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A Wolf Yokai Queen Deserving of a Much Better Life

This screenshot motivational poster is highly, utterly, and completely Pro-Ayame. While it is chiefly Pro-Ayame, there are also the usual Pro-InuAya, Pro-SessAya, Pro-SessAyaInu, Pro-Sesshoumaru, Pro-Inuyasha, Pro-Shuran, Pro-Hakkaku, Pro-Ginta, Pro-Shunran, Pro-Rin, and Pro-Shiori moments which compliment this post really well. I should not even forget about an Anti-Kouga moment and an Anti-KogAya moment being mentioned here. So, sit back, relax, and I hope you comprehend my position in giving Ayame the love, respect, camaraderie, allegiance, and appreciation she deserves, especially where she has a family she can look after, a dashing dog yokai gentleman to provide her with all the honor and allegiance she needs, a super strong dog yokai warrior king she is proud to call her husband, and true friends who can appreciate her for who she is as a warrior and as a person. 

I am going to say this once and I am going to say this again because this wolf yokai warrior queen is in desperate need of love, allegiance, and respect. Ayame deserves so much better than that loser of a wolf yokai warrior in the form of Kouga. She does not deserve to have his big-bluffing, bullying, low-down, good-for-nothing behind by her side as her “lawfully wedded husband”. 

If I were saying this right now when it came to remembering that farce of a marriage ceremony between that loser Kouga and this courageous queen Ayame, my mouth would be running on poisonous venom and lethal acid to corrode even the hardest of metals right now. Furthermore, if I could change Ayame’s life and fate in a snap of a finger, if I can move mountains to provide Ayame with a much better life than the prospect of being married to that pathetic wanker Kouga, and if I can remind her of all the atrocities and crimes Kouga committed from killing Rin before she was resurrected by Sesshoumaru’s Tenseiga to abdicating his duty of avenging his fallen comrades courtesy of the hands of Naraku and Kagura, I would certainly do so in a heartbeat. 

Ayame is a strong, courageous, determined, heroic, gallant, and free-spirited warrior queen who does deserve all the great gifts life has to offer for her complete with people who truly cherish her, are honest with her, and even look up to her as a role model. Oh, yes. I mean it when I state that Ayame is the heroine I would love to see rise above the limited amount of episodes she appeared in prove herself as a formidable fighter, a compassionate soul, and a well-rounded character who is also a role model to young girls everywhere. Well, that is where my Splendid Seven AU headcanon comes into the frame in order to provide her with all of that and more because she never needed to be limited to being a love interest to that awful coward and total disgrace to wolf yokai and wolves in general anymore.

Every time I watch Ayame, even though I am fully aware she is an anime-only character, I cannot begin to fathom just how underutilized she was because she was more of a heroine than Sango and Kagome could ever aspire to be. The mere fact that she was just written as Kouga’s “love interest” made my stomach churn at just how much the writers and even Rumiko Takahashi shortchanged all the potential she could have had to truly shine and put more interesting facets about her on the frame. Moreover, I cannot even begin to fathom what on earth she even saw in Kouga. He was a murderer who got away from his crime scot-free and did not get any punishment whatsoever, especially where the life of an innocent little girl was concerned. He always preferred Kagome just because she could sense the Shikon Jewel shards and treated her more like a princess than he did with Ayame. Finally, he even bullied those who he thought were much weaker than him, when in reality, Kouga was the one who was truly weak, considering that he abdicated his duty of avenging his fallen clansmen and did not buck up to make great use of the Goraishi. All in all, it was so frustrating to see Ayame continue to pursue Kouga like that and even ten million times more frustrating, aggravating, and disillusioning when I saw that coward be married to this mighty queen! I would have stopped the wedding, kicked Kouga out, reminded everyone of how much of a coward he was, and Ayame plus Hakkaku and Ginta would have found themselves in need of much better company.

With Kouga deservedly shamed, cancelled, ostracized, and justifiably hunted down for life, step forward the following people who will definitely make Ayame’s life far more worth living and emit a sense of gratitude, satisfaction, trust, and joy which will make her far more fulfilled in everything she accomplishes as a warrior queen and as an individual. 

Sesshoumaru would definitely be the gallant, well-kept, and direct nobleman of a husband who will provide Ayame with boundless respect, allegiance, and fidelity, especially to his word. On the outside, he is lethal and calculating towards his enemies. However, with Ayame, he would do what he can to be of phenomenal decorum and ensure that his promises of fidelity do not go unabated. This is also further evidenced that as Lord of the Western Lands, his political influence would aid Ayame and the Northern Yoro Tribe to thrive in wealthy resources as well as warrior power. In terms of love, theirs would be based on duty, respect, fidelity, and allegiance and lots of it. Being the perceptive one that he is, Sesshoumaru would also be fully aware that Ayame, even though she does love him body and soul, does have far more genuine feelings for Inuyasha and it shows with flying colors.

Speaking of Inuyasha, he and Ayame would really have it made in the shade as an awesome power couple with a foundation based on love, trust, and encouragement. There is no shadow of a doubt that Inuyasha would be that one strapping warrior king who can show Ayame what unconditional love, boundless trust, and pure genuineness all feel and look like. Inuyasha and Ayame can really be themselves with each other and will fully love and appreciate each other for their strengths, weaknesses, primal doubts, tragic flaws, and all. They can even help each other rise above the ashes and give trouble, doubt, and fear the big iron-fisted punch they deserve. Moreover, could anybody ask for a more harmonious relationship to occur between Inuyasha and Ayame? No way because this is more than just satisfying, Inuyasha and Ayame being in a relationship is the definition of animosity-free harmony, most loyal trust, and unconditional love.

Shuran, Hakkaku, and Ginta would be three amazing friends who are not just supportive of Inuyasha’s and Ayame’s amazing relationship with each other, but also how much they see Ayame as a really good friend and almost like the sister they never had. Her courage and her willingness never to take crap from anybody are really aspirational.

Where the aspirational factor is concerned, Shunran would really look up to Ayame as if though she were the cool older sister she really needed and wanted in her life. Given that Ayame has mostly grown up in a patriarchal society, it would be fantastic to have her be great friends with Shunran and they can share secrets, confide in each other, build each other up from the inside and on the outside, and help each other be better versions of themselves in a very sisterly manner. There is not one dark cloud that can ever tear their friendship apart, especially considering that Ayame can help Shunran become a lot stronger as a fighter and as a person and that Shunran can help Ayame look at the brighter sides of life.

While Ayame is considered to be a great mother to her sons, including Dai, Roku, Kai, and Shinta, her daughters are the ones who look up to her the most and want to emulate her, including Rin and Shiori.

As the eldest daughter, Rin would definitely aspire to be as determined, fierce, and strong as Ayame, thus fulfilling her duties of being as much of a role model to her younger siblings. Through Rin, Ayame has also learned a great deal about compassion and they have also helped each other to grow as both warriors and as individuals. Ayame would definitely ensure that Rin grows up with grace, kindness, fortitude, and independence in order for her to be a survivor and a thriver as she traverses this journey called life.

As the younger daughter, Shiori would also look up to Ayame as a courageous fighter and a compassionate soul. This would also give Ayame the impetus to teach Shiori about perseverance and the importance of never giving up. Shiori even aspires to be as courageous, steely, and ambitious as Ayame and she is so happy to have someone who she can look up to everyday like her.

Overall, Ayame has people in her life who can give her purpose, fulfillment, passion, and joy. Whether it is the dutifully spousal love of Sesshoumaru, the unconditional love of Inuyasha, the boundless encouragement of Shuran, Hakkaku, and Ginta, the lovably sisterly relationship of Shunran or her loving duties as a mother especially to Rin and Shiori, Ayame truly has a lot to be grateful for. It certainly is far better than having a cheapskate cheat like Kouga in her life, thus making her perception of life even more miserable. She need not worry when she has a family to tend, friends she can trust, and a great life to live to the fullest.

I hope you all enjoy my encouraging tribute to Ayame and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and do not forget to give Ayame more love, allegiance, and respect, everybody.

Ayame from Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.

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