June 2019

Antoni Garcia Voiceover Demo

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I present to you all my voiceover demo.   This is my labor of love and passion project rolled into one fun package and I would love to thank Lunick, T-Kun Unusual Wordsmith III, Jack Skyblue, and many other wonderful people for making me a part of their projects.   Happy listening and if you ever need a voice actor for any project, I am always available.

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This is dedicated to the man who I consider my great friend, my awesome confidant, a phenomenal mentor, and a fine role model in my life. The one and only Maestro Abelardo Galang II. Sit back and relax, as you listen to his rendition of Robert Schumann’s Kreisleriana and a Japanese folk song, Jidai, which were from his album “Schumann-Chopin Abelardo Galang II Piano” released between July and August 2004. Moreover, as you can tell from the pictures I have put on here, they were all from my travels in Budapest, Prague, London, Salzburg, Toronto, Munich, Amsterdam, Carwitz, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and, of course, Berlin. Here is a rundown of how this is all tracked. Robert Schumann (1810-1856) Kreisleriana Opus 16 00:00 Äußerst bewegt 03:11 Sehr innig 13:24 Sehr aufgeregt 18:18 Sehr langsam I 22:07 Sehr lebhaft 25:17 Sehr langsam II 29:26 Sehr rasch 31:48 Schnell und spielend 35:42 Jidai Japanese Folk Ballad Finally, here is a rundown of the people behind the music. Pianist: Abelardo Galang II Sound Engineer/Technician: Hans Brandeis Recording Location: Berlin, Germany Recording Dates: July-August 2004 Photographer and Editor: Me (Antoni Matteo Garcia)

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Why I Love The Color Clash RuffPuff Couples

Greetings, all ye Blossoomer, Brickercup, and Butchubbles shippers, fans, and admirers, it is I your old pal Antoni here with another manifesto. Throughout my life of being a hardcore RRB x PPG shipper, especially since this dynamic comes into play in my Team Xtreme headcanon, I have abandoned the color code couple campaign with no regrets whilst keeping Boomubbles intact as my most favorite one of that especially overrated bunch and expanded my horizons to the color clash and color crack couples. While Blossutch stands tall as the best color crack couple with Brickubbles and Boomercup trailing behind as nothing more than cute, innocent pairings, the color clash couples, i.e. Blossoomer, Brickercup, and Butchubbles, have reigned supreme as the best, greatest, and most epic set of RRB x PPG pairings ever to the point where I could easily call Brickercup as the OTP I ship the most in quantity, Blossoomer as the OTP I ship the most in quality, and Butchubbles as the OTP I ship that has delightfully surprised me in more ways than one. So, I hope you wonderful readers allot some time to take a gander at this manifesto, as I explain what makes the color clash couples appealing in my eyes with not just them as an overall fine set of couples but also how each individual couple functions. The Color Clash RuffPuff Couples Display Far More Interesting and More Flavorful Interpersonal Dynamics There is not one moment where I feel bored when it comes to seeing how much flavor and interest occurs between the likes of Blossoomer, Brickercup, and Butchubbles, considering how effectively their personalities can play off of each other. It also helps matters that in spite of their many differences, each couple can acknowledge how much they have in common. Brick may be a large-and-in-charge, street smart, rugged, militaristic guy and Buttercup may be a rambunctious, feisty, outspoken, sassy young lady, but what these two have in common is that they are strong, tough, adamant souls who are always willing to pick a fight against any perpetrator. Brick’s experience as a combatant and Buttercup’s relentlessness are an amazing combination that shows a deep bond based on perseverance and determination. Therefore, Buttercup would learn new fighting moves from Brick and Brick would be amazed at how strong Buttercup can be because someone as large-and-in-charge, determined, and tough like Brick would never want to settle for another pretty, dainty face and an outspoken soul like Buttercup would never settle for another handsome face. Therefore, Brick and Buttercup are more than just soulmates destined to be together but they are also the couple who are capable of forming a relationship and remaining forever unbreakable. Just because Butch is brutish, rough, tough, wild, super strong, and fierce and Bubbles is sweet, innocent, cheery, sociable, nurturing, and kind, does not mean they cannot have a certain symbiosis together. Their love for animals, sports, and surreal art could make them realize that there is a lot more to each other than meets the eye. One should never forget the many times a big, strong guy like Butch would go out of his way to protect Bubbles from all forms of harm being the fierce, raging bulldog that he is to his foes yet being tender and loyal to Bubbles. Meanwhile, Bubbles would use her ability to empathize, be attentive, be merciful, and be compassionate to understand what is troubling Butch so that he will not have to go back to his old demons ever again. Moreover, they can even find a lot of fun doing every and any type of physical activity with Bubbles cheering for Butch whenever he involves himself in football or wrestling. Boomer and Blossom would easily have the deepest, most genuine, and most soulful relationship among the other couples considering how wonderfully Boomer’s sympathetic, lovable dumb muscle, good-humored personality can be a great complement to Blossom’s elegance, class, and eloquence. Boomer may be interested in weightlifting, wrestling, boxing, mixed martial arts, track-and-field, and soccer and Blossom may be interested in science, politics, fashion design, world literature, Shaolin Kung Fu, and capoeira but what both of them have in common is their love for classical music, opera, Broadway musicals, fine art, various martial arts, learning about various cultures, and languages. When all is said and done, Boomer can help Blossom enjoy the simpler and finer things in life while Blossom can help Boomer become more open-minded of the world around him while being very supportive of every physical activity he gets himself into. The possibilities for more interesting dynamics going on between the color clash couples will be endless, which leads me to my next point. All of The Color Clash RuffPuff Couples Can Find The Best Qualities from Each Other It is often said that a relationship needs both partners to root for each other through thick and thin, thus making it a long-term one. This is what the color clash RuffPuff represent in my eyes. Unlike Blossick’s easy falling-apart due to their egos and Butchercup’s sham of a relationship due to their stubborn personalities, thus making the latter pairing a clear example of Karmic soulmates, the color clash couples do not have any form of chaos or violence occurring between each other. I could make the same argument for Blossutch and Boomubbles, but the likes of Blossoomer, Brickercup, and Butchubbles demonstrate how they can see the best from each other in spades and even more. This creates more synergy, a stronger bond, and more positive vibes to occur between Boomer and Blossom, Brick and Buttercup, and Butch and Bubbles. Brick’s and Buttercup’s case is simple because of how much Buttercup can look up to Brick as someone who has so much experience in combat while helping her polish her skills and how much Brick would be able to see beyond Buttercup’s feistiness and see someone who is courageous enough to let her opinions be heard loud and clear. As I stated before, these two…

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Why I Cannot Stand the Color Code RuffPuff Couples

Greetings, Rowdyruff Boys x Powerpuff Girls shippers, it is your old pal Antoni here with another manifesto. Here is something I am sure a lot of you already know. When you get older, you gain more perspective of the world around, become a lot more critical in your thinking, and broaden your horizons, thus becoming a more conscientious, open-minded, tolerant, and wiser person. It does not matter how big or small the changes are but they are there and they are inevitable. Such as the case with my experience being a loyal fan of The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls. This is going to be one of my most controversial entries to date because I am fully aware that some if not a lot of my friends, DA watchers, and fellow artists happen to be Boomubbles, Blossick, and Butchercup shippers. Moreover, if I were to re-title this entry it would be “Why I Cannot Stand the Color Code RuffPuff Couples Notwithstanding Boomubbles as The Sole Exception”. I think you all know where I am going with this, even if I run the risk of sounding hypocritical or contradictory. This is because I used to be a color code RuffPuff couple shipper when I was in my tweens and teens. Nowadays, in my late twenties, I cannot even look at the color code couples the same way, which I am going to list my reasons as to why I particularly cannot stand Blossick and Butchercup as couples yet tolerate if not love and defend Boomubbles as the only color code couple that I deem as the best one. Before the roasting begins, I would love to have a few words about Boomer x Bubbles aka Boomubbles aka The Blues. Boomubbles aka Boomer x Bubbles aka The Blues: The Only Color Code RuffPuff Couple I Can Ever Enjoy and Love But Still Have My Reservations Perhaps my own personal history with Boomubbles has been nothing more than positive considering how well this holds up with Professor Utonium x Miss Keane and Mike Believe x Robin Snyder as the OTPs I have been shipping ever since I was a young teenager who got himself acquainted with DeviantArt as a mere visitor. To this day, I am still proud to call myself a ProfKeane, Boomubbles, and Robike shipper because of how sweet and lovely these pairings are. Going to Boomubbles, it is a popular headcanon that The Blues are the pacifists, the nicest ones, the most innocent ones, and, of course, the anime and manga fans of the two groups of siblings, seeing that Boomer is more a shonen anime type of fan while Bubbles leans towards shoujo anime and manga. As someone who continues to ship Boomubbles to this day, especially considering how Bubbles called Boomer cute in the episode “The Boys are Back in Town”, I can attest that there are a lot of things to enjoy about Boomer and Bubbles as a couple. I can still take comfort that their relationship will not be volatile or troublesome and that they will always find a way to look beyond the surface and see a truly loving, kind, and generous soul. Boomer’s super strength, rapid speed, and massive athleticism can come in handy when it comes to protecting Bubbles from all harm, all while being kind and chivalrous. While Bubbles’ brand of mercy, kindness, and empathy would be the sole reasons for Boomer to say that she is his only reason for living. When all is said and done, I can never dislike Boomubbles in the slightest. On the one hand, Boomubbles is the best color code couple in terms of how much positivity is present between the Blues. On the other hand, I cannot help but see some diabetic dullness with Boomubbles because even though they can be lovey-dovey with each other and there is a sense of loyalty and unconditional love, it all feels superficial and kind of shallow. In another time, I would have kept Boomubbles solely as a first crush basis and called it a day because when one cuts to the bone, that is just it. Boomubbles is puppy love but not genuinely pure love. Regardless, I can still love Boomubbles for what it is and I am pretty grateful for keeping them together in my Team Xtreme headcanon. What makes this better is that I also made them polyamorous and eventually polygamous, which means that it is not just Boomubbles that is here to stay as my OTP but also Blossutch, Blossoomer, and Butchubbles because of how much I love all of them. The only RuffPuff couple that has been staying monogamous is none other than my beloved Brickercup but I have been gushing on my most beloved RuffPuff couples ad nauseam. Now, let us get on with the constructive roasting for this particular set of overrated, overloved, over-abundant couples. The Color Code Couples Are Bland, Uninteresting, and Dull as Pairings. Yes, people, I have officially said it. As much as I love Boomubbles yet loathe Blossick and Butchercup, I can attest that the color code couples seem to have nothing fresh, new, flavorful or invigorating to put on the table because of how similar the Ruffs and the Puffs personalities and attires are. Boomer and Bubbles are the nice ones. Butch and Buttercup are the tough ones. Brick and Blossom are the leaders. That is all. It could be argued that Brick and Blossom have the most differences because of how their personalities are the opposite to each other with Brick being fire and Blossom being ice and with him being crass, roguish, tough, rough, and large-and-in-charge and with her being intelligent, well-versed, elegant, articulate, and poised. While I can buy those reasons and while I can understand why Blossick is so popular, I still cannot overlook how boring and overrated this “couple” is to the point where I would rather keep Brick and Blossom as good friends. As for Butchercup, let us just say that…

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