June 2021

All Grown Up Cartoon Review and Sort of Rant

I’d also like to mention that Vice Principal Pangborne was voiced by the ever awesome Clancy Brown, known for his roles as Mr Krabs from Spongebob Squarepants, Wolf from Gargoyles and Lex Luthor in Superman the Animated Series and Justice League. He does a very good job in this role just like all the other voice actors despite this show being less than stellar.

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Rugrats Go Wild Movie Review and Rant

Oh, Rugrats Go Wild. It’s no wonder why animated films like this pale extremely in comparison to the likes of Finding Nemo, Tokyo Godfathers, Triplets of Belleville, Pirates of the Carribean, Thirteen, Seabiscuit, Oldboy, The Animatrix and Brother Bear, which are some of the best films in 2003. This below mediocre piece of rhino-fodder has made some of my brain cells disintegrate despite some decent moments. Enjoy this review and let me know your opinions as well. Oh yeah, and even if Susie had a lot more to do in this film, it does not excuse the fact that I don’t care for it at all.

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Rugrats in Paris Movie Review

I forgot to mention in this review that Mr. Yamaguchi was voiced by the legendary Mako Iwamatsu or Mako for short, who you all know as Aku from Samurai Jack and Iroh from Avatar: The Last Airbender. He was able to make the best out of such a thanklessly minute character as he gave a solid performance. Enjoy this review and let me know your opinions as well.

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