
Greeting the Day with Love Most Pure drawn by me

(The sun shines on The City of Townsville.) Narrator: The City of Townsville. February 11, 2019. Team Xtreme Headquarters. It’s a brand new day for our beloved Baron of Berserk who is known for his brute strength, animalistic fierceness, and his interesting brand of being a pretty cool dude. The one and the only 26 going on 27-year-old Butch Green. For this guy, there is nothing more worthwhile than starting the day by keeping his well-shaped muscles toned and sculpted that could rival any Greek god or bodybuilder. (Butch is doing bench presses while wearing green shorts and is topless.) Butch: 991…992…993…994…995…996…997…998…999…1000! All right! (Butch puts the barbell down and he sits erect.) Butch: Yeah, that’s the stuff. (Butch flexes his biceps and grins.) Butch: GRRRRR…..Butch, you are totally in great shape this morning. (High-pitched giggling is heard from the hallway and Butch puts down his mighty arms.) Butch: Could that be my darling wife, Bubbles. (Bubbles enters and she is hiding something behind her back.) Bubbles: You guessed right, my dearest Butchie. (Bubbles leans towards Butch and gives him a kiss with her lipstick mark being imprinted on his cheek.) Bubbles: I have a surprise for you, my great stud of a husband. Butch: What could it be, my sweet wifey-poo. (Bubbles reveals the surprise, as it is a big heart-shaped letter.) Bubbles: Tada! Happy Eight Years of being happily married, Butchie. The kids and I made this especially for you. (Bubbles gives the letter to Butch and he reads it.) Bubbles (voiceover): Happy Eighth Anniversary, Butchie! Much love, your darling wife, Bubbles. Brandon, Buddy, Brea, Betty, Blithe, Bibi, Blaine, and Blair (voiceover): And your awesome kids. Brandon (voiceover): Brandon… Buddy (voiceover): Buddy… Brea (voiceover): Brea… Betty (voiceover): Betty… Blithe (voiceover): Blithe… Bibi (voiceover): Bibi… Blaine (voiceover): Blaine… Blair (voiceover): And Blair. (Butch finishes reading the letter.) Butch: Bubs, baby girl, this is definitely the best wedding anniversary gift ever. Bubbles: I’m so happy you loved it, Butchie. For our anniversary, I prepared breakfast for us and the kids. So, let’s get going to the dining hall. Butch: All right, Bubs. I’ll put on my best shirt then we’ll eat. Bubbles: All right, Butchie. (Bubbles embraces Butch and they had to the dining hall.) Narrator: Awww…This is certainly quite a lovely start to an equally lovely day. So once again, the day is saved. Thanks to Butch and Bubbles. And their offspring Brandon, Buddy, Brea, Betty, Blithe, Bibi, Blaine, and Blair. This piece of Butchubbles fan art is dedicated to Kairah aka Raikaaa, Graceann aka AngelePuquiz, FEN-OSHI, wtfisabluecornmoon, PourSomeSugarOnMeee, Ariel aka PurfectPrincessGirl, DontbeModest, nax aka propimol, and Key aka xKeyToMyHeartx who celebrated their birthdays some days ago. So, I hope you guys had awesome birthdays and equally lovely Valentine’s Days. I wish you a lot of love, joy, happiness, prosperity, abundance, and strength in your lives as artists and as people. This is also dedicated to all of the Butchubbles shippers out there. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that Butchubbles goodness. I know I said this in my final Blossoomer month submission, but I will reiterate anyway. If I did not have Blossutch as my endgame OTP pairing for Butch and Boomubbles as my endgame OTP for Bubbles, Butchubbles would have taken that title with Blossoomer following suit and vice versa. As you can tell, this is a Team Xtreme AU where Butch and Bubbles are a happily married couple and they ended up having not only the sextuplets in the forms of Brandon, Buddy, Brea, Betty, Blithe, and Bibi aka KatyGorl’s and Misse-the-cat’s fan kids but younger twin sons in the forms of Blaine and Blair much like the number of kids Boomer and Blossom have. Butchubbles has always and continues to fascinate me to this very day. I compare this couple to other opposites attract couples like Seiji and Midori from Midori Days and Arashi and Miwako from Paradise Kiss with the classic case of Butch being the strong bad boy with the foul mouth and Bubbles being the sweet ingenue with an edge who has a thing for said bad boy. Sure, it is a trope as old as time, but I cannot help but find this particular pairing so charming and rather fun. In Butch’s and Bubbles’ case, it could start off as playful infatuation on Bubbles’ side and hiding his emotions on Butch’s side and it would eventually grow into feeling really comfortable with each other to the point where Butch can see Bubbles for the outgoing, forgiving, compassionate person that she is and Bubbles could see that side of Butch that is so protective, determined, and unorthodoxly sympathetic, in spite of being really rough around the edges. Truly a yin and yang couple incarnate. To conclude, if there is anyone I would love to thank for making ship Butchubbles more and more, it has to all of you wonderful shippers. You guys know who you are and I am completely grateful for all of you who managed to make me love Butchubbles as an OTP that stands right beside the likes of Brickercup, Blossutch, Blossoomer, Boomubbles, Bunnitch, and Robike. I cannot get enough of the flexibility and the interesting dynamics Butch and Bubbles have with his roughness, toughness, ferocity, and muscle thus being an awesome compliment to her flexibility, lovability, willingness to be open, and sense of being a placid, loving young lady. Therefore, it would be a great pleasure to see Butch and Bubbles live life to the fullest together given how well they could play off of each other that makes them all the more charming and adorable. Well, that is all for now. I hope you all enjoyed this piece of Butchubbles work and I will see you all in the next submission. Take care, everybody. Butch and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Beneath a Moonless Sky drawn by me

CHRISTINE: I should have known that you’d be here I should have known it all along This whole arrangement bears your stamp You’re in each measure of that song. How dare you try and claim me now? How dare you come invade my life?   PHANTOM: Oh, Christine. My Christine. In that time when the world thought me dead My Christine, on that night just before you were wed Ah, Christine. You came and found where I hid Don’t you deny that you did, that long ago night   CHRISTINE: That night…   PHANTOM: Once there was a night, beneath a moonless sky Too dark to see a thing, too dark to even try   CHRISTINE: I stole to your side to tell you I must go I couldn’t see your face, but sensed you even so And I touched you,   PHANTOM: And I felt you   BOTH: And I heard those ravishing refrains   CHRISTINE: The music of the past   PHANTOM: The singing in your veins   CHRISTINE: And I held you   PHANTOM: And I touched you   CHRISTINE: And embraced you   PHANTOM: And I felt you   BOTH: And with every breath and every sigh   CHRISTINE: I felt no longer scared   PHANTOM: I felt no longer shy   BOTH: At last our feelings bared beneath a moonless sky   CHRISTINE: And blind in the dark, as soul gazed into soul I looked into your heart and saw you pure and whole   PHANTOM: Cloaked under the night with nothing to suppress A woman and a man No more, and yet no less And I kissed you   CHRISTINE: And caressed you   BOTH: And the world around us fell away We said things in the dark we never dared to say   PHANTOM: And I caught you   CHRISTINE: And I kissed you   PHANTOM: And I took you   CHRISTINE: And caressed you   BOTH: With a need to urgent to deny And nothing mattered then Except for you and I Again and then again beneath a moonless sky   PHANTOM: And when it was done Before the sun could rise Ashamed of what I was, afraid to see your eyes I stood while you slept and whispered a goodbye And slipped into the dark beneath a moonless sky   CHRISTINE: And I loved you, yes I loved you I’d have followed anywhere you led I woke to swear my love and found you gone instead   PHANTOM: And I loved you and I left you   CHRISTINE: How I loved you!   PHANTOM: And I had to, both of us knew why   CHRISTINE: We both knew why   BOTH: And yet I won’t regret from now until I die The night I can’t forget Beneath a moonless sky…   PHANTOM: And now…   CHRISTINE: How can you talk of now? For us, there is no now   – Beneath a Moonless Sky from Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Love Never Dies, Text by Andrew Lloyd Webber, Ben Elton, Frederick Forsyth, and Glenn Slater, Lyrics by Glenn Slater, Based on Frederick Forsyth’s “The Phantom of Manhattan”, Gaston Leroux’s “The Phantom of the Opera”, and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s, Richard Stilgoe’s, and Charles Hart’s “The Phantom of the Opera”, First Performance on March 9, 2010 at the Adelphi Theatre in London’s West End, England, Great Britain   This piece of Butchubbles fan art, which is my final submission for BrickercupMasterX3’s Butchubbles Month last January, is dedicated to Maggie Mason aka mason382, Emma aka KokoroWorlds, Martina Koljensic aka MartinaHermioneGrang, JordanDatTurtle13, Eva aka AmazonPrincess5000, Pinkycandypie, Danni Lynn McDonald aka evangeline40003, Starry aka Pastel—Star, and Victoria aka ViciViv who celebrated their birthdays a couple of days ago. So, I hope you all had such magnificent, grand, fabulous and phenomenal birthdays. I wish you a lot of love, joy, happiness, beauty, prosperity, strength, perseverance, and abundance in your lives as artists and as people. This is also dedicated to all of the wonderful Butchubbles shippers out there. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that Butchubbles goodness.   Well, this was inevitable. This is the final time we get to see Butch as our beloved Phantom aka Erik and Bubbles as the lovely Countess Christine Daaé de Chagny and this is the song and scene that we are going out on. I know some people find the duet between The Phantom and Christine, “Beneath a Moonless Sky”, unintentionally hilarious because of the lyrics unsubtly alluding to the Phantom and Christine making love to each other, but if one puts this duet in the right hands of the singers, this can actually be quite an emotional thrill ride. Yes, it is melodramatic. Yes, it does skewer with the canon. However, the melody is still haunting and quite palpable to be reckoned with. For your listening enjoyment, I present to you three interpretations of this duet from three of my favorite Phantoms, Ben Lewis, Ramin Karimloo, and Drew Sarich, and three of my favorite Christines, Anna O’Byrne, Sierra Boggess, and Milica Jovanovic. I hope you enjoy listening to these selections, as you gaze upon this piece of Butchubbles fan art.   Ben Lewis and Anna O’Byrne… Ramin Karimloo and Sierra Boggess… Drew Sarich and Milica Jovanovic…   I hope you all managed to enjoy this final submission for Butchubbles month 2019 and I will see you all on the flip side. Take care.   Butch and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Love Never Dies drawn by me

CHRISTINE: Who knows when love begins Who knows what makes it start One day it’s simply there Alive inside your heart It slips into your thoughts It infiltrates your soul It takes you by surprise Then seizes full control Try to deny it And try to protest But love won’t let you go Once you’ve been possessed Love never dies Love never falters Once it has spoken Love is yours Love never fades Love never alters Hearts may get broken Love endures Hearts may get broken Love endures And soon as you submit Surrender flesh and bone That love takes on a life Much bigger than your own It uses you at whim And drives you to despair And forces you to feel More joy than you can bear Love gives you pleasure And love brings you pain And yet when both are gone Love will still remain Once it has spoken Love is yours Love never dies Love never alters Hearts may get broken Love endures Hearts may get broken Love never dies Love will continue Love keeps on beating When you’re gone Love never dies Once it is in you Love may be fleeting Love lives on – Love Never Dies from Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Love Never Dies, Text by Andrew Lloyd Webber, Ben Elton, Frederick Forsyth, and Glenn Slater, Lyrics by Glenn Slater, Based on Frederick Forsyth’s “The Phantom of Manhattan”, Gaston Leroux’s “The Phantom of the Opera”, and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s, Richard Stilgoe’s, and Charles Hart’s “The Phantom of the Opera”, First Performance on March 9, 2010 at the Adelphi Theatre in London’s West End, England, Great Britain This piece of Butchubbles and Boomubbles fan art, which is part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Butchubbles Month, is dedicated to oOAquaDreamOo and Allyszarts who are celebrating their birthdays today. So, I wish you a most pleasant, awesome, beautiful, splendid, and grand birthday and I wish you a lot of love, joy, abundance, and prosperity in everything you do as people and as artists. Wie man auf deutsch sagt, ich wünsche euch einen fröhlichen, schönen, hervorragenden und grandiosen Geburtstag und ich wünsche euch viel Liebe, Freude, Reichtum und Wohlstand in allen, dass ihr als Künstler und Menschen tut. This is also dedicated to all of the hardcore Butchubbles and Boomubbles shippers out there. So, sit back, relax, and soak in the Butchubbles and Boomubbles goodness. I mentioned in my first Butchubbles Month submission that I would squeeze the 26-year-old Boomer in as Raoul de Chagny to make this epic love triangle between Butch’s Phantom, Bubbles’ Christine, and, of course, his Raoul come to fruition. For my money, Boomer definitely fits Raoul to a T. He could easily pass as the childhood friend and designated hero who has very strong feelings for the designated heroine. Moreover, as opposed to Butch as The Phantom, Boomer as Raoul is sympathetic, noble, genteel in his own special way, and loving coupled with the fact that Boomer bears a graceful, youthful, mellifluous, melodious light lyric tenor voice to contrast perfectly with Butch’s rough, wide-ranging dramatic tenor. In terms of the setting, the peacock setting where Christine sings her big solo “Love Never Dies” was quite the challenge, which is also the same thing I can say about her gown, as I had to get the vital details down to a T. For what I accomplished, I think it went well, even though it does not surpass the original. I even have to say that I love differing Butch’s and Boomer’s bow ties to show that Butch’s Phantom is the anti-villain and Boomer’s Raoul is the hero. I am going to go on a mini-diatribe about Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Love Never Dies”. I am not a fan of the plot to this rather unnecessary sequel to “The Phantom of the Opera”. I do also comprehend that there were some minute elements which were based from Frederick Forsyth’s “The Phantom of Manhattan” and that I can never overlook. When cutting down to the bone, “Love Never Dies” basically feels like melodrama for the sake of melodrama just because the plot demands The Phantom and Christine to get back together through some form of contrivance, thus neglecting the fact that Raoul’s love for Christine is genuine, natural, and pure while the Phantom’s is based on obsession, lust, and an unhinging need to have Christine all to himself because nobody else understands him but her. In essence, “Love Never Dies” negates certain elements that make Raoul and Christine function as a couple and, therefore, mangles a lot of characters especially poor Meg Giry, who happens to have the shortest end of the stick. Diatribe aside, I do enjoy some of the songs and I have yet to watch the full musical live if only to hear some really great singing and overall performing. Now that my mini-diatribe is out of the way, I would also like to address that the titular song’s tune is actually “The Heart is Slow to Learn”, which was supposed to be added in to the intended sequel to the 1986 musical yet ended up being performed by Dame Kiri Te Kanawa during Mr. Lloyd Webber’s 50th birthday. The second time this tune was used was for the show tune Our Kind of Love from “The Beautiful Game” also composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber. “Love Never Dies” marks the third time this tune was used. Yes, it is rather lazy to rehash the same tune for different musicals, but I will give it the benefit of the doubt. Sure, anyway one slices it, the incarnations of these songs are rather emotionally manipulative. However, there is something that is sweeping and breathtaking about the melody that I cannot help but be hooked. So, for your listening pleasure, I present to you three of my favorite versions of this show tune sung by Anna O’Byrne, Sierra Boggess, and Rachel Anne Moore obviously all as Christine. Anna O’Byrne Sierra Boggess Rachel Anne Moore (Auf Deutsch) I…

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The Point of No Return drawn by me

DON JUAN (PHANTOM) You have come here in pursuit of your deepest urge, in pursuit of that wish, which till now has been silent, silent . . . I have brought you, that our passions may fuse and merge – in your mind you’ve already succumbed to me dropped all defenses completely succumbed to me – now you are here with me: no second thoughts, you’ve decided, decided . . . Past the point of no return – no backward glances: our games of make-believe are at an end . . . Past all thought of “if” or “when” – no use resisting: abandon thought, and let the dream descend . . . What raging fire shall flood the soul? What rich desire unlocks its door? What sweet seduction lies before us . . .? Past the point of no return, the final threshold – what warm, unspoken secrets will we learn? Beyond the point of no return . . . AMINTA (CHRISTINE) You have brought me to that moment where words run dry, to that moment where speech disappears into silence, silence . . . I have come here, hardly knowing the reason why . . . In my mind, I’ve already imagined our bodies entwining defenseless and silent – and now I am here with you: no second thoughts, I’ve decided, decided . . . Past the point of no return – no going back now: our passion-play has now, at last, begun . . . Past all thought of right or wrong – one final question: how long should we two wait, before we’re one . . .? When will the blood begin to race the sleeping bud burst into bloom? When will the flames, at last, consume us . . .? BOTH Past the point of no return the final threshold – the bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn . . . We’ve passed the point of no return . . . – The Point of No Return of “Don Juan Triumphant” from Andrew Lloyd Webber’s The Phantom of the Opera, Text by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Richard Stilgoe, Lyrics by Charles Hart and Richard Stilgoe, Based on Gaston Leroux’s “The Phantom of the Opera”, First performance on October 9, 1986 at Her Majesty’s Theatre, London, England, Great Britain This piece of Butchubbles fan art, which is part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Butchubbles Month, is dedicated to VishKeks, Cherin Bishop-Thorpe aka Rinnii, ujikintoki aka ujikin, Jonathan Edward Dolnier aka Pokejedservo, and Andre Partridge aka nakuuro who celebrated their birthdays a few days ago and KingofTheDragons1 and CyrizScarlet who are celebrating their birthdays today. So, I wish you so much love, prosperity, abundance, beauty, strength, and greatness in your lives as artists and as people and may you have such marvelous birthday celebrations. This is also dedicated to all of the Butchubbles shippers out there, so, do sit back, relax, and soak in that lovely Butchubbles goodness. Butch as The Phantom of the Opera and Bubbles as Christine Daaé have struck again. This time they are in one of my other favorite musical numbers of all time “The Point of No Return”. Sure, for some people, it is rather problematic, since Christine does not easily recognize that the gentleman who is playing Don Juan is not Ubaldo Piangi but the Phantom himself. Regardless, it is a steamy life-or-death duet that knows how to raise the stakes and it is glorious in its execution when done right. With Bubbles as Christine playing Aminta, I took a lot of inspiration from the original costume design for the stage but I also added that red flower Emmy Rossum’s Christine in the film version had for good measure. I am fully aware that the Phantom should have been fully cloaked, but I decided to go with giving Butch’s Phantom a fancy hat, making the mouth cloaked with a piece of black cloth, and make him be fully donned in black. Overall, I am rather pleased with the results. Since I love this duet so much, I decided to compile five of my favorite Phantoms Michael Crawford, Colm Wilkinson, Alexander Goebel, Saulo Vasconcelos, and Ramin Karimloo and five of my favorite Christines Sarah Brightman, Rebecca Caine, Luiza Nistler, Irasema Terrazas, and Sierra Boggess. Sit back and enjoy these renditions as well, as you gaze into this sensual Butchubbles moment. Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman… Colm Wilkinson and Rebecca Caine… Alexander Goebel and Luiza Nistler (Auf Deutsch)… Saulo Vasconcelos and Irasema Terrazas (En Español)… Ramin Karimloo and Sierra Boggess… I hope you all enjoyed this piece of Butchubbles fan art, what with Butch as the Phantom and Bubbles as Christine. See you in the next submission. Butch and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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The Phantom of the Opera drawn by me

CHRISTINE: In sleep, he sang to me In dreams, he came That voice which calls to me And speaks my name And do I dream again For now, I find The Phantom of the Opera is there Inside my mind   PHANTOM: Sing once again with me Our strange duet My power over you Grows stronger yet And though you turn from me To glance behind The Phantom of the Opera is there Inside your mind   CHRISTINE: Those who have seen your face draw back in fear I am the mask you wear   PHANTOM: It’s me they hear   BOTH: My/your spirit and your/my voice In one combined The Phantom of the Opera is there Inside your/my mind   OFFSTAGE: He’s there the Phantom of the Opera!   PHANTOM: In all your fantasies You always knew That man and mystery   CHRISTINE: Were both in you   BOTH: And in this labyrinth Where night is blind The Phantom of the Opera is there Inside your/my mind   CHRISTINE: He’s there, the Phantom of the Opera! (Vocalizing)   PHANTOM: Sing, my angel of music!   CHRISTINE: (Vocalizing higher)   PHANTOM: Sing for me!   CHRISTINE: (Vocalizing higher)   PHANTOM: Sing my angel of music!   CHRISTINE: (Sings higher)   PHANTOM: SING FOR ME!   CHRISTINE: (Unleashes a high note.) – The Phantom of the Opera from Andrew Lloyd Webber’s The Phantom of the Opera, Text by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Richard Stilgoe, Lyrics by Charles Hart and Richard Stilgoe, Based on Gaston Leroux’s “The Phantom of the Opera”, First performance on October 9, 1986 at Her Majesty’s Theatre, London, England, Great Britain This piece of Butchubbles fan art, which is part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Butchubbles Month, is dedicated to twilaa, paster-demon, Maou aka meimeix, kanoii-chan, Were-Wolf-Hell, X-Luminescence, RainbowTashie, tsitra-tneced, HarukoxTaota, and my dearest friend and fellow color-clash shipper and fan, xahCHUx, who celebrated their birthdays some days ago. So, I hope you guys had an awesome, beautiful, great, prosperous, and grand birthday. I wish you so much abundance, strength, and greatness in everything you do as artists and as people. This is also dedicated to all of the wonderful Butchubbles shippers out there. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that Butchubbles goodness. Here we have 24-year-old Bubbles as Christine Daaé and her darling life partner 26-year-old Butch as the titular Phantom, also known as Erik in the original Leroux novel. I swear that these two fit their characters so superbly it is frighteningly fascinating. Bubbles, given the fact that her powers are sound-based and can sing like a lark if her and her sisters’ performance of “Love Makes the World Go Round” from “Mime for a Change” is evidence enough, is a great fit for Christine’s brand of ingenue purity, youth, and greatly prodigious skill as a singer. One can imagine what her rendition of “Think of Me” and “Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again” would sound like at this age, especially that High E6 after “The Phantom of the Opera”, given that Bubbles has a coloratura soprano voice and technique in my Team Xtreme headcanon. On the other hand, Butch is an incredible fit for the Phantom’s dark charm and menace and one can imagine that he would have a knack at embodying all of these dark, brooding, ambiguously dangerous roles. Moreover, I could imagine Butch having a rough, wide-ranging, yet passionate dramatic tenor voice to combine wonderfully with Bubbles’ lyric coloratura soprano voice. Together Butch and Bubbles certainly have a lot of amazing chemistry as The Phantom and Christine. It should come off as no surprise that Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “The Phantom of the Opera” has a very special place in my heart. I remember enjoying Joel Schumacher’s 2004 film adaptation as a young teenager, but there were some elements of the film that have not held up too well, in spite of some decent performances from the likes of Patrick Wilson as Raoul and Emmy Rossum as Christine. Sure, Gerard Butler does imbue the Phantom with some dark charm, but I really would have loved to have Antonio Banderas’s versatility as a performer to have embodied the Phantom for everything that he is. I even saw this particular musical in New York with maternal grandmother back in 2008 and it was enjoyable. With that said, I present to you five renditions of this musical show tune from five of my favorite Phantoms Michael Crawford, Colm Wilkinson, Peter Hofmann, Ramin Karimloo, and Ben Forster and five of my favorite Christines Sarah Brightman, Rebecca Caine, Anna Maria Kaufmann, Sierra Boggess, and Emmi Christensson. I hope you also enjoy these renditions, as you gaze into this piece of Butchubbles or Butch x Bubbles fan art. Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman Colm Wilkinson and Rebecca Caine Peter Hofmann and Anna Maria Kaufmann (Auf Deutsch) Ramin Karimloo and Sierra Boggess Ben Forster and Emmi Christensson I hope you all enjoyed this. Don’t forget to let me know in the comments below which version of “The Phantom of the Opera” you prefer and who would be your dream cast for this said musical aside from having Butch as the Phantom and Bubbles as Christine. I, personally, would love to have Boomer as Raoul, Princess Morbucks as Carlotta, Jack Spicer as Ubaldo Piangi, Sara Bellum as Madame Giry, Robin Snyder as Meg Giry, Clay Bailey as Joseph Buquet, Mitch Mitchelson as Monsieur Firmin, and Mike Believe as Monsieur Firmin. See you all in the next submission. Butch and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Vivo Per Lei drawn by me

“Vivo per lei da quando sai La prima volta l’ho incontrata Non mi ricordo come, ma Mi entrata dentro e c’è restata Vivo per lei perché mi fa Vibrare forte l’anima Vivo per lei e non è un peso Vivo per lei anch’io lo sai E tu non esserne geloso Lei è di tutti quelli che Hanno un bisogno sempre acceso Come uno stereo in camera Di chi è da solo e adesso sa Che anche per lui, per questo Io vivo per lei È una musa che ci invita A sfiorarla con le dita Attraverso un pianoforte La morte lontana Io vivo per lei Vivo per lei che spesso sa Essere dolce e sensuale A volte picchia in testa, ma È un pugno che non fa mai male Vivo per lei, lo so mi fa Girare di città in città Soffrire un po’, ma almeno io vivo È un dolore quando parte Vivo per lei dentro gli hotels Con piacere estremo cresce Vivo per lei nel vortice Attraverso la mia voce Si espande e amore produce Vivo per lei nient’altro ho E quanti altri incontrerò Che come me hanno scritto in viso Io vivo per lei Io vivo per lei Sopra un palco o contro un muro Vivo per lei al limite Anche in un domani duro Vivo per lei al margine Ogni giorno una conquista La protagonista Sarà sempre lei Vivo per lei perché oramai Io non ho altra via d’uscita Perché la musica, lo sai Davvero non l’ho mai tradita Vivo per lei perché mi dà Pause e note in libertà Ci fosse un’altra vita la vivo La vivo per lei Vivo per lei la musica Io vivo per lei Vivo per lei, è unica Io vivo per lei Io vivo per lei Io vivo per lei Io vivo per lei” – Vivo Per Lei, Sung by Andrea Bocelli and Giorgia Todrani, Written by Gatto Panceri and Valerio Zelli, Released in 1995 English Translation: “I live for her, you know, since the first time I met her. I do not remember how, but she entered within me and stayed there. I live for her because she makes my soul vibrate so strongly. I live for her and it is not a burden. I live for her too, you know, and don’t be jealous: she belongs to all those who have a need that is always switched on like a stereo in the bedroom, to someone who is alone and now knows that she is also for him; for this reason I live for her. She is a muse who invites us to brush her with the fingers. Through a piano death remains far away, I live for her. I live for her who often knows how to be sweet and sensual: sometimes she stuns you but it is a blow that never hurts. I live for her. I know she makes me travel from town to town and suffer a little, but at least I live. It is painful when she leaves. I live in hotels for her. It grows with supreme pleasure. I live for her in the vortex. Through my voice it expands and produces love. I live for her. I know nothing else, and how many others I shall meet who, like me have written on their faces I live for her. I live for her on a dais or against a wall I live for her to the limit. also in a harsh tomorrow. I live for her to the very edge. Every day a conquest; the protagonist will always be her. I live for her because now I have no other way out, because, you know music is something I have truly never betrayed. I live for her because she gives me rests and notes with freedom. If there were another life I’d live it, I’d live it for her. I live for her, music. I live for her. I live for her, she is unique. I live for her. I live for her. I live For her.” This piece of Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossoomer, Bunnitch, and Robike fan art, which is part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Brickercup Month last December, is dedicated to tultsi93, Ronald Kuang aka SeerLight, PhantomLatte, Puni Puni aka Noire-Ighaan, Seyari Minamoto aka Seyari, gcar1a-unic0rn, Yahga, Kristen aka TromKehra, Abbie Lawson aka xXDittoXx, adRianne aka CulaRi-ann192, William Matthew Karner III aka DarthWill3, Jean aka Mayeru, RandMmanga, L.P. aka fashionbella, and Nicc aka e-hima who celebrated their birthdays a few weeks ago. So, I hope you guys had such magnificent birthdays and equally awesome 2019s. I wish you a lot of beauty, love, greatness, abundance, hope, and strength in your lives as artists and as people, especially in this year. This is also dedicated to all of the wonderful shippers of Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossoomer, Bunnitch, and Robike. So, I hope you all enjoy this and soak up that Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossoomer, Bunnitch, and Robike goodness. Vi piace. Qué lo paseís bien. Vergnügt euch. Here we have my most beloved OTPs of all time, Brick x Buttercup (Brickercup), Butch x Bubbles (Butchubbles), Boomer x Blossom (Blossoomer), Mitch x Bunny (Bunnitch), and Mike x Robin (Robin), being all loving, sweet, and the awesome couples that they are. I swear there is nothing in this earth that is sweeter nor lovelier than the sensation of this feeling of pure bliss. When you have such charming, 26-year-old gentlemen like Brick, Butch, Boomer, Mitch, and Mike being the dashing beaus that they are to 25-year-old Buttercup, 24-year-old Bubbles, 25-year-old Blossom, 24-year-old Bunny, and 25-year-old Robin, you can certainly bet your bottom dollar that it is euphoria and true love incarnate. I have grown up with the song “Vivo Per Lei” ever since I was a 9-year-old boy, but I watched the Spanish version, which was a part of a music video Andrea Bocelli did with Marta Sánchez as part of his “A Night in Tuscany” performance. Ever since then, this song has become so addicting to listen to….

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That 70’s Winter Ball drawn by me

This piece of Brickercup, Butchubbles, and Blossoomer fan art, which is part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Brickercup Month last December, is dedicated to Sophie Gelsthorpe aka Sophiegegewophie, Paragon-Aura, Nana-boo, kaorgaa, SukiMisaki, tearmint, Ria aka pureria, Springy aka springgirl-13, James aka Jimma1300, Misse-the-cat, Amelia aka 100points4everyone, VNCCP, and Nadia aka OrdinaryDream3r who celebrated their birthdays some weeks ago. So, I hope you wonderful people had such exceptional, happy, blessed, and grand birthdays and I also hope that your holiday seasons and your 2019s were equally as awesome. I wish you a lot of love, happiness, and abundance in your lives as artists and as people. This is also dedicated to all of the amazing Brickercup, Butchubbles, and Blossoomer shippers out there. So, I hope you all enjoy this piece of Color-Clash RuffPuff Couples fan artwork and soak up that Brickercup, Butchubbles, and Blossoomer goodness. December 17, 2010. The City of Townsville. Townsville High. 18-year-old Brick, 17-year-old Buttercup, 18-year-old Butch, 16-year-old Bubbles, 18-year-old Boomer, and 17-year-old Blossom were in their senior year in High School or to put it more simply in the twelfth grade. This marked Team Xtreme’s final High School Winter Ball before heading off to college in the form of Townsville University in September 2011 and as you can tell the theme for this Winter Ball is The 1970’s. We see Brick and Buttercup in leather vests, long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and boots to show their brand of classiness and toughness as a couple, Butch and Bubbles showing some skin and looking rather sexy as a couple, having a bit of bling on their bracelets, spiked boots for Butch, platform shoes for Bubbles, and, as a lovely bonus the Joy and the Laughter, a diamond-shaped pale sapphire navel ring, and Boomer and Blossom in large T-shirts, golden lockets, headbands, swanky long pants, and suede shoes. Let us also not forget that Boomer and Blossom have the whole Love and Peace philosophy going in their attire, what with Boomer’s endearing, adorable nature making him a fitting candidate for love and Blossom’s brand of diplomacy and savviness making her totally ideal for peace. As one can expect from these lovely couples, their evening before the Christmas break was, in a way, really groovy. I hope you all enjoyed this and may 2019 be an epic year for all of you. Brick, Buttercup, Butch, Bubbles, Boomer, and Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Butch’s Muscle Puns to Bubbles drawn by me

This piece of Butchubbles fanart, which is part of KatyGorl’s Color-Clash Contest, is dedicated to Matthew Jabez P. Nazario aka MatthewJabezNazarioA who will be celebrating his birthday tomorrow. So, Matthew, I wish you a lot of love, joy, beauty, strength, peace, abundance, prosperity, and happiness in your life as an artist and as a person. May your birthday celebration be full of light, happiness, and love. This is also dedicated to all of the Butchubbles shippers out there. So, enjoy and soak in that Butchubbles loveliness and goodness.   Ah, Butch. One has to rely on him and his muscles to do all of the charming and the alluring. And, yes, his sweet lady love, Bubbles, is totally enamored with this charmingly wild hunk, as she loves it when Butch exhibits his well-built, muscular, handsome body to her.   Well, I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you in the next submission.   Butch and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Team Xtreme: Townsville’s Finest Superheroes drawn by me

This piece of RRB/PPG fanart is dedicated to Carrie aka Carriedreamer who celebrated her birthday a week ago and whose fanfic “As Time Goes By” is so worth reading and is freaking awesome, Miss-Beastly and RyanSilberman who celebrated their birthdays yesterday, and alin aka abby-sanban and alexus aka GalaticX-Studios18 who are celebrating their birthdays today. So, Carrie, Miss-Beastly, Ryan, Alin, Alexus, I wish you a lot of love, joy, happiness, beauty, strength, and abundance in your lives as artists and as people. Como se dice en español, os deseo mucho amor, alegría, felicidad, belleza, fuerza y abundancia en vuestras vidas como artistas y personas. I would also love to dedicate this to everyone who loves teaming up the Rowdyruff Boys and the Powerpuff Girls into one awesome superhero team. I hope you all enjoy this. Move over, Justice League. Step aside, Teen Titans. Take a hike, Avengers. Because Townsville’s bravest, finest, and most awesome superheroes are in the house. Ever since they were children they have been bringing security, honor, and strength to not only Townsville, thus becoming one of America’s finest superhero teams of all time akin to the Justice League and the Teen Titans, but also the world. Is there anything else one needs to say about this six-person superhero team? It is rather self-explanatory but let us who they are. From left to right, and from eldest to youngest, we have Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles. 26-year-old Brick “The Bludgeoner” Green is the eldest member of Team Xtreme, as well as the leader, thus functioning as the Team Dad. It also helps that he is the eldest son of Mr. Green and Mrs. Bellum-Green, as he and his brothers were taken to be adopted by them, more specifically Mrs. Bellum-Green, and, therefore, make both HIM and Mojo Jojo lose custody of the Rowdyruff Boys. His combination of strength, street-smarts, and book smarts certainly make him a fearless leader. He is commanding and tough towards his foes and loving, loyal, and willing to sacrifice his life for the sake of his teammates. He can be impulsive whenever things go awry and there are times his confidence can tread towards hubris, but he still means well to them and they, in turn, help him in whatever circumstance he is going through. His special power is pyrokinesis and many of his main attacks are fire-based. His hobbies and interests include martial arts, mechanics, weightlifting, basketball, soccer, physics, wrestling, automobiles, specializing in different forms of cuisine, and history. He is happily married to Buttercup and they have ten children named Bea, Blaze, Brent, Brooke, Brianna, Bane, Bethany, Brina, Bona, and Brett. 26-year-old Butch “The Baron of Berserk” Green is the second eldest member of Team Xtreme and is the muscle of the group. Whenever there is a heavy duty task that needs to be done, he accomplishes it in flying colors. While Brick acts as the main big brother of the group, Butch functions as the second big brother, thus making them close not only as brothers, but also as comrades seeing that they are also two days apart. He is always battle-ready, as he uses a combination of brute strength, pure brawn, and raw animal instinct to help him carry through. His teammates always rely on him and Buttercup to kick criminal butt and protect them from all forms of harm. He is extremely aggressive towards his enemies to the point of overdoing his attacks, mostly to dish out what harm they would cause to his teammates. However, with his teammates he can be surprisingly sympathetic especially to Blossom and Bubbles, fun-loving yet extremely competitive to Buttercup, loyal to Brick, and competitive to Boomer all while maintaining his savage side. Aside from creating forcefields, which have become extremely applicable whenever it comes to protecting his teammates from energy-related attacks, he bears the main element of wind, as his deadly Tornado Punch comes in handy when beating up criminals. Butch’s hobbies and interests include weightlifting, bodybuilding, wrestling, martial arts, American football, basketball, soccer, mechanics, physics, monster trucks, riding his motorcycle, and automobiles in general. He is happily married to Blossom with eight children named Azalea, Brendan, Blake, Bradley, Belle, Brenda, Belinda, and Abigail. He even has three children with Bubbles, his life partner, named Brandon, Brea, and Betty. 26-year-old Boomer “The Fleet Athlete” Green is the optimistic athlete of this superhero group. Being a superbly holy matrimony of brute strength, massive endurance, and lightning speed, he is really reliable not only in battle but in many everyday situations. Personality-wise he is an optimist, the occasional funny man, and he is pretty much the sympathetic dumb muscle of the group. Through moments of joy and sorrow, he is always there to comfort his teammates and give them abundant moral support. He is the type of guy whose heart is always in the right place, thus having he and Bubbles gelling the group in its entirety with flying colors. He has a competitive yet tight relationship with Brick and Butch, as evidenced with all of the wrestling, martial arts, weightlifting, and occasional bodybuilding these three brothers do. A lot of his powers are clearly linked to lightning and raw energy, as his special power is creating objects out of raw energy like a baseball bat, shuriken, and a lasso. Boomer’s hobbies and interests include music, American football, hockey, soccer, filmmaking, anime, video games, martial arts, weightlifting, swimming, languages, sculpting, and theater. He is happily married to Bubbles with eight children named Bailey, Barley, Ben, Brittany, Bonnie, Birdie, Belina, and Bali. Boomer even has five children from his life partner Blossom named Bloom, Brittney, Beau, Becky, and Bella. 25-year-old Blossom “The Commander and the Leader” Utonium-Green is the brains, tactician, and Team Mom of Team Xtreme. What makes Blossom lethal in the battlefield is her accuracy, especially when it comes to acknowledging her opponents strong and weak points. She even uses her smarts when solving various problems, as well as her profession…

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Butch and Boomer: The Ripped, Hunky Lady-Charmers

(Butch and Boomer flex their biceps for Blossom and Bubbles.)   Butch: Bloss, Bubs, do you darlings see these biceps of mine? Yeah, amazing aren’t they? Well, they go berserk just for you because you babes are the greatest. And as your Baron of Berserk, I’m gonna keep my muscles toned for you and our darling kids.   Boomer: My dearest ladies, Blossom and Bubbles, I’d have to be the dumber than the dumbest to have my guns abandon you. Good thing my muscles can protect you from any type of danger. I guess that’s why I would always love to be called the Fleet Athlete.   (Butch and Boomer strike another pose.)   Butch and Boomer: Pretty impressive, huh, babes?   Blossom: Oh, Butch, Boomer, you gentlemen are quite the charmers.   Bubbles: Yeah, I just can’t take my eyes away from you. I can’t even begin to decide whose muscles are bigger. Butchie’s? Or Boomie’s? Ah well, I love you both just the same anyway.   (Blossom and Bubbles giggle. Blossom kisses Butch and Boomer. Then, Bubbles kisses Boomer and Butch.)   This piece of Blossutch, Butchubbles, Blossoomer, and Boomubbles fanart, which is part of my dearest friend’s Paula’s aka BrickercupMasterX3’s Blossutch month, is dedicated to Zen Zin Yan aka lordtrigonstar who celebrated his birthday four days ago and Hadrian aka SapphireSonicmaster who celebrated his birthday two days ago. So, Zen, Hadrian, I hope you gentlemen had an amazing, awesome, exciting and marvelous birthday. I wish you both prosperity, love, and happiness in your lives as artists and people. Wie wir auf deutsch sagen, ich hoffe ihr hattet einen herrlichen, tollen, aufregenden und fantastischen Geburtstag. Ich wünsche euch beiden Wohlstand, Liebe und Glück in euren Leben als Künstler und Menschen. Comme nous disons en francais, j’espere vous aviez une anniversaire magnifique, incroyable, excitante et merveilleuse. Je vous souhaite prosperité, amour et bonheur dans votre vies comme artistes et personnes. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the wonderful Blossutch, Butchubbles, Blossoomer, and Boomubbles shippers out there. I hope you all enjoy this.   Here we have Butch and Boomer being the handsome muscle studs they are to their most favorite ladies of all time Blossom and Bubbles. When you have a forest green-clad beastly brawn of a man like Butch and a cobalt blue-clad lovable, sympathetic muscle like Boomer charming a pink-clad goddess like Blossom and a baby blue-clad angel like Bubbles with the aid of their godlike physiques, then you certainly have something really exciting for anyone to see. Moreover, what more can you expect from someone like me who is a hardcore Blossutch, Butchubbles, Blossoomer, and Boomubbles shipper? They are all fabulous in their unique ways to the point where I dub Blossutchoomubbles as my most beloved OT4 of all time. And as you can tell, I was deeply inspired by MMHinman’s Inuyasha muscle puns fanart. Therefore, it compelled me to make this piece of dialogue which coincides with the picture.   I hope you all enjoyed this piece of Blossutch, Butchubbles, and Boomubbles fanart. See you in the next submission.   Butch, Boomer, Blossom, and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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