May 2020

Hine E Hine A Capella

Time to get the nostalgia goggles on with another classic song from good, old New Zealand composed by Princess Te Rangi Pai. Happy listening, Happy Early Mothers’ Day, and stay safe, everybody.  

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The Painful Acres A Capella

I present to you all my personal favorite Zorak song from The Brak Show’s “Psychoklahoma”. This one was quite challenging with the amount of times I had to rehearse it and get through some tough passages, but the journey was quite fun to sink my teeth into. Happy listening and stay safe, everybody.

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Show Your Love to Barone Vitellio Scarpia

Good morning, everybody. Antoni here with another channel I would love to recommend to all of you.   Do you love chiaroscuro singing? Do you treasure vocal clarity in opera? Barone Vitellio Scarpia has you covered when it comes to separating the great singing from the bad.   Named after Tosca’s villain, this gentleman mostly specializes in comparing various tenors, baritones, bass-baritones, and basses with the occasional comparison to sopranos, mezzos, and contraltos. For the record, I would also love to see him branch out in comparing more female voices a lot more often so that there can be a bit more balance and variety in his channel.   I have been subscribed to him for only a couple of months, and his content is quite fascinating in terms of comparing various singers and finding out some really underrated gems. He only has 335 subscribers, but I would love to see his channel flourish because of what he has to offer as a content creator revolving around opera. Ergo, he has definitely been another wonderful content creator who has helped me appreciate what true opera singing is.   Without further ado, I hope you can all show your love for Barone Vitellio Scarpia, subscribe to his channel, and witness what he has to offer. You will not regret it in the slightest iota.   Have a good day and stay safe, everybody.

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Pokarekare Ana A Capella

It has been a long time since I last sung something for you guys. So, I figured that in spite of the recent lockdown, I would sing for you a traditional song from New Zealand that has touched my heart ever since I was a teenager. Happy listening and stay safe.

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