An adaptation of the classic French allegorical tale which hits home like a steamroller in terms of lovable characters, a very down-to-earth story and a fine cast of of thespians lending their voices to these characters. Enjoy the review and let me know your opinions as well.
Animated Movie
It may not be groundbreaking as Inside Out, but this animated film is sure to tug at your heartstrings, is very down-to-earth and will make you root for the main heroes on their journey. Enjoy the review and let me know your opinions as well.
Pixar has done it once again by winning my heart with this film, which has a lot of its trademark charm, heart, color and vibrancy. Enjoy the review and let me know your opinions as well.
A pleasant start to the weekend to you all! A great number of my awesome Manic Expression friends and colleagues including James Daniel Walsh, Ichabod Todd, Patricia Miranda and many others have been working on this animated movie for quite some time. Now is the time to make this project blossom into fruition and with your help, the Manic Expression animated movie will be definitely something to remember. So, please support these awesome creators and I wish you a most blessed and wonderful weekend. Take care, everybody!