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Ayame-Style Ownage

This screenshot motivational poster is highly, utterly, and indubitably Pro-Ayame, Pro-Inuyasha, and Pro-InuAya. This is simultaneously Anti-Kagome, Anti-Miroku, Anti-Sango, and Anti-Shippou. Sit back, relax, and revel in how much Ayame is going admonish Kagome the Vile Manipulator and The Dunderhead Family for their horrible treatment of Inuyasha.

I can easily imagine Ayame being absolutely appalled at how Kagome unfairly sits Inuyasha and how Miroku, Sango, and Shippou just stand by the sidelines not helping their friend, even though they do have some skeletons in the closet of their own. Sure, witnessing all the abuse, mistrust, animosity, and unfairness Inuyasha had to endure would inspire Ayame to be more attentive to him. 

This would mean that Inuyasha and Ayame do have something in common in terms of the challenges they had to endure of remembering what it was like to first love and trust someone. However, unlike Inuyasha’s case with Kikyou which might show promise if she had lived longer, Ayame’s prospects of marriage to Kouga would have fallen down if she discovered who he really was. Ayame would even be brave enough to ask Inuyasha about his whole “relationship” with Kagome, and he would admit that he and Kagome were never in a relationship and always found themselves arguing with each other. He would even admit to her that he is so sick and tired of being called a two-timer because he did lose someone he was supposed to protect, but his so-called friends never understood him and always treated him like the bad guy just because he was a hanyo. 

Finding a new sense of compassion towards Inuyasha, she would definitely feel his pain, frustration, and trauma and would remind him that she will always be there to console him. Inuyasha would remark that Ayame is not like that lame-o Kouga who was always bullying him and tried to one-up him. Even Inuyasha would have his set of home truths to Ayame about the first love not always being the forever person, especially that he reminds her that Kouga is not really strong and only relies on the powers of the Shikon Jewel shards. Her perception of Kouga would be challenged and make her wake up to the reality that at least when it comes to their failures of partners, Kouga and Kagome have one thing in common and that is just how annoying they are. Ergo, Inuyasha and Ayame would never be afraid to let their guard down and just enjoy each others’ company by being utterly authentic and genuine without anything holding them back, which is extremely imperative for the both of them.

So, where does Ayame calling out Kagome, Sango, Miroku, and Shippou come into play? It is after everything she has found out from Inuyasha that she would give that abuser and those enablers a piece of her mind.

Ayame starts off by saying that Inuyasha was never Kagome’s property or her little pet. He is his own warrior with dreams, ambitions, doubts, fears, and frustrations like everyone else and she deprived him of his pride, freedom, and independence when the Beads of Subjugation were placed on him. She even reminds her that Kagome was not any better as a fighter because she always expects Inuyasha to save her when she should have mustered up her own power, as she is also a self-taught archer after all. She would even call Kagome out on being self-centered, narcissistic, and a complete spoiled brat to think that Inuyasha would cheat on her with someone that he actually lost years ago and the trauma was still fresh on his mind. Furthermore, Ayame would address the painful sit commands Kagome launched on Inuyasha which made him all the more mortified and hurt both physically and mentally. Ayame would wrap this up by saying that Kagome never deserved Inuyasha anyway.

As for Miroku, Sango, and Shippou, she would call them out on their hypocrisy and two-facedness. She starts off with Miroku by declaring that she finds it so ironic that a Buddhist monk like him could have all the liberty in the world to try to make love to as many women as possible all because he wants a child, but when it comes to Inuyasha, he just jumps on the bandwagon of him cheating on Kagome for Kikyou. This would spur Ayame on to call his womanizing habits repulsive, horrible, and disgusting, as the Alpha Males of her tribe have far more honor, integrity, and fidelity than he does. With Sango, Ayame would state that she finds it truly appalling that someone as strong, formidable, and determined as her can fall into the trap of being nothing more than a sheep and be easily manipulated. For someone like Sango who said that she wanted to be by Inuyasha’s side, she was never attentive enough to understand the trauma he endured and she should have kept her mouth shut and stood up for what was right for him in the first place. As for Shippou, she would just tell him that he did deserve those punches to the head because of how mouthy, bratty, and insufferably unemphatic he was to Inuyasha as well as having a warped sense of self. Ayame’s admonishment to Shippou would be that he should keep his money where his mouth is and start looking into himself more often if he does not want to receive the ire of Inuyasha every single time. She would conclude all this by saying that Miroku, Sango, and Shippou were stupid enough to believe that Inuyasha and Kagome were in a relationship, when they were not in one at all and they should be utterly ashamed of themselves.

Ayame’s reason you suck speech would culminate with her stating that it was no wonder why Inuyasha does not trust them at all. It is because they have never taken the time to listen to him, never showed true compassion towards him, and never knew what it was like to live such a difficult life. To end all this, Ayame would state that Miroku, Sango, Kagome, and Shippou have absolutely nothing Inuyasha wants in his life, and she would make it her duty to provide Inuyasha with the unconditional love and trust he really needed.

Looks like Kagome the Vile Manipulator and The Dunderhead Family were just sorry for being caught by Ayame with one final ultimatum from her. Since Ayame is going to be a major part of Inuyasha’s life, she expects them to be forgotten for good and they should depart from Inuyasha right now before she comes back to rain vengeance and violence onto them. Just like that, Miroku, Sango, Kagome, and Shippou run away like the cowards they truly are.

After Ayame’s epic reason you suck speech, Inuyasha would congratulate her for having his back and being really attentive and truthful to him. He would remark that Ayame is the most remarkable person he has had the pleasure of encountering and they would start living a prosperous life together. At the end of the day, the animosity, the mistrust, and the pain Inuyasha had to endure would gradually go to nil thanks to having a greatly outspoken wife like Ayame by his side. In their place is a lot of unconditional love brimming between Inuyasha and Ayame.

In conclusion, to say that Ayame would be horrified at Kagome’s, Sango’s, Miroku’s, and Shippou’s treatment of Inuyasha is a mere understatement. She would be utterly mortified that those losers dared to treat Inuyasha in that fashion and would get out of dodge with him and ensure that their relationship together has zero animosity.

I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and stand up for what you believe in like Ayame, everybody.

Ayame, Kagome the Vile Manipulator, and Shippou aka Baby Dunderhead from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.

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