Team Night Saturn Museum

Team Night Saturn Museum

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Posts filed under Mrs. Wicket

Mrs. Wicket About to Beat Kagome Up

This scared Kagome meme was inspired by menslady125. Ah, Kagome Higurashi. What more is there to say about her? She is an emotionally manipulative brat who has her obsequious ass-kissers following her every move. Her priorities of academics and saving Feudal Era Japan from Naraku’s clutches were completely screwed up beyond compare. She cannot fight… (read more)

Mewni’s Enthusiastic Fashion Managers

This piece of Mabel Pines and Star Butterfly fan art, which is part of the art trade I accomplished with kaykeyser, is dedicated to Hekatia, pupleash, Fusion-Bioformer, and ShiyaHawk who are celebrating their birthdays today.  So, I hope you all have such amazing, magnificent, and brilliant birthdays and I wish you a lot of love,… (read more)