Team Night Saturn Museum

Team Night Saturn Museum

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Best of My OTPs: Brick x Buttercup

This fan art collage is dedicated to all of my Brickercup-shipping friends, fans, and brethren. Moreover, this is one of my contributions for the Red Ribbon Reviewers. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that Brickercup awesomeness, splendor, and excitement.

This Brickercup fan art collage covers the years I have been drawing them as a couple and with, at times, their children ranging from July 4, 2019 to November 16, 2019, which the latest Brickercup picture was part the annual Brickercup contest of my sister from another mother, the amazingly phenomenal Paula aka BrickercupMasterX3. From the depths of my heart, I knew darn well Brick and Buttercup were meant to be together as a powerful, resilient, rambunctious, energetically tough couple. It makes perfect sense that a large-and-in-charge, determined, resilient dude like Brick would end up with a rambunctious, feisty, outspoken firebrand like Buttercup because of how courageous they are, thus staring at fear straight in the eye and putting it in a headlock. Hence, this is why I am a devoted fan, shipper, and hardcore lover of Brickercup to the point where I have been drawing so much fan art revolving around this tough, strong, powerful couple. Moreover, this is a RuffPuff couple I can easily root for in terms of its quantity thanks to how long I have been shipping this as well as the amount of fan art I have been drawing centering around them, which was the big challenge for me when making this Brickercup fan art collage.

It literally says something that the amount of Brickercup fan art and posts define just how unbreakable this particular couple really is. Brick and Buttercup are two tough, resilient, determined, strong souls who know how to give every circumstance a good ass-kicking and triumph in bold, hot, flying colors. For that, it seems that nothing can ever stop them from thriving every single obstacle let alone break them apart. I love this couple so much that I even made some children for them with some major help from KatyGorl, thanks to the art trades we have done together, and Misse-the-cat. As a matter of fact, in my headcanon, Brick and Buttercup are the first ones to end up married and have children in their late teens with their siblings following suit. Moreover, they are even the first couple to end up with a whacking total of twenty-four children.

In terms of my headcanon for Brick and Buttercup as a couple, they would start out as childhood best friends with Buttercup respecting Brick so much and Brick acknowledging how independent Buttercup was and their relationship would flourish into something far more genuine. Throughout their life as a couple, their whole agenda, hobbies, and life would revolve around sports, heavy metal music, rock music, and loads of physical activities. They would be the jock couple who will take crap from no one and prove to everyone that there is nothing that can stop them. This attitude will end up being passed down to all of their twenty-four children with the older twelve exuding Brick’s large-and-in-charge personality, the younger twelve exuding Buttercup’s rambunctiousness, and all of them having a lot of great, epic wrestling, boxing, karate, kickboxing, judo, and Tae Kwon Do matches with each other. It is indubitable that Brick and Buttercup would be a clear-cut example of cultivating a family of veritably tough badasses.

At the end of the day, Brickercup is a badass couple I will always root for in terms of everything that defines them. Their resilience, toughness, endurance, and strength are legendary, thus making them a couple to be truly reckoned with. Nothing can ever stop them, and for that, my loyalty to them will never fade away.

In conclusion, I am going to continue doing my part in giving Brickercup the love, support, devotion, and dedication they deserve by making a whole lot more fan art for this particularly tough couple.

I hope you all enjoyed this Brickercup-centerd fan art collage and I will see you in the next submission. Take care and Happy New Year, everybody.

Brick and Buttercup from The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.
Brad, Bailee, Bea, and Brett belong to KatyGorl.
Blaze, Brent, and Brooke belong to me.
Bruce, Bridget, Brianna, Bane, Bethany, and Bona belong to Misse-the-cat.

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