Thank You to all of my 1,600 YouTube Subscribers

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Good morning, everybody, Antoni here with some really exciting news. As of today, I have managed to hit 1,600 subscribers on YouTube and I am very grateful to all of you who have been following me from the very beginning until now.
I know I have been mostly uploading videos of me singing a huge repertoire of songs in a capella ranging from arias to folk songs to classical songs to openings and endings of my favorite American and Japanese cartoons. I definitely enjoy doing them with all my heart and I hope to do more. However, in terms of reviewing, I hope to resume by either the end of October or the beginning of November because November and December are going to be my busiest months due to me cranking up more content for Red Ribbon Reviewers Month 2020. Despite this current pandemic, this will never stop me in my pursuit of growing my online content for all of you. Whether those are memes or demotivational posters or motivational posters or fanart or vlog-style reviews, I will definitely continue to keep all of you entertained.
I want to thank God, my Heavenly Father, for giving me the inspiration and the perseverance I need to keep on thriving and surviving, my parents, uncles, aunties, siblings, and cousins for being supportive of all my endeavors, all of my good friends who continue to be there for me every step of the way, all of my instructors for seeing potential in me to keep on shining, all of my favorite actors, voice actors, singers, musicians, writers, reviewers, and artists for giving me the direction and spark I need to keep on going, and all of my fans and 1,600 subscribers for being patient with me, for continuing to support my work on YouTube, DeviantArt, Manic Expression, Team Night Saturn, Steemit, and Hive as well as for being very awesome in your own ways.
If you want to stay tuned for more content I have to offer, by all means, please subscribe to my channel and you will definitely have a wonderful time with everything I have to offer. I am confident you will all find something to really enjoy.
I hope you can continue to spread the love, support me by subscribing to my channel, and stay tuned for more awesome stuff. Take care, stay safe, and stay phenomenal.


  • I'm an American actor, voice actor, singer and reviewer with a strong Filipino and Spanish heritage living in Berlin, Germany. I love and I am passionate about opera, anime, cartoons, movies, theater and basically the arts and culture and general.

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