June 2020

Please Subscribe to UMIGAME’S Channel

Hello, everybody. Antoni here to spread the word of my older brother from another mother’s YouTube channel UMIGAME where he does some skits and, of course, his Let’s Eat videos of dessert-type snack foods, which are absolutely entertaining and have this lovable, down-to-earth vibe I enjoy so much about his content.   I shall say this once, and I will say this again. Umi is one of the greatest friends I have ever had during my Diploma Program year at IAFT back in mid-2011. That’s right, folks, we go way back. When I started back in May 31, 2011, we were just mere acquaintances. However, our first full-fledged collaboration as actors occurred in a friend’s Thesis film in Manila, which I enjoyed so much not only for the new friends I made there, but also the growing friendship occurring between me and Umi.   From there, we ended up collaborating in a fair amount of films, I was in his Thesis film, he was a cast member in my MOS, and it was an overall amazing time I had with this down-to-earth gentleman. Even after nine years, our friendship never wavered.   To conclude, I hope you can support Umi by subscribing to his channel, staying updated with the content he has to offer, and enjoy his videos because he is an absolutely awesome chap. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be entertained and bear witness to the tasty snack foods he has in store for you.   Take care and stay safe, everybody.

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