X-Men Before The Fall: Heralds of Apocalypse or ‘it was all good just a week ago’

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In this one shot ‘Before the Fall The Heralds of Apocalypse’ hey, we are invited to watch the slow decimation of the marriage between Apocalypse & Genesis. Honestly, it reminds me of the dynamic between the grandparents on Modern Family. He’s figuring out new ways to show strength and she is calling him a bitch for not wanting to fight all the time. The story is a modern take on classic tales of gods and goddesses, with the two main characters representing the forces of destruction and creation. Through the characters, the audience is shown how those forces clash in a relationship, and how the two sides must eventually come to a compromise in order to coexist. It’s a timeless tale that has been told in many forms throughout history, and it’s a powerful reminder that even the most powerful forces must learn to work together in order to survive.http://

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