
Thirty-Second Birthday Gratitude

This is my face when embracing new challenges as a 32-year-old man about to complete my Master’s in American Studies degree in a few months with the completion of my Master’s Thesis. I know I should have proclaimed this over three weeks ago. However, I want to thank you all for greeting me on my 32nd birthday three Mondays ago. I am elated and humbled by all of your wonderful wishes, and they have helped me become more motivated to accept every new challenge I encounter as an artist, a performer, a scholar, an online reviewer, and a total media, popular culture, literature, and music enthusiast. As much as I would have loved to thank you much earlier, I have been dealing with my Master’s Thesis. I am currently in my 27th going on the 28th page out of the standard 60 pages, let alone the maximum limit of 66 pages. There is going to be a fair bit of close reading and analysis of a certain 1990’s Black American sitcom that I hold dearest to me starring a certain movie star who started as a rap star in his prime, hint hint wink wink. Therefore, I am filled with high motivation to get this last piece of academic work for Humboldt done so that I can graduate with excellently flying colors. Throughout this current tenure doing my thesis, I have also learned to embrace critical objectivity both as a scholar and as a media, pop culture, and music enthusiast. Healthwise, I am glad to remain no longer obese. Granted, I am still madly keen on losing 3 to 4 more stone (42 to 56 pounds or 19.1 to 25.4 kilograms) of my excess weight. Nevertheless, I am glad to still remain mobile and physically independent, and I have also discarded the foolish victim mindset. I’m strong enough to stand and thrive well. I want to wrap this up by thanking all of you for the warm birthday wishes. Thank you to my parents, siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins, family members from other families, fellow online reviewers, fellow actors, fellow filmmakers, fellow artists, fellow writers, university colleagues, fellow singers, fellow musicians, and fellow enthusiasts of popular culture, media, and music. You have all made my transition to my 32nd year in life an exciting one. Have a grand spring/summer season.  

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30th Birthday Gratitude to Everyone

Hello, everybody. Antoni here. It’s been two days since I turned thirty years old. This decade in my life is already starting to become more interesting than I thought, and I know fully well that it is going to present challenges along the way. These challenges are going to help me grow as an artist, a content creator, a performer specialising in singing, acting, and voice acting; a media, film, television, literature, music, anime, and cartoon aficionado; a critic focusing on film, television, music, and animation; a student majoring in English and minoring in Musicology, and an overall person. For that, I say stoke the fire, feed the flame, light up the vessel, and name the game because I am more than pumped up to give myself the kick up the backside as a means for me to be more determined than ever. I want to thank each and every one of you who greeted me for my 30th birthday. You definitely helped me make my transition to this new decade called my 30s more worthwhile, and I am looking forward to the new challenges that are set before me. I am in that conflicting mixture between anticipation and uncertainty, but I am more than happy to accept anything and everything that will help me to keep on thriving as I live my life. Regardless of who you are, relative, friend, colleague, teacher, mentor, fellow reviewer, fellow artist, fellow voice actor, fellow singer, fellow actor, fellow content creator, and/or fellow aficionado of media, film, television, literature, music, anime, and cartoons, I am very blessed and grateful for the birthday greetings you have given me, and I too wish you abundance, encouragement, and beauty in all of your lives. Reaching 30 has also made me realise just how far I have come. I went through pre-school, kindergarten, grade school, middle school, and high school from 3 to 18 in Cebu, Philippines through different schools. By the time High School came into play, I experienced what it was like to strive and struggle to get through the day, achieve my dreams, and acquire everything I wanted with so much hard work, specifically when my junior and senior years have seen me be a student teacher for two days and, despite me not graduating at the top of my class, I ended up graduating with honours, which was the best thing to ever happen to me as a teenager. Yes, there was the obligatory bullying, condescension, ruthlessness, nastiness, cattiness, and gut-wrenching snideness that was inflicted on me time and time again that still made me reel at those who were horrible enough to test my patience, mercy, and kindness, but Karma really had a way of turning things around in my favour for better or for worse. I went through vocational training as an actor at age 19 in film school before turning 20 also in Cebu. At age 20, I furthered my actor’s training for over three years here in Berlin. Three months before I turned 24, I did the German equivalent of a GED known as Abitur for Erwachsene and knew what it was like to fully integrate into the German system of education. At 27, I ended up being accepted into Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, with me ending up in the latter. I have never regretted any of these decisions ever since because these institutions made me embrace how harsh yet necessary experience is as my personal teacher and how I can turn all of what I am passionate about into career paths and make something productive of myself. Outside my educational endeavours, I have also learned what it was like to grow my own content through vlog-style reviews with a focus on opera, concerts, musicals, ballet, anime, film, cartoons, and live action shows, drawing fan art, writing opinionated discourses revolving around least to most favourite animated characters and pairings whether in Western cartoons or Japanese anime, and doing my best to engage my audience as well as use the skills I had in singing, acting, voice acting, and drawing to make something of myself. I have come to enjoy partaking in discussions and discourses with my watchers, my friends, my fellow content creators, and my fans regarding anime, cartoons, television shows, films, comics, opera, and musicals on a critical level because part of entertainment is also about reflecting on what we as viewers and readers consume on a near daily basis and realising that using nostalgia as an argument is flimsy at best, thus having to use stronger arguments to support the how and why of any reason we formulate. For that, I am entirely blessed and elated. I am also just as elated to have found my niche in developing AU headcanons for shows and comics that I have enjoyed ever since I was young and some that I have rediscovered. My most favourite one is my Splendid Seven AU headcanon starring Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Ayame, Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran being the super strong, fiercely formidable, and terrifically tight family of Yokai warriors specialising in various martial arts, with Sesshoumaru mastering Mixed Martial Arts, Tae Kwon Do, and Brazilian Jujitsu; Inuyasha mastering Pankration, Ancient Greek Wrestling, and Ancient Greek Boxing; Ayame mastering Kickboxing, Judo, and Nippon Kempo; Shuran mastering Mongolian Wrestling, Ssireum, and Sumo Wrestling; Hakkaku mastering Muay Thai, Pradal Serey, and Kajunkenbo; Ginta mastering Lethwei, Pencak Silat, and Sanda; and Shunran mastering Capoeira, Shaolin Kung Fu, and Wing Chun. Basically, my Splendid Seven AU headcanon is what would happen if Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran formed a team, let alone family, of superhero Yokai warriors in the vein of Street Fighter, Tekken, King of Fighters, Justice League, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, X-Men, and The Avengers. The result would be a formidable team exuding strength, confidence, and loads of unconditional love. Aside from The Splendid Seven, I am also just as excited to keep on developing my two most beloved jungle warrior…

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29th Birthday Gratitude to Everyone

Hey, everybody! Antoni here and it has been two days since I turned twenty-nine years old. First of all, I want to thank everybody who has greeted me on my birthday from two days ago all the way up to today. I am so blessed by all the love, encouragement, kindness, fortitude, compassion, warmth, and loyalty you have given to me and I too wish you well in everything you do and have been accomplishing so far. Secondly, I want to extend my goodwill and wishes of prosperity, abundance, joy, love, fortitude, beauty, and grace to all of my fellow April birthday celebrants on DeviantArt, specialized666, emametlo, Xovinx, pokemonlpsfan, Teeniedoodles, Banzatou, AmethystQueen25, Hekatia, pupleash, ShiyaHawk, Luipunker91, ladybattousai, Hestia1, Makoto-nii-chan, MarcosBnPinto, riukime, KittyTheNerd, AngelLilly, BiPinkBunny, Nevi-M, AKIV707, Ally-Kat312, HughEbdy, TheDarkestNight51, sadieB798, 4M1R, Mewthekitten1, Kennshou, Channeleven, IdunaHayaDesigns, Iduna-Haya, Yuki-Heiligen, Pak009, NessieUsagi, Barguest, FoxyAtTheCorner, reiner55, Lisathefan, 14-bis, Eistaneyu, PsychokittyP, SurrealMime, xrosejuicex, kuleroselie1, neopuff, AStar-Illustrations, RicoDZ, AlexFly, RaccoonFoot, CaeriLorem, YuiHarunaShinozaki, lovesdrawing721, ArtisticAnimeFanGirl, ShimuAdopts, purpledolpin05, squiddlyn, mshmaek, j5ajj, dark-kunoichi92, ThenameisNoName, Walu-Sushi, ClaraPowerPuff, Porcelain-Requiem, TheGoddessQueen, locofuria, Jose-Ramiro, LuciferTheShort, RurouniGemini83, CaptainEdwardTeague, Midori-D, deedee2014, Sildesalaten, Toni123456, InsanBoudjema1829, FairytalesArtist, Chacha987, araednia, starplexus, Tsiki10, RazorRex, Pre-AnimationMan, emmettmpickens, PrincessKaylaC, Looneygurl96, flowerpower138, LooSamoro, fvneralhouse, carlycastaneda, BrickJojoRRB, Furipasart, Furipa93, Wakamoley, Suzume-Star, MarsMellon, DrawBerry33, StrawberryPon, 1987arevalo, darklove1029, CTW36, mystery79, JQroxks21, CJMasaNetwork2002, khyfie, JosephSnap101, KiraKogasDaughter, CrimsonVampiress, ZOE-Productions, SylvesterMcCoyFan, LazyCafe, NeoSlashott, Hinako29, RiiiceCak3, TerinCat, and Ego-Creo. Being 29 years old signifies a great new deal of challenges coming my way, which I am more than happy to accept with open arms and reach those high heights. Sure, I can continue to proclaim that I have shoved obesity out the door since mid-October and I have never gone back to the obesity mark ever since, hopefully for good this time and for the rest of my natural life. Yes, I can continue to state that I am proud to be queer, specifically be proud of my gayness and wear it like a golden badge of honor. Of course, I can further proceed with exuding my confidence and high self-esteem because I fully embrace, respect, and accept myself for what I have worked towards and what I have aspired to be. Indeed, I can proclaim to you all that I have continued to pass my university courses and did not fail any of them thus far. Furthermore, it is also indubitable that I will always exude love, passion, and flair in my online content creation as an artist specializing in fan art, a YouTuber specializing in vlog-style reviews, and a guy who just loves to write my freaking heart out. However, if I can look beyond the wants of prestige, external beauty, fame, fortune, and acceptance as my reasons, those are just the tip of the iceberg. These are backed up by my needs of health, self-love, self-respect, passion, dedication, determination, and drive in order for me to keep on living. Moreover, do not think I was unaware of what has been occurring in the world. There were some intrinsically triumphant moments of justice found in Derek Chauvin finally getting arrested for the murder of George Floyd, which made me believe that my home country of the U.S.A. is finally getting back on the tracks of justice and has raised the voices of the oppressed. Nevertheless, there were moments of mourning where a lot of influential artists and political figures transcended the flesh yet left behind really exciting legacies from Evgeny Nesterenko to Prince Philip to Christa Ludwig to Corneliu Murgu. Every one of these exceptional people left a mark on me as an artist and as a person because of the values they were defined by and I hope their legacies will be forever persevered. In the case of the trial’s outcome revolving around Derek Chauvin’s well-deserved arrest, it also made me realize just how the wounds of hatred, abuse of power, and corruption can encroach anybody in the position of authority while endangering the life of a civilian, instead of upholding the value of integrity and justice. The point I want to drive home is the necessity for me to habitually better myself and continue to live as healthily, authentically, and passionately as I can with integrity, conscientiousness, and courage to make a difference and persevere when circumstances get tough. I may not want to be a father, but I have nieces and nephews based in several parts of the world. I have to set a great example for them to not always find the quick-fix path to success, but learn to embrace the fruitful process of attaining success, which may be steeped with challenges, but the prospect of attaining a goal will be cathartically sweet. After all, it is not the destination that matters the most, but the journey, and I pray that my nieces’ and nephews’ journeys will be fruitful, purposeful, and full of enlightenment. This is also evident in how much complacency is certainly not permitted by any stretch of the imagination, thus exercising strong will and perseverance in everything we do. Once again, I want to thank you all, my family, my friends, my role models, my colleagues, and my fellow artists, reviewers, actors, singers, voice actors, and writers, for your continuous support, encouragement, and blessings. You have definitely shaped me to be the person I am today and I will forever be blessed. Take care, stay safe, and keep a positive attitude, everybody.

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27th Birthday Gratitude to Everyone

Happy Labor Day, everybody. I know I would have loved to release this drawing a little bit earlier but I was quite busy with preparations with my mathematics written exam for my A-Levels or known in German as “meine schriftliche Abitur Prüfung in Mathematik”. Mind you, this is the second to the last exam I am doing as of this month before I get my Abitur certificate in order to for me to apply to all of the universities and colleges here in Berlin. This is something I should never for granted and I need to haul lots of ass. Even though there is this nagging doubt in me that tells me that I should have done a much better job in my 5. PK, my Spanish Leistungskurs Exam, and my English Leistungskurs Exam, I am not going to hold back whatsoever and just keep soldiering on. Going back to the matter at hand, I am extremely blessed, grateful, humbled, and happy to each and every one of you who have greeted me on my 27th birthday. I am now at an age where I need to set a better example for myself and for everyone else in my life, manage myself in a smarter way, and also take more time to be reflective and keep questioning everything I see in the world and not just have everything in my perspective to be black and white. Moreover, I have to continue to be very career-oriented in everything I do whether as a YouTuber who does vlog-style reviews of operas, concerts, albums, ballet, musicals, movies, cartoons, and anime, an artist who specializes in shipping fan art, and doing anything and everything to do with languages, music, and art. Finally, I have to keep on being grateful for everyone who has played an important role in my life. Speaking of which, I want to thank my mom, my dad, my grandparents, and my helpers who have raised me to be the person I am today and for ensuring that I do not lose sight of where I came from and who I am. I also want to thank my uncles, aunties, siblings, cousins, nephews, and nieces for showing support in their own special way. My gratitude also extends to my friends, colleagues, and fans who have shown continuous loyalty, support, and ensuring that I do not get too big for my boots. I cannot forget to be grateful for the many people who have inspired me such as my fellow artists, fellow singers, fellow actors, fellow voice actors, and fellow online reviewers. Finally, I would love to thank God for making me know my place in the world and for helping me to endure all of the hardships I have to go through and all of the blessings I have in my life. To conclude, thanks for being there for me during my 27 years in life and I too wish you a lot of love, beauty, and greatness in all that you do. Take care and have an awesome spring.

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