Hakkaku and the Black/Blue Rangers from Power Rangers Survey

Among the Black/Blue Rangers in Power Rangers, who do you think Hakkaku would call as his big brother and best friend? A. Zack Taylor (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) B. Adam Park (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) C. Billy Cranston (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) D. Corcus (Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers) E. Rocky DeSantos (Power Rangers Zeo) F. Theodore Jay “TJ” Jarvis Johnson (Power Rangers In Space) G. Kai Chen (Power Rangers Lost Galaxy) H. Chad Lee (Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue) I. Lucas Kendall (Power Rangers Time Force) J. Danny Delgado (Power Rangers Wild Force)

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Sesshoumaru and the Sixth/Extra Rangers from Power Rangers Survey

Among the Sixth/Extra Rangers in Power Rangers, who do you think Sesshoumaru would call as his big brother and best friend? A. Tommy Oliver the White Ranger (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) B. Trey of Triforia (Power Rangers Zeo) C. Jason Lee Scott (Power Rangers Zeo) D. The Blue Senturion (Power Rangers Turbo) E. The Phantom Ranger (Power Rangers Turbo) F. Zhane (Power Rangers in Space) G. Mike Corbett (Power Rangers Lost Galaxy) H. Ryan Mitchell (Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue) I. Eric Myers (Power Rangers Time Force) J. Merrick Balton (Power Rangers Wild Force)

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The Main Seven Mighty Morphin Inurangers

Greetings and salutations, fellow aficionados of anime, Power Rangers, Super Sentai, and everything early 1990s to early 2000s, Antoni here with another Inurangers entry. Today, I will be delving into the main Mighty Morphin Inurangers heroes, as in the seven teenage Yokai warriors with attitude. This is a general overview of who they are as heroes and as comrades.   High off of my recent excitement of my finished drawing of Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran as the Mighty Morphin Inurangers, I thought it would be great to have a go at enlisting the heroes in my Mighty Morphin Inurangers headcanon and discuss which Mighty Morphin Power Rangers counterpart suits each of the seven teenage Yokai warriors with attitude.   Before I get on to the main cast, a few words about composite and decomposite characters because there is going to be a number of them, especially in the heroes and in the villains. Since the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers had two Red Rangers, two Black Rangers, one Blue Ranger, two Yellow Rangers, and two Pink Rangers, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran are going to receive that composite character treatment, with Hakkaku and Ginta sharing a great number of the black rangers’ and the blue ranger’s traits. Where Sesshoumaru and Shuran are concerned, they are the decomposite character versions of Tommy Oliver during his respective White Ranger and Green Ranger days. Therefore, there are no International Peace Conferences, no Pan Global Games, no transfer of leadership just like what happened with Tommy’s new tenure as the White Ranger, and no power transfers until the main seven Mighty Morphin Inurangers get transformed into children, thus commencing the action for Mighty Morphin Makai Rangers and, subsequently, Inurangers Zeo but with a completely new cast. Therefore, the main seven Mighty Morphin Inurangers are going to stay the same from Season 1 to Season 3, with the only changes per season being their Zords and even their Ninjetti outfits in Season 3.   Speaking of the main seven as well as the Inurangers’ version of the Morphing Grid, where Mighty Morphin Power Rangers had five members at least to six members at most, there would already be seven members, seven morphing coins, and seven Power Morphers. This universe’s version of the classic saga “Green with Evil” would have neither Shuran nor Sesshoumaru introduced as new Rangers but already part of the established team, with the situation being that Shuran gets kidnapped by Urasue and turns evil before being woken up to his senses by having Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha blast the Sword of Evil away from him. Even more is how Shuran’s Green Ranger powers would tie him to the Green Candle created by Urasue and guarded by Goshinki as revenge for betraying her, thus making his life hang in the balance. Things came to a head when Shuran’s Green Ranger powers were slowly being depleted, while Sesshoumaru was doing everything he could to protect him from certain doom. Everything would come to a head when Shuran was trapped by Goshinki, thus making Inuyasha do battle with Goshinki and Sesshoumaru rescue Shuran from certain doom, with Inuyasha retrieving the candle in the nick of time, although its flame was slowly being depleted. As a result, Sesshoumaru decided to remain by Shuran’s side and momentarily hang up his White Ranger mantle until they try to find a way to recharge his Green Ranger powers, while Inuyasha inherited the Golden Dragon Shield and Dragon Dagger from Shuran.   To maintain this seven-member team, there would also be a legendary weapon that would end up recharging their powers in the form of the Sword of Light. Zordon was still recharging Sesshoumaru’s and Shuran’s White and Green Ranger powers, especially the latter’s with the candle still fading away, before he sent the Inurangers on a mission to retrieve the Sword of Light to fully recharge Shuran’s Green Ranger powers. Zordon may have fully recharged Sesshoumaru’s White Ranger powers because they could not be corrupted by evil hands and were fully guarded, but Shuran’s case was more drastic, for he had been under Urasue’s influence during his abduction, and the Sword of Light was needed to make the Green Ranger powers more invincible than ever before, thus fully purifying him from Urasue’s remaining grip. The Sword of Light was retrieved and Shuran was officially back in business as the Green Ranger. The Sword of Light was going to be later used for Shunran when her Pink Ranger powers were slowly being depleted by Urasue’s and Naraku’s corruption of them during the third season, thus purifying her from their corruption and gaining newer powers too. Therefore, the Sword of Light is not going to be utilised for giving power transfers but for recharging the Inurangers when their powers are running dry and in dire need of a boost.   With that said, let us get introduced to our main seven heroes. You know the drill, ladies and gentlemen, it’s morphin time and we need Ninja Inuranger power now! White Tigerzord Power! Green Dragonzord Power! Black Mastodon Power! Pink Pterodactyl Power! Blue Triceratops Power! Yellow Sabre-Toothed Tiger Power! Red Tyrannosaurus Power!   The Seven Mighty Morphin Inurangers Take two dog Yokai warrior brothers in Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha, two panther Yokai warriors in Shuran and Shunran, and three wolf Yokai warriors in Hakkaku, Ginta, and Ayame, and you get the Mighty Morphin Inurangers. Teleporting seven overemotional and overbearing teenage Yokai warriors with attitude in the forms of Inuyasha, Shuran, Sesshoumaru, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran from Shikon Valley, Tokyo, Japan to the Command Centre may have seemed like an initial nightmare for Alpha 5, but Zordon has sufficient faith in these seven powerful supernatural warriors who are known for their strength, valour, stamina, and determination as heroes and as individuals. Whatever putties, monsters, and demons Urasue has for them during Season 1 and Naraku creates during Seasons 2 and 3, the seven Mighty Morphin Inurangers are not going…

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Shuran and the Sixth/Extra Rangers from Power Rangers Survey

Among the Sixth/Extra Rangers in Power Rangers, who do you think Shuran would call as his big brother and best friend? A. Tommy Oliver the Green Ranger (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) B. Jason Lee Scott (Power Rangers Zeo) C. The Blue Senturion (Power Rangers Turbo) D. The Phantom Ranger (Power Rangers Turbo) E. Zhane (Power Rangers In Space) F. Mike Corbett (Power Rangers Lost Galaxy) G. Ryan Mitchell (Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue) H. Eric Myers (Power Rangers Time Force) I. Alex Drake (Power Rangers Time Force) J. Merrick Balton (Power Rangers Wild Force)

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The Splendid Seven’s Three Deadliest Martial Arts

Greetings, Splendid Seven devotees, martial arts aficionados, and fighting video game fans. Antoni here with another written entry focusing on Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran specialising in the martial arts they do. Today, I will be focusing on what I believe are the three deadliest, most lethal, and most explosive martial arts Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran specialise in the most. Get yourselves armed with strength and determination, ladies and gentlemen, this is going to be a full-contact throwdown extravaganza for the ages.   Ever since indulging myself in Fight Science, Fight Quest, Human Weapon, Kill Arman, Karate Combat, the 1995 World Combat Championship, the Rickson Gracie documentary entitled Choke, a bevy of martial arts documentaries, YouTubers specialising in martial arts, and let’s plays of various fighting games including Street Fighter, Tekken, and Karate Master Knockdown Blow, I have become a lot more intrigued with the martial arts world, especially where my fascination for full-contact martial arts increases every single day. This is especially helpful for not only The Splendid Seven but also many other anime characters I would love to incorporate specific martial arts towards as a means to make them be the powerful warriors that they are based on their personalities and their skills. Furthermore, I have been scouring every website and video out there to see what is said to be some of the deadliest martial arts suitable for seven powerful Yokai warriors.   In terms of how I defined three of The Splendid Seven’s deadliest martial arts, I will be judging them on fully close-range contact, devastating impact, and the range in striking, grappling, and takedowns necessary for the martial art to be considered complete. There is no doubt that I will be looking for the tremendous amount of pain and destructive force that Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran are more than willing to deliver. Knowing these seven powerful Yokai warriors, they would definitely do so with pure abandon. With that said, let the fists fly, the joints jostle, and the muscles mash, for Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran are prepared to bring their enemies into a world of unmitigated devastation. And trust me when I say that every attack and counterattack these seven Yokai martial artists commit to is more devastating than the last one they pulled off. Osu! Hajime!   Sesshoumaru: Shootfighting, Mixed Martial Arts, and Marine Corps Martial Arts Coming from a lengthy background in Karate, Jujitsu, Judo, and Taekwondo, Sesshoumaru bears a great deal of punches, kicks, takedowns, submission holds, elbow strikes, knee strikes, and grapples at his belt to overcome every single foe thanks to his strength, speed, and stamina. Whether he uses jabs, roundhouse kicks, arm bars or foot sweeps, each attack is guaranteed to cause excruciating damage to his opponents. From Shootfighting’s ruthlessly relentless takedowns to Mixed Martial Arts’ viciously bloody attacks to Marine Corps Martial Arts’ lethally rapid reaction time, Sesshoumaru is guaranteed to emerge as the mighty victor.   Shuran: Combat Sambo, Vale Tudo, and Professional Wrestling Grappling and submission in the forms of Full Nelsons, Boston Crabs, sleeper holds, back-breakers, bearhugs, throws, and, of course, bone-damaging piledrivers are the devastating moves which make Shuran one of the most formidable wrestlers Japan and the world have ever encountered. Thanks to Shuran’s heavyweight size and strength, he is easily at an advantage against those who dare to underestimate him thanks to how he effectively combines grappling and submission with visceral ground and pound attacks. It is no wonder why he is so heavily promoted in the world of Combat Sambo, Vale Tudo, and Pro Wrestling.   Inuyasha: Kapu Kuialua, Pankration, and Bokator With bundles of experience in Karate, Jujitsu, Judo, Taekwondo, Boxing, Wrestling, and Kickboxing, Inuyasha definitely knows how to propel his huge repertory of punches, kicks, takedowns, grapples, submission holds, elbow strikes, and knee strikes with leverage, power, and explosive ferocity. His favourite attacks are Superman punches, uppercuts, hooks, spinning axe kicks, roundhouse kicks, piledrivers, and chokeholds which are guaranteed to cause irreparably visceral internal damage to all of his opponents. Hence, his mastery in Kapu Kuialua, Pankration, and Bokator makes him a fierce, fearsome, and ferocious combatant.   Hakkaku: Muay Boran, Pradal Serey, and Kajukenbo Opponents better be prepared to guard their limbs, head, and every part of their body that may be at risk, for Hakkaku can unleash a flurry of visceral punches, kicks, elbow strikes, knee strikes, shin kicks, headbutts, and clinches. Nothing can hold Hakkaku back from inflicting as much devastation to his opponents thanks to his rapid speed, accurate timing, and abundant power in every strike and clinch he commits to. Regardless if Hakkaku does a front kick, an axe kick, a spinning back fist, a Superman punch, a shin kick, a knee strike or an elbow strike, he indubitably shows his exceptional prowess in Muay Boran, Pradal Serey, and Kajukenbo.   Ginta: Lethwei, Pencak Silat, and Sanda There is a slim chance that foes will ever triumph whenever Ginta is around to deliver an exceptionally grand program of punches, kicks, elbow strikes, knee strikes, shin kicks, headbutts, and clinches that can form dents on durably hard objects as well as the overall skeletal structure. Neither huge opponents nor more skilled foes would be able to escape from Ginta’s deadly Superman punches, headbutts, knee strikes, elbow strikes, cross punches, knee kicks, and front kicks plus his skills in disarming all of his foes. Therefore, his expertise in Lethwei, Pencak Silat, and Sanda has shaped him up to be a dynamic fighter.   Ayame: Hapkido, Koppojutsu, and Krav Maga Aggression, confidence, determination, dedication, fierceness, fearlessness, and valour are the building blocks of what define Ayame as a martial artist, a warrior, and an overall person. She fights not to show off but to protect and serve those she considers nearest and dearest to her. Every powerfully accurate move she makes is evidenced through her uppercuts, jabs, cross punches, reverse punches, spinning…

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My Top Five Main Splendid Seven Romantic Spars

Greetings, Splendid Seven devotees, martial arts aficionados, and fighting video game fans. Antoni here with another written entry focusing on Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran specialising in the martial arts they do. Today, I will be focusing on my top five Splendid Seven romantic pairings in the forms of the mainly primary martial arts sparring matches they specialise in. As always, there are three OTPs and two loved pairings serving as my most favourite Splendid Seven romantic pairings.   Romantic and intimate love is a truly many-splendored thing, especially when trust, allegiance, respect, and synergy play integral roles in a rich relationship. Nevertheless, when two or more people are brought together in the heat of battle, they could pull all the stops when making their enemies suffer humiliating defeats at their hands. After that, if they really want it, they could consummate their feelings after battle as a means to unwind from all of the brutality. The catch for these romantic pairings in combat sparring forms is that each of them shall be guaranteed to be lethal and ferocious, but knowing the likes of Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran, they are guaranteed to be the deadliest practitioners of their respective martial arts and bring a world of pain and destruction towards their oppressors and foes. With that said, let the romantic rumblings begin. Osu! Hajime!   Inuyasha x Ayame (OTP): Kapu Kuialua vs Koppojutsu Let every bone break and crumble to dust, let all that bitter crimson blood flow from the victims, and let every vicious blow have the peals of a resounding death knell, for Inuyasha and Ayame are prepared to deliver every devastating blow and grapple they can muster. Combining Inuyasha’s muscular strength and Ayame’s vicious aggression means that their repertoire of punches, kicks, strikes, submission holds, and takedowns are guaranteed to be painfully and punishingly paralysing. Coupled with their bloodiness in battle is close physical and sexual intimacy with each other, as they make spicy love to each other after every battle.   Hakkaku x Shunran (OTP): Muay Boran vs Savate On the outside, Hakkaku and Shunran are bubbly, fun, and vivacious souls who love competition and pushing themselves to higher limits. On the inside, they are not afraid to let their fierceness show, especially when faced with more formidable enemies. Their punches, kicks, and strikes deign to cause as much collateral damage as possible, especially when combining Hakkaku’s strength and speed with Shunran’s agility and precision. Neither Hakkaku nor Shunran have giving up in their vocabulary and are willing to give it their all and return home with bundles of deliciously intimate lovemaking and sweetly soothing massages.   Ginta x Shunran (OTP): Lethwei vs Shaolin Kung Fu There is no time for simple pleasantries when Ginta and Shunran make their move to stamp out their opponents because, while they may be gorgeously cuddly and elegantly sweet together as a couple, they do not hesitate in throwing the first series of blows. Regardless of where they land their punches, kicks, and strikes which are rich in precision, power, speed, and timing, they would be guaranteed to knock their opponents down to the ground. This is true when combining Ginta’s physical formidability and rapidness with Shunran’s flying grace and agility. After their arduous battles, they enjoy intimately gorgeous lovemaking sessions.   Sesshoumaru x Ayame (Loved Pairing): Mixed Martial Arts vs Hapkido Trust, respect, cooperation, allegiance, understanding, and dignity are the heartbeats which make Sesshoumaru and Ayame brim with such fortitude as a duo. This superb combination of Sesshoumaru’s focus and discipline with Ayame’s brute force and relentless stamina makes them truly dynamic in terms of attacks ranging from damaging punches and kicks to crushing submission holds to smashing takedowns. Enemies do not stand a chance when these two combatants work together so effectively, and they would often think twice before crossing swords with them. Sesshoumaru and Ayame define unadulterated trust utterly well.   Shuran x Shunran (Loved Pairing): Vale Tudo vs Ninjutsu It should not surprise anybody that Shuran and Shunran perfectly encapsulate how effectively brute strength and lethal speed can make for a fascinating combo attack against all of their foes. These two traits are, therefore, united in tact, timing, and tenacity. Whenever Shuran incorporates his grappling and ground and pound attacks and Shunran utilises her tactics combined with her quick kicks and strikes, they create a force that no enemy can ever defeat even if they tried. Outside the battlefield, Shuran and Shunran have single-handedly created a relationship brimming with support and unconditional respect.   I hope you all managed to feel that tough and intimate love from these pairings as much as you enjoyed reading this. I will see you in the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and remember to support your significant other in the heat of battle, everybody.

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