Antoni Garcia

A Truly Sanctimonious Narcissist

This screenshot demotivational poster is highly, utterly, indubitably, and absolutely Anti-Kagome. Sit back, relax, and keep your minds open with a lexical expression that I convict perfectly describes Kagome Higurashi and that is a sanctimonious narcissist. Overlooking the several occasions where Kagome was captured, held hostage, and was usually nothing more than a dumbass-in-distress Inuyasha and her posse had to save, her inability to fully cultivate her archery skills so that she can be more empowered as a fighter, and her frequent abuse on Inuyasha both verbally as well with those god-awful Beads of Subjugation, the other facet that I believe makes Kagome a fully-fledged foolish floozy is how she stands on her little soapbox preaching about friendship and togetherness while making situations all about herself without considering Inuyasha’s feelings or painful past. Yes, there may be shreds of Inuyasha and Kagome growing closer together, but they constantly go back to bickering and going at each other’s throats especially where Kagome’s petulance over Inuyasha’s past connection to Kikyou and foolishness revolving around her duties as a “heroine” are concerned. For somebody who preaches about working together to gather the shards of the Shikon Jewel, which she caused in the very first episode albeit by accident, Kagome certainly knows how to bring the attention all back to herself. I am still reeling from how she was crying not necessarily because of Inuyasha’s whole contention of his transformation to a human when the new moon hits but because he thinks he cannot rely on her as a friend without fully understanding let alone empathising with his situation growing up and severe trust issues. It needs to be reiterated that Inuyasha was hunted down by demons and shunned by humans to the point where he built this hard and brittle outer shell, and the mere fact that she called Inuyasha a dough-head and needs to grab a brain shows me right there that she never understood what it was like to be in his shoes. She thinks she knows his life story. She thinks she understands him. However, she cannot fathom the internal pain Inuyasha has been incurring throughout his years of growing up and always directs all this to how she is feeling not how he is truly feeling. I do not even buy Kagome thinking that Inuyasha has found true friends because she along with Miroku, Sango, and Shippou have proven themselves to be nothing more than treating him like their own trump card/wild card/lap dog. Kagome presents herself as holier-than-thou just because she can sense the jewel shards, connect well with Miroku, Sango, and Shippou as well as that pathetic loser Kouga, fix Inuyasha by using the Beads of Subjugation to control him when she is actually depriving him of his agency, independence, free will, and think for himself, and preach about trust to Inuyasha when she chose to fix the Beads of Subjugation, place it on him again, and refused to take them off because she loves the control she has over him. Swearing Shippou to secrecy to make Inuyasha worried about her, Kaede favouriting Kagome over Inuyasha when this wrinkled old tin-head is no better, and not having Miroku and Sango train her to improve as a fighter but be her most loyal army of skanks accompanied by Shippou make her a manipulative shrew I neither respect nor patronise because her idea of love and trust are unhealthy and skewered beyond compare. She may “love” Inuyasha, but it is contentious to believe. Kagome seems to revel in the control she has over Inuyasha with those accursed Beads of Subjugation and has done multiple unforgivable deeds with them, yet she poses herself as a trustworthy person without thoroughly listening to Inuyasha and make everything about herself just because she has sacred powers that she does not take full advantage of and has only abused. I am not playing this game with this homegirl because I have seen her for what she is, and I abhor everything she represents. This sanctimonious narcissist has caused more harm to Inuyasha’s will as an individual than good even in their “marriage” and their tenure as parents to Moroha. I will always argue that Kagome is nothing more than a sanctimonious narcissist who stands on a soapbox so that the attention can be drawn to her and how people see her as this “emphatic angel” when she is nothing more than self-centred, manipulative, egotistical, domineering dickhead she is. Yes, I know Kagome is child in a young woman’s body, but she really is a dickhead, a jackass, a four-flushing carcass, a nincompoop, and many other insults I can formulate from the English language. How she stands on her little soapbox preaching about trust and friendship when she is not trustworthy herself means she is completely devoid of any empathy let alone compassion, is a hollow and shallow loser of a floozy, and is utterly fake all around. Kagome is a disingenuous excuse of a person who thinks that the world revolves around her and acts petulant whenever her supposed “boyfriend/husband” acts out of line. She was never deserving of either Inuyasha’s affection or even my time. Her legion of fans may praise her to the skies, believe that I am whining about her if I find something wrong with her, call her out on her treatment towards Inuyasha, and think that I just want to boink him because their brains are too small to realise the damage done to him, but I do not play that game with them. My critical brain has assessed that her sanctimonious narcissism is what makes her not only a spoiled brat but also a sociopathic psychopath and deceitful hypocrite who has done way too much damage to Inuyasha’s psyche. Therefore, Kagome is toxic waste and a vicious cancer that must be avoided as well as excised into obscurity in the most brutal fashion possible. I hope you all enjoyed this, and I will see you in the next…

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Which Power Rangers team would Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran befriend the most? A. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers B. The Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers C. The Zeo Power Rangers D. The Turbo Power Rangers E. The Power Rangers In Space F. The Lost Galaxy Power Rangers G. The Lightspeed Rescue Power Rangers H. The Time Force Power Rangers I. The Wild Force Power Rangers

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Kagome the Pathetic Floozy

This screenshot demotivational poster is highly, utterly, indubitably, and absolutely Anti-Kagome. Sit back, relax, and allow me to hammer this self-pitying, self-absorbed, idiotic, narcissistic road whore several pegs down to the cold ground and use her head as a croquet wicket. In kinder words, just enjoy the furious evisceration I have for this pathetic self-pitying narcissist of a floozy. For my whole life of watching Inuyasha’s supposed “heroine” and poor excuse of a “love interest”, I was never invested with her whole spiel of feeling sorry for herself just because she could not measure up to Kikyou’s standards. Sunrise may have tried to make Kagome more of a heroine than Kikyou as well as play up the whole love triangle to a soap-operatic degree, but this had the opposite effect on me as a viewer. In my eyes, Kagome became more of an insufferable narcissist who could never accept the fact that Inuyasha is his own person with his own life, a warrior who incurred multiple physical and mental scars in his life, and he was also an unwilling pawn in Naraku’s manipulation against him and Kikyou, thus attempting to find closure with Kagome’s more superior ancestor. Every time Kagome sees Inuyasha with Kikyou, she ends up becoming mopey, unnecessarily jealous, and a total nuisance. Instead of being the heroine she ought to be by improving herself and her combat skills, she results to what she does best, moping around and manipulating her army of skanks consisting of Miroku, Sango, and Shippou to feel sorry for her. Therefore, I never had and will never have sympathy let alone compassion for this vile narcissist and domineering egomaniac. Imagine if Jen Scotts, Kendrix Morgan, Karone, Cassie Chan, Kimberly Ann Hart, Katherine Hillard, Dana Mitchell, and Alyssa Enrile were in a room with Kagome Higurashi. I am pretty sure these iconic Pink Power Rangers of the Saban Era would be rolling their eyes and groaning at Kagome’s self-pitying whiner attitude, her constant moping, her blatant disregard for Inuyasha’s feelings, and her self-centredness to the point where they would be indubitably irritated by this pathetic wench. Jen Scotts in particular would be frustrated with Kagome. Jen would go down hard on Kagome and tear her to shreds by stating that she would never be this whiney towards Wes because she and he are their own people with their own lives, they respect each other, and they have something called healthy boundaries, patience, humility, and unconditional love. She would even call Kagome out on her uselessness in battle, willingness to be nothing more than a pathetic doormat, always rely on Inuyasha to rescue her, and, most of all, her bullying towards Inuyasha, despite the fact that Kagome herself is not that much of a fighter and should have asked Miroku and Sango for additional guidance as a combatant instead of using them as her yes-people. Furthermore, Jen would also call out Kagome for not taking her hunt for the Shikon Jewel shards more seriously instead of focusing more on her middle school drama, entrance exams, and other trivial matters. Aiding Jen are Karone, Kendrix, Cassie, Kimberly, Katherine, Dana, and Alyssa who would all bring Kagome down on her blatant abuse towards Inuyasha, her hollowness as a fighter and as a person, and her overblown belief that the whole universe revolves around her. These Pink Power Rangers do not play Kagome’s game of stomping her feet off like a whining madame if she does not get her way or if Inuyasha acts out of line. As punishment for Kagome’s crimes, Kimberly and Katherine are going to tie her on a pole. Cassie, Kendrix, Karone, and Dana are going to chain Kagome up. Alyssa will then beat Kagome on the head with a mace. Finally, Jen the Queen of the Pink Power Rangers herself will have a cattle prod in hand and beat the ever-loving crap out of Kagome with it until all the vicious shockwaves leave drained like a wilted vegetable. If Kagome can inflict that much abuse on Inuyasha, Jen can certainly tear Kagome’s ass to shreds both verbally and physically as well, and she would do an amazing job at it. To say the Pink Power Rangers are disappointed and unimpressed with Kagome is a mere understatement, for they are thoroughly appalled at her lack of responsibility and will to improve herself. The Saban-Era Pink Power Rangers would not be the only true heroines who would reduce Kagome to shreds, but also Sarasim, Bumblebee, Starfire, Raven, Jinx, Terra, and Katara. Sarasim would perceive Kagome as a puerile nuisance who only knows how to whine and complain. Bumblebee would be flat-out irritated with her stupidity of wearing her school uniform in the Feudal Era. Starfire would be appalled at Kagome’s horrible and inhumane treatment of Inuyasha with the vile Beads of Subjugation. Raven would find herself utterly irritated with Kagome’s self-pity, mopey attitude, and total lack of discipline in her discipline as a warrior and supposed descendent of a shrine maiden. Jinx would not find a single thing lovable about Kagome and see her as nothing more than an empty loser. Terra would not be impressed with Kagome’s track record of being kidnapped nearly all the time and relying on Inuyasha to save her. Finally, Katara would deliver the most painful and most cutting criticism of Kagome because she would never go easy on her. Katara would call out Kagome on her immaturity, willingness to not see the bigger picture of what was going on in Inuyasha’s life, blatantly taking advantage of Miroku’s, Sango’s, and Shippou’s loyalty to her and make her seem better than Inuyasha when she never was, and how she never takes her skills as an archer seriously enough yet only relies on luck. Katara as well as the other aforementioned superheroines have been training their entire lives to master their crafts and not always relied on men to save them. All they see in Kagome is a pathetic woman-child who could not…

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True Hatefulness Incarnate

This screenshot demotivational poster is highly, utterly, indubitably, and absolutely Anti-Kagome. Sit back, relax, and revel in how much I enjoy letting Kagome and her knee-crawling posse in my chopping block because of how blatantly abusive she has always been towards Inuyasha, especially with those god-awful Beads of Subjugation as well Miroku, Sango, and Shippou aka The Dunderhead Family being nothing more than Kagome’s army of skanks. Here is a question I will continue to impose or maybe I have been imposing on you, but the point may not have been as clear. Would you still laugh if Inuyasha used the Beads of Subjugation on Kagome to sit her? Would you still find it funny if a guy were to abuse his girlfriend or wife for petulant reasons? If you find a girl abusing a boy funny, why is it that when the boy does the same thing to the girl it is not as funny? What difference does it make with Kagome sitting Inuyasha for petulant reasons for either being more excited for the ramen she brought or for Inuyasha acting out of line and with the scene in Raging Bull with Jake complaining to his wife Vickie about his steak not being cooked the way he liked it to be? If these questions are not enough to wrap your brain around the double standards that I absolutely loathe, I do not know what does. These all encapsulate how much I believe Kagome Higurashi is nothing more than a self-centred, narcissistic, hateful, and loathsome bully who thinks she is being cool by keeping Inuyasha in that perennial leash. Yes, people, she really is that hateful. I can already hear a good number of you people saying that Kagome’s sit commands are intended for slapstick. If your idea of slapstick is Inuyasha being constantly abused by Kagome’s sit commands, you clearly do not realise how stale it has become after nearly one hundred plus episodes even after they were married and had Moroha their daughter in Yashahime. Even if it was intended for slapstick, even if Sunrise inserted those extra sit commands in select episodes, it got old extremely quickly, and it made Kagome out to be nothing more than a big bully, a mega bitch in sheep’s clothing, a domineering harridan, and a complete and utter scumbag. Speaking of scumbag, it was incredibly scummy of her to trick Inuyasha to wearing those god-awful beads again after the third movie’s epilogue in the guise that she trusts him but does not want to run off again. The fact that Kagome blatantly wants those beads on Inuyasha again with a final “Sit, boy!” in her stupid belief that those are what connect her with him means one thing. I know I already said this in a previous demotivational poster revolving around this pathetic floozy, but it is worth mentioning again. Kagome is a sociopathic narcissist and domineering psycho-bitch with no regards for Inuyasha’s well-being, independence, free will, and individuality. If she truly and genuinely cared for Inuyasha, she would take those god-forsaken beads off, listen to him more, not impose her will on him all the time, get her head out of her ass, not believe that the world always revolves around her, and fend for herself more often. Kagome is not the only one to blame for this abuse of the Beads of Subjugation. Kaede was also the instigator of this malarkey too. Yes, Kikyou also fashioned the Beads of Subjugation for Inuyasha, but there was trust between them. Kaede in her sheer stupidity thought that it would be good for Inuyasha to be subjugated by those accursed beads because she has always lived in the shadow of her late older sister who was a much better shrine maiden than she will ever be. Therefore, Kaede is also to blame for this bull-crap and is just as guilty of enabling Kagome’s abuse of the Beads of Subjugation as well as playing favourites with her. Kaede aside, there is also the issue of Kouga, Miroku, Sango, and Shippou because they are also to blame of why Inuyasha cannot voice his opinions as directly as he could and is always in the wrong. Kouga, who may I remind you is a Karma Houdini who got away with murder, always talked smack about Inuyasha, despite the fact that this pathetic wolf turd is not a great fighter. He even had the gall to kidnap Kagome because she can sense the Shikon Jewel shards and even made constant advances on her. Instead of stopping him, she constantly tolerates Kouga and acts like a total doormat to him, despite the fact that he is violating her space and her “individual will”. Inuyasha was in the right to want to take Kouga down because of his misdeeds, but Kagome still sits Inuyasha in her stupid belief that he was “good to her”. Kouga only wanted to bang Kagome just because she can sense the jewel shards, yet she still enabled Kouga’s bullying of Inuyasha and unfairly makes the latter sit. This proves that I side with Inuyasha wanting to beat Kouga to a bloody pulp, and Kagome should have just kept her squally, squealing, nails-on-a-chalkboard mouth shut. Miroku, Sango, and Shippou are the absolute worst culprits of being just as complicit in Kagome’s abuse of Inuyasha because they are nothing but Kagome satellites and rotate themselves around her as if though they were her followers and she the Queen Bee. They are under the belief that Inuyasha and Kagome are in a relationship, despite them not being in one, and think that Inuyasha should be punished for his infidelity, when in fact he did not have any closure with Kikyou after she was unfairly resurrected by Urasue. It also did not help that he had many issues to resolve with her that neither Kagome nor Miroku nor Sango nor Shippou understood and just took it as Inuyasha cheating on Kagome with Kikyou which is absolute bollocks….

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Kagome the Biggest Loser Tin-Head in The World

This screenshot demotivational poster is highly, utterly, indubitably, and absolutely Anti-Kagome. Sit back, relax, and traverse back into familiar territory with this pathetic loser of a “heroine” and why I would never dream hero-worshipping someone like her even if my life depended on it. So, Kagome Higurashi. We meet again. She will be continuously adored by her fans, but I am not one to patronise her. I used to try to like her when I watched Inuyasha a lot more earnestly as a 14-year-old eighth grader, but I always found myself rooting more for Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha than for this abusive, bossy, controlling, demanding, domineering, excruciating, and incompetent floozy. Watching Inuyasha more critically and in his eyes made me realise just how loathsome and horrible this creature was. Thus, she will always end up being dragged by yours truly because, after repeated viewings of Inuyasha, she may have had potential to grow, but she still ended up being the same petulant dumbass-in-distress that I love roasting and grilling to medium rare perfection. Kagome’s misuse of the Beads of Subjugation may have been intended for self-defence, especially since Kaede the incompetent hag and useless excuse of a shriveled shrine maiden placed them on Inuyasha, but it has been used to assert her dominance because she is a big bully who barely gets called out for her rubbish. The fact that she uses the Beads of Subjugation for petulant reasons rather than solely for self-defence makes her a truly despicable harridan. I know there are some people who think I am just being mean to her and should stop saying hateful things about her because she is “awesome”. I have this to ask you, gentlefolk. If you were in Inuyasha’s place and you lived a hard enough life of your own, would you enjoy it when a floozy like Kagome uses the sit command on you in such a petulant manner? No, because it would be excruciating as Hell! If the guy were to do same thing Kagome did to Inuyasha, would you find him heroic for putting up with his “female life partner”? No, because that would make him a villain. So, why is Kagome any different than those abusive scumbags? Just because she is a heroine? Please, she is nothing more than a product of double standards and abuse inflicted towards the jerk with a heart of gold sells. Therefore, she deserves all of my boundless rage for the abuse she has been inflicting on Inuyasha. Speaking of her fans, yes, I can already sense some butthurt Kagome fans calling me a petulant whiner too, but I do not care. I can even sense some butthurt fans thinking that I hate Kagome because I want Inuyasha all for myself so that I can “have sex with him”. Well, that was happened to me on Twitter of all places because some hellions believed that I was being a huge beta male overreacting to the multiple sits Kagome gave to Inuyasha from Episode 109, and my retaliation would have been that she should have suffered more physical pain such as having joint locks, uppercuts, roundhouse kicks, and finger strikes thrown at her. Several people found that scene hilarious, but I and maybe other people with a brain bloody hated it because it just illustrated how much of a spoiled, pathetic, mopey brat this woman-child really is. She was not much better in Episode 158 where after Inuyasha was still encountering Kikyou, she sat him repeatedly again! The people in Sunrise may be to blame for adding in those extra sits to make Kagome look better, add more fuel to the love triangle fire, and make Inuyasha out to be constantly in the wrong. However, what it has done is make Kagome look more petulant, bratty, spoiled, and self-centred to the point where she thinks that everything should revolve around her, and those disagree, mostly Inuyasha, will end up being browbeaten. Even after more than one hundred plus episodes, this pathetic excuse of a heroine still saw it fit to sit Inuyasha, despite how brutally honest he was about his opinions. Yes, Inuyasha was not particularly innocent himself, but the fact that he had to be battered by this shrew even for the tiniest of mistakes and missteps is crossing the line, and her constant abuse of Inuyasha has done nothing for me to root for her as a heroine. Even in Yashahime, she still uses the Beads of Subjugation on Inuyasha, despite the fact that they were married and have a kid of their own in the form of Moroha. As if this thing ever was a heroine, which she is not. This is where the hero worship directed towards Kagome is also an issue for me. The hero worship Kagome receives is a joke that I find myself laughing at ironically because her fighting skills are subpar. I am aware that she did act all determined and in-charge when helping the villagers escape to safety after she, Miroku, Sango, and Shippou were captured by the Panther Devas, but she, Miroku, Sango, Kouga, Hakkaku, and Ginta could have also been just as useful in taking down the Panther King alongside Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha in order to revive Shuran, Karan, and Shunran after a devastated Toran saw what happened. Skill-wise, Kagome may have had promise as an archer, and it is more gruelling than people specialising in this weapon-based martial art can give it credit for, but what does she do? She bitches and moans about her school, upcoming tests, and wanting to get into some high school, which would have been severely impossible for her due to her frequent absences and late hours, instead of polishing her skills as an archer, as she is also Kikyou’s descendant. Most of all, she ends up constantly kidnapped, held for ransom, and has to rely on Inuyasha to freaking save her which makes her even lamer and puts her neatly in the category of dumbass-in-distress….

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My Three Dearest Splendid Seven Main Combat Spars

Greetings, Splendid Seven devotees, martial arts aficionados, and fighting video game fans. Antoni here with another written entry focusing on Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran specialising in the martial arts they do. Today, I will delve into the three main martial arts sparring matches engendered by my BroTP (Sesshoumaru and Shuran), my OTP (Inuyasha and Ayame), and my OT3 (Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran). As always, this is going to be a whole lot of fun.   I will say this once, and I will say this again. Relationships in the martial arts, whether platonic or romantic, strengthen interpersonal bonds with other people not just offences and defences. This is especially true in terms of the practitioners’ main martial arts. If you are Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran, you would know fully well that martial arts skills alone do not make for a meaningful battle let alone triumph. Far from it. The meaningful relationships both romantically and platonically can enrich their lives and the lives of others. With that said, let us now officially delve into my main BroTP, main OTP, and main OT3. Osu. Hajime.   Sesshoumaru and Shuran (BroTP): Shotokan Karate vs Professional Wrestling Brotherhood has never looked or felt this powerful until Sesshoumaru and Shuran combine discipline, tradition, bravado, and power into one exceptional package. Sesshoumaru’s unparalleled stealth in Shotokan Karate from his native Japan are a great complement to Shuran’s large-and-in-charge showmanship in Professional Wrestling from the United States of America. This brotherly duo can overcome their opponents by having Sesshoumaru’s lethal ridge-hand strikes, ox-jaw strikes, spear-hand strikes, and knife-hand strikes merge excellently with Shuran’s devastating sharpshooters, bearhugs, piledrivers, and torture racks.   Inuyasha and Ayame (OTP): Pankration vs Bokator Romantic intimacy and undying allegiance are amalgamated by strength, might, ambition, and determination, especially when Inuyasha and Ayame engender these traits body and soul. Inuyasha’s manly muscles in Pankration from Greece are beautifully incorporated with Ayame’s furious fists in Bokator from Cambodia, and they thoroughly define the sacred matrimony of Spartan muscularity and Khmer fierceness. Mighty opponents would tremble at Inuyasha’s punishing ground-and-pounds, double axe handles, tracheal grip chokes, and rear-naked chokes plus Ayame’s ferocious hooks, jabs, reverse punches, and liver punches.   Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran (OT3): Muay Boran vs Lethwei vs Shaolin Kung Fu Adorability and cuddliness may be present on the outside where Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran are concerned, but they can prove their cunning, dedication, cooperation, and formidability. Hakkaku’s metallic elbows and Ginta’s knees are blended with Shunran’s paralysing strikes. This lovely throuple can stun their enemies through Hakkaku’s pulverising elbow slashes, overhand punches, knee bombs, and upward headbutts and Ginta’s vicious cross punches, spinning backfists, push kicks, and side headbutts being greatly combined with Shunran’s blinding nerve strikes, palm strikes, finger strikes, and leopard blows.   There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. My great BroTP of Sesshoumaru the karateka and Shuran the pro wrestler, my most esteemed OTP of Inuyasha the pankratiast and Ayame the Bokator specialist, and my comforting OT3 of Hakkaku the nak muay and Ginta the Lethwei fighter loving Shunran the Kung Fu-jia. These main martial arts not only define them individually but also together.   I hope you all enjoyed this, and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and keep yourselves and your significant others safe and well, everybody.

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My Three Most Beloved Splendid Seven Pairing Spars

Greetings, Splendid Seven devotees, martial arts aficionados, and fighting video game fans. Antoni here with another written entry focusing on Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran specialising in the martial arts they do. Today, I will be delving into the three pairings I hold with such high regard in martial arts sparring forms revolving around Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran. One is my most precious BroTP rich with abundant bromance, the second is my most eternally beloved OTP teeming with unconditionally loving intimacy, and the third is my most comforting OT3 bursting with sweet adorability.   It is commonplace for martial arts to be rich with building healthy, meaningful, and cooperative relationships between two to three individuals give or take whether platonic or romantic. After all, it takes two, three, and/or at least seven people to unite in self-defence and solidarity against their enemies. If this group of martial artists is The Splendid Seven consisting of Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran, they would just that and more. What better way to defend themselves than by uniting in different pairing groups, with one platonic fraternal relationship, one unconditionally loving romantic relationship, and one adorably sweet three-way romantic relationship. With that said, let us arm ourselves with my three most favourite pairings in seven martial arts sparring forms. Osu. Hajime.   Sesshoumaru and Shuran (BroTP): Maximum Potency and Raw Power in Twos When Sesshoumaru’s lethal stealth and precise focus are combined with Shuran’s brute force and raw super strength, the whole arena they are in would be completely dominated by these two fierce warriors. As Sesshoumaru and Shuran are The Splendid Seven’s fiercest fighters, their brotherhood demonstrates how advantageously Sesshoumaru’s precise counterattacks can work with Shuran’s strangulating submission holds to strike terror on their opponents. This is clear with Sesshoumaru’s lethal ridge-hand strikes, knife-hand strikes, and ox-jaw strikes joining forces with Shuran’s bone-crushing bearhugs, piledrivers, and sharpshooters. Shotokan Karate vs Professional Wrestling Kyokushin Karate vs Combat Sambo Nippon Kenpo vs Malla-yuddha Shorinji Kenpo vs Pehlwani Kajukenbo vs Sumo Wrestling Jujutsu vs Turkish Oil Wrestling Judo vs Greco-Roman Wrestling   Inuyasha and Ayame (OTP): A Bloodily Fierce and Unconditionally Loving Couple Bones will disintegrate, blood will flow, joints will break, and teeth will drop once Inuyasha’s magnificent muscles and muscular manliness collaborate with Ayame’s furious fists and fleet feet. Inuyasha and Ayame live the life of a powerful warrior couple who beat their opponents to a bloody pulp from dawn until dusk, shown with Inuyasha’s devastating chokeholds and Ayame’s eviscerating punches, then make intimate love to each other every evening. Their strength is made especially clear on how Inuyasha’s ferocious Superman punches, double axe handles, and ground-and-pounds merge with Ayame’s vicious uppercuts, jabs, and hooks. Pankration vs Bokator Vale Tudo vs Koppojutsu Mixed Martial Arts vs Hapkido Shootfighting vs Yongmudo Kapu Kuialua vs Taekkyeon Brazilian Jujitsu vs Taekwondo Luta Livre vs Boxing   Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran (OT3): A Cutely Cuddly yet Cunningly Courageous Throuple Two may be company, but three is a whole lot of fun once limbs start to fly like eagles, especially where Hakkaku’s tough resilience, Ginta’s fierce charisma, and Shunran’s crafty grace take centre stage. Together, these three can combine Hakkaku’s voracious headbutts, Ginta’s overpowering clinches, and Shunran’s annihilating strikes to seriously damage their opponents while being playful with them. Greatly exemplified is how Hakkaku’s smashing elbow slashes, headbutts, and knee strikes plus Ginta’s crashing shin kicks, elbow strikes, and clinches can be incorporated with Shunran’s finger strikes, nerve strikes, and palm strikes. Muay Boran vs Lethwei vs Shaolin Kung Fu Muay Lerdrit vs Pencak Silat vs Northern Praying Mantis Kung Fu Muay Chaiya vs Sanda vs Baguazhang Muay Thai vs Jeet Kune Do vs Wing Chun Pradal Serey vs Bando vs Eagle Claw Kung Fu Panantukan vs Naban vs Savate Yaw-Yan vs Pongyi Thaing vs Kickboxing   There you have it, ladies, gentlemen, and martial arts aficionados of all ages. My beloved BroTP (Sesshoumaru and Shuran), OTP (Inuyasha x Ayame), and OT3 (Hakkaku x Shunran x Ginta) in the forms of seven martial arts sparring matches. After all, platonic love between two fierce bros, romantic love between a strong man and a mighty woman, and romantic love between two courageous men and a clever woman reign supreme in the martial arts world. Stay tuned for the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and stay strong for your significant others, everybody.

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Ayame and The Two Aunt Vivs Survey

Which version of Vivian “Aunt Viv” Banks would Ayame emulate to Inuyasha’s Philip “Uncle Phil” Banks and their children? A. Janet Hubert’s version from Seasons 1 to 3 B. Daphne Maxwell Reid’s version from Season 4 to 6

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The Splendid Seven’s Updated Main Martial Arts

Greetings, Splendid Seven devotees, martial arts aficionados, and fighting video game fans. Antoni here with another written entry focusing on Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran specialising in the martial arts they do. Today, I will be delving into the updated main signature martial arts I have in store for Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran. Some of them still have theirs intact, while others have changed up a bit because I figured that the martial arts that I have for some of them were more appropriate than the ones I initially planned.   When it comes to the martial arts, it is common knowledge that cross-training in various martial arts other than either the first one or the signature one is beneficial to expand a combatant’s repertoire in either a fight or evading a compromising situation. Additionally, most martial arts instructors would highly recommend their students to train in a variety of other martial arts, not just the one they have. Nevertheless, the main martial art which the practitioner has not only defines them and the attacks they have learned and implemented regardless of the situation but also who they are as people.   There is no shadow of a doubt that Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran are practitioners of seven signature martial arts. While they have been great at what they have done thanks to hard training and loads of discipline, there will always be that one signature martial art that has defined them throughout the years as combatants and as individuals. These main martial arts are not only measured by sheer lethalness but also by how closely they represent their personalities and characters. With that said, let us get ready to rumble with their updated main signature martial arts. Osu. Hajime.   Sesshoumaru: Shotokan Karate Quick counterattacks, precise blows, eviscerating takedowns, and impactful attacks are the physical components necessary for Sesshoumaru to master Shotokan Karate, which he does by combining technical precision with relentless power, especially in knowing his opponents’ strong and weak points. Furthermore, he follows dojo conduct and observes the protocol of Kihon, Kata, and Kumite with discipline and commitment as a martial artist and as a person. Signature attacks that his opponents need to look out for are his spear-hand strikes, knife-hand strikes, ridge-hand strikes, ox-jaw strikes, low kicks, foot sweeps, and leg wheels.   Shuran: Professional Wrestling Overpowering bravado, a large-and-in-charge presence, strangulating submission holds, and vicious throws are what Shuran embodies in the Professional Wrestling world thanks to him implementing brute force and abundant strength in order to make his opponents submit and fall to their knees. His strong will to combat bigger and stronger opponents fills him up with excitement and thrills him to never give in to resting on his laurels, which he instils in his students. Signature attacks his opponents need to look out for are his bearhugs, piledrivers, sharpshooters, torture racks, full Nelsons, German suplexes, and suplex powerslams.   Inuyasha: Pankration Muscular strength, bloody ferociousness, lethal strikes, and brutal grappling are the fundamentals that Inuyasha has in store to triumph in Pankration, considering how he uses his magnificent muscles and muscular manliness to thoroughly conquer his opponents. Friends, family, and opponents alike would admire him for keeping his muscular body toned like a Renaissance sculpture and his spirit burning like a flame-filled vessel. Signature attacks his opponents need to look out for are his double axe handles, ground-and-pounds, Superman punches, hammer fists, tracheal grip chokes, rear-naked chokes, and armbars.   Hakkaku: Muay Boran Iron limbs, steely stamina, rock-hard stealth, and energetic movements are what Hakkaku bears to open gates in the Muay Boran arenas, for he is unafraid to incorporate his voracious clinches and venomous strikes as his main weapons of choice against his opponents. All bets are off when opponents attempt to steal his thunder because he would strike back with a fantastic vengeance supported by his head, fists, legs, and knees. Signature attacks his opponents need to look out for are his elbow slashes, horizontal elbow strikes, spinning elbow strikes, upward headbutts, overhand punches, flying knee strikes, and knee bombs.   Ginta: Lethwei Relentless excitement, metal elbows, granite knees, and steel shins are what Ginta needs to bolster his skills in the Lethwei environment, thus applying his shattering blows and piercing attacks to make his opponents scarce. Every occasion he uses his limbs, head, knees, elbows, and shins as weapons, his opponents should already realise that he is not one combatant they should go easy on because he can unleash a flurry of deadly strikes. Signature attacks his opponents need to look out for are his thrusting headbutts, side headbutts, spinning backfists, cross punches, flying elbow strikes, jumping knee strikes, and push kicks.   Ayame: Bokator Boundless ferocity, titanium fists, lightning feet, and endless ambition form the cornerstone of Ayame involving herself in Bokator with all of her being and making her glorious punches and exceptional kicks all the more laudable in fending herself off against her opponents. Ayame’s opponents better prepare themselves for her attacks because the wounds they will acquire from her may take weeks or months to heal and may potentially land them in the hospital for good. Signature attacks her opponents need to look out for are her uppercuts, jabs, hooks, liver punches, reverse punches, spinning axe kicks, and roundhouse kicks.   Shunran: Shaolin Kung Fu Accurate grace, fearless willpower, great cunning, and crafty cleverness form the foundation of Shunran immersing herself in Shaolin Kung Fu with all of her heart and making her bruising kicks and impactful strikes all the more exceptional in shielding herself from the attacks of her opponents. Shunran’s opponents should make it second nature to arm themselves against her attacks because they can leave them incapacitated, and she knows their weak spots. Signature attacks her opponents need to look out for are her leopard blows, finger strikes, palm strikes, nerve strikes, tornado kicks, double flying kicks, and split kicks.  …

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My Seven Beloved Splendid Seven Main Pairing Spars

Greetings, Splendid Seven devotees, martial arts aficionados, and fighting video game fans. Antoni here with another written entry focusing on Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran specialising in the martial arts they do. Today, I will be covering the main martial arts spars I have for each pairing. As always, there are three platonic duos, two platonic trios, one beloved OTP, and one fabulous OT3.   It is common knowledge that cross-training in various martial arts may be beneficial to the practitioners, but the martial arts they either first trained in or specialise in the most would be the Alpha and Omega of what would define their moves and their skills. This is especially true when two or three main martial arts collide together but end up uniting in order to defeat common opponents. With that said, let us get ready to rumble with my seven favourite Splendid Seven pairings in martial arts sparring forms. Osu. Hajime.   Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha (BroTP): Shotokan Karate vs Pankration Focused precision, lethal stealth, fierce bloodiness, and muscular strength are thoroughly combined to breathe life into these two dog Yokai brothers. Sesshoumaru’s acerbic spear-hand strikes, ox-jaw strikes, and knife-hand strikes complement Inuyasha’s barbaric double axe handles, ground-and-pounds, and Superman punches to the point where they would make their enemies tremble at their magnificent strength. All powerfully vicious attacks against their foes aside, both Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha would cherish each other as brothers with all of their hearts and souls, thus genuinely upholding honour and fortitude.   Shuran, Hakkaku, and Ginta (BroT3): Professional Wrestling vs Muay Boran vs Lethwei Visceral force, eternal stamina, kinetic velocity, and powerful cooperation are rigorously incorporated to energise these three Yokai brothers consisting of one hulking panther Yokai and two athletic wolf Yokai. Shuran’s crushing piledrivers, sharpshooters, and bearhugs complement Hakkaku’s devastating headbutts, elbow strikes, and overhand punches as well as Ginta’s eviscerating spinning backfists, knee strikes, and shin kicks to the point where they would make their enemies’ bones break. Overlooking their penchant for doing damage to their foes, Shuran, Hakkaku, and Ginta have a brotherhood rich in support and respect.   Ayame and Shunran (BroT3): Bokator vs Shaolin Kung Fu Ferocious fortitude, abundant ambition, bodacious beauty, and crafty cleverness are meticulously amalgamated to drive these two Yokai sisters comprising of one fearless wolf Yokai and one winsome panther Yokai. Ayame’s fierce uppercuts, jabs, and hooks complement Shunran’s glorious nerve strikes, palm strikes, and finger strikes to the point where they would make their enemies thoroughly incapacitated from head to toe. Besides delivering collateral damage upon collateral damage to their foes together, Ayame and Shunran truly cherish their sisterhood, which is abundant in allegiance and appreciation.   Sesshoumaru and Shuran (BroTP): Kyokushin Karate vs Combat Sambo If the sound of breaking bones and jammed joints reverberates throughout the halls, that could only mean Sesshoumaru and Shuran demonstrating their great cooperation in terms of taking their foes down and making them have a taste of their own bitter medicine. Every time Sesshoumaru’s low kicks, ridge-hand strikes, and roundhouse kicks merge with Shuran’s German suplexes, torture racks, and full Nelsons, their attacks become even more brutal and eviscerating than the last one. Even as the most formidable fighters, both Sesshoumaru and Shuran can still have sufficient time to build each other up well in trust and understanding.   Inuyasha, Hakkaku, and Ginta (BroT3): Vale Tudo vs Muay Chaiya vs Sanda Spectators would have an astoundingly amazing time watching Inuyasha, Hakkaku, and Ginta smash, crush, and destroy their foes with every resounding blow they can muster. Whenever Inuyasha’s omoplatas, gogoplatas, and armbars join forces with Hakkaku’s upward headbutts, cross punches, and elbow slashes and Ginta’s front snap kicks, front kicks, and hook kicks, these three would never hesitate to do utter and total damage to their opponents with huge, scary grins on their faces. As much as they revel in full-contact combat, Inuyasha, Hakkaku, and Ginta can encourage and empower each other in inspiration and integrity.   Inuyasha and Ayame (OTP): Mixed Martial Arts vs Hapkido Beating enemies up to a bloody pulp then making steamily sexy love to each other may seem like just another daily routine for Inuyasha and Ayame, but it is part of their life as an unconditionally loving couple. Inuyasha’s magnificent muscles can power up his Superman punches, double axe handles, and gogoplatas, while Ayame’s laudable limbs can jettison her liver punches, axe kicks, and wristlocks, as they demonstrate just how awesomely muscles and motion can work. Inuyasha and Ayame are not only strong warriors, but their romantic relationship with each other is rich with unadulterated intimacy and unconditional love.   Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran (OT3): Muay Thai vs Jeet Kune Do vs Baguazhang There is a multitude of lovely dynamics when Hakkaku and Ginta team up with Shunran to overcome their enemies then find time after their battle to make sweet love to her, for their way of life is a daily ritual they never get tired of. Hakkaku’s sumptuous sinews propel his headbutts, cross punches, and knee strikes just as Ginta’s astounding arms empower his hooks, jabs, and cross punches and Shunran’s furious feet mobilise her split kicks, tornado kicks, and double flying kicks to destroy their enemies. Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran bear a lovable three-way relationship steeped with gregarious purity and gorgeous harmony.   I hope you all enjoyed this, and I would love to know which pairing in main martial arts sparring form do you love the most. Take care, see you in the next submission, and remember to defend yourself and your loved ones, everybody.

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