Team Night Saturn Museum

Team Night Saturn Museum

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Posts filed under The Adventures of Mowgli

Jungle Muscle Brotherly Love For The Win

This screenshot motivational poster is Pro-Fernando, Pro-Init-Init, Pro-Bernardo Carpio, Pro-George of the Jungle, Pro-Basuli, Pro-Tarzan, Pro-Maugli, Pro-Fernando x George x Basuli in the BroT3 sense, Pro-Init-Init x Tarzan in the BroTP sense, Pro-Bernardo x Maugli in the BroTP, and it basically shows my love for Fernando, Init-Init, Bernardo, George, Basuli, Tarzan, and Maugli as a… (read more)

Keewazi’s Seven Powerfully Muscular Sons

This screenshot collage is dedicated to all of my Fernando, Init-Init, Bernardo Carpio, George of the Jungle, Basuli, Tarzan, and Maugli-loving friends, fellow artists, fans, and brethren. So, sit back, relax, and soak in Fernando’s, Init-Init’s, Bernardo’s, George’s, Basuli’s, Tarzan’s, and Maugli’s virile, handsome, sexy, spectacular, tight, and muscular brand of brotherhood. Furthermore, this is my… (read more)

Death Battle: Grunch vs Tarzan and Basuli

This second version of the death battle meme template belongs to Death-Driver-5000. One big, strong, rugged caveman against two virile, handsome, muscular jungle brothers is definitely great quality entertainment right there. I could just stop right there, but I highly convict that this is a battle worth being fully invested in. This one-against-two battle shall… (read more)

Death Battle: Ayame vs Tarzan and Basuli

This second version of the death battle meme template belongs to Death-Driver-5000. This battle to the death is certainly going to be fast and furious with the match-up involving Ayame the Powerful Wolf Yokai Queen of the Northern Yoro Tribe and The Western Lands and the Waziri brothers of the African Jungle, Basuli and Tarzan…. (read more)

Death Battle: Inuyasha vs Tarzan and Basuli

This second version of the death battle meme template belongs to Death-Driver-5000. This battle to the death is certainly going to be fast and furious with the match-up involving Inuyasha the Mighty Dog Yokai Warlord of the Western Lands and the Waziri brothers of the African Jungle, Basuli and Tarzan. This one-against-two battle between this… (read more)

Death Battle: Sesshoumaru vs Tarzan and Basuli

This second version of the death battle meme template belongs to Death-Driver-5000. Gather around, ladies and gentlemen, and marvel at this battle between Sesshoumaru the Dog Daiyokai of the Western Lands and the Waziri brothers of the African jungle, Basuli and Tarzan. This one-against-two match between this lethal, fierce, calculating dog yokai warrior and the… (read more)

Tarzan and Basuli Roaring at Kagome

This scared Kagome meme was inspired by menslady125. Furthermore, this Halloween weekend is dedicated to defecating all over my least favorite anime heroine of all time, Kagome “the whiny, bratty, stupid manipulator” Higurashi. It takes a lot of guts, stamina, and spunk to take on two powerful jungle warrior brothers such as Basuli and Tarzan… (read more)

A Little Bit of Jungle Muscle Envy

This edited screenshot comic is dedicated to all of my Kuwanga, Chowambi, and Tarzan-loving friends, fellow artists, fans, and brethren. So, sit back, relax, and soak in how endearing, awesome, and epic Kuwanga’s, Chowambi’s, and Tarzan’s brand of competitive friendship is. It is no surprise that Tarzan, at least according to Kuwanga, Chowambi, and a… (read more)

Muscular Jungle Titans Having Fun

This edited screenshot comic is dedicated to all of my Chowambi and Tarzan-loving friends, fellow artists, fans, and brethren. So, sit back, relax, and soak in how awesome and oddly lovable Chowambi’s and Tarzan’s friendship really is. Chowambi and Tarzan always loved testing each others’ strength ever since they were young children. By the time… (read more)

The All-Time Best Waziri Warrior Friends

This screenshot motivational poster is dedicated to all of my friends, fellow artists, fans, and brethren who highly believe that the Waziri warriors need a whole lot more love. So, sit back, relax, and soak in how great these best friends are especially towards Tarzan and Basuli and even towards Maugli, George of The Jungle,… (read more)