July 2018

Reflections on a Boat Ride drawn by me

This is my submission for the Butchercup Boat Ride Contest hosted by fellow DeviantArtist kuraikitsune13. A lot of time and thought was placed not only in making this drawing come to fruition but also my little scenario behind this, especially correlating to my previous work in which I discussed how my most beloved OTPs Brickercup, Blossutch, and Boomubbles came to be and I mentioned a detail present in the first two of my OTP ships. So, I hope you all enjoy this.   This picture takes place in the summer of 2009 when Butch was 17 and Buttercup was 16 and were about to enter the eleventh grade. Here’s the scenario.   Narrator: The City of Townsville and what a quiet night for our usually loud green fighters of Team Xtreme, Butch and Buttercup, to have a moment with each other on the lake.   (Butch and Buttercup are walking at the docks when they spot a sign that says “Boat Rides $1.50 for two people”.)   Butch: Hmm…A dollar-fifty for two people. What do ya say to that, BC?   Buttercup: You know what, Butcher? Let’s go. Besides, I think we can hop on the one that has the design of a huge duck.   (Butch and Buttercup chuckle. After that, they pay the ticket man and take the huge duck boat, as Butch starts rowing with Buttercup sitting at the opposite side from him.)   Butch: It’s such a pretty night ain’t it?   Buttercup: Yeah. It sure is. It’s not like daytime where we yell at each other for God knows what.   Butch: BC, you know we do it all the time. I guess it’s just our way of showing that we love each other.   Buttercup: Well, in a demented way. After all, we’re just a couple of crazy hotheads in love with each other.   (Buttercup chuckles. Then silence.)   Butch: Buttercup.   Buttercup: Yeah, Butch.   Butch: Are you enjoying yourself?   Buttercup: Yeah, why wouldn’t I? Can you believe that we’re having a moment together without either of us shouting our guts out?   Butch: I guess. Usually, we would always be…um…what’s the word Blossom likes to use in Chemistry and English Literature? It starts with a V.   Buttercup: Volatile?   Butch: Yeah, that’s the word I’m looking for, volatile. We’d usually be volatile towards each other. I mean that’s who we are. No one can change that for us.   (Buttercup sighs with a reflective frown on her face. Butch mans the duck boat back to shore and the Greens get out of that said boat. They then find a place to sit.)   Butch: BC, are you okay?   Buttercup: Butch, I’ve been thinking. I know that we went out with each other for a year.   Butch: Seriously? Has it been a year? Man!   Buttercup: And I know that every time we’re together we always shout at each other, kiss and make up, and finally go back to square one. Don’t you think it’s ridiculous and stupid?   Butch: Butterbabe, come on, that’s who we-   Buttercup: Don’t give me that “that’s who we are” crap, Butch! (sighs) The point is, I think we need to…I just think we need to break up, Butch. That’s what I wanna say, we need to break up.   Butch: Buttercup, what’s making you say this?   Buttercup: I just don’t think we’ll work as an item. But it would be cool if we just stayed friends. That’s what we’ve always been, even back in our brat days, though we were more of frenemies if you know what I mean.   Butch: Yeah. Usually, I’d get angry about it but it’s cool with me.   Buttercup: I wanna tell you something, Butch.   Butch: I’m all ears.   Buttercup: I think I’m more interested in someone else.   Butch: Mitch?   Buttercup: No. As if I would be interested in him. After all, he and Princess called it quits way before summer break started and now it seems like he’s feeling cozy with Bunny.   Butch: Oh, then is it one of my brothers?   Buttercup: For sure.   Butch: Boomer?   Buttercup: Like Hell, I would date him. He’s practically on the verge of getting married to Bubbles for all I care. Fine, it’s Brick.   Butch: Brick?   Buttercup: Don’t get me wrong, Butch, you’re cool and we three have always been the best of frenemies since Kindergarten with Boomer being more of my childhood friend. There was always something about him I really, really like. It could be his charisma. It could be how street-smart and book smart he is. It could be anything and everything about Brick. I’ve always looked up to him. Even when we were fighting each other, I deeply respect the guy. Sometimes I think to myself how wrong it would be for me to say that I love him, but I couldn’t. Then I ended up going out with you and look where we are. Too bad he’s still with Blossom. I don’t know how Cap Dude and Leader Girl Red will last considering how much they compete with each other for who gets to be the top student in the class and I don’t know if it’s gonna end well. Bottom line is, I’m crazy for your “big bro” it’s just that Bloss ended up getting to him first in the relationship department.   Butch: Well, now that you mentioned Blossom, I just wanna say that I always had a major crush on her.   (Buttercup raises her eyebrow in disbelief.)   Buttercup: You like Blossom?! Wouldn’t she be the last person you ever wanna date?   Butch: That was when we were Kindergarten brats, BC. I mean, come on, I’m seventeen and you’re sixteen. Times are different now and we’re a bunch of raging hormones.   Buttercup: True, but Blossom? Seriously? Don’t you think she’s too much of a nag for…

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Townsville’s Finest Power Couples drawn by me

This RRB/PPG fan art is dedicated to a fellow DeviantArtist, JeanneWu, who celebrated her birthday three days ago. So, Jeanne, I hope you enjoy this piece of work I did and I hope you had a lot of fun on your special day. I wish you a lot of love, joy, prosperity, and peace on not only what was your birthday two days ago but also your endeavors as an artist and as a person. I also dedicate this to all of my fellow Brickercup, Blossutch, and Boomubbles shippers. With that said, sit back, relax, and enjoy. Here we have Townsville’s finest superhero troupe Team Xtreme having a lovely and cute moment after intense combat training and an equally intense workout, what with the gentlemen Brick, Butch, and Boomer being so romantic to their wives Buttercup, Blossom, and Bubbles. Basically, Townsville has an awesome set of OTPs in Team Xtreme in the forms of Brickercup (Brick x Buttercup), Blossutch (Butch x Blossom), and Boomubbles (Boomer x Boomubbles). Seriously, I totally dig these couples and for that, here are their stories on how they came to be. Brickercup (Brick x Buttercup) Brick, Butch, and Boomer may have been adopted by Miss Bellum and accepted her as their mother, but even then the Rowdyruff leader was as mouthy as ever. As kindergarteners, Brick and Buttercup used to get on each others’ nerves with their attitudes, what with him and his massive ego and her and her defiance and temper tantrums. These two were nothing compared to the angry shouting matches and beatdowns she and Butch would have and the constant ego-rubbing he and Blossom would usually engage in. Ergo, Brick was essentially Buttercup’s greatest frenemy totally on par with Butch. One moment they would be playing games like dodgeball and catch and the next moment it’s open house to see who can shout the loudest. This left poor Mrs. Keane-Utonium, who ended up being Blossom’s, Buttercup’s, Bubbles’, and Bunny’s mother, to drag Brick, Butch, and Buttercup to time out on a constant basis. Moreover, Brick and Butch had a terrible reputation for being the tyrants of the playground putting even Mitch Mitchelson to shame. Through their timeouts, Brick, Butch, and Buttercup used these opportunities to get to know each other more. Brick and Butch found it fascinating that Buttercup is just as great as spitter as Boomer is and it was actually she that taught Bubbles how to spit and Buttercup found it cool that she was able to have great sparring partners like Brick and Butch to hang out with even though they do annoy her, especially Butch. Sure, their respective parents scolded them for their not so civil behavior with each other, but the moments they had together were in a word priceless, as their bond grew tighter. From grade school to middle school, the very years when Team Xtreme came to fruition, Buttercup found herself much closer to Butch and Brick found himself much closer to Blossom, as the relationship between her and Brick was still on a platonic level. She and Brick enjoyed their sparring sessions with each other and they enjoyed working together as one team but somehow there was something in them that made them initially think that they were not meant to be together and just be comrades. Moreover, in terms of their powers, Brick’s pyrokinesis, fire breath, and other fire powers were put to great use thanks to having a father in the form of Mr. Green who monitored how his three sons were using their powers and made sure they were using them wisely and Buttercup discovered that she can control the earth that she stands in but she can also make plants grow at an accelerating rate, thus using plants as her weapon. There were still the obligatory shouting matches between Buttercup and Butch and the competitiveness that Brick and Blossom had, but Buttercup’s respect and admiration for Brick as the “team dad” grew and grew. The first two years of high school were the years where Team Xtreme’s powers matured both individually and as a group and they also had to continuously juggle with school, friends, and their jobs as superheroes. Through all four years of High School, Brick became one of the most popular, handsome, and well-rounded guys in school akin to a Renaissance man who was heavily involved in sports, the arts, the sciences, mathematics, political science, and debates, basically, the guy girls want to date and boys envy so much, and Buttercup became really well-loved in every activity involving sports. Moreover, the tenth grade was the year when Brick decided to date Blossom and Buttercup decided to date Butch. While Brick’s and Blossom’s relationship was relatively stable with the occasional arguments, Butch’s and Buttercup’s was volatile on an on-and-off basis, in spite of enjoying similar activities and having moments where they kissed and made up. On Brick’s and Blossom’s side, they were constantly competing for their spots on the honor roll, thus being the best students in the class, while Butch and Buttercup despite performing well in terms of academics found themselves in trouble due to their aggressive attitudes and constantly blaming each other for stupid and petty things. This came to a head one summer when Butch and Buttercup broke up while they were on a boating trip. They decided then and there that they would stay as friends and allies due to all the hostility they had towards each other and they knew that they could not last in a serious relationship with each other, which was a surprisingly reflective move from the Greens. On the Reds’ side, Brick grew rather tired of Blossom’s sleeplessness, obsession for perfection, and distance from him and Blossom grew fed up with Brick’s over-competitiveness, bloated ego, and tendency to be overprotective, the latter trait which was the problem they shared. Being the team “dad and mom” that they are, they decided to end their relationship on good terms and keep…

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Admiring Butch’s Muscles drawn by me

This piece of Blossutch fan art is dedicated to a fellow DeviantArtist, Stephanie aka mehlikescookiesXD, who celebrated her birthday yesterday. So, Stephy, I hope you had an amazing birthday, I wish you a lot of love in terms of your endeavors as an artist and I hope you enjoy this piece of work I did in honor of your birthday. I would also love to dedicate this piece of work to all of my fellow Blossutch shippers, I hope you all sit back, relax, and enjoy this post.   Narrator: The City of Townsville! Team Xtreme Headquarters! It’s after another day of intense training for our Commander and Leader, Blossom, and her beloved husband The Baron of Berserk, Butch. Let’s see how this brains-and-brawn power couple unwinds after such a long day.   (Butch’s and Blossom’s room. Butch is in the bathroom in his dark green boxers, while Blossom has just taken off her shoes. Out of sheer curiosity, she takes a peek at Butch who is flexing his muscles in front of the mirror.)   Butch: Mm. Mm. Butch, you are one awesome slab of beef, man. Yeah, I know what you mean. You wanna see some action, huh.   (Blossom then takes a good look at Butch’s back muscles which he makes them ripple.)   Blossom (thinking): Wow! What definition Butch has on his back muscles: This is amazing. He really does treat his body like a temple. I guess we don’t entitle him as the group’s muscle for nothing.   Blossom: Wow.   (Butch takes notice of Blossom’s presence behind him. He cracks a sneaky smirk and a chuckle and begins to flex his toned muscles in front of her.)   Butch: Hey, Blossy, how’s it going?   (He raises his arms and puts his hands on the back of his head.)   Butch: You like what you see, darling?   Blossom (faintly): Uh-huh.   (Butch then hunches and does the most muscular pose, thus flexing his deltoids and triceps.)   Butch: Nnnngggggghhh…..Ah.   (Blossom stands motionless at his presence, as if though she were staring at a god. After that, Butch stands erect, stretches his right arm and flexes his left bicep.)   Butch: I know you can’t resist this, babe.   (Butch then makes his pectoral muscles bounce.)   Butch: Mesmerizing, ain’t it?   Blossom (with the cartoonish heart popping expression where her pink eyes are replaced by pink hearts): Yeah, for sure.   Butch: And now, the grand finale.   (Butch raises his mighty arms and flexes his biceps.)   Butch: Grrrr…   (Blossom is now wearing a crafty look on her face.)   Butch: You know what my biceps are telling you, Bloss? They’re telling you to come over here and give Butchie some loving.   Blossom: Oh, I’m coming over right now, Butchie.   (Blossom floats over to Butch. Once she lands on the bathroom floor, they look at each other sensually and sneakily.)   Butch: Looks like I got your attention, huh, Blossy babe. (Butch’s pecs bounce) My pecs say they love seeing you here.   Blossom: I know that, Butchie dear. You always manage to do such a grand job hypnotizing me with your muscles.   Butch: Can’t blame a guy for trying. (He flexes his biceps.) What do you say we hit the showers and I’ll let you see more of me? Glutes and all. Would you like that?   Blossom (touching his chest, broad shoulders, and muscular arms): Oh, Butch, you dashing, handsome stud. Of course, I would love that.   (Blossom shuts the bathroom door.)   Narrator (in a sensual manner): Wow. Something steamy is about to come up. Well, let’s just leave this couple to do their business, as it’s intimate shower time for Butch and Blossom. Good night, everybody.   Blossom is surely lucky to have a buff, handsome, and rugged hubby like Butch and Butch, being the group’s big muscle that he is, loves to use his unique charms to beckon his dearest wife to his call. This is indubitably a match made in heaven.   I thank you all for taking the time to enjoy this post and until next time. I also hope you have a most pleasant summer and take care.   Butch and Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Wild Brawn and Intelligent Beauty drawn by me

This piece of Blossutch fan art is dedicated to a fellow DeviantArtist by the name of viannilla who is celebrating her birthday today. So, viannilla, I hope you have an amazing, blessed, and awesome birthday and I wish you all the best in your life as an artist. I would also love to dedicate this to all of my fellow Blossutch shippers. With that said, I hope you all enjoy.   There’s nothing more enjoyable than seeing Butch being the wild, sexy, rough-and-tumble muscle hunk that he is and by his side is his beloved, gorgeous, elegant, and eloquent wife Blossom. They truly are such a lovely couple, what with Butch exuding confidence in his muscles from flexing his biceps to flexing his deltoids and triceps to making his pecs bounce and Blossom showing she is just as strong as her husband, funny in her own special way, and being the elegant angel that she is.   Let’s also not forget how cuddly their moments tend to be.   Butch just loves it when Blossom kisses him, as it gives him euphoria almost akin to being in Nirvana and his goofy yet cute expression should speak volumes. When someone like Butch has a woman like Blossom in his life, there is no doubt that he will easily fall for her intelligence, independence, and fierceness and he will definitely give her unconditional love, loyalty, and respect.   Blossom finds Butch to be charming in an endearing way, in spite of having such a hard, beastly, outer shell. Sure, she acknowledges his animalistic instincts and respects him for that, but she also likes to see how warm and sympathetic can be to her. Therefore, someone as eloquent as Blossom can feel for this weird, wild, yet wonderful superhuman being, hence her blushing when Butch kisses her.   Finally, it’s time for these two to give each other a passionate kiss on the lips. Like I said, there’s nothing more lovely than seeing a ruggedly handsome rogue like Butch consummating his love for his darling goddess of wisdom, knowledge, beauty, and strength, Blossom.   By the way, Butch, Bloss, I’m sorry to interrupt your little moment together, but do you have anything to say to our birthday celebrant, viannilla?   (Butch and Blossom stop kissing for now.)   Butch and Blossom: Oh, um…sure.   Butch: Yo, viannilla, we heard it was your birthday today.   Blossom: So, on behalf of us and all of the members of Team Xtreme.   Butch and Blossom: We wish you the happiest, most blessed, and most prosperous of birthdays. Take care and lots of love.   Thanks, guys.   Well, I hope you all enjoyed this piece of Blossutch fan art and I will see you in the next post. Take care and have a great summer.   Butch and Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Muscles and Toughness: Blossutch drawn by me

Welcome to the first installment of power couple fan art collections I call “Muscles and Toughness” where I release illustrations of my personal favorite OTPs from my favorite cartoons and anime who exude a great amount of strength, toughness, determination, and look really awesome doing. What better way to start this than with my favorite Rowdyruff/Powerpuff couple ever Butch and Blossom, known in fanon as Blossutch and also known as the Watermelon Couple.   I would love to dedicate this piece of Blossutch fan art to a fellow reviewer and DeviantArtist, Spongey444, who is very well-known for both his video and written reviews and who is also celebrating his birthday today. So, Spongey, I hope you have a most blissful and awesome birthday, may you have a lot of love and joy on your very special day, and keep up the good work with all of your written work. Moreover, I would love to dedicate this to all of my Blossutch shipping comrades-in-arms. I hope you Blossutch shippers enjoy this piece of work.   Ah, the wonders of Blossutch. I can sing this couple’s praises all I want, as it is a holy matrimony of a brawny, animalistic, rough rebel of a Rowdyruff in the form of Butch and a smart, gorgeous, tough, articulate, sexy angel of a Powerpuff in the form of Blossom. Where Team Xtreme is concerned, Butch is essentially the second muscle dude and warlord to Brick’s first muscle dude and team dad and Blossom is essentially the team mom and only sane woman. Plus, combining Butch’s animalistic instincts and muscles with Blossom’s controlled discipline in combat, savviness, and her lusciously gorgeous figure is guaranteed to be a force to be reckoned with. When one encounters this power couple consisting of brawns and brains, one needs to have a prayer when facing them. So, Butch, Bloss, do you have anything to say to our viewers and our birthday celebrant?   Blossom: Certainly.   Butch: We got something to say.   (Butch looks fiercely at the camera. He twitches at first, showing how battle-ready he is. He then raises his powerful arms, flexes his biceps, and lets out a low, mighty lion’s growl.)   Butch: GRRRRRRRRR……..   (Blossom also looks fiercely at the camera. She raises her right arm, cracks her fingers, and emits a silent growl.)   Blossom: Grrrr…   Butch: Hey, Twinkie! Yeah, you. Look at me and my muscles when I’m talking to you! (As Butch is flexing his biceps, he lets out a low growl.) You see my muscles? You like ’em, huh. (He then flexes his pectoral muscles.) It’s no surprise that you like to see how strong I am and, yeah, I am probably a lot stronger than my bro Brick. (He flexes his left bicep.) Just so you know, if you mess with me, my bros Brick and Boomer (He then flexes his right bicep.), my sisters-in-law BC and Bubs (While he is flexing his right bicep he turns his fist to Blossom’s direction.), and/or my awesome wife Blossom, I will tear you apart with my bare hands. (He immediately hunches and flexes his deltoids and triceps.) GRRRRRAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!   Blossom (in a cold tone): What my dearest husband said. You will go down like an asteroid if you dare lay a finger on either of us. I would even do far worse if you think you can have your way with either my big brothers-in-law and my sisters. Moreover, if you even dare hurt Butch in any way, either psychologically, physically or mentally, I shall have the privilege of unleashing Hell, destruction, and death upon your head. So, I would be wise to not do anything that you will end up regretting for a long time.   Butch: By the way, if you wanna have a throwdown with us…   Blossom: You have to prove that you have enough determination, valor, and stamina to even think about having the will to engage in battle with us.   Butch: Besides, you also gotta really strong to face us.   Blossom: We’ll be waiting for you.   Butch: If you dare that is.   (Butch and Blossom change from their serious expressions to their jolly ones.)   Blossom: Oh, and Spongey444, we heard it was your birthday today.   Butch: So, on behalf of Team Xtreme, especially from me and my wife…   Butch and Blossom: We wish you a happy birthday and may it be the most pleasant one you’ve celebrated. Take care and keep up the great work with your reviews.   Wow, thanks, you guys. So, I hope you all enjoyed this post and until then, see you on the flipside.   Butch and Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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The Brickubbles Flashbacks: Problem Solved! drawn by me

This Brickubbles submission, as part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Brickubbles month, is dedicated to a phenomenal DeviantArtist who celebrated his birthday yesterday, a fine and awesome gentleman by the name of Leonidafremov (Leonid Afremov). So, Mr. Afremov, I hope you had a magnificent birthday and I hope you enjoy this piece of fan art and this story that I made.   Today’s Brickubbles Flashback shows the time when Brick and Bubbles were in the seventh grade and there was a mathematics problem to be dealt with.   Mathematics. Whether one likes it, loves it or hates it, this subject is very much part of everyone’s life. One can use it when going to the grocery store, telling time, balancing one’s checkbook, and a plethora of other activities. I bet you recall the time you can’t stand math and try to avoid it as much as you can. However, there was that one person who was really good in this subject who actually inspired you at least tolerate it. I guess that person is worth being grateful for. Submitted for the approval of The Brickubbles Flashbacks, I call this story, Problem Solved.   Brick: Thanks for that usually dramatic intro, man.   Me: No problem, Brick. Now, let’s get this show on the row.   (Bubbles is rummaging through some old paraphernalia and finds a golden makeshift trophy with a plus sign.)   Bubbles: Hey, Brick. Do you remember this little trophy I gave to you?   (Brick takes time to look at the trophy and sees the inscription “Best Math Tutor Ever!”)   Brick: Yeah, I think I do. I still can’t believe it was like what twelve or thirteen years ago.   Bubbles: I believe you helped me with this ratio and proportion I had when we were in the seventh grade.   Brick: Ah, the seventh grade. That was something.   (Flashback to the autumn of 2005 begins. Brick was thirteen and Bubbles was eleven. The entire action takes place in Team Xtreme headquarters’ study hall. Bubbles is sitting alone on her desk and looks slightly flustered at the paper with a ratio and proportion problem. She is trying to find what N is but is still confused.)   Bubbles (thinking): Two-hundred by three-hundred is equal to N by six. What does this mean? Perhaps I should ask Brick he’s good at math.   (Brick is just walking through the hallways. Bubbles stands up from her chair and spots him.)   Bubbles: Brick!   Brick: Yeah, Bubs.   Bubbles: Can you please help me with this math problem?   Brick: Sure thing.   (Brick enters the study hall, as Bubbles sits down on her desk. He then looks at the paper and he has a confident smile on his face.)   Brick: Well, Bubs. It’s really simple. All you gotta do is first turn these into fractions. Don’t forget that two-hundred and N are the nominators and three-hundred and six are the denominators.   (Bubbles does what he tells him.)   Brick: Now that you’ve turned them into fractions, you have to cross multiply. What’s six times two-hundred?   (Bubbles observes where the six is and where the two-hundred is.)   Bubbles: One thousand two-hundred.   Brick: Correct! Now divide that by 300 and you get your N.   (Bubbles does the equation and is beaming with confidence. To her joy, she finally got the answer.)   Bubbles: N is four. So that means, two-hundred by three-hundred is equal to four by six.   Brick: Bingo, Bubs!   (Bubbles excitedly writes down the solution and the answer.)   Bubbles: Yes, I got it! Oh, thank you so much, Brickie!   Brick (nervously): Hehe. Hey, I was really happy to help.   (Bubbles hugs Brick and he reciprocates by hugging her back.)   Bubbles: You are definitely an awesome math tutor. I owe you one!   Brick: Aw, shucks, Bubs.   (The following morning is a Saturday. Bubbles is hiding something, as Brick is eating his breakfast.)   Bubbles: Good morning, Brick.   Brick: Morning, Bubs.   Bubbles: I made you something. First, you gotta close your eyes and hold out your hands.   (Brick closes his and holds out his palms. Bubbles give him his gift.)   Bubbles: Now you can open your eyes now.   (Brick opens his eyes and to his delight and surprise it is a makeshift golden trophy with a plus and an inscription, “Best Math Tutor Ever!”)   Brick: Bubs, thanks so much. I’m so honored. I don’t know what to say.   Bubbles: You’re very welcome, Brick. I carved it out some old gold items I found in the dump and I did all the fine-tuning. It took hours to do this. You truly deserve it, Brick. You really helped me. Now, I’m more motivated to do great in math and I’m not afraid of it anymore thanks to you.   Brick: I’m so happy to hear it, Bubs.   Bubbles: I will definitely remember this moment.   The now 24-year-old Bubbles: And I still do.   The now 26-year-old Brick: To this very day.   Brick and Bubbles: The End.   I declare this meeting of The Brickubbles Flashback closed. See you in the next flashback where our main protagonists look back at their high school years. This is something I am very excited about.   One has to leave it up to someone like Mr. Green to be the great father and teacher he is for the Rowdyruff Boys. He certainly raised them well and everything he taught them was especially absorbed by Brick. Let’s also give credit to Miss Bellum, known at that time as Mrs. Bellum-Green, who ensured that her sons have a more stable home life than what has been offered by HIM and Mojo Jojo. It’s quite amazing that someone like him can turn out to be so well-rounded. First proving that he can do the right thing, then showing his artistic talents, and now proving himself to…

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Four Blissful Powerpuffs and their Dear Husbands drawn by me

This Powerpuff Girls OTPs fan art is dedicated to a fellow DeviantArtist, WildGirl91 who celebrated her birthday yesterday. So, Silvia, I hope you had a most pleasant birthday and as you say in Italian, tanti auguri a te e tutto la mia felicitá e gioia per te. Spero ti piaccia il mio regalo. I also wanna dedicate this to all of the Brickercup, Blossutch, Bunnitch, and Boomubbles shippers out there, as I put in a lot of effort and time to not only make this birthday gift for one of my fellow DeviantArtists but also for you wonderful people. You all know who you are and I hope you enjoy this too.   My dear viewers, if you did not already get the hint, I am a major shipper and fan of Brickercup (Brick x Buttercup), Blossutch (Butch x Blossom), Bunnitch (Mitch x Bunny), and Boomubbles (Boomer x Bubbles). These four are my most beloved OTPs of all time and I am here to show my undying passion for these four lovely couples. By the way, the ages for these couples are as follows.   Brickercup (Brick x Buttercup) Brick Green, aged 26 Buttercup Utonium-Green, aged 25   Blossutch (Butch x Blossom) Butch Green, aged 26 Blossom Utonium-Green, aged 25   Bunnitch (Mitch x Bunny) Mitch Mitchelson, aged 26 Bunny Utonium-Mitchelson, aged 24   Boomubbles (Boomer x Bubbles) Boomer Green, aged 26 Bubbles Utonium-Green, aged 24   With that said, let’s proceed.   Brickercup (Brick x Buttercup) There is always something amazingly plausible and cool about this particular mixed-colored pairing. One is the fact that Brick’s large-and-in-charge personality can mesh really well with Buttercup’s feisty, mischievous, and snarky attitude, which is something I find really endearing about Brickercup. The other is how someone like Brick can be able to be the roguish charmer that he is and soothe Buttercup’s temper tantrums in his own way by being cool and not giving himself into shouting matches, even though they can occur between these two though it’s just their form of tough love.   As fighters, they would definitely complement each other. Brick can teach Buttercup new, intense, and interesting moves while Buttercup would be easily fascinated by Brick’s combat prowess, strength, and the command he has over his movements, thus making him a most admirable fighter in her eyes. Therefore, she would learn a lot from him.   Let’s also not forget that when Brick’s ego gets the best of him, Buttercup would always be the one to shrink it down to size by being the direct person that she is and calling him out on his crap.   Through everything they do as a couple, there will never, ever be a dull moment, as everything they do will be filled to the brim with excitement, figurative fireworks, and oodles of passion that these two have not only for combat but for looking out for each other with all of their beings. Speaking of combat, they would definitely form the tightest duo especially when it comes to fighting off criminals, thus making them such a great asset.   Outside of crime-fighting, they would be doing such fun activities like Dance Dance Revolution, doing sports, and many other physical activities, thus getting a kick out of each other with this electrifying synergy.   When it comes to having a family, Brick would be the strong, cool dad and Buttercup would be the tough mom who ensures that her kids are safe and well-disciplined.   Blossutch (Butch x Blossom) I cannot begin to describe how utterly fascinating this color crack pairing really is. On the surface, it’s the classic case of the strong bad boy pairing up with the smart bookworm of a good girl. Real life implications may show the consequences of such a relationship like this, but I can defend this pairing on what I find so plausible about it.   Butch is essentially this person with insurmountable strength, abundant fighting spirit, lots of determination, but also has the tendency to be easily ticked when one pushes his buttons and does not always have self-control where it is needed. On the other hand, Blossom is an articulate, intelligent, clever, diplomatic, and gorgeous seraph of a young woman who has enough patience and savviness to deal with someone as unpredictable and wild as Butch. What makes them complement each other is that Butch is strength and raw power incarnate while Blossom has strength, tact, and structure wrapped up in one gorgeous package.   Once they face each other, they would automatically acknowledge each others’ strengths and weaknesses and they would help each other become not only better fighters but also better overall people. Butch would indubitably fancy the pants off of Blossom’s combat prowess, strength, and impeccable reflexes but he would also call her out on using her head way too much when fighting is about instinct and having this primal urge to spot an opponent’s weakness. Blossom would absolutely acknowledge Butch’s raw animalistic instincts and brute strength thanks to being the muscle in this relationship, which would come in handy whenever she gets injured or ambushed, but she would also call him out on his lack of self-control.   This is where meditation is put to great use for both Butch and Blossom, as they would do this and yoga on a ritualistic basis, thus ensuring a healthy synergy and balance to occur in the body, in the mind, and in the soul. Through activities like meditation and yoga, Butch and Blossom would be able to not only gain a further awareness of their surroundings both external and internal, but they would also see another side to each other. Butch would be able to see a Blossom who is warm, sympathetic, nurturing, and kind and not just this uptight, highly-strung person. In turn, Blossom would see a Butch who is sympathetic, kind, protective, loyal, and strong in mind, body, and spirit and not just this bloodhound who is constantly itching for…

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Blossutch: Sexy Power Couple in the House! drawn by me

This piece of Blossutch fanart is dedicated to a fellow DeviantArtist by the name of RoseTheKitty11 who is celebrating her birthday today. So, Rose, I hope you have a most blessed, awesome, and uplifting birthday and I wish you a lot of blessings for the rest of this year. I would also love to dedicate this piece of work to all of the Blossutch shippers out there. Enjoy!   Quick question. What do you get when you combine a fierce, strong, ruggedly handsome, and wild muscle dude and a gorgeous, tough, smart, articulate, and sexy young woman? Why you get Butch and Blossom being such a cute yet badass couple. Seriously, Butch is raw power, strength, stamina, animal instinct, and endurance incarnate while Blossom is the epitome of beauty, brawn, and brains rolled up into one fine-looking package. These two would definitely have great synergy with Butch’s muscles complementing Blossom’s agility and tact. Moreover, Butch would definitely be the one to acknowledge how strong of a fighter Blossom is and see that’s she’s not just the brain and another pretty face and Blossom would acknowledge just how strong Butch is while also ensuring that his power is not only controlled but does not consume him so easily.   So, what we see here is Butch completing what presumes to be 1000 bench-presses probably even more than that and Blossom completing her round of bare-knuckle boxing with the punching bag. They are living proof that behind a big, strong 26-year-old man like Butch is a gorgeous, tough 25-year-old wife like Blossom. When one encounters them, it’s too late to back down and their philosophy is that quitters can never prosper. Moreover, they are a force to be reckoned with. So, Butch, Blossom, you got any words to say to our viewers and our celebrant.   Butch and Blossom: Sure.   (Butch raises his mighty arms and flexes his biceps.)   Butch: Grrrr!!!!!   (Blossom touches his biceps, pecs, and torso.)   Blossom. Oh, yeah. This is definitely the body of a god. And my dearest Butchie is proof positive of having one’s body be a temple to one’s soul. Plus, I love it when a man like him lifts and has muscles to do the heavy duty work.   Butch: Aw, shucks, Bloss. You’re really strong too, babe. You know how to give that punching bag a good beating with those punches and kicks of yours.   Blossom: Why thank you, Butch. By the way, here’s something I wanna give to you.   Butch: I think I know what it is, darling.   (Blossom kisses Butch and he reciprocates by running his fingers through her hair and kissing her tenderly.)   Butch: So, Bloss, how about we hit the showers and we can continue where we left off.   Blossom: I think I’d like that Butch.   Butch: Blossom, you are the greatest wife a man could ever have.   Blossom: And I am extremely lucky to have you as my husband, you handsome, strong, sexy stud.   Butch: Oh, and we wanna wish a very happy birthday to RoseKitty11.   Blossom: We hope that your birthday was great and we wish you a lot of health and joy.   Butch and Blossom: Take care and lots of love.   Thanks, guys, and see you all on the next post. Have a great summer.   Butch and Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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The Brickubbles Flashbacks: Arts and Amicability drawn by me

This Brickubbles submission, as part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Brickubbles Month, is dedicated to a fellow DeviantArtist KingRyHuff, who celebrated his birthday yesterday. So, I hope you had such an amazing and I wish you a lot of amazing endeavors to come.   Welcome to the second installment of The Brickubbles Flashbacks. This time we’re going back to 2003, where Brick and Bubbles were eleven and nine years old respectively and in the fifth grade. One can say that this was one of their highlights during their elementary school years. Submitted for the approval of The Brickubbles Flashbacks, I call this story Arts and Crafts and Friendship.   With that said, Brick, Bubbles, you have the floor.   Brick and Bubbles: Thanks, Antoni!   Bubbles: Brick, do you remember Miss Scara?   Brick: Oh, you mean our former art teacher.   Bubbles: I still can’t believe she went from being Mask Scara to finally giving up the whole supervillainess to be an art teacher in Townsville International Academy. She truly was one of the best art teachers we ever had.   Brick: I can still remember the project we had to do together.   Brick and Bubbles: Paint an idealized version of your good friend.   (Flashback to 2003 begins. Brick, aged 11, and Bubbles, aged 9, are walking home from school with their canvases in hand. They look at each other with a smile.)   Bubbles: So, Brick, I’d like to see what you painted. I’m sure your work is really great.   Brick: Aw, you know I’m not as great as an artist compared to you. Bubs. But since you asked for it, here you go.   (Brick shows his canvas. It is a painting of Bubbles in 18th-century women’s attire complete with a frock, a three-cornered hat, and an elegant-looking hairstyle reminiscent of all the noblewomen at the time. In the background are two roses on each opposite side.)   Bubbles: Wow, Brick. It’s beautiful.   Brick: I…uh…call this one The Lady of the Court because that’s how I see you, Bubs. You are elegant and ladylike and you know it and you always like to look really pretty and cute.   Bubbles: Aw, shucks, Brick. By the way, here’s mine of you.   (Bubbles shows her canvas. It is a painting of Brick as a rock star with his trademark red cap, red shirt, and long orange hair, a black leather jacket, and an electric guitar. He is surrounded by flames and a gold wall is behind him.)   Brick: Bubs, this is amazing.   Bubbles: I call this one Musical Ignition because I have always seen you as the person who wants to be a rock star and you are a cool person to hang out with. Plus, I really love your fire powers.   Brick: You know something, Bubs?   Bubbles: Yeah?   Brick: I think we’re gonna be art buds for life.   (Brick and Bubbles giggle, as they continue to walk home.)   The now 26-year-old Brick: And we still are.   The now 24-year-old Bubbles: To this very day.   Brick and Bubbles in the present: The End.   I declare this meeting of The Brickubbles Flashbacks closed. See you in the next post.   The idea of having Mask Scara from the Season 6 episode A Made Up Story as a reformed character and art teacher sort of came to my mind by complete chance. I figure that instead of using her silly makeup to take over the world, she could use her skills as an artist to mold young minds into doing something really creative, hence her reforming into an art teacher. This managed to also tie in very well with the then eleven-year-old Brick and the then nine-year-old Bubbles. One also has to leave it up to Miss Scara and Bubbles to tap into Brick’s artistic side and for Brick to see how graceful and lovely Bubbles is as a person. Therefore, Brick and Bubbles have had a gig where they called themselves Fab Art Buddies for Life during their years as children.   Well, I hope you all enjoyed this post and piece of Brickubbles fan art. Until then, see you in the next post.   Brick and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Aloha, motherfuckers.  This couldn’t have come out at a better time in my life.  5 years of reviewing and I was finally able to give this show the respect it deserves without calling too much attention to my attention-whorish self.  This list expresses everything that South Park is about– honesty, integrity, and good judgment.  This is easily one of my most focused videos to date while the rest of my stuff look like train wrecks.  Not terribly pleased with the bludgeoning length, but every second of that 46 minutes has purpose, down to Cartman’s “Heat of the Moment” at the end.  Though I don’t praise my own work often, I finally feel that I deserve it this time.  “No, ACC.  You don’t suck.” (That’s my version of praise.  Suck it, Seth MacFarlane, you self-praising douche.) I regrettably had to cut Steven Stotch’s speech about free speech short so this could even be viewable at all.  But overall I believe that I was able to get my point across about South Park and their endless fight against censorship.  I even included a second-long clip of Muhammad getting slapped by Abraham Lincoln to prove my point.  Yes, I showed Muhammad.  South Park wasn’t afraid, so I’m not afraid either.  “Love is a battlefield!” This video was meant to be THE ultimate moment for me as a critic.  It’s a representation of my growth and passion that has blossomed over time, which has empowered me to create this list that truly embodies what I stand for. Now that this is over, I don’t know what else to do with my critic life.  My critic bucket list is almost completely checked off and only a few more points remain.  Is the ACC’s time almost up?

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