Possible Podcast?

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The title says it all basically. I’ve been exploring the option of creating a podcast. Right now I pretty much have the technical and publishing side of things figured out. Where I continuously become stymied is the actual subject. Naturally I considered doing one on manga, but there is already a very good podcast for manga and, unlike the video reviews of manga, I don’t feel I would be adding anything of real value to the environment by making another one.

SO! i am asking if ANYONE on the site would be interested in doing a podcast with me? It can be about anything you want. Music, movies, games, upcoming events, the news, sports, TV, WHATEVER!!! I am more than willing to play less informed co-host. And as a signing bonus, I will handle all the technical aspects of the show. YOU, as a prospective podcast host, need only meet two requirements.

  1. Have a skype account and ideally a dedicated microphone. If skype does not work, I could POTENTIALLY make the show work with Google Hangouts, but from a technical perspective, skype is easier.
  2. Some subject that you would be willing to research and then discuss for about 1 whole hour.

As for the specific details of the show and the release schedule, that will be left up to whomever chooses to go on this experimental journey with me. If you are interested, leave a comment on this post.

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