October 2019

My Cartoon, Anime, Video Game OTP Catalogue

Greetings, loyal hardcore shippers of the world, it is I your old pal Antoni with another entry. I have a question for you shippers. If you were a professional photographer or a photojournalist or someone who enjoys writing articles for a magazine, which couples would be your main subjects to go any page of the magazine? That’s what I am here for to showcase a catalogue of my most favorite couples from cartoons, anime, and video games, the very pieces of media that I have close affinity to. One rule that I would love to give to myself is ensuring that I can have as many installments on here but they have to be limited to one character. So, no multi-character pairings here. Furthermore, crossover ships are totally welcome, seeing that I have my favorite ones on here. With that said, let’s get this show on the row. Boomer x Blossom (The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls) Brick x Buttercup (The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls) Butch x Bubbles (The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls) Mitch x Bunny (The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls) Harry Pitt x Julie Bean (The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls) Mike Believe x Robin Snyder (The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls) Mr. Green x Ms. Bellum (The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls) Professor Utonium x Ms. Keane (The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls) Nigel “Numbuh 1” x Abby “Numbuh 5” (Codename: Kids Next Door) Hoagie “Numbuh 2” x Katie “The Island Girl” (Codename: Kids Next Door) Wallabee “Numbuh 4” x Kuki “Numbuh 3” (Codename: Kids Next Door) Patton “Numbuh 60” x Rachael “Numbuh 362” (Codename: Kids Next Door) Ace “The Kid” x Francine “Numbuh 86” (Codename: Kids Next Door) Bartie “Numbuh 35” x Virginia “Numbuh 23” (Codename: Kids Next Door) Robin x Raven (Teen Titans) Beastboy x Terra (Teen Titans) Cyborg x Sarasim (Teen Titans) Aqualad x Bumblebee (Teen Titans) Speedy x Starfire (Teen Titans) Kid Flash x Jinx (Teen Titans) Malchior x Blackfire (Teen Titans) Thunder x Pantha (Teen Titans) Lightning x Argent (Teen Titans) Jericho x Kole (Teen Titans) Superman x Wonder Woman (Justice League) Batman x Zatanna (Justice League) Green Lantern x Hawkgirl (Justice League) The Flash x Pink Sapphire (Justice League) Poison Ivy x Harley Quinn (Batman: The Animated Series) Scott “Cyclops” x Jean Grey (X-Men: Evolution) Lance “Avalanche” x Rogue (X-Men: Evolution) Kurt “Nightcrawler” x Kitty “Shadowcat (X-Men: Evolution) Evan “Spyke” x Amara “Magma” (X-Men: Evolution) Chase Young x Kimiko Tohomiko (Xiaolin Showdown) Raimundo Pedrosa x Katnappé (Xiaolin Showdown) Clay Bailey x Dyris (Xiaolin Showdown) Jack x Ashi (Samurai Jack) The Scotsman x His Wife (Samurai Jack) Jack Spicer x Princess Morbucks (Xiaolin Showdown and The Powerpuff Girls) Omi x Julie Smith (Xiaolin Showdown and The Powerpuff Girls) Mac x Haley (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends and American Dragon: Jake Long) Jake Long x Juniper Lee (American Dragon: Jake Long and The Life and Times of Juniper Lee) Dennis Lee x Rose (The Life and Times of Juniper Lee and American Dragon: Jake Long) Courage x Shirley (Courage the Cowardly Dog) Kitty x Bunny (Courage the Cowardly Dog) Kevin x Gwen (Ben 10) Ben x Julie (Ben 10) Marceline x Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time) Finn x Flame Princess (Adventure Time) Jake x Lady Rainicorn (Adventure Time) Mordecai x Stef (Regular Show) Rigby x Eileen (Regular Show) Casey Jones x Raphael (Teenage Mutant Turtles 2003) Usagi Yojimbo x Leonardo (Teenage Mutant Turtles 2003) Leatherhead x Donatello (Teenage Mutant Turtles 2003) Silver Sentry x Michelangelo (Teenage Mutant Turtles 2003) Karai x April O’Neill (Teenage Mutant Turtles 2003) Rolf x Ed (Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy) Kevin x Edd (Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy) Eddy x Marie (Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy) Jimmy x Sarah (Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy) Jonny x May (Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy) Lee x Nazz (Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy) Arnold x Phoebe (Hey Arnold!) Gerald x Rhonda (Hey Arnold!) Harold x Patty (Hey Arnold!) Stinky x Sheena (Hey Arnold!) Sid x Nadine (Hey Arnold!) Alan x Helga (Hey Arnold!) Cecile x Campfire Lass (Hey Arnold!) Tucker x Eugene (Hey Arnold!) Grandpa Phil x Grandma Gertie (Hey Arnold!) Miles x Stella (Hey Arnold!) Darren x Ginger (As Told by Ginger) Orion x Courntey (As Told by Ginger) Carl x Noelle (As Told by Ginger) Wil x Simone (As Told by Ginger) Aang x Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Sokka x Toph (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Zuko x Suki (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Haru x Yue (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Jet x Mai (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Teo x Ty Lee (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Asami x Korra (Avatar: The Legend of Korra) Brad x Jenny (My Life as a Teenage Robot) Sheldon x Melody (My Life as a Teenage Robot) Don Prima x Misty (My Life as a Teenage Robot) Danny x Sam (Danny Phantom) Tucker x Valerie (Danny Phantom) Paulina x Star (Danny Phantom) Dash x Kwan (Danny Phantom) Ghost Writer x Jazz (Danny Phantom) Goliath x Kaj (Gargoyles and Tarzan) Uti x Muviro (Pocahontas and Tarzan) Namontack x Basuli (Pocahontas and Tarzan) Kocoum x Tarzan (Pocahontas and Tarzan) Gobu x Terk (Tarzan) John Smith x Jane Porter (Pocahontas and Tarzan) Nakoma x Naoh (Pocahontas and Tarzan) Thomas x Audrey (Pocahontas and Atlantis: The Lost Empire) Cody x Penny (The Rescuers) Bernard x Bianca (The Rescuers) Mufasa x Sarabi (The Lion King) Simba x Nala (The Lion King) Kopa x Kovu (The Lion King) Vitani x Kiara (The Lion King) Prince Adam x Prince Eric (Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid) Shang x Adonis (Mulan and Hercules) Theseus x Hercules (Hercules) Megara x Mulan (Hercules and Mulan) Galder x Dave (Dave the Barbarian) Irmaplotz x Candy (Dave the Barbarian) TJ x Spinelli (Recess) Gus x Cornchip Girl (Recess) Vince x Gretchen (Recess) Mikey x Swinger Girl (Recess) Ron Stoppable x Kim Possible (Kim Possible) Junior x Bonnie Rockwaller (Kim Possible) Josh Mankey x Tara (Kim Possible) Fifteen Cent x Penny Proud (The Proud…

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Thank You to all of my 901 YouTube Subscribers

Greetings, fellow opera fans, opera singers, musicians, reviewers, dancers, singers of all other genres, voice actors, actors, filmmakers, friends, and family! Your good, old pal Antoni here with another milestone I have just achieved.   As of today and in a span of just eleven days, I have just hit 901 subscribers and words cannot describe just how grateful, euphoric, and blessed I am to accomplish this new step in my life as an online reviewer.   I want to thank Katelyn Jewel for the icon that she drew for me, which I mainly use in my music-related reviews, Sean Roswell Gerson for the header art and the icon that I mainly use for my animated show reviews, all of my wonderful friends, family, colleagues, teachers, fellow reviewers, fellow singers, fellow artists, fellow voice actors, fellow actors, and fellow filmmakers for their unconditional support, and God for giving me purpose in everything that I am doing as a YouTuber. I could not have accomplished all of this and more without your help and, for that, I am absolutely grateful and phenomenally euphoric.   If you want to join me in my journey as an online reviewer and check out the content that I specialize in involving opera, musicals, concerts, chamber music, ballet, anime, cartoons, and movies, please subscribe to my YouTube channel, hit the bell icon to be notified of whatever new content I have to offer, and keep on spreading the word the stuff I have to offer.   Thank you so much once again and stay tuned for my upcoming review of the Schumann Lieder und Dichter Concert starring Thomas Lehman, Annika Schlicht, and Flurina Stucki.   Take care and stay awesome, everyone.

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A Tribute to Bright Blue Gorilla

An extremely fine indie music duo who know how to emit love, quirkiness, and positive vibes in everything they do. Enjoy this tribute, let me know your opinions as well, and to quote Bright Blue Gorilla, “Keep calm and share your bananas!”

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