Greetings, friends, family members, and fellow reviewers. One of my fellow reviewers, Rob Boor from Cinematic Venom, needs your help to make the sequel to “The Dark Knight Stumbles” come to fruition. I have been stumbled upon his work on YouTube for about two months ago and I find his charisma, snark, and expertise at ripping bad films apart to be uniquely charming. So, what are you waiting for? Pledge your support and make his dreams of making an awesome film come true. Have a great day.
February 2019
This piece of Brickercup, Blossutch, Boomubbles, Bunnitch, and Robike fan art is dedicated to SpiritMiserably and Hellen aka Puffy aka Puffy-PPG-Artist who celebrated their birthdays more than a week ago, Chenoa aka Yanderesweet, Lara aka Ppgrrbcupmaster99, Sniper Tomcat aka SniperM1D, and Bannu-chan aka Darth-Brick who celebrated their birthdays six days ago, Lucero Fernanda aka Sarik-36 and Septoleaf who celebrated their birthday three days ago, Chris Hagen aka ArcRoyale and Dustin J aka DJNetwork who celebrated their birthday yesterday, and Nabz aka Nabby1999 whose birthday is being celebrated today. So, I wish you all of you wonderful people a lot of love, beauty, fortitude, inspiration, abundance, prosperity, boundless creativity, glory, and joy in your lives as artists and as people and I hope you all had such wonderful birthday celebrations. Todo mi amor y felicidad para todos ustedes. Tutto il mio amore e felicitá per voi tutti. I would also love to dedicate this to all of the awesome Brickercup, Blossutch, Boomubbles, Bunnitch, and Robike shipper from all over the world. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that Brickercup, Blossutch, Boomubbles, Bunnitch, and Robike goodness, sweetness, purity, and love. Ladies and gentlemen, Powerpuff Girls fans and shippers of all ages, here we have five fine 26 going on 27-year-old gentlemen in the forms of Brick Green, Butch Green, Boomer Green, Mitchell “Mitch” Mitchelson, and Michael “Mike” Believe being the ever-so-loving husbands to their respective wives 25 going on 26-year-old Buttercup Utonium-Green, 25 going on 26-year-old Blossom Utonium-Green, 24 going on 25 -year-old Bubbles Utonium-Green, 24 going on 25-year-old Bunny Utonium-Mitchelson, and 25 going on 26-year-old Robin Snyder-Believe. This should come off as no surprise, but I definitely love combining my most favorite color-clash RuffPuff couple (Brick x Buttercup aka Brickercup), my most favorite color-crack RuffPuff couple (Butch x Blossom aka Blossutch), my most favorite color-code couple (Boomer x Bubbles aka Boomubbles), my most favorite Normie x Puff couple (Mitch x Bunny aka Bunnitch), and my most favorite Normie x Normie couple (Mike x Robin aka Robike) into one wonderful ensemble, as these five couples are my most beloved OTPs of all time. Believe me when I say that this took yesterday until tonight to finalize this and I am rather pleased with what I have accomplished. Moreover, I hope you are all pleased with what I had to accomplish, especially to all of you, my fellow Brickercup, Blossutch, Boomubbles, Bunnitch, and Robike shippers. So, I hope you all enjoyed this piece of work involving not my most favorite Powerpuff Girls couples and I will see you all on the flip side. Take care and have an awesome week! Brick, Butch, Boomer, Mitch, Mike, Buttercup, Blossom, Bubbles, Bunny, and Robin from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.
LUCIA Verranno a te sull’aura I miei sospiri ardenti, Udrai nel mar che mormora L’eco de’ miei lamenti… Pensando ch’io di gemiti Mi pasco, e di dolor. Spargi un’amara lagrima Su questo pegno allor. EDGARDO Verranno a te sull’aura I miei sospiri ardenti, Udrai nel mar che mormora L’eco de’ miei lamenti… Pensando ch’io di gemiti Mi pasco, e di dolor. Spargi un’amara lagrima Su questo pegno allor. LUCIA Il tuo scritto sempre viva la memoria in me terrà. EDGARDO Cara! Sì, sì, Lucia. LUCIA, EDGARDO Verranno a te sull’aura I miei sospiri ardenti, Udrai nel mar che mormora L’eco de’ miei lamenti… Pensando ch’io di gemiti Mi pasco, e di dolor. Spargi un’amara lagrima Su questo pegno allor. EDGARDO Io parto… LUCIA Addio… EDGARDO Rammentati! Ne stringe il cielo!… EDGARDO, LUCIA Addio… – Verranno a te sull’aure from Gaetano Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor, Libretto by Salvatore Cammarano, First performance on September 26, 1835 at the Teatro di San Carlo, Naples, Italy English Translation: LUCIA On the breeze will come to you my ardent sighs, you will hear in the murmuring sea the echo of my laments. When you think of me living on tears and grief, then shed a bitter tear on this ring. EDGARDO On the breeze will come to you my ardent sighs, you will hear in the murmuring sea the echo of my laments. When you think of me living on tears and grief, then shed a bitter tear on this ring. LUCIA Your letter will forever live on in my memory. EDGARDO Dearest! Yes, yes, Lucia. LUCIA, EDGARDO On the breeze will come to you my ardent sighs, you will hear in the murmuring sea the echo of my laments. When you think of me living on tears and grief, then shed a bitter tear on this ring. EDGARDO I shall leave. LUCIA Farewell. EDGARDO Remember, Heaven has joined us! EDGARDO, LUCIA Farewell! This piece of Prinack fan art is dedicated to Brzonan, Chess Albaneze aka squonkhunter, Caroline aka angry-toon-link, DShadou, The-Daffodil, and Caroline aka Ghalise who celebrated their birthdays several days ago, Selena aka PrincessCallyie who celebrated her birthday three days ago, Wesley aka TheDutchAnon who celebrated his birthday yesterday, and PokeySmokey who is celebrating his birthday today. So, I wish you so much love, prosperity, joy, happiness, abundance, greatness, and beauty on your very special days and in your lives as artists and as people. Moreover, I would love to dedicate this piece of Prinack fan art to my father who is celebrating his birthday today. So, Dad, happy birthday to you and thank you for being such a loving, compassionate father to me and my younger siblings. Finally, I would love to dedicate this to all of the Prinack shippers. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that Prinack goodness. Here we have 31-year-old Jack Spicer as Edgardo Ravenswood and 25 going on 26-year-old Princess Morbucks as Lucia Ashton the tragic star-crossed lovers from one of my most favorite Bel Canto operas of all time Gaetano Donizetti’s “Lucia di Lammermoor”, which was based on the historical novel “The Bride of Lammermoor” written by Sir Walter Scott. What makes these two fit their respective roles to a T is that they are of extremely affluent families who own a heck load of property and they are young souls in love, even though they are far from being teenagers. Sure, Jack is far from being the most heroic gentleman out there and Princess is not one to constantly go cuckoo, but Jack is sufficiently dashing with a high-flying light lyric tenor voice and Princess is fresh and lovely as a daisy in an external manner and I imagine her belting out high notes like what any lyric coloratura soprano would do. Being someone who loves Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor with a passion, I figured that the love duet “Verranno a te” would suit both Jack and Princess’s lovey-dovey nature so well. This duet is even more exciting when the high notes are also put to great use. Whether it is Lucia hitting the high E-flat and Edgardo hitting the high C or Lucia hitting the high C and Edgardo hitting the high E-flat or both Edgardo and Lucia hitting the high E-flat, there is always something so exhilarating when these two do it. For that, I will gladly display my six favorite Edgardos and Lucias singing this duet with the high notes and those are Carlo Bergonzi and Beverly Sills, Alfredo Kraus and Mariella Devia, Marcelo Alvarez and Stefania Bonfadelli, Paolo Fanale and Desiree Rancatore, Carlos Barcenas and Jessica Pratt, and Francesco Demuro and Nadine Sierra. Bergonzi, Kraus, Alvarez, and Fanale hit the High C. Barcenas and Demuro hit the High E-Flat. All of the aforementioned sopranos from Sills to Sierra hit the High E-Flat. So, do enjoy these selections, as you gaze into this piece of Prinack fan art. Carlo Bergonzi and Beverly Sills… Alfredo Kraus and Mariella Devia (duet starts at 2:43)… Marcelo Alvarez and Stefania Bonfadelli (duet starts at 2:49)… Paolo Fanale and Desirée Rancatore (duet starts at 2:28)… Carlos Barcenas and Jessica Pratt (duet starts at 7:39)… Francesco Demuro and Nadine Sierra (duet starts at 0:29)… I hope you all enjoyed it and the six selections and I will see you all in the next submission. Take care, everybody. Jack Spicer from Xiaolin Showdown belongs to Christy Hui and Kids’ WB. Princess Morbucks from The Powerpuff Girls belongs to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.
In my last So Much for Pathos for this site, I explore why our favourite movie is our favourite movie. Thank you all so much for watching this show, and for hosting me on this website From the bottom of my heart, I’ve had a marvellous time here c: See you around, Team Night Saturn ^-^
(The sun shines on The City of Townsville.) Narrator: The City of Townsville. February 11, 2019. Team Xtreme Headquarters. It’s a brand new day for our beloved Baron of Berserk who is known for his brute strength, animalistic fierceness, and his interesting brand of being a pretty cool dude. The one and the only 26 going on 27-year-old Butch Green. For this guy, there is nothing more worthwhile than starting the day by keeping his well-shaped muscles toned and sculpted that could rival any Greek god or bodybuilder. (Butch is doing bench presses while wearing green shorts and is topless.) Butch: 991…992…993…994…995…996…997…998…999…1000! All right! (Butch puts the barbell down and he sits erect.) Butch: Yeah, that’s the stuff. (Butch flexes his biceps and grins.) Butch: GRRRRR…..Butch, you are totally in great shape this morning. (High-pitched giggling is heard from the hallway and Butch puts down his mighty arms.) Butch: Could that be my darling wife, Bubbles. (Bubbles enters and she is hiding something behind her back.) Bubbles: You guessed right, my dearest Butchie. (Bubbles leans towards Butch and gives him a kiss with her lipstick mark being imprinted on his cheek.) Bubbles: I have a surprise for you, my great stud of a husband. Butch: What could it be, my sweet wifey-poo. (Bubbles reveals the surprise, as it is a big heart-shaped letter.) Bubbles: Tada! Happy Eight Years of being happily married, Butchie. The kids and I made this especially for you. (Bubbles gives the letter to Butch and he reads it.) Bubbles (voiceover): Happy Eighth Anniversary, Butchie! Much love, your darling wife, Bubbles. Brandon, Buddy, Brea, Betty, Blithe, Bibi, Blaine, and Blair (voiceover): And your awesome kids. Brandon (voiceover): Brandon… Buddy (voiceover): Buddy… Brea (voiceover): Brea… Betty (voiceover): Betty… Blithe (voiceover): Blithe… Bibi (voiceover): Bibi… Blaine (voiceover): Blaine… Blair (voiceover): And Blair. (Butch finishes reading the letter.) Butch: Bubs, baby girl, this is definitely the best wedding anniversary gift ever. Bubbles: I’m so happy you loved it, Butchie. For our anniversary, I prepared breakfast for us and the kids. So, let’s get going to the dining hall. Butch: All right, Bubs. I’ll put on my best shirt then we’ll eat. Bubbles: All right, Butchie. (Bubbles embraces Butch and they had to the dining hall.) Narrator: Awww…This is certainly quite a lovely start to an equally lovely day. So once again, the day is saved. Thanks to Butch and Bubbles. And their offspring Brandon, Buddy, Brea, Betty, Blithe, Bibi, Blaine, and Blair. This piece of Butchubbles fan art is dedicated to Kairah aka Raikaaa, Graceann aka AngelePuquiz, FEN-OSHI, wtfisabluecornmoon, PourSomeSugarOnMeee, Ariel aka PurfectPrincessGirl, DontbeModest, nax aka propimol, and Key aka xKeyToMyHeartx who celebrated their birthdays some days ago. So, I hope you guys had awesome birthdays and equally lovely Valentine’s Days. I wish you a lot of love, joy, happiness, prosperity, abundance, and strength in your lives as artists and as people. This is also dedicated to all of the Butchubbles shippers out there. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that Butchubbles goodness. I know I said this in my final Blossoomer month submission, but I will reiterate anyway. If I did not have Blossutch as my endgame OTP pairing for Butch and Boomubbles as my endgame OTP for Bubbles, Butchubbles would have taken that title with Blossoomer following suit and vice versa. As you can tell, this is a Team Xtreme AU where Butch and Bubbles are a happily married couple and they ended up having not only the sextuplets in the forms of Brandon, Buddy, Brea, Betty, Blithe, and Bibi aka KatyGorl’s and Misse-the-cat’s fan kids but younger twin sons in the forms of Blaine and Blair much like the number of kids Boomer and Blossom have. Butchubbles has always and continues to fascinate me to this very day. I compare this couple to other opposites attract couples like Seiji and Midori from Midori Days and Arashi and Miwako from Paradise Kiss with the classic case of Butch being the strong bad boy with the foul mouth and Bubbles being the sweet ingenue with an edge who has a thing for said bad boy. Sure, it is a trope as old as time, but I cannot help but find this particular pairing so charming and rather fun. In Butch’s and Bubbles’ case, it could start off as playful infatuation on Bubbles’ side and hiding his emotions on Butch’s side and it would eventually grow into feeling really comfortable with each other to the point where Butch can see Bubbles for the outgoing, forgiving, compassionate person that she is and Bubbles could see that side of Butch that is so protective, determined, and unorthodoxly sympathetic, in spite of being really rough around the edges. Truly a yin and yang couple incarnate. To conclude, if there is anyone I would love to thank for making ship Butchubbles more and more, it has to all of you wonderful shippers. You guys know who you are and I am completely grateful for all of you who managed to make me love Butchubbles as an OTP that stands right beside the likes of Brickercup, Blossutch, Blossoomer, Boomubbles, Bunnitch, and Robike. I cannot get enough of the flexibility and the interesting dynamics Butch and Bubbles have with his roughness, toughness, ferocity, and muscle thus being an awesome compliment to her flexibility, lovability, willingness to be open, and sense of being a placid, loving young lady. Therefore, it would be a great pleasure to see Butch and Bubbles live life to the fullest together given how well they could play off of each other that makes them all the more charming and adorable. Well, that is all for now. I hope you all enjoyed this piece of Butchubbles work and I will see you all in the next submission. Take care, everybody. Butch and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.
Two Hispanic operatic aces of the twenty-first century, one who is a young lyric coloratura soprano from Madrid, Spain and is on the cusp of international acclaim and the other who is a light lyric tenor from Hermosillo, Mexico and has been a well-established Bel Canto star for decades, tackle the iconic Scottish star-crossed lovers.
At times, this famous Bizet opera might as well be renamed “Micaela” and I bet you already know why. Enjoy the review and let me know your opinions as well.
A charming young lyric coloratura soprano rises to the challenge to bring one of the most famous Donizetti Bel Canto heroines of all time to the stage of the Deutsche Oper Berlin. Enjoy the review and let me know your opinions as well.
How well did this dashing, brilliant Italian tenore leggiero fare as one of the most famous Rossini tenor roles that he performed throughout Europe? Find out in this review.
A brilliant full lyric tenor with a growing repertoire rises to the challenge to take on the delightfully despicable Duke of Mantua. Enjoy the review and let me know your opinions as well.