
Butchubbles: The Most Lovable RuffPuff Couple Ever

This de-motivational poster is dedicated to all of my Butchubbles-shipping friends, fellow artists, fans, and brethren. Ergo, soak in that Butchubbles lovability, sweetness, preciousness, and loveliness.   I expressed my most earnest thoughts on Brickercup and Blossoomer. Now, it is time for Butchubbles to take the stand, thus completing my little de-motivational series, as to why I really love all of the color clash couples. With Butchubbles’ case, this couple has positively surprised me in more ways than one considering how effectively their opposite personalities can click. Butch is super strong, fierce, tough, rough around the edges, wild, and animalistic, thus making him the brutish muscle of Team Xtreme, while Bubbles is generous, kind, gentle, appreciative, sweet, and lovable, thus making her Team Xtreme’s pacifist. When these two are together, they would end up appreciating each other for their positive qualities and pleasantly surprise each other. For example, Butch not only likes Bubbles for her generosity, attentiveness, kindness, and lovability but also for the fact that when she goes into her hardcore mode, she can stand on her own two feet as a fierce combatant. Meanwhile, Bubbles would not only love Butch for his strength, toughness, fierceness, and ruggedness but also the many times he would go out of his way to protect Bubbles from all forms of harm using his super strength and peerless combat prowess and how surprisingly loyal, attentive, and supportive he is towards her. Ergo, Butch and Bubbles can always find the best in each other.   I will reiterate that Butchubbles is a wonderful example of soulmates finding the best qualities in each other, thus learning about each others’ strengths, weaknesses, and the surprises that come along the way in relationships such as this. Just because Butch would always go out of his way to protect Bubbles from all harm, much like how a lot of good rugged heroes would do when they rescue the girl, does not mean that Bubbles will always find herself as the designated damsel in distress. Bubbles can use her grace, agility, and physical flexibility to take down anyone who dares to defile her. In turn, Butch would not only be impressed with how Bubbles can handle herself but he can see a lot more substance in her because she is not just another cute, pretty, dainty face. She is a rose who can expose her thorns when necessary and that would make Butch root for her even more. Meanwhile, Bubbles can feel more at home with Butch’s brand of loyalty, kindness, and attentiveness considering how much he covers his mushy, gooey side with a hard, impenetrable shell of toughness and ruggedness. When they are together, Butch would definitely feel at peace with Bubbles because he will be intrepid enough to show his sensitive, nurturing side not just in the many times used for protection but also for the intimacy between them. Ergo, no amount of animosity or violence can disrupt this healthy bond.   It is not solely their personalities that make them root for each other but also the activities they would end up doing together. Sure, Butch loves weightlifting, boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai, mixed martial arts, soccer, football, basketball, water polo, and wrestling while Bubbles loves gymnastics, capoeira, interpretive dancing, cheerleading, tai chi, track-and-field, and volleyball but what they have in common is their love for animals, visiting the animal shelters and the zoos, fine art, horror movies, visiting sports events, walks to the park, anime and manga, especially since Butch loves seinen and shonen such as Dragonball Z, Berserk, and YuYu Hakusho while Bubbles is a huge shoujo fan with titles such as Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, and Magic Knight Rayearth, and languages especially where their love for Spanish, Japanese, Korean, French, German, and Italian come into play. Everything they do together is done with so much charm and lovability that it does not feel like a job but more like a game, they like to play every time.   As combatants, they are an amazing marriage of super strength, animalistic ferocity, graceful agility, and peerless flexibility. Combining Butch’s muscles, strength, and fierceness with Bubbles’ agility, grace, and flexibility put both of them at a great advantage against their foes, thus making them a rather unstoppable force.   My feelings for Butchubbles have grown stronger as the years rolled by because of how surprising, different, and fun this couple really is. This also came to effect when I was involved in a couple of art trades with, of course, KatyGorl, where I brought in her Butchubbles children to my Team Xtreme universe and it eventually inspired me to create my four more Butchubbles sons. I was also immersed by other fan artists and friends who ship Butchubbles so much so that I opened my mind and heart to accept this couple as one of my OTPs. Thus, sealing the deal that the color clash RuffPuff couples are the best set of pairings ever.   Overall, I am so thankful that Butchubbles managed to find its way into my mind, heart, and soul as one of my most precious OTPs of all time. The dynamics Butch and Bubbles have as a couple is wonderful to witness to the point of understanding how effectively their opposite personalities can mesh with each other.   I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, everybody.   Butch, Bubbles, the screenshot from “The Rowdyruff Boys”, and the screenshot from “Mime for a Change” belong to The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Why I Love The Color Clash RuffPuff Couples

Greetings, all ye Blossoomer, Brickercup, and Butchubbles shippers, fans, and admirers, it is I your old pal Antoni here with another manifesto. Throughout my life of being a hardcore RRB x PPG shipper, especially since this dynamic comes into play in my Team Xtreme headcanon, I have abandoned the color code couple campaign with no regrets whilst keeping Boomubbles intact as my most favorite one of that especially overrated bunch and expanded my horizons to the color clash and color crack couples. While Blossutch stands tall as the best color crack couple with Brickubbles and Boomercup trailing behind as nothing more than cute, innocent pairings, the color clash couples, i.e. Blossoomer, Brickercup, and Butchubbles, have reigned supreme as the best, greatest, and most epic set of RRB x PPG pairings ever to the point where I could easily call Brickercup as the OTP I ship the most in quantity, Blossoomer as the OTP I ship the most in quality, and Butchubbles as the OTP I ship that has delightfully surprised me in more ways than one. So, I hope you wonderful readers allot some time to take a gander at this manifesto, as I explain what makes the color clash couples appealing in my eyes with not just them as an overall fine set of couples but also how each individual couple functions. The Color Clash RuffPuff Couples Display Far More Interesting and More Flavorful Interpersonal Dynamics There is not one moment where I feel bored when it comes to seeing how much flavor and interest occurs between the likes of Blossoomer, Brickercup, and Butchubbles, considering how effectively their personalities can play off of each other. It also helps matters that in spite of their many differences, each couple can acknowledge how much they have in common. Brick may be a large-and-in-charge, street smart, rugged, militaristic guy and Buttercup may be a rambunctious, feisty, outspoken, sassy young lady, but what these two have in common is that they are strong, tough, adamant souls who are always willing to pick a fight against any perpetrator. Brick’s experience as a combatant and Buttercup’s relentlessness are an amazing combination that shows a deep bond based on perseverance and determination. Therefore, Buttercup would learn new fighting moves from Brick and Brick would be amazed at how strong Buttercup can be because someone as large-and-in-charge, determined, and tough like Brick would never want to settle for another pretty, dainty face and an outspoken soul like Buttercup would never settle for another handsome face. Therefore, Brick and Buttercup are more than just soulmates destined to be together but they are also the couple who are capable of forming a relationship and remaining forever unbreakable. Just because Butch is brutish, rough, tough, wild, super strong, and fierce and Bubbles is sweet, innocent, cheery, sociable, nurturing, and kind, does not mean they cannot have a certain symbiosis together. Their love for animals, sports, and surreal art could make them realize that there is a lot more to each other than meets the eye. One should never forget the many times a big, strong guy like Butch would go out of his way to protect Bubbles from all forms of harm being the fierce, raging bulldog that he is to his foes yet being tender and loyal to Bubbles. Meanwhile, Bubbles would use her ability to empathize, be attentive, be merciful, and be compassionate to understand what is troubling Butch so that he will not have to go back to his old demons ever again. Moreover, they can even find a lot of fun doing every and any type of physical activity with Bubbles cheering for Butch whenever he involves himself in football or wrestling. Boomer and Blossom would easily have the deepest, most genuine, and most soulful relationship among the other couples considering how wonderfully Boomer’s sympathetic, lovable dumb muscle, good-humored personality can be a great complement to Blossom’s elegance, class, and eloquence. Boomer may be interested in weightlifting, wrestling, boxing, mixed martial arts, track-and-field, and soccer and Blossom may be interested in science, politics, fashion design, world literature, Shaolin Kung Fu, and capoeira but what both of them have in common is their love for classical music, opera, Broadway musicals, fine art, various martial arts, learning about various cultures, and languages. When all is said and done, Boomer can help Blossom enjoy the simpler and finer things in life while Blossom can help Boomer become more open-minded of the world around him while being very supportive of every physical activity he gets himself into. The possibilities for more interesting dynamics going on between the color clash couples will be endless, which leads me to my next point. All of The Color Clash RuffPuff Couples Can Find The Best Qualities from Each Other It is often said that a relationship needs both partners to root for each other through thick and thin, thus making it a long-term one. This is what the color clash RuffPuff represent in my eyes. Unlike Blossick’s easy falling-apart due to their egos and Butchercup’s sham of a relationship due to their stubborn personalities, thus making the latter pairing a clear example of Karmic soulmates, the color clash couples do not have any form of chaos or violence occurring between each other. I could make the same argument for Blossutch and Boomubbles, but the likes of Blossoomer, Brickercup, and Butchubbles demonstrate how they can see the best from each other in spades and even more. This creates more synergy, a stronger bond, and more positive vibes to occur between Boomer and Blossom, Brick and Buttercup, and Butch and Bubbles. Brick’s and Buttercup’s case is simple because of how much Buttercup can look up to Brick as someone who has so much experience in combat while helping her polish her skills and how much Brick would be able to see beyond Buttercup’s feistiness and see someone who is courageous enough to let her opinions be heard loud and clear. As I stated before, these two…

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Xtremely Xquisite, and Xcellent Romantic Loving drawn by me

This piece of Blossoomer, Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossutch, and Boomubbles fan art is dedicated to Racka aka madoli, Honey aka honeylillies, gg aka sohjk12, Goody-II-Shoes, xBooxBooxBear, Wulfie-Chann, kaitlyncoffee, Boomer aka BoomerStar03, SanneAdeen, Sweatshirtmaster, Arygles, Camaro–Princess, Gashi-gashi, Lucia aka PurpleWonderPower, Lolanumber111, Kacy S. aka nintendomaximus, GeoffNET, puppet-puppy, Allison Nyx aka ScarletGhostX, Baliya, Samantha Witten aka celesse, CottonCandyGrl1969, Arely aka Lady-Of-The-Death, Petia aka jailbaitCAT, and Enthriex who all celebrated their birthdays from a few weeks ago all the way up to a few days ago. So, I hope you all had magnificent birthday celebrations and I wish you all a lot of love, joy, beauty, abundance, prosperity, and strength in your lives as artists and as people. Como se dice en español, espero que hayaís tenido celebraciones de cumpleaños maravillosas y os deseo todos ustedes mucho amor, alegría, belleza, abundancia, prosperidad y fuerza en vuestras vidas como artistas y personas. Come se dice in italiano, spero che tutti voi abbiate festeggiato gli compleanni magnifici e vi auguro molto amore, gioia, belta, abbondanza, prosperitá e forza nelle vostre vite come artisti e persone. This is also dedicated to all of the Blossoomer, Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossutch, and Boomubbles OTP shippers from all over the world. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that Blossoomer authenticity, that Brickercup awesomeness, that Butchubbles loveliness, that Blossutch gorgeousness, and that Boomubbles sweetness. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, RRB x PPG shippers and fans of all ages, I present to you all two sets of pairings that mean the whole world to me, as we have 28-year-olds Brick, Butch, and Boomer and their 26 going on 27-year-old wives Buttercup, Bubbles, and Blossom being the absolutely adorable and loving couples that they are with Butch and Boomer sharing Blossom and Bubbles as their wives. Above is my most favorite category of RRB x PPG pairings known to the shipping world as the mixed color couples or the color-clash couples consisting of Boomer x Blossom aka Blossoomer, Brick x Buttercup aka Brickercup, and Butch x Bubbles aka Butchubbles. The flexibility, interest, versatility, positivity, and brilliance found in these couples are enough for me to proudly call them my most beloved set of OTPs. What makes me love the color-clash couples is the number of positive vibes I can see through them. With Blossoomer I can see a relationship that is based on unconditional love, unwavering loyalty, wholehearted attentiveness, heaps of compassion, and a sense of boundless positive encouragement between Boomer and Blossom. Boomer could use his lovable dumb muscle personality and kindness to reduce Blossom’s ego and obsession with trying to keep everything perfect and Blossom could use her diplomacy and cognizance to increase Boomer’s self-esteem and boost his inner strength. Ergo, I would go out of my way and say that Blossoomer is not only the greatest color-clash couple ever but also the greatest RRB x PPG couple of all time trumping even the likes of Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossutch, and Boomubbles combined. Brickercup is a relationship that is based on perseverance, resilience, fortitude, determination, and gutsiness. Brick and Buttercup are a picture-perfect example of showing how difficult it can be being in a relationship because it is not always going to end with happily ever after. However, knowing how much Brick’s large-and-in-charge and overall big personality can mesh well with Buttercup’s rambunctiousness is enough for me to keep rooting for them to cut through every single obstacle and find spicy intimacy and joy with each other. Butchubbles is the couple that surprised me the most because their relationship is based on versatility, lovability, understanding, and oodles of positive vibes. Just because Butch and Bubbles are a clear-cut example of having the big, strong, tough bad boy pair up with the lovely, sweet ingenue with an edge as seen in anime such as “Midori Days” and “Paradise Kiss” does not mean that I cannot find anything fresh and interesting in Butchubbles. Butch would definitely be turned on with Bubbles physical flexibility and her “Bubblevicious” side as well as find comfort in Bubbles’ brand of kindness and lovability. Meanwhile, Bubbles would be immensely attracted to Butch’s super strength, how ruggedly handsome he is, and how he is so willing to go out of his way to protect her from all harm while also being the chivalrous pervert on some occasions. It also helps matters that I can easily consider magnificent and brilliant artists such as xahCHUx, BrickercupMasterX3, KatyGorl, xmysticaldreamsx, and Scarlettbreaking not only as really great friends but also sisters from other mothers when shipping the color-clash couples, especially where my most esteemed and most beloved Blossoomer is concerned. Below is my personal set of RRB x PPG OTPs which I would gladly call the best pairing from each couple category i.e. the best pairing from the color-clash couples is Brickercup even though Blossoomer has knocked down its title, Blossutch is the best color-crack couple, and Boomubbles is the best color-coded couple. It should be no surprise that I have been very consistent when it comes shipping Brick and Buttercup as an awesome couple because I can see neither Brick with any other girl nor Buttercup with any other boy. That is just how much I not only admire the ground Brickercup walks on but I am also very proud to keep them as a wonderfully monogamous couple in my Team Xtreme headcanon. I can easily brand Blossutch as the most gorgeous, most sexy, and most flexible of my set of OTPs because of how marvelously Butch’s tremendously prodigious and muscular strength can complement Blossom’s extensive vernacular and lethal accuracy. On top of that, Blossom is not a damsel in distress by any stretch of the imagination because she can prove herself to be brave, diplomatic, and strong enough not only to tame Butch from his wild urges but also love him for how strong, tough, and loyal he is. Butch would not be afraid to show his softer to Blossom and he would even help her not be so caught up…

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The Best Qualities from the Main Team Xtreme OTPs

Greetings, all ye hardcore Blossoomer, Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossutch, and Boomubbles fans, shippers, and followers from all over the world, it is your old friend Antoni here with another written entry. I know it is old news for me to be gushing on and on about my most beloved OTPs being Blossoomer, Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossutch, and Boomubbles but these are the pairings that mean the world to me because of the human qualities I can find even though Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles are deemed as Townsville’s finest superheroes. Moreover, these are the OTP ships that I will never take for granted and never let go because of how much inspiration I can be able to gather from Brick’s and Buttercup’s monogamous relationship to the polygamous relationships of Boomer x Blossom, Butch x Bubbles, Butch x Blossom, and Boomer x Bubbles. However, I am not just saying this as someone who ships Blossoomer, Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossutch, and Boomubbles with such passion, resilience, ambition, and determination but also as someone who has been completely inspired by my very good friends and fellow artists who share my love for these aforementioned pairings. The truth remains that with all of these pairings that I cherish so much, there is always bound to be qualities about them that make me want to root for them to the nth degree. With that said, let us discuss the best qualities found in Blossoomer, Brickercup, Butchubbles, Blossutch, and Boomubbles. Let the couples admiration commence, ladies and gentlemen.

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Main Team Xtreme OTPs and Their Children

Greetings, all ye Brickercup, Blossoomer, Blossutch, Butchubbles, and Boomubbles OTP shippers and fans from all over the world, it is I your old pal Antoni here with another written entry. Yes, I know this is kind of blasé to my readers who have tuned in to my most favorite RRB x PPG ships of all time and the children I and my dear friends KatyGorl, Misse-the-cat, and CottonCandyGrl1969 have in store for them but I figure it would be nice to put in some headcanons as to how the couples’ lives are faring these days and some general headcanons for the children. With that said, let us get cracking. The Handsome, Strong, Dashing Superhero Dads and The Gorgeous, Athletic, Awesome Superheroine Moms Brick “The Bludgeoner” Green Age: 27 Birthday: March 5, 1992 Position in Team Xtreme: The Intrepid Leader Five Words that Best Describe Brick: Determined, Courageous, Protective, Street Smart, Tough Status: Married to Buttercup since 2011. Butch “The Baron of Berserk” Green Age: 27 Birthday: March 5, 1992 Position in Team Xtreme: The Brutish Muscle and The Second-in-Command Five Words that Best Describe Butch: Super Strong, Fierce, Impulsive, Wild, Rough Status: Married to both Bubbles and Blossom, respectively since 2011 and 2012. Boomer “The Fleet Athlete” Green Age: 27 Birthday: March 5, 1992 Position in Team Xtreme: The Comic Relief and The Lovable Dumb Muscle Five Words that Best Describe Boomer: Athletic, Loyal, Super Strong, Super Fast, Noble Status: Married to both Blossom and Bubbles, respectively since 2011 and 2012. Blossom “The Commander and the Leader” Utonium-Green Age: 26 Birthday: April 1, 1993 Position in Team Xtreme: The Tactician and The Brainy Beauty Five Words that Best Describe Blossom: Levelheaded, Classy, Cognizant, Savvy, Poised Status: Married to both Boomer and Butch, respectively since 2011 and 2012. Buttercup “The Toughest Fighter” Utonium-Green Age: 26 Birthday: April 1, 1993 Position in Team Xtreme: The Athletic Brawler Beauty Five Words that Best Describe Buttercup: Rambunctious, Independent, Brave, Feisty, Outspoken Status: Married to Brick since 2011 Bubbles “The Joy and The Laughter” Utonium-Green Age: 25 Birthday: April 1, 1994 Position in Team Xtreme: The Optimistic Pacifist Five Words that Best Describe Bubbles: Merciful, Forgiving, Nurturing, Loving, Generous Status: Married to both Butch and Boomer, respectively since 2011 and 2012. My Most Precious Main Team Xtreme OTPs Of All Time As one can tell from my main OTP ships involving the Ruffs and the Puffs, Brick x Buttercup is the only OTP that is strictly monogamous, considering that they are too precious to separate. Moreover, I can see neither Brick the Bludgeoner nor Buttercup the Toughest Fighter with anyone else, since these two clearly deserve each other. Ever since I got myself into KatyGorl’s art trade involving her Blossoomer and Butchubbles children, even though I was and will always be a hardcore Blossutch and Boomubbles shipper, I came to the marvelous conclusion that Butch, Boomer, Blossom, and Bubbles end up in a polyamorous relationship. Henceforth, Blossom and Bubbles share husbands and their nights of intimacy go something like this. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Boomer and Blossom have their nights of consummating their feelings, which is the same case for Butch and Bubbles. Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, Butch and Blossom have their nights of passion, which is also the same case for Boomer and Bubbles. Then Sunday, all four of them share spouses, which means that Butch gets to make love with both Blossom and Bubbles and Boomer gets to make love with both Blossom and Bubbles. Ergo, the polyamorous relationship involving Butch, Boomer, Blossom, and Bubbles is entirely and legitimately consensual. So, folks, this does make the whole relationship dynamics a lot more interesting than I ever thought of, which really shows my undying loyalty to all of the color-clash RuffPuff couples from Blossoomer to Brickercup to Butchubbles, the best color-crack couple found in Blossutch, and the best color-code couple found in Boomubbles. You are most welcome, dear readers. With that out of the way, let’s go to some couple headcanons. Brick x Buttercup (Brickercup) Brick and Buttercup have been married for eight years and with time they bore sixteen children, thus making them the huge, rambunctious, tough family that they are. Brick is still that large-and-in-charge, determined, roguish gentleman that he is and Buttercup is still that mischievous, outspoken, tough bombshell that she is. At the end of the day, they love each other for it and even in spite of some arguments, which are otherwise minor, they still manage to find themselves back together and have a lot of moments of spicy intimacy. Brick’s strength, determination, roughness, and large-and-in-charge masculinity is certainly a wonderful complement to Buttercup’s rambunctiousness, feistiness, and foolhardiness. Ergo, they could not have asked each other for a better spouse. As parents, Brick always ensures discipline in the household and Buttercup is the parental figure who implements it just as well. Their children look up to Brick because of how strong, tough, and rugged he is, while they look up to Buttercup for how tough, determined, and independent she is. Together, they ensure that their children stay as healthy, vibrant, and strong by doing a lot of physical activities with them. Overall, Brick and Buttercup are completely blessed to have each other in their lives, as they stick to each other like glue. Boomer x Blossom (Blossoomer) and Butch x Blossom (Blossutch) Blossom has been married to Boomer for eight years and has been married to Butch for seven years. Together, she ended up having sixteen children with them, the first eight were with Boomer as the father and the second eight were with Butch as the father, thus taking custody of all of the children she bore with them, at times with Bubbles helping out. Blossom is still that perceptive, cognizant, level-headed beauty, Boomer is still that lovable, adorable, physically strong dumb muscle, and Butch is still that tough, rough, wild, animalistic, badass muscle dude that he is. Ergo, their dynamics as couples are wonderfully interesting….

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A Color-Clash Rowdyruff x Powerpuff Musing Essay

Greetings, all ye Blossoomer, Brickercup, and Butchubbles fans and shippers, it is your old pal Antoni here with another written entry. You all knew this was coming and, for that, I am very excited to express my thoughts on this particular set of RuffPuff couples that I love so much. Introduction Once upon another time, I would have been a straight-up color-clash Rowdyruff x Powerpuff shipper and I would have been proud of it. Additionally, I would have easily considered the color-coded RuffPuff couples, i.e. Boomubbles, Butchercup and especially Blossick, to be the most overrated, over-loved, overpraised, and over-amassed set of pairings ever to the point of clogging the PPG fandom. Ergo, I would have gone out of my way and stated the color-coded pairings are bland, flavorless, dull, and really boring. As for the color-crack ships, I would have simply tolerated them all, called it a day, and that was it. Granted, there is a little bit more interest found in Blossutch, Brickubbles, and Boomercup, and these are the set of couples that do need a lot more love. However, my feelings for the color-crack couples would have been limited to me saying that they are fine and that is all. Don’t get me wrong. I cherish Boomubbles so much because of how naturally Boomer and Bubbles click as a couple. I really love the interesting interactions Blossutch has in terms of Butch’s and Blossom’s differences and how they play off of each other in a fun way. However, at the end of the day, I have to give it to Blossoomer, Brickercup, and Butchubbles aka The Color-Clash RuffPuff Couples for showing much more exciting dynamics, a lot more soul, and so much stability in any relationship. Whether it is Blossoomer’s brand of genuineness, empathy, and sacrifice, Brickercup’s exciting flair, pizzazz, and synergy in spite of the occasional rockiness, and Butchubbles being living proof that one should not judge a book by its cover, it is clear as night and day that the color-clash RuffPuff pairings seem to guarantee a lot more flavor, dimension, feeling, and interest as opposed to the blandness and one-notedness found in the color-coded RuffPuff pairings. So, after years of assessing, rethinking, and keeping my mind, heart, and soul open to new coupling possibilities, I can safely attest that Blossick annoys me for how overrated it is and Butchercup leaves me drained, thus making me fall out of love with these two “pairings” alongside Mitch Mitchelson x Princess Morbucks for being the pairings I used to like but nowadays find them to be godawful. At least, Boomubbles is not as bad as the former two, which is why I can say that this is my OTP of the color-coded category. Moreover, I can even state that while I think Brickubbles and Boomercup are very cute and sweet, it is Blossutch that manages to trump both of them, hence this particular pairing is my OTP of the color-crack category. Finally, even though I love, cherish, and admire Brickercup to the nth degree, Blossoomer has found itself atop the gold medal standard of the color-clash couples and Butchubbles has stood firmly and shoulder-to-shoulder alongside the other two color-clash couples as my OTPs for life. Eventually, we shall find out why this is so. However, before all of that, I would love to call attention to some of my favorite specialists of the color-clash shippings and elaborate what makes me especially drawn to their works. The Color-Clash Fan Artists Whose Works I Cherish The Most Throughout my one-year tenure of being a DeviantArtist, I have gotten myself acquainted with some of the finest artists to chiefly specialize in the Color-Clash RuffPuff Pairings. Those fine people are BrickercupMasterX3, Pastel—Star, KatyGorl, PrincessCallyie, Citsitra-Blue, xahCHUx, xmysticaldreamsx, PowerpuffObsessed, crystal-sn0w, resotii, QuietLullabies, MissEmmyJay, ColorfulWonders, YokoAnimeProductions, GoldRoseAngel, and Scarlettbreaking. Special acknowledgment has to go to PurfectPrincessGirl for her equally fine pieces of Brickercup, Blossoomer, and Butchubbles fan art and KazunaPikachu and StretchNSnort for being the very people to help me appreciate Blossoomer so much more than I do all thanks to their works. My most beloved sister from another mother, Paula aka BrickercupMasterX3, certainly has a beauty that she injects to her works coupled with the adamance she has over Butchubbles, Blossoomer, and, of course, according to her namesake, Brickercup. Just by looking at how much love she is able to put into her main OTP in her fanart to the memes to some of the fanfictions are enough for me to keep rooting for her as a fellow artist. Looking beyond all that, she has also gotten me to be completely invested with Mitch x Bunny or Bunnitch and their brand of sympathy, lovability, and loyalty towards each other, and we are both major Kenshin x Kaoru OTP shippers. Moreover, I consider her to be a kindred spirit and a great friend because we have a love for pairings that are either outside the box or the ones that ring true to the genuine connection of the characters. Ergo, we have our fair share of OTP ships that we will never abandon and that we will stay loyal to regardless of what fanbase it is. It should be no surprise that I love xahCHUx’s works whether I watch her fan-animated videos on YouTube or take a gander at her color-clash couples art on DA. Sarah always brings a lot of detail, vividness, color, and cleanliness to her character designs, thus making each and every one of her works shine brilliantly in my eyes. Her stand out works on YouTube are her fan-animated music videos of “Gives You Hell” by The All-American Rejects starring Brick and Buttercup, which manages to leave me with a huge smile on my face especially when Butch x Bubbles and Boomer x Blossom get involved near the end, and the ever-tearjerking, ever-poignant fan-animated music video rendition of “My Immortal” by Evanescence’s Amy Lee starring Boomer x Blossom, which managed to leave me bawling on more than one occasion. It…

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Color Clash Couples: Sexiness, Charm, and Beauty drawn by me

This piece of Brickercup, Butchubbles, and Blossoomer fan art is dedicated to the great Craig McCracken aka CMcC who celebrated his birthday last week, Charlie aka Teeniedoodles and Kina aka MiraculousQueen22 who celebrated their birthdays three days ago, Fusion-Bioformer and ArtfulInk who celebrated their birthdays two days ago, Hestia1, AngelLily, MarcosBnPinto, and riukime who celebrated their birthdays yesterday, and LilyBlossom24 and Bianca aka BiPinkBunny who are celebrating their birthdays today. So, I hope you all had and have such magnificent, brilliant, and grand birthday celebrations and I wish you a lot of love, joy, happiness, strength, beauty, prosperity, and abundance in your lives as artists and as people. Como se dice en español, espero que hayaís tenido y tienen celebraciónes de cumpleaños magnificas, brillantes y grandes y os deseo mucho amor, alegría, felicidad, fuerza, belleza, prosperidad y abundancia en vuestras vidas como artistas y como personas. This is also dedicated to the amazing Brickercup, Butchubbles, and Blossoomer shippers out there. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that Brickercup hotness, sexiness, and spiciness, that Butchubbles adorability, lovability, and charm, and that Blossoomer sweetness, loveliness, and beauty. Before I start this post, I would like to address that Boomer had a haircut. Let us just chalk it up to his hair constantly getting in the way in battle, therefore making his teammates help him trim his hair to be back to what it used to look like when he was rather young. Bubbles was the one who trimmed his hair and knew the exact details of how his old hairstyle looked like, being the artist that she is. With that said, let us get on to the main program. Once upon another time, if I were still a young lad or a young teenager, I probably would have been a straight-up Color-Clash RuffPuff shipper, dropped the Color-Coded RuffPuff pairings, and found the Color-Crack RuffPuff pairings altogether. That is because, now as a 26 going on 27-year-old guy, I am able to fully open my mind to not only Brickercup’s brand of spicy intimacy but also Butchubbles’ brand of cuteness and Blossoomer’s brand of genuineness. Furthermore, I know some of you, dear viewers, will feel blasé when I say this but I will gladly reiterate. If I did not ship Blossom with Butch and Bubbles with Boomer, thus sealing Butch x Blossom or Blossutch and Boomer x Bubbles or Boomubbles as my ultimate endgame OTPs in the color-crack and color-coded RuffPuff pairing categories, I would have gladly settled with Butch x Bubbles or Butchubbles and Boomer x Blossom or Blossoomer as my OTPs for life, therefore hitting the jackpot with all of the color-clash RuffPuff pairings. I have some of my beloved sisters from another mother to thank so much from the deepest depths of my heart, mind, and soul for making me cherish and for inspiring me to be a loyal shipper of the color-clash RuffPuff couples so much and they are BrickercupMasterX3, xahCHUx, KatyGorl, and Citsitra-Blue among many others. On top of that, Brickercup and Blossoomer are having quite the tug-of-war when it comes to obtaining the gold medal of my favorite Color-Clash RuffPuff couples of all time since I really love the both of them on an extremely high level with Butchubbles trailing behind at least for how adorable it is. I also promised some of you viewers that I was also going to talk about the basic headcanons I have in store for Butchubbles and Blossoomer with more detailed ones coming in the form of individual timelines for them from being childhood sweethearts to dating as teenagers to being married to having children. For the sake of this submission, I am keeping to my AU headcanon where Brick and Buttercup have not only been married for eight years with eight children, but Butch and Bubbles, as well as Boomer and Blossom, have also been officially married for eight years with eight children, which means KatyGorl’s and Misse-the-cat’s six Brickercup, six Butchubbles, and six Blossoomer children from her universe and the two Brickercup sons, the two Butchubbles sons, and the two Blossoomer sons I have added to make the number of Blossutch and Boomubbles children balanced in my headcanon. Since we already took at the basic headcanon I have for Brickercup in a previous submission, let us dig in to Butchubbles’ and Blossoomer’s sides of the story. Butch x Bubbles (Butchubbles) As of 2019, 27-year-old Butch and 25-year-old Bubbles have been married for eight years with eight fun-loving, adorable yet tough children. Butchubbles is, therefore, christened as The Beastly, Brawny Toughie and the Bouncy, Sweet Cutie couple because of the fact that Butch and Bubbles play off of each other as total opposites with Butch’s tough, rough nature meshing really well with Bubbles’ ingenue with an edge personality. Butch may be a tough, strong, wild fighter who has muscles of steel, an iron will, a resilient fighting spirit, and heaps of endurance, but he also a soft spot for animals, dark humor, and sculptures. He bears this cuddly, soft spot whenever he is with Bubbles and if anyone were to be so brazen to hurt, harass or humiliate Bubbles, Butch would unleash absolute Hell on the perpetrator and make that said perpetrator fall to his knees begging for mercy. When Butch is around Bubbles, he is akin to a very faithful pit bull who is fierce and bloodthirsty on the outside yet cuddly and sweet on the inside. He loves Bubbles for how forgiving, compassionate, emphatic, loving, and hilarious she is. He even loves how Bubbles goes into her hardcore mode when she is in battle, as that facet of her arouses him so much. Bubbles has always admired Butch, his ruggedness, and his roguishness ever since she was a young girl. Everything and anything about Butch fascinates Bubbles ranging from his brute, animalistic strength to his tenderness when he is around her. Bubbles loves the fact that Butch is strong, handsome, has the well-shaped muscles of an Olympian god,…

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My Completed RRB/PPG/PPNKG Shipping Meme

Credit goes to one of my really good friends, Hadrian aka SapphireSonicmaster, for this particular meme. Greetings, fellow Rowdyruff, Powerpuff, and Powerpunk shippers! It is I, your dear friend, Antoni, with another completed Powerpuff Girls shipping meme. I know that filling this meme up was pretty hard and crazy work, but I will gladly guide you all to which of these I support strongly as my OTPs and which ones I do not. I am sure that a lot of my followers already know who they are, but let us get cracking anyway by starting off with the pairings I abhor. NOTPs for Life Brick x Blossom (BlossSICK) Do I need to further express my overall seething disdain for this particularly overrated RuffPuff couple? Butch x Buttercup (Butchercup) GET THESE GREEN-CLAD HOTHEADS AWAY FROM EACH OTHER!!!! Mitch x All of the Powerpunks As if he is ever going to have a fulfilling relationship with these particular ladies. All of the Powerpuffs x All of the Powerpunks No, just, no! Snake, Ace, and/or Bud x All of the Rowdyruffs I do not care if this is going to be a shounen-ai situation for the sake of titillation. It is not going to happen and it will never happen! Meh Pairings All of the Rowdyruffs x All of the Powerpunks Where my headcanon is concerned, the Rowdyruff Boys are much too busy being the dashing gentlemen to their true lady loves, The Powerpuff Girls. While the Powerpunk Girls are having the time of their lives with their respective beaus. It kind of works as a short fling though, but nothing more. Snake x Bubbles (Snubbles) and Bud x Blossom (Budossom) These two never grew on me and all I feel from these two pairings is indifference and skepticism. Ace x Buttercup (Acercup) It works as a first-crush scenario but nothing more. BroTPs Mitch x All of the Powerpuff Girls Whether it is the epic best friendship of Mitchercup or the fair-weathered nature of Mitchubbles and Mitchossom, I cannot deny just how interesting they are pretty good friends with benefits, especially where Mitchercup is concerned. Brick x Butch x Boomer x Mitch This is quite the epic band of bros. Just add in Mike Believe and it will be a BroT5 for all the ages! Blossom x Buttercup x Bubbles x Bunny The greatest band of sisters until the end of time. Add in Robin Snyder and it will be an epic SisT5. Ace x Snake x Bud A veritable band of bad boys with attitude. Berserk x Brute x Brat A delightfully catty trio. Pairings I Really Like Boomer x Buttercup (Boomercup) A cute, innocent pairing between a sympathetic dumb muscle and an athletic brawling beauty. Other than that, it is on the fluffy side. Brick x Bubbles (Brickubbles) This is the sweetest pairing to ever exist between a hot-headed rogue and an inwardly hardcore ingenue. Ergo, Brickubbles may be the second best color-crack couple, in my opinion considering that there is one that rules over this and Boomercup combined, but it might as well be kept within a high school crush scenario. My OTPs for Life Brick x Buttercup (Brickercup) Hot and Spicy Couple for life!!! Butch x Blossom (Blossutch) Watermelon Couple for the win!!! Butch x Bubbles (Butchubbles) Oh, yeah! Toughie, Cutie Couple in the house!!! Boomer x Blossom (Blossoomer) Ah, the purely undeniable pleasure of the Cotton Candy Couple!!! Boomer x Bubbles (Boomubbles) My precious Beautiful in Blue Couple!!! Mitch x Bunny (Bunnitch) Yet another exceptional example of an “Opposites-Attract” Couple. Ace x Berserk (Aceserk) There is nothing sexier than having exciting intimacy between two hot-headed leaders. Bud x Brute (BudBrute) An indifferent jerk and a chick with violent tendencies. I smell a love-hate relationship between these two. Snake x Brat (SnakBrat) It is simply adorable in its own special way. So, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you all in the next submission. Take care and have a great spring. Ace, Snake, Bud, Brick, Butch, Boomer, Mitch, Berserk, Brat, Brute, Buttercup, Blossom, Bubbles, and Bunny from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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My Filled-Up RRB x PPG Shipping Meme

Credit goes to the fabulous Summer aka SummerWhiteOSMP for this particular RRB x PPG Meme. Greetings, fellow RRB x PPG shippers, this is your old pal Antoni. I know some of you might feel tired of me preaching about my least to most favorite RRB x PPG pairings to the heavens, but I figured that this would be fun to expound some of my opinions on the other pairings. Moreover, just by seeing this list, you will realize that there is not one pairing I feel either indifferent to or dislike and I could not find any pairing that fits that category, seeing that I do have adamant sentiments when it comes to certain pairings. So, let’s get cracking by getting the negatives out of the way. The Pairings I absolutely abhor the most RRBcest (Brick x Butch aka Brickutch, Butch x Boomer aka Butchoomer, and Brick x Boomer aka Brickoomer) and PPGcest (Blossom x Buttercup aka Blossercup, Buttercup x Bubbles aka Butterubbles, and Blossom x Bubbles aka Blossubbles) On a general level, I cannot stand any pairing where either Brick, Butch, and Boomer or Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles end up as each others’ lovers, as it is just plain sick and wrong. I know I used to have Brick x Butch or Brickutch as my guilty pleasure pairing, but I suddenly outgrew this pairing, as I strongly decided to keep Brick and Butch as really best friends who stick out for each other through thick and thin and have wonderfully epic moments of bromance. Maybe if they were not brothers I would give this pairing a shot because of their strong chemistry and bond, but as it is, just keep them as bromantic besties and let us call it a day. Do not even get me started on either Butch x Boomer or Brick x Boomer as lovers because there would be no chemistry between Boomer and either of his brothers as lovers. In Butchoomer’s case, I would prefer it if Butch and Boomer were really competitive friends with benefits who love to test their strength and athletic prowess on each other and see who is the stronger brother of the two. In Brickoomer’s case, I would rather keep it as a similar case to Butch’s and Boomer’s competitive relationship, but with Brick being the one to show tough fraternal love to Boomer and be as competitive with him, thus having Boomer show Brick and Butch how much stronger he can be than them and get their respect in the process. All in all, I can definitely say that Brick’s and Butch’s relationship is akin to being really great friends, Butch’s and Boomer’s relationship is within the realms of really competitive friends who have moments of sibling rivalry but end up working together rather well, and Brick’s and Boomer’s relationship is competitive in a tough fraternal love kind of way. Therefore, Boomer can respect Brick and Butch for being the strong, tough brothers that they are and Brick and Butch can respect Boomer for proving to them that he can be as strong as a fighter than them. Now that we have talked about the gentlemen, how about the ladies? Blossom x Buttercup or Blossercup makes me go through a moment of projectile vomiting! I would rather keep these girls as really close yet really competitive frenemies who may get on each others’ nerves but still give a darn about each other because of how effectively they work together. Their relationship is really akin to Cyborg’s and Robin’s relationship from Teen Titans 2003, in which Robin’s and Blossom’s brand of being the straight person manages to complement Cyborg’s and Buttercup’s muscle rather well, thus making them an unstoppable force. Moreover, it says a lot when both Blossom and Buttercup are the very people who do enjoy testing their strength and combat prowess on each other. Buttercup x Bubbles or Butterubbles might as well be the classic case of friends with benefits considering how many scuffles these two have in the show. Bubbles, being the romantic that she is, would easily function as the matchmaker and be of high approval of Buttercup and Brick getting together an awesome couple. Blossom x Bubbles or Blossubbles might as well and should stick to the classic case of Blossom being the only sane woman supporting Bubbles in all of her times of insecurity, fear, and anguish and vice versa. All in all, PPGcest is yet another set of pairings I cannot stand and I would rather keep the sisterly dynamic between Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles as extremely platonic thank you very much. Butch x Buttercup aka Butchercup The Greens as a couple makes me want to throw up! I might as well keep these two as friends who work really well together giving any felon a well-deserved knuckle sandwich. But as a couple? No! Get those two away from each other before something explodes! Moving on. Brick x Blossom aka Blossick No! Do not ever get me started on BlossSICK anymore, as it literally and figuratively makes me sick for overrated, overloved, and over-bloated this particular pairing really is. Moreover, do not get me started on how much their egos tend to consume them. These two deserve better and I am pretty sure they know it! I would rather keep them as comrades-in-arms and call it a day. The Pairing I like Boomer x Buttercup aka Boomercup As a cute, innocent pairing, I have been getting behind this for a long time. However, as a legitimate pairing, I cannot see anything beyond this other than the case of it being an innocent crush on Boomer’s side and a sort of fling on Buttercup’s side. The Pairing I love Brick x Bubbles aka Brickubbles This is a cute, innocent pairing I support so much. In another time, this could be my possible OTP considering how Brick would help Bubbles express her tough side more often and Bubbles would be the one who can soften…

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Team Xtreme Next Generation List

Greetings, fellow OTP shippers of Brickercup, Blossutch, Blossoomer, Butchubbles, Boomubbles, Bunnitch, and Robike, it’s your old pal Antoni here with a journal entry involving a list of fan-children from my most beloved main Powerpuff Girls OTPs of all time. Thanks to the many wonderful collaborations I have been having with the likes of KatyGorl, Misse-the-cat, and, to some extent, CottonCandyGrl1969, I felt so compelled to make this list consisting of not only the Brickercup, Blossutch, Blossoomer, Butchubbles, Boomubbles, Bunnitch, and Robike children, but also their fathers and mothers. I will basically place in their names, ages as of 2019, their birthdays, and their statuses, reserved for the parents, but I will not go too in-depth with their biographies, as that is what the fan art submissions are reserved for. With that said, let’s get cracking, ladies and gentlemen. The Handsome, Strong, Dashing Fathers Brick Green Age: 27 Birthday: March 5, 1992 Status: Married to Buttercup since 2011. Butch Green Age: 27 Birthday: March 5, 1992 Status: He used to be married to Bubbles from 2011 to 2012. Since 2012, he has been married to Blossom. Boomer Green Age: 27 Birthday: March 5, 1992 Status: He used to be married to Blossom from 2011 to 2012. Since 2012, he has been married to Bubbles. Mitchell “Mitch” Mitchelson Age: 27 Birthday: March 11, 1992 Status: Married to Bunny since 2013. Michael “Mike” Believe Age: 27 Birthday: March 17, 1992 Status: Married to Robin since 2013. The Elegant, Noble, Awesome Mothers Buttercup Utonium-Green Age: 26 Birthday: April 1, 1993 Status: Married to Brick since 2011. Blossom Utonium-Green Age: 26 Birthday: April 1, 1993 Status: She used to be married to Boomer from 2011 to 2012. Since 2012, she has been married to Butch. Bubbles Utonium-Green Age: 25 Birthday: April 1, 1994 Status: She used to be married to Butch from 2011 to 2012. Since 2012, she has been married to Boomer. Bunny Utonium-Mitchelson Age: 25 Birthday: May 26, 1994 Status: Married to Mitch since 2013. Robin Snyder-Believe Age: 26 Birthday: May 2, 1993 Status: Married to Mike since 2013. The Brickercup (Brick x Buttercup) Offspring Bradford Tyrone “Brad” Green Age: 8 Birthday: June 3, 2011 Bruce Warren Green Age: 8 Birthday: June 3, 2011 Bailee Christina “BC Jr.” Green Age: 8 Birthday: June 3, 2011 Beatrice Elizabeth “Bea” Green Age: 8 Birthday: June 3, 2011 Brett Rupert Green Age: 8 Birthday: June 3, 2011 Bridget Melissa Green Age: 8 Birthday: June 3, 2011 Baxter Travis Green Age: 7 Birthday: October 10, 2012 Blaster Torvald Green Age: 7 Birthday: October 10, 2012 Brina Samantha Green Age: 7 Birthday: October 10, 2012 Blaze Christopher Green Age: 5 Birthday: June 3, 2014 Brent Timothy Green Age: 4 Birthday: August 1, 2015 Brooke Denise Green Age: 3 Birthday: July 29, 2016 Brianna Dorothy Green Age: 3 Birthday: July 29, 2016 Bane Lawrence Green Age: 2 Birthday: March 29, 2017 Bethany Maureen Green Age: 2 Birthday: March 29, 2017 Bona Valerie Green Age: 1 Birthday: April 2, 2018 The Blossoomer (Boomer x Blossom) Offspring Bloom Amanda Green Age: 8 Birthday: July 25, 2011 Brittney Jane “BJ” Green Age: 8 Birthday: July 25, 2011 Beauregard Alain “Beau” Green Age: 8 Birthday: July 25, 2011 Brian Matthew Green Age: 8 Birthday: July 25, 2011 Becca Danielle “Becky” Green Age: 8 Birthday: July 25, 2011 Bella Donna “Belladonna” Green Age: 8 Birthday: July 25, 2011 Basil Ferdinand Green Age: 7 Birthday: December 20, 2012 Bramley Frederick Green Age: 7 Birthday: December 20, 2012 The Butchubbles (Butch x Bubbles) Offspring Brandon Tristram Green Age: 8 Birthday: August 10, 2011 Buddy Harrison Green Age: 8 Birthday: August 10, 2011 Brea Susannah Green Age: 8 Birthday: August 10, 2011 Bettina Tamara “Betty” Green Age: 8 Birthday: August 10, 2011 Blithe Rosalie Green Age: 8 Birthday: August 10, 2011 Bianca Bertha “Bibi” Green Age: 8 Birthday: August 10, 2011 Blaine Henry Green Age: 7 Birthday: August 4, 2012 Blair Homer Green Age: 7 Birthday: August 4, 2012 The Blossutch (Butch x Blossom) Offspring Bernadette Azalea Green Age: 7 Birthday: December 20, 2012 Brendan James Green Age: 4 Birthday: July 25, 2015 Blake Francis Green Age: 4 Birthday: July 25, 2015 Bradley Oliver Green Age: 3 Birthday: July 26, 2016 Belle Marguerite Green Age: 3 Birthday: July 26, 2016 Brenda Katelyn Green Age: 2 Birthday: February 2, 2017 Belinda Kiara Green Age: 2 Birthday: February 2, 2017 Barbara Abigail Green Age: 1 Birthday: February 20, 2018 The Boomubbles (Boomer x Bubbles) Offspring Bailey Philipp Green Age: 7 Birthday: August 4, 2012 Barley Raphael Green Age: 7 Birthday: August 4, 2012 Bonnie Athena Green Age: 6 Birthday: December 4, 2013 Brittany Alexandra Green Age: 6 Birthday: December 4, 2013 Benedict David “Ben” Green Age: 4 Birthday: June 2, 2015 Berenice Dorinda “Birdie” Green Age: 4 Birthday: June 2, 2015 Ballina Jacqueline “Bali” Green Age: 2 Birthday: July 3, 2017 Belina May Green Age: 1 Birthday: September 22, 2018 The Bunnitch (Mitch x Bunny) Offspring Benjamin Jonathan “Benji” Mitchelson Age: 5 Birthday: January 2, 2014 Jackson Jeremiah “Jax” Mitchelson Age: 5 Birthday: January 2, 2014 Mason Jordan “Mace” Mitchelson Age: 4 Birthday: February 1, 2015 Ryan Kendall Mitchelson Age: 3 Birthday: March 2, 2016 Pauline Clara Mitchelson Age: 2 Birthday: June 15, 2017 Nicole Faith Mitchelson Age: 1 Birthday: July 22, 2018 Noelle Charity Mitchelson Age: 1 Birthday: July 22, 2018 Noreen Hope Mitchelson Age: 1 Birthday: July 22, 2018 The Robike (Mike x Robin) Offspring Jason Xavier “Jay” Believe Age: 5 Birthday: May 3, 2014 Joshua Wilfred “Josh” Believe Age: 5 Birthday: May 3, 2014 Julius Vincent “Jules” Believe Age: 4 Birthday: May 29, 2015 Sarah Theresa Believe Age: 3 Birthday: June 30, 2016 Cayden Franklin Believe Age: 3 Birthday: June 30, 2016 Michelle Lorraine Believe Age: 3 Birthday: June 30, 2016 Martha Wilhemina Believe Age: 2 Birthday: September 22, 2017 Astrid Vanessa Marie “Ava” Believe Age: 1 Birthday: November 3, 2018 So, there you have it, my fellow Brickercup, Blossoomer, Butchubbles, Blossutch, Boomubbles, Bunnitch, and Robike shippers. All the lovely offspring of…

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