My Future on YouTube: Come What May

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In the span of a day, I reached 544 subscribers. That is fifteen more awesome people, who subscribed to my channel and hopefully enjoyed the content I have to offer and for that, I thank you all and I wish you well in your lives. Usually, I would be all happy and enthusiastic that I reached 100 more subscribers to my channel, but I thought this “update” or lack thereof will suffice due to everything that happened.

I know that the change in the whole YouTube Partnership Program where nowadays one has to meet 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time put me at a point where I was almost depressed, but I had this to remind myself. I should be extremely for all of the reviewer friends and the friends in general, who are passionate about the same stuff as I am, whether it be opera, anime, music, cartoons, or movies. On top of that, my main goal was neither fortune nor fame, even though these two sound exciting and wonderful, I cannot keep my hopes high nor be consumed and engulfed by fame too much, it was just finding the joy in sharing what I love to my viewers because if I didn’t start my career as a vlogger who makes reviews from opera to anime, I would not be here for all of the singers, voice actors, and actors who put in a lot of effort to the works they did, which range from excellent to mediocre to awful. For all that was and is worth, I am grateful, delighted, and blessed to know that there are people who enjoy the work I do, see the effort I put in despite the screw-ups, and seem to encourage me every single time and that’s something precious. Along the way, I even gathered tips and tricks from reviewer friends to true professionals in terms of how I should improve the overall quality of my video reviews.

I know that the possibility for me to be a YouTube Partner, as well as posting my content on Steemit, all while balancing my academics, which by the way I received an average of B+ with the German equivalent being 2+ in the first part of the qualification phase, my acting career, as I am going to be performing Werther once again between Spring and Summer and between those seasons I have a new film role, and giving myself time to go to Behind the Voice Actors to obtain new and original roles for my own personal pride and joy, is for me to avoid doing a boring 9 to 5 job in something that I deeply loathe, believe me, there was one time I was an assistant in washing the glasses in a hotel far from Berlin and although I was paid rather well I knew this was something I was not going to do for a long time, or, even worse and Heaven forbid, move back to my parents’ place without anything to look forward to and I have been doing my damnedest to avoid that ever since I moved to Berlin at 20 years old.

I know I was thinking about starting my own YouTube channel in my late teens after watching some rant videos with the main topic being what was wrong with Disney Channel, Cartoon Network, and Disney Channel. Even before all that, I was on YouTube to watch cartoons, anime, opera singers singing different arias, and classical music pieces. Yes, my priorities were still centered around school and my prospective career as an actor, voice actor, and singer, but there was something on the back of my mind that told me, “Hey! Try your luck on YouTube.”
I was invited by a former schoolmate to like his sister’s video of her singing for a contest and that was how I started being a YouTuber, yet I did not know what I was going to do. Like I said, at first I was an aspiring actor looking for gigs until I decided to do music-related reviews, while also putting in anime, cartoons, and movies in the mix. I enjoyed what I did and I still am to this day.

In spite of all the crap going on, I have to keep my chin up and keep on going with the video blog-style reviews because the only thing worse than failing is throwing in the towel, sitting around complaining about the current situation, and doing nothing at all. Yes, my YouTube Partnership will run the risk of being lost. I know I might not hit 1,000 subscribers and several views in the span of 30 days. However, despite all of this, I need to be there for you, my dear viewers, because through your boundless support, you gave me the inspiration to keep going on. I know some of you are not going to stick around for me, but that’s life we all come and go. My YouTube Partnership might end up going in smoke, but my passion, determination, and will to keep pushing on will never die!

I want to wrap this by thanking all of my 544 subscribers who have kept up with me for quite some time. I also want to thank the many reviewers and video-bloggers who have not only done their damnedest to make such amazing pieces of work but I have also considered them more than my friends but my extended family including Evan Burris Trout, William T Jones, Tony Whatley II aka The Black Critic Guy, Taylor Wyatt aka Whyboy, James McLoughlin aka Jambareeqi, Logan Ridenbaugh aka Hewy Toonmore, Eli Stone aka Cartoon Hero, Brandon Nichols aka Hardcore Kid, Chris Lee Moore aka Rowdy C, Mike Jeavons, Megan Wessels aka The FanFic Critic, Rachel LS Charman aka EyeofSol, Christine Tsuzaki aka The Asian Critic Chick, Dani Bollenbacher aka The Animated Heroine, Rowna Sutin aka cantorandopera and her husband, Stewart Sutin, James Daniel Walsh, Patricia Miranda, Ross Faries, Adriano Bordoni aka Madhog, Robyn Barry-Cotter and all of the Anime America crew members past and present, Sam Flemming aka South Jersey Sam, David Rose, Andy Snyder, Teddy Macedo, Stevie Swigart, Jack Skyblue, Stefan Ellison aka Mr. Coat, Leslie Rice aka The Fear Fan, Josh Strider aka Phantomstrider, and many other brilliant and creative people. You, ladies and gentlemen, have all been amazing influences not only in my life as a YouTuber but also as a person. You deserve the best of what 2018 has to offer.

Thank you all for taking to read this entry. In honor of Elena Mosuc’s birthday, which she is celebrating today, tune in tomorrow, where I review the album, Motella: L’Amore é Poesia- Vocalises for Soprano and Orchestra. Until then, stay awesome, spread the word about my YouTube channel, Antoni Garcia, subscribe to my channel, and keep staying positive.


  • I'm an American actor, voice actor, singer and reviewer with a strong Filipino and Spanish heritage living in Berlin, Germany. I love and I am passionate about opera, anime, cartoons, movies, theater and basically the arts and culture and general.

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