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Team Night Saturn Museum

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Best of My OTPs: Boomer x Blossom

This fan art collage is dedicated to all of my Blossoomer-shipping friends, fans, and brethren. Moreover, this is one of my contributions for the Red Ribbon Reviewers. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that Blossoomer genuineness, purity, and beauty.

Red Ribbon

This Blossoomer fan art collage covers the years I have been drawing them both as a couple and with their children ranging from May 26, 2018 to September 19, 2019, in which that submission was in observation of KatyGorl’s annual Claim a PPG Pairing Month. Somewhere deep in the back of my mind, I knew something was brilliant, genuine, and pure about Blossoomer which made me end up as a hardcore shipper of this particular couple. Thanks to being fully immersed into xahCHUx’s beautifully done fan-made animated music video starring Boomer and Blossom with Evanescence’s “My Immortal” being applied, I was completely entranced by Blossoomer’s beauty, purity, and wonderful brand of compassion. My undying love for Blossoomer heightened with such elation when I got myself into one of my first art trades with my very good friend KatyGorl when she asked me to draw her Blossoomer daughter Bloom. It was at that moment that I was completely sorted and consigned my own fate to become a full-fledged color-clash RuffPuff shipper for life. I would never have had it any other way.

One of the greatest facets about Blossoomer is that, when one cuts to the bone, it screams phenomenal relationship goals and a diamond in the rough which really needs to endeavor itself to shine more. I will go out on a limb and totally agree with my fellow color-clash shipper, very great friend, and exceptional artist who also specializes in the color-clash RuffPuff couples xahCHUx that Blossoomer is absolutely amazing and I love this couple so much. The amount of compassion, kindness, diplomacy, genuineness, honesty, and moral support is completely off the charts, and it is for that reason that I rank this particular RuffPuff let alone Townsville couple so high on my most favorite animated couples list.

In terms of headcanon, I see Boomer and Blossom being the absolute definition of childhood sweethearts and being the pioneers of bringing the Rowdyruff Boys and the Powerpuff Girls together to form the six-person superhero team Team Xtreme. Boomer’s good-humored, charming, lovable dumb muscle personality and Blossom’s conscientiousness, cognizance, and brain are what keep the team together and not just with Brick being the large-and-in-charge, determined, resilient leader, Butch being the brutish, brawny, tough muscle, Buttercup being the rambunctious, feisty, outspoken brawler who loves to pick a great fight, and Bubbles being the pacifist who ensures excellent group dynamics and does her best to ease the strain in each and every conflict. The way I see it, without Boomer and Blossom to be the voices of reason, thus combining someone whose heart is in the right place with someone who is fully aware of one’s actions and the beautiful brains of the group, their group would surely fall into oblivion. Boomer’s and Blossom’s relationship would easily be the most harmonious and well-balanced with Boomer ensuring that Blossom does not get too big for her boots or allow too much pride to consume her but also realizing that she does not always have to put up a perfect veneer to make herself feel and look better and Blossom helping Boomer to build up his own self-esteem and believe in himself, displaying abundant gratitude to him for helping her in any sticky situation let alone rescuing her on certain occasions, and seeing a truly genuine, well-meaning, and kind person in him. Everything they do as a couple would easily display class, style, character, and depth because of how much heart and soul is invested to make Boomer and Blossom flourish so beautifully as a couple.

I was so blessed to have had KatyGorl’s Blossoomer children be in my Team Xtreme universe that I also did the unthinkable. I made my twelve children originally intended for Butch and Blossom to raise together to end up being with Boomer. Therefore, Boomer and Blossom, much like their respective siblings, ended up having a grand, whacking total of twenty-four children. Ergo, I am so blessed and grateful to KatyGorl for being one of my biggest sources of inspiration to cherish Bloom, Brittney, Beau, Brian, Becky, and Bella as wonderful Blossoomer children to the point where I added my own Blossoomer children in the forms of Basil, Bramley, Bartholomew, Brenton, Blanchefleur, Blandine, Bernadette, Barrett, Brendan, Blake, Byron, Bertram, Bradley, Belle, Brenda, Belinda, Barbara, and Bijou. Speaking of my aforementioned eighteen Blossoomer children, I loved them so much that I also did my best in JKC16’s and Betty-M’s contests to integrate them in certain scenarios and further express my undying passion, dedication, and love for all things Blossoomer.

I guess make myself clear that Blossoomer is one Townsville couple I will never, ever let go of. In fact, there is so much good and preciousness to be found in this particular couple that I will never ever give up drawing them let alone talking about them, their couple dynamics, and their offspring. I am also extremely grateful to be surrounded by fellow artists and shippers who happen to love Blossoomer and everything it represents so much that I continue to be full of inspiration, determination, and grit to keep spreading that Blossoomer love.

I will also reiterate, that out of all the color-clash couples, this is the one that needs a whole lot more love in fan art, in fan-fiction, and in many other fan-related works. As a matter of fact, I am going to keep doing my part in producing a lot more awesome Blossoomer and Blossomer next generation fan art for all of you lot to enjoy and sink your teeth into. In short, I am going to do my best to keep on spreading that Blossoomer love.

I hope you all enjoyed this Blossoomer fan art collage and I will see you all in the next submission. Take care and Happy New Year, everybody.

Boomer and Blossom from The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

Bloom, Brittney, Beau, Brian, Becky, and Bella belong to KatyGorl.

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