosa de Bubbles o Burbuja porque cree que su querido Butch está enamorada en su hermanita en lugar de ella. That is Spanish for, oh, poor Blossom she is really jealous of Bubbles because she believes that her darling Butch is in love with her little sister instead of her. Could it be just how jolly, adorable, and cute Bubbles is, especially when around a hunk like Butch? Most likely, yet the world will never know. I mean, what’s a guy like Butch to do when he is between two lovely ladies like the adorable, pretty Bubbles and the gorgeous, articulate Blossom? Who on earth is he going to choose? This is where the fun part is for all you people who ship Butch with either Bubbles or Blossom. Feel free to comment below on what is your most beloved Butch-centered ship. Come on, I won’t bite.   It should be no surprise that I have found myself being an absolute fan of the Mexican 80’s pop song “Celos” sung by the fabulous, splendid and stupendous Daniela Romo, one of my all-time favorite Mexican singers and actresses of all time. I also hope you enjoy listening to this song, as much as you enjoy this love triangle going on between Bubbles, Butch, and Blossom.   Celos the solo version with Daniela Romo   Celos the duet version with José Luis Perales and Daniela Romo in 1984 Festival de Viña. Please skip to 1:01 for the main duet. Gracias y que lo paséis bien con escuchar, amigos mios.   Well, I hope you all enjoyed this. I’m sure a great number of you either prefer Butchubbles, Blossutch or both, especially if you are anything like me and just love the absolute heck out of both Blossutch and Butchubbles. If ever you have a preference, please let me know in the comments below. Hasta la próxima y vaya con Dios.   Bubbles, Butch, and Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Vous Etes Seuls, Mais Je Desire Etre Avec Vous drawn by me

“Vous êtes seuls, mais je désire être avec vous” -Nina Simone, Released in January 1982 on the album Fodder on My Wings   English Translation: “You are alone, but I desire to be with you.”   This piece of Blossutch, Boomubbles, Blossoomer, and Butchubbles fanart, which is part of my dear friend’s Paula’s aka BrickercupMasterX3’s Blossutch Month, is dedicated to Haya aka TF-KidoNightmare who celebrated her birthday yesterday. So, Haya, I hope you had a brilliant, awesome, wonderful, and exciting birthday. I wish you all of my love, joy, and abundance. Comme on dit en francais, J’espère que tu as un anniversaire brillant, génial, merveilleux et excitant. Je te souhaite à tous mon amour, joie et abondance. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the marvelous shippers of Blossutch, Blossoomer, Butchubbles, and Boomubbles. Prenez plaisir mes amis et camarades de le shipping de Blossutch, Blossoomer, Butchubbles et Boomubbles ou en francais Bâtard x Belle, Bâtard x Bulle, Fierabra x Belle et Fierabra x Bulle.   Here we have Butch, Blossom, Bubbles, and Boomer in a mood rather festive and joyous if one cannot tell by their expressions and their choice of attire. I seriously love these four together and if you were to ask me in a blind test which Blossom-centered OTP I prefer being Blossutch or Blossoomer or which Bubbles-centered OTP I prefer being Butchubbles or Boomubbles, I have this to say. I love, admire, enjoy, worship, and adore the absolute stuffing out of all of them. Whether it be the flexibility and excitement of Blossutch (Butch x Blossom), the adorability and great interest of Butchubbles (Butch x Bubbles), the warmth, genuineness, and lovability of Blossoomer (Boomer x Blossom) or the cuteness, sweetness, and tenderness of Boomubbles (Boomer x Bubbles), I can certainly get a kick out of all my OTPs, or in this case OT4.   I cannot begin to tell you how addicted I am to the song Vous Êtes Seuls by the legendary Nina Simone to the point where it has become an earworm. I’m pretty sure you are going to the same way too, as you listen to this awesomely catchy tune. At least you can imagine, Butch dancing with Blossom, Butch dancing with Bubbles, Boomer dancing with Blossom, and Boomer dancing with Bubbles. Do you want to make this more exciting? Just throw in Brickercup (Brick x Buttercup), Bunnitch (Mitch x Bunny), and Robike (Mike x Robin) and it’s going to be an OTP party extravaganza full of fun, laughter, and high spirits.     I hope you all enjoyed this piece of Blossutch, Blossoomer, Butchubbles, and Boomubbles fan art. A tout a l’heure mes amis.   Butch, Blossom, Bubbles, and Boomer from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Wild is The Wind drawn by me

“Love me, love me, love me, say you do Let me fly away with you For my love is like the wind And wild is the wind   Give me more than one caress Satisfy this hungriness Let the wind blow through your heart For wild is the wind   You touch me I hear the sound of mandolins You kiss me With your kiss, my life begins You’re spring to me All things to me   Don’t you know you’re life itself Like a leaf clings to a tree Oh my darling, cling to me For we’re creatures of the wind And wild is the wind So wild is the wind   You touch me I hear the sound of mandolins You kiss me With your kiss, my life begins Dady, you’re spring to me All things to me   Don’t you know you’re life itself Like a leaf clings to a tree Oh my darling, cling to me For we’re creatures of the wind And wild is the wind So wild is the wind   Wild is the wind Wild is the wind Wild is the wind” -Wild is The Wind, Composed by Dimitri Tiomkin and Ned Washington, originally sung by Johnny Mathis for the 1957 film “Wild is The Wind” directed by George Cukor.   This piece of Butchubbles fanart, as part of Kaitlyn’s aka KatyGorl’s Claim a PPG Pairing Month, is dedicated to Rosemary aka COMICGIRL1155 and Sis aka Goldstar-chan who celebrated their birthdays yesterday. So, Rosemary, Sis, I hope you had an amazing, awesome, blessed, and grand birthday and I wish you a lot of prosperity, abundance, and joy in your artistic endeavors. Moreover, I would love to dedicate this to all of the wonderful Butchubbles shippers out there. I hope you all enjoy.   Here we have Butch and Bubbles having a serene and contemplative moment together. It says something when the normally wild, animalistic, and brutish Butch can have such a moment of tenderness with his lady love the elegant, jovial, and charming Bubbles. These two are indubitably adorable together.   For my song choice, I decided to pick “Wild is The Wind”, as it encapsulates Butch being soothed by someone as gentle and sweet as Bubbles, thus making this rather reflective when all is said and done. The one interpreter who stands out to me on many levels is without any shadow of a doubt the great Nina Simone. Her take on this song almost left to tears, especially when I first heard it in the 1991 documentary film “Nina Simone: The Legend”. I invite you all to listen to this melancholy, heart-wrenching, yet wonderful song while taking a gander at this piece of Butchubbles fanart. Enjoy.     I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you all in the next submission.   Butch and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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The Butchubbles Family Strikes Again

This art trade I have accomplished with my dearest friend Kaitlyn aka KatyGorl is dedicated to Julian aka RailToonBronyfan3751, who celebrated his birthday yesterday. So, Julian, I hope you had an amazing, blessed, awesome, and wonderful birthday, keep on being the fine person that you are and I wish you boundless abundance in your life as an artist and as a person. This is also dedicated to all of the great Butchubbles shippers out there. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that Butchubbles goodness. If it were not already obvious, Butch, Bubbles and their daughter Brea have struck again. This time, they have brought a couple of members into this lovely family son Brandon and daughter Betty. In my Team Xtreme universe, Brandon, Brea, and Betty are triplets. So, let’s also get to know how Brandon and Betty came to be. A few minutes before Brea was born, Brandon ended up being the first to emerge from Bubbles’ womb. After him was Brea and finally, there was Betty. Much like their sister, Brea, Brandon Tristram Green and Bethany Tamara “Betty” Green were born on August 10, 2011. While Brea was said to have been hyperactive, Brandon was the most placid out of the three and Betty was the loudest in terms of her crying. Moreover, much like how Bloom and Brea were raised by their grandparents while Butch and Bubbles were in college, Brittney, Becky, Brandon, and Betty were also in the care of Mr. Green, Professor Utonium, Mrs. Bellum-Green, and Mrs. Keane-Utonium, with Butch, Boomer, Blossom, and Bubbles coming every weekend and after school to be the parents they ought to be, thus spending time with them. Brandon is the split image of his mother when it comes to his personality. As the eldest of the triplets, he is a responsible soul who ensures safety for his sisters. There are times, Brea can be peeved by his constant need to be this touchy-feely especially around her, but deep down she cares for him and he cares for her. While he can be very sweet, innocent, and kind, he does have another layer to him. When he is provoked or when someone dares to hurt him or his family, he will unleash his unbridled fury to that perpetrator. This protective nature is also rather helpful not only to the citizens of Townsville but also to the good of the environment, considering how much he loves nature and is so willing to protect it for future generations, which is quite a tall order to accomplish for someone who is still seven years old. Power-wise, Brandon is mostly a sound-oriented superbeing. He has inherited his mother’s supersonic screams as well as her ability to communicate in a myriad of languages such as Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Greek, German, Italian, Czech, Russian, and Hungarian. Since he is also close to nature, he can even talk to cats, dogs, squirrels, chipmunks, ducks, sparrows, robins and many other types of animals. He even uses the language of the beasts to make diversions when attacking his foes. On top of that, he even inherited his father’s ability to create force fields. Brandon’s force field is rather special because it can absorb sound-related attacks, thus rendering them nullified. Every sound wave that hits his barrier will end up negated, null and void. One should also be very cautious when dealing with someone like Brandon, as underneath that seemingly sweet facade is a menacing figure one should never underestimate. The fact that Brandon is also physically strong enough to tear any metal bar or bench press a boulder should be a warning sign to any foe who dares to do battle with him. Betty is also the split image of her mother, as she is a kind, well-meaning, gentle soul. Interestingly enough, when she emerged from Bubbles’ womb, her hair color was different from her father’s and mother’s, as it was a color-palette mixture of the two, hence Betty having brown hair. Another interesting facet about Betty is in her meditation modes, especially what happens with her eyes. When having moments of peace and serenity her eyes glow in a sky blue color, but when sensing danger and trouble her eyes bear a forest green flash. Much like her mother, Betty is extremely artistic, especially given her drawing, sculpting, painting, and sketching capabilities. She is also musically-gifted, playing the piano, drums, and violin and even flawlessly and angelically singing “Walking in the Air” from The Snowman when she was six years old in a kindergarten Christmas pageant to which she had the admiration and acclaim of her teachers, cousins, friends, parents, uncles, aunties, and grandparents. In terms of her extraordinary abilities, she is also sound-oriented and can communicate in various languages plus speaking in the Martian tongue. One sunny afternoon when Betty was all but five years old, the Galvanians came to Townsville to conquer it. Luckily for Betty, she was able to communicate with the Galvanians stating that they should depart or else she will end up breaking their necks in their language. The Galvanians left in a huff, thus surprising Butch, Bubbles, Brandon, and Brea. Aside from that exceptional ability, Betty can even manipulate water while encasing any sound-related attack with that element. One example is her signature Sonic Typhoon, in which sound waves are absorbed by water and when directed to the opponent, one will end up being incapacitated by the water droplets and the sound waves. Moreover, Betty can create a water-based force field which can turn any fire-related attack into evaporated steam. Aside from bearing super strength, she bears super speed to which she uses it to her advantage, especially when it comes to making her opponents tired of chasing her. Her usage of speed is enough to make the likes of Hermes and The Flash green with envy. Relationship-wise, Brandon, Brea, and Betty get along superbly with their cousins Bloom, Brittney, Becky, Blaze, Brett, Brooke, Britney, Bane Ryan, and Pauline…

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Something He Can Feel drawn by me

“Shoo do, shoo Oh, many say That I’m too young To let you know just Where I come from Oh, but you will see That it’s just a Matter of time My love will surely Make you mine Ooh, living in a World of ghetto life Everybody around Seems so uptight Nothing’s wrong It’s alright with My man, my man I like the kinds of Ways we have our fun His loving ways Send me on and on Yeah, hey, with my man People out there Can understand I’m giving him Something he can feel Ah ha ha, to let you know My love is real So much love for us to feel So much hope for material things Are they only in my dreams So I write this song for you To prove that real things Do come true Ooh, living in a World of ghetto life Everybody around Seems so uptight Nothing’s wrong It’s alright with My man, my man I like the kinds of Ways we have our fun His loving ways Send me on and on Ooo hoo, with my man People out there Can you understand Giving him Something he can feel I sure want you to have it babe My love, my love is real Giving him Something he can feel I want you to know my love Giving him Something he can feel Gonna give you whatcha, whatcha really need babe Giving him Something he can feel Can you feel, can feel, feel, feel, feel Giving him Something he can feel I feel ooo we feel it baby Giving him Something he can feel Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Giving him Something he can feel Feel it babe, feel it babe, feel it babe Giving him Something he can feel Yeah feel it” – Aretha Franklin, composed by Curtis Mayfield for the film Sparkle, released on May 5, 1976 I would love to dedicate this piece of Butchubbles fanart, as part of an art trade I have done with my good friend Eva aka AquaGemPrincess, to MJ aka MissEmmyJay who celebrated her birthday three days ago, Andrew aka CHAOS-CHAOS-CHAOS and Alyssa aka WolfyTheRuff who celebrated their birthdays yesterday, and Zia Mikaela aka Mimidorika who is celebrating her birthday today. So, MJ, Andrew, Alyssa, and Zia, I wish you a lot of abundance, love, beauty, and strength in everything you have as artists and people. May you all stay forever blessed. Furthermore, I dedicate this piece of Butchubbles fanart to the great and wonderful Aretha Franklin who unfortunately passed away a few days ago and this is dedicated to her memory, hence the song choice. So, Madame Franklin, may you rest in peace and may the Lord Almighty welcome you to His Kingdom. There’s nothing more charming nor more adorable than having Butch be the rough yet lovable muscle gent to his darling lady love Bubbles. May you all bask in the Butchubbles cuteness as you listen to this song by the legendary Queen of Soul herself, Madame Aretha Franklin. I hope you all enjoyed this and see you in the next submission. Take care and lots of love. Butch and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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The Butchubbles Family drawn by me

This piece of Butchubbles fanart, which is part of an art trade I have been doing with my dearest friend Kaitlyn aka KatyGorl, is dedicated to some fellow DeviantArtists who celebrated their birthdays some days ago. Those are Ben Wagner aka BeeWinter55, Giovanni aka Rasmussen891, AdmiralPit, x-Memoire-x, and Jenna Johnson aka resotii. I hope you guys had amazing birthdays, I wish you all the best and all of my love in everything you have accomplished so far as artists and stay golden in all that you are. Wie wir auf deutsch sagen, ich wünsche euch allen alle das Beste und alle meine Liebe in alles, dass ihr als Künstler und Menschen geschafft habt, und bleib so wunderbar und hervorragend wie ihr seid. Come se dice in italiano, vi auguro ogni bene e tutto il mio amore nelle vostre vite come artisti e persone e stai tutto bene come voi siete.   I will say this and I will say this again. In terms of the Bubbles-related pairings, my undying love for Butch x Bubbles aka Butchubbles has been spreading like the wildest of wildfires to the point where I dub this as my OTP on par with Boomubbles. Moreover, we have quite the lovely family they have made with twenty-six-year-old Butch being the rough and tumble, ruggedly sexy, and really muscular dad that he is, seven-year-old Brea being the adorable, cute toughie that she is, and twenty-four-year-old Bubbles being the jolly, euphoric mom that she is. So, let’s take a gander at how Brea, KatyGorl’s Butchubbles daughter, came to be.   Throughout all of his life growing up, Butch not only fancied Bubbles but he had a huge crush on her. He loved how utterly forgiving, emphatic, creative, jolly, and enthusiastic she was not only as a superheroine but also as a person. However, there were some obstacles that got in the way of him trying to confess his feelings for the sky-blue clad Powerpuff Girl.   First, there was her obvious admiration for Boomer considering how well those two ended up clicking to the point where they had a very long-lasting relationship.   Secondly, there was Bubbles’ attachment to Brick. Though not in the most romantic sense, but more of Brick being the impulsive, smart, tough big brother to Bubbles’ ingenue with an edge little sister, in which their long-lasting friendship almost put them in a relationship with each other. Thankfully, it lasted a week before Brick ended up with Buttercup and Bubbles returned to Boomer.   Thirdly, was his unsuccessful relationship with Buttercup until Grade 10, where they decided to just be friends during the Summer of 2009.   Fourth, was the fact that Blossom was his girlfriend who later ended up as his wife, so breaking up with her would have been uncalled for, as he loved her company and she enjoyed being with a roguish, wild gentleman like Butch.   On Bubbles’ side of the story, even though she had a wonderfully healthy relationship with Boomer and a spectacularly platonic big brother, little sister relationship with Brick, she too had a crush on Butch. It could be his unrelenting athleticism. It could be his unparalleled use of his immense strength both in combat and in daily activities, much to the astonishment of certain civilians. Moreover, it could be Butch’s undying loyalty and protection not only towards his favorite brother Brick, his fraternal frenemy Boomer, his greater equal Blossom, his teammate-in-arms Buttercup but also towards Bubbles considering the rescue missions they all have been through together.   Everything came to a head when Boomer and Blossom told Butch and Bubbles how they truly felt about giving other life partners a chance, to which the latter pair completely got the message. Much like how Boomer consummated his feelings his feelings for Blossom, Butch also consummated his feelings for Bubbles, but at a price.   A week after Blossom’s discovery of her pregnancy, Bubbles also found out she was pregnant, in spite of the fact that she was all but seventeen years old and Butch was nineteen years old. Given the benefit of the doubt, their respective parents Mr. Green, Mrs. Bellum-Green, Professor Utonium, and Mrs. Keane-Utonium were confident that their superpowered offspring will be responsible enough to take on the parental roles. If they can face monsters and other villains, they can surely face parenthood too.   During Bubbles’ pregnancy, her cravings were at an all-time high. She craved for salmon, tuna, sardines, chili sin and con carne, tacos, grapefruit juice, spinach, and many other foods rich in iron, protein, and antioxidants. Moreover, every time the baby was kicking, it would be at intermittent rates. There were some days where the kicks were gentle as feathers and other days where the kicks were harsh and punishing complete with twitching. Butch knew that he was going to have a child who was as sweet and gentle as Bubbles but fierce and rough as him, especially when they found out in the ultrasound that it was to be a girl.   The day of delivery came on August 10, 2011, when Bubbles gave birth to Brea Susannah Green, who was said to have been a hyperactive yet joyful baby.   Because Butch and Bubbles were going to college, Brea, much like her cousin Bloom, was raised by Professor Utonium and Mrs. Keane-Utonium with Mr. Green and Mrs. Bellum-Green helping out. Every weekend and after school, Butch and Bubbles would always pay Brea a visit and be the parents that they ought to be. As the years passed, Brea grew into an enthusiastic, energetic, tough and rough girl with a soft, adorable, and sweet side. Even when Bubbles ended up going back to Boomer and Butch ended up going to Blossom, she was still happy and proud to call Butch her dad and Bubbles her mom. Plus, she loved her half-siblings on Boomer’s side Bailey, Barley, Brittany, and Birdie and on Blossom’s side Brendan, Blake, and Belle as her own. Aside…

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Roaring Lion Kings and Snarling Lioness Queens drawn by me

This piece of RRB/PPG fanart is dedicated to Begaiym aka Bosya aka BestieBosya who celebrated her birthday five days ago, Agustín aka Agu-Fungus who celebrated his birthday two days ago, and HetterRos and Susan aka TheStupid Fox who celebrated their birthdays yesterday. So, Bosya, Agustín, Hetter, and Susan, I hope you all had a very blessed, prosperous, and awesome birthday and I wish you a lot of love, joy, and happiness in your lives as artists and people. Wie wir auf deutsch sagen, ich hoffe ihr hattet einen gesegneten, wohlhabenden und tollen Geburtstag und ich wünsche euch allen viel Liebe, Freude und Glück in euren Leben als Künstler und Menschen. Como se dice en español, espero que todos ustedes hayáis tenido un cumpleaños bendito, próspero y maravilloso y os deseo mucho amor, felicidad y alegría en tus vidas como artistas y personas.   Moreover, if you cannot tell from Buttercup’s, Blossom’s, and Bubbles’ brassieres and loincloths, I am sure you will all have a great idea who their mates are and who I ship these awesome ladies with. However, if you did not get the hint, this is also dedicated to all of the wonderful shippers of Brickercup, Blossutch, Blossoomer, Boomubbles, and Butchubbles. With that said, sit back, relax, and soak in that Brickercup, Blossutch, Blossoomer, Butchubbles, and Boomubbles goodness.   Feral Team Xtreme has struck again, as we are heading back to the pride lands. Here we have our six favorite superheroes, Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles, being the strong, courageous, and awesome pride of lions that they are. The lions in the forms of Brick, Butch, and Boomer are flexing their muscles and letting out their thunderous roars to give anyone a heaping dose of fighting spirit and courage. The lionesses in the forms of Buttercup, Blossom, and Bubbles are stretching their nimble legs while emitting such lethal snarls to warn any intruder not to vandalize their territory.   As you can also see, they have come home from a hunting trip and decorated their den with bloodstained pawprints from the prey they have caught and devoured. Surely, their sharp claws, even sharper fangs of steel, and fierce glares are enough to make any invader, vandal or prey quiver at their presence. At least they know how to keep themselves clean by taking a swim at a nearby river.   Brick, Butch, and Boomer being the Alpha Male lions they are, have the superhuman strength, stamina, and toughness to give any invader a run for his life whenever these three lion kings appear. Their muscles are enough to make Hercules, Basuli, and Tarzan really proud of how these lion men manage to stay strong all the way through. Their massive roars can definitely earn Mufasa’s and Simba’s respect and honor, Kopa’s and Kovu’s friendship and brotherhood, Scar’s willingness to fight them, and Nuka’s envy and fear. Their wrestling and grappling prowess are certainly up to par with Simba’s, Basuli’s, and Tarzan’s fighting skills to the point where they even end up stronger than those jungle warriors.   Their lioness mates, Buttercup, Blossom, and Bubbles, are just as powerful as their husbands. Their super speed, stamina, combat prowess, beauty and symmetry in their moves, as well as their gorgeous countenances are enough to make them shine brilliantly as the queens of the pride they are. Their overall skills are enough to earn Sarabi’s, Sarafina’s, and Nala’s respect, love, and admiration, Vitani’s and Kiara’s friendship and willingness to be sisters to the point where they would test each others’ wrestling and grappling skills, Pocahontas’s admiration, kindness, and generosity, Queen La’s desire to do battle with them, and Zira’s unquenching lust to test their strength. Moreover, these lioness women are the backbone of what makes their pride thrive with endurance.   Relationship-wise, even though Buttercup solely belongs to Brick and Brick alone, her sisters are polyamorous. Blossom’s main mate is Butch, while Bubbles’ is Boomer. However, the eldest lioness sister and the youngest lioness sister trade spouses on chosen days. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Blossom belongs to Butch and Bubbles belongs to Boomer. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, Blossom belongs to Boomer and Bubbles belongs to Butch. Sundays are a complete foursome. Plus, if you are wondering where their cubs are, they are playing with Mitch’s and Bunny’s offspring in the neighboring territory, as all fourteen cubs are in really great hands, or in this case, paws.   There you have it. The return of Townsville’s superheroes who have gone feral and behave like lions. So, Brick, Butch, Boomer, Buttercup, Blossom, Bubbles, do you have anything to say to our celebrants?   (Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles leap from the den’s hiding spots with a roar almost similar to how Simba lept when confronting Scar for their final battle. They even approach in a similar fashion with fierce, menacing looks on their eyes and even emit a low growl like Simba.)   Brick: We all have something to say.   Butch: We heard there were some birthday celebrants.   Boomer: Some who had their birthdays a few days ago and others who had theirs just yesterday.   Blossom: So, to those of you who had their birthdays, sit tight.   Buttercup: If you don’t want us to give us one good why we shouldn’t rip you apart, listen up.   Bubbles: This is how we say we hope you had a great, magnificent birthday in the language of lions.   (All six of them walk up to a rock formation akin to Pride Rock and look up at the sky, as the wind blows on their faces. They then start to unleash a most powerful roar that can rival any lion.)   Brick: ROOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAARRR!!!!!!!   Butch: ROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAARRR!!!!!!!!   Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles: ROOOOOOOAAAAARRRRRRR!!!!!   (Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles inhale, as this roar is going to be the grand finale. The roar to end all roars, as they roar to the heavens.)  …

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My RRB/PPG Ships

The PPG/RRB Shipping Chart was originally created by QuietLullabies.   Well, I am in the marvelous city of Madrid, Spain, where I will be celebrating my 26th birthday. Yes, I know, another year older, another year wiser. So, to celebrate my upcoming birthday here’s my take on the whole PPG/RRB shipping meme chart.   I have been seeing fellow artists’ takes on these pairings. Some were interesting, some were a bit one-sided, and some were actually well-thought out and I enjoyed reading their opinions on the Rowdyruffs and Powerpuffs they like or not like to pair up with. So, without ado, here’s my take on the PPG/RRB shippings.   OTPs: Boomer/Bubbles or Boomubbles- In my opinion, this has to be the most plausible and overall best of not only the color-coded RRB/PPG pairings but also RRB/PPG pairings in general. These two seem like they are destined to be for each other and are akin to the star-crossed lovers that I have seen in the media and literature, i.e. Romeo and Juliet. I am very sure that these two would start leaving behind any animosity if the Rowdyruff Boys became good guys, joined forces with the Powerpuff Girls and will be the first to show loads of forgiveness and compassion, while they are still young children. Eventually, Boomer and Bubbles would start becoming the closest of friends and comrades, thus building a healthy and genuine relationship between the two. Once they reach their tweens and teens, they would develop even deeper feelings for each other and will actually go on more dates, aside from the usual crime-fighting they have to do. Plus, in my headcanon, they would end up being the first to marry in their late teens to their early 20s and have children with Boomer being the loving, well-meaning father and Bubbles being the supportive, compassionate mother, in spite of the fact that they are the youngest of their respective sibling groups. It’s no surprise why I love the Blues when they are together. It’s because of not only their appeal of being adorable, sweet, and/or lovely but it also has this fairytale-like feel in their relationship, where after every trial, every challenge, and every hardship, Boomer and Bubbles still have each others’ backs and will seem to be the couple that will stay faithful to each other until the end of time.   The Reds and the Greens were rather interesting to pair up because not only do I like Blossick and Butchercup, even though they can be a tad bit overrated, but I also enjoy Brickercup and Blossutch as much as the former. Moreover, the Reds and the Greens don’t really have that fairy tale, lovey-dovey, sentimental vibe that the Blues have, thus showing how tough being in a relationship is, yet at the same time it is reassuring, as principles of respect, responsibility, compassion, allegiance, and trust need to be put in to practice, not only with each other but also for the good of their team. So, here’s my take on these pairings, even though I made it kind of clear in my OT4 drawing of Bricksomutchercup. I still keep my word that Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup are the strongest OT4 in my opinion, hence that’s why I dub them to be my Four Favorite Bruisers of All Time because of their unwaveringly strong personalities and overall determination. Plus, I imagine the Reds and the Greens living together under one roof, with the Blues living in another house. So, here are my explanations, anyway.   Brick/Blossom or Blossick- I put this as my first choice because they seem to be the ones who follow suit when it comes to Boomer and Bubbles being together. As they grow up and form a six-person superhero team, I can see them still obtaining responsibilities of being leaders as well as the eldest children with Brick and his large-and-in-charge warlord personality who ensures a fair fight, great combat skills from all of his teammates, and a grand victory for every mission they do and Blossom and her tendency to be the team mom who ensures strategy to be present in battle and the overall safety of not only her beloved but also her comrades. I can see their romance as not being that of a fairy tale but one that is really challenging, as walls need to be broken down, trust has to be formed, and respect and allegiance need to be put to practice. Sure, they would initially have difficulty trusting and respecting each other. However, as time goes by, they would start to see each other for who they are. Brick would see that Blossom is not always Little Miss Perfect and Blossom would see that Brick has some insecurities, which are more often than not hidden in this proud personality. Together, these two can take what primal doubts and insecurities they have and take them in stride, thus helping each other reach their full potential not only physically but psychologically as well. As young adults in their twenties, they and the Greens would even have a double wedding after their youngest siblings’ matrimony and as parents, I can imagine Blossom being the stern, well-meaning, and supportive mom and Brick being the strong, tough, and really loving dad. I really love this pairing because it does show how being in a relationship is not always easy but when two people have patience, trust, respect, allegiance, and understanding anything is possible.   Butch/Buttercup or Butchercup- Ah, yes. One of the Takahashi couples to end all Takahashi couples because of their volcanically belligerent sexual tension. They would be the couple who would argue and shout one moment and be cuddly and make love to each other in the next. As I stated before, Ranma and Akane would end up paling in comparison to Butch’s and Buttercup’s brand of belligerent sexual tension. As the toughest and most volatile fighters, with Butch being the big muscle and Buttercup being the…

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